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Curse Touched: A Paranormal Vampire Romance (A Touch of Vampire Book 2)

Page 17

by Becky Moynihan

There was blood.


  Rich and warm, flowing like mini rivers inside the bodies surrounding me. Each person had their own unique scent, some appealing to me more than others. The voluptuous redhead directly in front of me held the most appeal though. Her blood carried the spicy tang of apple cider. Saliva pooled in my mouth as I wondered if she tasted exactly how she smelled.

  “What’s your status, little Kenna?” Kade’s voice suddenly came through my earpiece, startling me out of my growing fixation.

  Using my hair as a curtain, I pressed on my earpiece and rasped, “Almost in. Only a few people ahead of me.”

  Lochlan’s voice abruptly came on the line. “What’s wrong?”

  I cast a quick glance around me, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. Situated just south of Quebec City, the area wasn’t exactly a bustling metropolis. There were more people here than buildings. Still, he and Kade continued to avoid detection with ease, watching me from the shadows. The Black Mamba was several stories high, faced in concrete panels and practically windowless. I had no idea how they were going to follow me once I got inside.


  I pursed my lips, but finally admitted, “The blood. It’s really strong.”

  A pause. “How bad?”

  Bad enough that my upper gums were on fire and my throat was burning. Bad enough that I was dreaming of sinking my fangs into someone’s neck.

  “I can handle it,” was all I said, because I would. A little bloodlust wasn’t going to stand between me and my best friend.

  They both went radio silent as my turn came to go in. The big muscly dude at the double doors barely glanced at my ID card, instead eyeing me up and down. Apparently passing inspection, I was ushered in without comment. There was no time for relief though. The moment I stepped through the doors, music blasted my eardrums.

  Not fast-paced and fun, but deep and erotic. It pulsed and moved like a living, writhing snake, twining around my body with seductive intent. I passed through a dark, narrow hall without incident, coming out at the top of a staircase. And there, I froze, not in the least bit prepared for the scene before me.

  “McKenna. Report.”

  I continued to stare, oblivious to how exposed I was. The open space below was huge, the high walls and ceilings painted black. In the center was a dance floor lowly lit with pulsing red lights. Scantily-clad bodies were tightly crammed into the space, swaying and grinding against each other. A colorfully-lit bar took up the opposite wall, along with several red and white sofas.

  But it was the shadowed niches along the rest of the room’s perimeter that grabbed my attention. With my enhanced night vision, I could make out the shape of bodies behind the curtained-off alcoves. Sensually moving. To a dance I wish I could unsee.

  My face burned with humiliation and I tore my eyes away. But I made the worst mistake then. I gasped for breath. And sucked in an overpowering concoction, one that Kade had warned me about. Blood and sex. He’d been right. The smell was unmistakable. What he hadn’t mentioned was how intoxicating it would be. I quickly stopped breathing, but it was too late.


  Oh fates, oh fates, oh fates.

  “Yeah,” I replied weakly, my voice trembling. “I’m in.”

  “Are you okay?”

  No. “I’m fine.”

  “Get into the open where the traffic is thickest as soon as you can. I’ll have eyes on you in a moment.”

  I nodded, too shaken to speak. Grabbing the black iron railing that would lead me to relative safety, I willed my wobbly legs to move. One step. Two. Three steps. Four. Good. Just keep moving. You can do this.

  But when I hit the bottom, the smells invading my senses nearly drove me to my knees. Sweat beaded my forehead and slid down my spine as I carefully picked my way forward, darting quick glances at the writhing shadows. For each pair, there was at least one vampire. A few groupings contained three or more though. I tried extra hard not to stare at those. To a human’s eyes, the shapes would be undetectable. It was too dark for them to see the predators they were so eagerly consorting with.

  As I moved, the music swelled, enticing me to join the experience. Over the thumping bass, I could pick out scandalous noises. My ears, along with my face, now burned as I caught the occasional moan and cry of pleasure.

  Just a few more feet. A few feet and you’ll be safe among the humans.

  Yeah, the humans that I wanted to eat!

  I can’t do this, I can’t do this. Yes, you can. You have to! Stay strong for Isla.

  But the closer I got to my destination, the harder it became to ignore my thirst. Bodies were everywhere. So delicious-smelling and ripe for the taking. If I could just have a taste, just one, I could concentrate on my role as the distraction. Suddenly remembering the vial in my clutch, I slowed to retrieve it. I didn’t care how drinking it would make me look. I needed it. Now.

  Struggling to undo the bag’s clasp, I didn’t feel the presence at my back until a hand squeezed my shoulder. “You look like you need a fix, pretty thing,” a male voice purred in my ear. “Why don’t you come with me and I’ll give you a night to remember?”

  I tore away from him, so fast that I left my fur wrap in his clutches. “N-no, thanks,” I stuttered, trying to pass off my nerves as first-time jitters. I snuck a backward glance at him, afraid that he’d figured out who I was. But he was already gone. Trying not to panic, I stumbled toward the dance floor and plunged into the fray.

  Moments later, I almost burst into tears at the sound of Lochlan’s voice in my ear. “We’re in. I have eyes on you. Kade’s going after Isla.”

  Relief washed over me, followed by a fresh wave of anxiety. “I still think you should go after Isla too. I’m safe here in the crowd.”

  “We’ve been over this, McKenna. Kade will communicate if he needs backup.”


  “I’m not leaving you alone, remember? There’s no way I’m letting you get kidnapped. I can’t go through that again.”

  My heart expanded at his words, even as I silently cursed him for his stubbornness. Rescuing Isla was more important to me than my current safety, but I couldn’t fault him for being protective. I knew how high the stakes were now.

  But as the minutes ticked by and nothing happened, my worry grew. Not only for my best friend, but for the terrible thirst ravaging my body. The longer I stayed pressed against the multitude of bodies oozing sweat and pheromones, the hazier my mind became.

  As I struggled to control myself, a guy brazenly gyrated against my backside. I caught a whiff of his arousal and my senses went on high alert. Unconsciously, I leaned backward, seeking the scent of his blood. Seeing it as an invitation, he slid a hand over my lower stomach, pressing me against his rock hard boner.

  “McKenna,” Lochlan’s dangerously low voice rumbled in my ear. “Remove that guy’s filthy hands from your body before I do.”

  But I didn’t. I wanted to, desperately so, but my need for blood had completely fogged my brain. I reached back and grasped the nape of the guy’s neck. He readily bent, breathing hotly in my ear. So close. Just a few more inches and my mouth would align with the pulsing artery in his neck. As my fangs began their painful descent, his groping fingers slid down my body and under my dress’s short hem.

  I let him, instinctively knowing that his distracted state would allow me to more easily make my move.

  “Kenna!” Lochlan barked, loud enough that some of the fog lifted.

  With shaky fingers, I pressed on my earpiece. “Help,” was all I could manage. I didn’t want this. I didn’t want this! A strange guy was inches away from touching between my legs and I was even closer to biting into his flesh. No part of me wanted this outcome, but I couldn’t seem to stop.

  “Come to me,” Lochlan commanded.

  “I can’t,” I whimpered. “The need is too strong.”

  “Come to me now, solemae,” he growled, “before I charge in there and rip that g
uy’s throat out. His death will be on your hands.”

  The words instantly slapped some sense into me. I weakly struggled to pull away, but the guy held onto me. With a desperate burst of strength, I ripped free. Still woozy with unmet need, I drunkenly staggered through the crowd.

  “To your left,” Lochlan said. “Northwest corner.”

  In too much pain to reply, I wordlessly followed his instructions, relying on him to get me there safely.

  “That’s it. You’re doing good, McKenna. Keep coming.”

  I felt him then. The familiar cold awareness skating up my spine that meant his shadows were near. I plunged into the darkness, desperate to see him, to feel him, to breathe him in. Out of nowhere, a gloved hand snaked out and pulled me behind a black curtain.

  Before I could scream, Lochlan murmured, “It’s just me.” Bright red eyes peered down at me from a face completely obscured by thick shadows.

  At the familiar sight, all the fear and tension drained out of me. “I-I should have listened to you earlier about the blood. I’m sorry.”

  “You couldn’t have known,” he replied, taking the clutch from my hand and easily undoing the clasp. “We’re beside the bathrooms. If anyone’s spotted you yet, let’s hope they think you went in there.”

  I nodded, watching as he deftly removed the vial of blood. “Any word from Kade?”

  “No. But his silence is a good sign. He’s probably caught Isla’s scent and gone dark.”

  The second he uncorked the vial, my throat painfully closed. Trembling violently, I reached for it, only for Lochlan to block the attempt. Overcome with need, I bared my fangs at him and hissed.

  He was suddenly behind me, trapping me between his arms. “Let me give you what you need,” he breathed against the shell of my ear, causing me to shiver.

  I stilled as he lifted the vial, carefully tilting it to my lips. Surrendering, I parted my mouth and anxiously waited for the first drop of blood to touch my tongue. When it did, I shuddered against him, my eyes rolling back in blissful relief. Right away, I knew the blood wasn’t his—a fact that greatly disappointed me—but it slid wonderfully down my throat all the same.

  As I slaked my thirst, heightened awareness of our surroundings returned. We were in one of those private, curtained-off alcoves. I could feel the soft texture of a rug beneath my shoes, and the outline of a low chaise lounge against the wall.

  A breathy moan, followed by frantic panting, suddenly reached my ears. The sounds. The smells. Were coming from the alcove beside us. There was no mistaking what was happening mere feet away. My body flushed hotly, but not from embarrassment or revulsion. No, it was turned on.

  Stupid, idiotic body. Stop.

  This was so wrong. But my body didn’t care, continuing to light up in all the wrong places. In no time, the scent of my arousal coiled in the air.

  Ah crap.

  I stopped drinking. Stopped breathing. Desperately hoping that Lochlan couldn’t smell it.

  No such luck. He stiffened, releasing a soft hiss. Before I could pull away, he splayed his free hand across my stomach and pressed me against him. My eyes shot open as I felt his hard length running up my backside.

  Holy fate babies, we were in so much trouble.

  My body began to move in sync with his as he swayed to the beat. With each rolling hip thrust, his hand slid lower and lower. My thighs clenched with a sudden violent need, and I couldn’t hold back a moan.

  Crap, crap, crap.

  “We should go,” I panted, licking the last of the blood from my lips. “Before they find us together.”

  He hummed a noncommittal response, slipping a gloved finger beneath the hem of my dress. “You shouldn’t have worn red.”

  I helplessly arched against him, which only drove his finger closer to its clear destination. Fates, he was gone. Lochlan was lost in the moment and it was up to me to bring him back. “The mission,” I rasped, my heart thundering like a runaway horse. “We can’t do this.”

  “Stop me,” I barely heard him whisper over the pulsing music. He dragged his claws up my inner thigh, pausing just shy of my throbbing apex. I trembled uncontrollably, gasping for breath. “Please, McKenna.”

  There was that plea again, as if he needed me to save him from himself. As if he didn’t want this.

  And that was all it took for me to put on the brakes. If he didn’t want this—if he didn’t want me—then neither did I. Screw what my body wanted. He was clearly still fighting the bond between us, rejecting it by pleading with me to reject him.

  I still wasn’t ready to say the words he so obviously wanted to hear, though. Did that make me cruel and selfish? I bit into my lip, hard enough to draw blood. The pain helped harden my resolve and I pulled away.

  “I’m heading back to the dance floor,” I said, unable to keep the emotion from my voice. Not meeting his eyes, I retrieved my clutch from the chaise lounge and brushed past him.

  “McKenna,” he called after me, but I’d already slipped through the curtain.

  I’d almost reached the dance floor when Kade’s worried voice came through my earpiece. “Guys, we’ve got a problem. I’ve searched all the upper floors. Isla isn’t here.”

  Several dark forms suddenly loomed before me, blocking my path. I looked up and gasped. Because there, right in front of me and surrounded by vampires, was Isla.



  “Hello, Syphon,” the vampire holding a limp Isla purred. He tossed my fur wrap on the floor near my feet. “You’ve been a naughty girl. I’m disappointed.”

  My pulse went through the roof as I quickly counted at least a dozen vampires barring my way. Most were male, but there were a couple females too, I noted with surprise.

  “She’s bleeding,” one of them hissed, stepping toward me.

  “Control yourself, Rachel,” the first, who I guessed was their leader, ordered. “No one feeds from her.” She fell back in line, baring her teeth at me. I quickly licked my bottom lip where I’d bitten it, making sure not to reveal my own fangs.

  “What did you do to my friend?” I said, darting a glance at Isla’s pale complexion. She was being kept upright by an arm wrapped around her ribcage, but the way her head lolled concerned me.

  “What I said I’d do if you failed to come alone. I would have spared her, had you not brought a prince with you,” he replied, then dropped her.

  “Isla!” I cried as she crumpled to the floor, striking her head on the concrete. I rushed forward, my only thought on pulling her to safety. When the leader moved to stop me, I yanked the silver dagger from my bag and plunged it hilt deep into his chest.

  Our eyes locked for a moment. Shock held us in place.

  Then, with a bellow of rage, he backhanded me. The powerful blow sent me tumbling across the floor. Fiery pain shot through my face, so intense that I saw stars.

  Then I heard it.

  A thunderous roar.

  It shook the floor, vibrating through my bones.

  Screams filled the air, followed by utter chaos. Groaning, I lifted my pounding head, just in time to watch a dark form surrounded by angry, writhing shadows tear off a head and hurl it across the room. I gaped as the headless body collapsed to the floor, spraying blood everywhere.

  The body that still had a silver dagger stuck in its chest.

  As the shadows continued to whip around the dark form, cold awareness shivered up my spine. And I suddenly knew. Knew that the violent, raging vampire before me was Lochlan. He roared again and pulled two silver guns from beneath his jacket.

  Then faced the remaining vampires and unleashed a volley of bullets.

  Panic reigned. Humans shoved and trampled over each other to escape the carnage. I rolled to avoid several pounding feet, knowing that I had to do something. More vampires were emerging from the shadowed alcoves to assess the situation. There was no way Lochlan could fight them all if they decided to attack.

  I found Isla’s prone form on the floor. A vampire w
as bending over her and I reacted instinctively, scrambling to my feet to shoot forward at vampire speed. I shoved him back, startled when he actually flew through the air several feet and crashed into a pillar. Not wasting any time, I looped my arms underneath Isla’s and began pulling her to safety. Faster than I thought possible, I had her tucked inside the alcove we’d just vacated.

  “Kade,” I yelled into my earpiece, rushing back out. “Get down here. We need you.”

  “Already here,” came his immediate reply.

  I glanced around and, sure enough, more silver glinted as Kade added his knives to the mayhem. Lochlan was now fighting hand-to-hand, and I was forced to pause, mesmerized by his brute strength. He whirled and lunged at his opponents so quickly that I could barely see him. Everyone he touched fell at his feet, writhing in a pool of their own blood. But there were injured humans as well, too shell-shocked to move out of the way.

  I frantically renewed my search and found what I was looking for near the bathrooms. Yanking on the fire alarm, I cringed at the loud blare. Just as I’d hoped, though, the familiar sound jogged some sense into the gawking humans and they scrambled to escape the building.

  When I was confident that Lochlan and Kade had things under control, I rejoined Isla in the alcove. She was still on the chaise lounge where I’d left her, ghostly pale and unconscious.

  “Isla.” I brushed the pink-tipped blonde hair from her face, gasping at how cold her skin felt. “Isla, wake up,” I pleaded, checking for a pulse with trembling fingers. “I need to tell you something. I need to tell you how sorry I am that you’re in this mess. Please. Please.”

  The curtains parted and I whirled, baring my teeth at the intruder.

  “It’s me,” Kade said, striding in. Heedless of my warning growl, he pulled me to my feet. “You need to go to Loch right now.”

  “What? No, I can’t. Something’s wrong with Isla. I—”

  “I’ve got her, Kenna. Now go to Loch before he causes any more damage.”

  As if to punctuate the words, another thunderous roar cleaved the air, followed by a resounding boom.


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