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Peggy Owen and Liberty

Page 29

by Lucy Foster Madison



  "Say, what is honor! 'Tis the finest sense Of justice which the human mind can frame, Intent each lurking frailty to disclaim, And guard the way of life from all offense Suffered or done."


  At these words Peggy was much frightened, for she thought at once thatthey had fallen into the hands of the pine robbers. For the briefestsecond Clifford sat passive, then he let his riding whip fall in astinging blow on the face of the fellow who held his bridle. With ahowl of rage the man fell back, but sprang forward again as the youth,seizing the rein of Peggy's little mare, attempted to make a dash forliberty. Had he been alone the effort might have succeeded, buthampered with a second horse the attempt was futile. The cousins wereagain surrounded, and Clifford was dragged unceremoniously from hissaddle. He struggled fiercely with his assailants, managing to shakethem off so as to reach Peggy's side just as one ruffian was about tolift her from Star's back.

  "Away, sirrah!" he cried haughtily. "I will assist my cousin."

  "As you will, captain," answered the man, falling back respectfully.

  "Captain!" The cousins exchanged glances of surprise as the title fellfrom the man's lips. What could it mean? Both of them were puzzled,but neither made any comment. Resistance to such a superior force wasuseless. Their captors were heavily armed, and Clifford, of course,had no weapons. Now as the leader issued a command to march the youthspoke:

  "What is the meaning of this outrage? What do you want with us?"

  "Young man," returned the leader in a strong determined voice, "thereis no personal harm designed either to you, or to the lady. If youremain silent and quiet you may reckon on good treatment; but if youresist----" He did not complete the sentence, but touched his pistolsignificantly.

  "I see no help for it, Peggy," said Clifford grimly. "We shall haveto go with them; though for what purpose I know not. Aside from ourhorses we have naught of value----"

  "Peace," cried the leader harshly. "We can't stand here all day.Forward, march!"

  And with this the party started on a brisk walk. Two men walked infront of the cousins; two on each side, and the others brought up therear, two of them leading the horses. The glen at this point becamefuller of trees, and the road overgrown by a tangle of underbrush.Presently it dwindled until it became a narrow foot-path, disappearingin the distance in a mass of brushwood. It would have been impossibleto pass over the path mounted, and the reason for leaving the saddlewas now apparent. There were still short stretches which gave evidencethat the road had been a well used thoroughfare at some former time,but now abandoned. This was, in truth, what had occurred, as it hadbeen the road to the copper mines.

  Notwithstanding the fact that they were afoot and were usingprecautions their persons more than once came into contact, rudelyenough, with the projecting stumps and branches which overhung thepathway. At length the party emerged from the glen, and turned offinto a road which seemed narrower, and more overgrown with underbrushthan the one just left. After a distance of perhaps a half mile theycame into a cleared space of considerable extent. In the center ofthis space stood a large frame building whose courtyard, stables,and other appurtenances proclaimed it an inn. It might have been aprosperous and well patronized hostelry at one time, but at present itbore every appearance of neglect and decay.

  Neither Peggy nor Clifford had been beyond the glen, and neither hadheard of this tavern, so they looked at it now with much curiosity,for it seemed to be the objective point of their captors. As theyentered the courtyard a boy came forward, and took charge of the twohorses without speaking. It was as though he had been watching fortheir coming. On the piazza an elderly woman, evidently the hostess,bustled at once to Peggy's side with the obvious intention of takingher in charge. Clifford drew Peggy's arm within his own in adetermined manner.

  "My cousin stays with me," he said. "She goes not out of my sight."

  "What nonsense!" ejaculated the leader angrily. "Did I not say that noharm was intended either of you? The girl will be all right."

  "I think so too, my cousin," said Peggy after a glance at thelandlady's face. She was not ill looking, and the maiden was no longerafraid.

  "It may be," answered Clifford. "To be sure I shall keep you where Ishall be certain of the fact."

  "Very well," said the leader shrugging his shoulders. "'Tis not myaffair. Step in here, captain."

  Again the cousins wondered, but without a word they entered the roomindicated. There was no one within, and for the moment they werealone. Peggy turned toward him quickly.

  "What does thee think of it all, Clifford?" she cried.

  "I have a strong suspicion as to who is responsible," he answered withdarkening brow, "but we shall see."

  Just at this moment the door opened precipitately to admit one at whomPeggy stared, then rubbed her eyes to look again; for it was HarrietOwen.

  "At last, my brother," she cried advancing toward him and throwing herarms about his neck. "We have you at last. Oh, won't the rebels howlwhen they find their victim gone?"

  "Harriet!" Clifford unclasped her arms, and held her so that he mightlook at her. "I feared this. What is the meaning of this?"

  "It means life, liberty, freedom, my brother," she cried exultingly."I planned it all, though I did of a truth have assistance. I hadspies who found that you were permitted to ride about the country. Ikept a watch for several days that I might have you brought here."

  "For what purpose?" he asked coldly. "You could have seen me by comingto Chatham."

  "Chatham?" she answered impatiently. "Clifford, don't you understand?I could not come to Chatham, because I failed. Sir Guy will not giveup that Captain Lippencott to the rebel general. Sir Guy! Poof! Iweary of him!" She gave her foot an impatient stamp. "Why should heshield a refugee when an English officer's life is at stake? And Ihave helped to further his plans too, my brother. I carried goods intoLancaster for him, contraband they were. 'Tis the plan now to subduethe Americans by their love of indulgences, and by so pampering themdraw out the money from the country. When all is gone they mustsurrender. War cannot be carried on without money. I helped him in hisplan, I say, and now he will not do this for me."

  "And that wagon with the false bottom was where those goods were?" hesaid. "Harriet, how could you do it? With Cousin David who hath beenso kind to you in charge of that work of detection."

  "I did not know that he was there, Clifford. As for the false bottomin the wagon, I knew naught of that, as I said. I was not told ofthat. It was a----"

  "A cask in a barrel of vinegar," put in Peggy quietly. "John found it,Harriet, but he did not speak of it to father, or Robert, or thybrother here."

  "John Drayton found it?" she cried, amazed. "Why, how did he come tolook in the vinegar?"

  "I think 'twas something that thee said which caused him to besuspicious, Harriet. So thee sees that that part of thy general's planhath failed."

  "I am glad of it," cried Harriet. "Glad! Glad! He would not help me.He will only investigate further. And General Washington will wait nolonger when he has heard from him. Clifford, you need too muchexplanation. The time hath come to act."

  "Do I understand that you are responsible for having us brought tothis place?" he asked.

  "Yes, oh, yes," she answered hastily. "Only Peggy was not to come inhere. She was to be kept in another room, and after all was over shewas to be returned to camp."

  "After what was over, my sister?" His voice was cold, but Harriet didnot seem to notice it.

  "Your escape, Clifford. Come, we have no time to lose. Fresh horsesawait us in the stables, saddled and bridled ready for instant use.Here are clothes for a disguise. Don them, and we leave at once. Weare to make a wide detour to the north of Chatham, reaching thePassaic River again at Newark. A boat will be there in the bay totake us to New York. It cannot fail if we start now."

  "And Peggy?" he questioned so calmly that she should hav
e taken alarmfrom the quietness of his voice.

  "Peggy is to go back to Chatham, and tell the rebels they may seekanother victim," she replied gleefully.

  "Peggy to go back to face Colonel Dayton with information that I haveescaped?" he cried, amazement written on every feature.

  "She was not to know it, Cliff, but you would have her to come inhere. Beside, they wouldn't harm her. She is a Whig herself, remember.Oh, she may come with us," she added as his brow grew dark. "Only,Clifford, we must make haste. The longer start we have the betterchance we stand of success."

  "Who are those men that brought us here?"

  "Hirelings," she cried. "Of course I paid them well. Don't ask so manyquestions, Cliff. They are natives from near here. They will doanything I ask."

  "Come, Peggy," he said rising. "We are going back. Not all thehirelings in the world shall make me break my parole."

  "Clifford, 'tis not the time for quixotic foolishness. Do you notunderstand that Sir Guy hath sent word to General Washington that hewill investigate further? General Washington does not want that. Hewants Lippencott, or, failing him, a victim. He will wait only so longas it takes Sir Guy's letter to reach him. It means death, Clifford.An ignominious death."

  "And do you know that you are asking me to break my parole, my sister?That you are asking me to break my word of honor? That you wish me tobetray the trust reposed in me by a chivalrous foe?"

  "A chivalrous foe!" she scoffed. "Is it chivalrous to slay theinnocent for the guilty? I tell you, Clifford, that truly as you liveI have taken the only way to save you. You are justifiable in breakingany word given under such circumstances. Is life of so little worththat you do not care for it? What hath rendered you so indifferent?"

  "Life without honor hath no charm for me, my sister," he returnedsolemnly. "A parole is more binding upon a soldier than ropes ofsteel, or chains of iron would be. Men have broken paroles, but whenthey do they no longer are esteemed by honorably minded men. Such arepoltroons, cowards. I will not be of their number. A truce to thistalk! If I am to die, I will die as a soldier, blameless and ofspotless reputation."

  "Clifford," she entreated him earnestly, "'tis the only hope. You havealready broken your parole in passing the prescribed limits of therides. I had regard for your scruples by having you brought here. Andnow, since you are here through no fault of your own, you can takeadvantage of the fact to escape."

  "Sophistry," he uttered shortly. "That is no salve to the conscience,Harriet."

  "But the death, my brother?" She was very white for Clifford wasmoving toward the door. "'Tis no way for a gentleman to die."

  "The mode is not at all to my liking, my sister," he answered gravely."Hanging is not, in very truth, a death for a gentleman; still a manmay be a gentleman though he be hanged."

  He put his hand on the door-knob and turned again toward Peggy. ButHarriet uttered a cry of anguish.

  "I'll never see you again, Clifford," she cried. "And father will bebroken-hearted. He helped me in this."

  "Harriet!" he cried. "Do not ask me to believe that Colonel Owenprefers his son's life to his son's honor? I'll not believe it."

  "Believe what you will, my brother, only come with me," and she clungto him pleadingly. "I'll call those men, Clifford."

  "You shall not, Harriet," he answered putting her aside. "Instead getyour own horse and come back with us."

  "I cannot, Clifford. I must see our father. Aren't you going to kissme?"

  But Clifford turned from her, saying coldly:

  "You have wounded me too deeply, my sister."

  "Clifford, thee must not leave thy sister so," interposed Peggy."Mistaken she may be in her efforts for thy liberty, but 'tis donethrough love for thee. 'Twould be monstrous to leave her unkindly!"

  "I mean not to be unkind, my cousin," he returned. "But consider myfeelings when my own sister hath tried to put me in a position thatwould reflect upon mine honor."

  "Thee must not be too hard on her, Clifford. Women do not regard suchthings as men do. When their affections are bestowed all else issubordinated to them. Doth a mother, a sister, a wife cease to lovewhen man hath lost his honor? I tell thee such things seem differentto us. Thy sister hath intended thee no wrong. 'Tis because of herlove for thee that she hath done this."

  "True, Peggy," came from Harriet brokenly. "True."

  "Peggy," cried Clifford in astonishment. "Such words from you who arethe soul of honor? You would not ask me to do this."

  "No; but 'tis because of my upbringing, Clifford. I have been taughtthat a word once passed must be kept. That a promise must not bebroken. Therefore, I understand why thee would prefer death to thebreaking of thy parole. I am proud that thee feels as thee does aboutit. I am prouder still that even thy sister cannot tempt thee to breakthy word great as is thy love for her. Yet underneath it all I have aheart of a woman, and that heart aches for thy sister."

  "'Fore George!" murmured the youth gazing from one to the other inperplexity. "I never dreamed of this. I thought of course that suchthings were regarded alike by both sexes. I----" He passed his handover his brow thoughtfully. Then his expression softened. "I have muchto learn. Harriet!" And he opened his arms.

  "My brother," she cried. "My wonderful brother! And you will go withme?"

  "No," he answered while he kissed her. "No, Harriet. However suchthings may appear to you, for me there is but one course: I mustreturn. But come with us."

  "I cannot, Clifford. I must go back to father."

  "Then I must leave you, because we have been long, too long away fromcamp. And now good-bye!"

  "Something may yet come up to save him, Harriet," whispered Peggy asHarriet followed them weeping to the piazza.

  "No," she said disconsolately. "This was the only hope, Peggy.Everything hath been done that can be done. I shall never see himagain."

  There was no one about. Long afterward Peggy found that this state ofthings had been prearranged in order that the inmates of the inn mightnot be held responsible when Clifford's flight should be discovered.Clifford himself brought their horses from the stables. Silently theymounted, then turned for a last word with Harriet. But she had sunkupon the steps of the porch, and with her face buried in her hands,was sobbing in heart-breaking accents:

  "Clifford! Clifford! Clifford!"


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