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Swordsman of the Rift

Page 11

by Brandon Varnell

  “It’s only at level 40 right now,” she admitted.

  “And I’m still at level 58,” I said before grimacing. “Let’s try this a few more times. If nothing else, the grinding will help Adina catch up to us. If we can let her reach level 50, then maybe we can take a crack at Naamah despite not being at the level we want.”

  “I suppose you bring up a good point.” Michelle glanced at Adina, who glanced back and smiled. While the archangel didn’t smile, her lips did twitch as if she was resisting the urge. “We’ll do that then. If nothing else, I would like all of us to be capable of defending ourselves should the need arise.”

  With our decision set, we kept to our current course, but we didn’t bother setting ambushes anymore. We sought out monsters and killed them. Since Adina was the lowest level among us, we had her kill the vast majority and merely focused our efforts on keeping her from being overwhelmed. Adina quickly went from level 40 to level 41, then 42, 43, all the way to 49.

  I also ended up gaining a single level. When that happened, I did what I always did and allocated status points to my stats.

  Name: Bryan Jenson

  Class: Magic Swordsman

  Level: 59

  Magic: Red/fire

  Attack: 140

  Agility: 140

  Defense: 140

  Magic Defense: 140

  Mana: 110

  Total Status Points available: 0

  Special Skills:

  Whirlwind Slash: Attack +5

  Death by Piercing: Attack +5

  Fire Slash: Attack +5

  Fireball: Attack +5

  Total Skill Points available: 16

  For a little while, I wondered if maybe I should use some of my skill points, but I was wary about using them when I knew there were better skills to spend those points on. I kept telling myself I could spend them once I reached level 60. Of course, even though I told myself this, I also recognized that I had a slight hoarding habit. Back when I was younger and played RPGs, I would always hold onto my skill points and not use them… and then I’d often end up beating the game without having ever spent more than maybe half the skill points I earned.

  “I don’t think we’re going to gain anything more from picking off small fry in this part of the dungeon,” Michelle said after we had returned to Adina’s secret hideout.

  The three of us were sitting around on the large bed. I no longer wore the armor of a magic swordsman. My black shirt and pants stretched across my body. Meanwhile, Michelle had her legs crossed as she leaned against a set of pillows. Her toes wiggled several times as if they were thinking like their master. On my other side was Adina, who was sprawled regally on her side and caressing her hips in a manner that just begged me to touch her. I wasn’t sure if she realized how sexy she was being, but that was neither here nor there.

  “So you think we should confront Naamah?” I asked.

  “I think we don’t have a choice,” Michelle admitted.

  “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.” Adina grimaced as she ran a hand down her inner thigh. My eyes were automatically drawn to her plump pussy lips, visible underneath the tight strip of fabric covering her crotch. “Do not forget how powerful she is right now. She has at least eleven whole levels over you, and me and Bryan aren’t as strong yet.”

  “So what do you suggest?” asked Michelle. “We can’t stay here. Nothing good will come of it.”

  “There is a way,” Adina admitted.

  “A way to do what?” I asked.

  “A way for us to get stronger,” she answered.

  I shared a glance with Michelle, who looked as confused as I felt, and then looked back at Adina. She was watching us. She stared into our eyes, her own vibrantly glowing blue eyes filled with expectation.

  “What way is that?” I asked.

  “One way is to Soul Bind with this world,” she said. “You can’t do that because you’re just an avatar, but me and Michelle can… though I’m not sure if Michelle will want to since the nature of this world is the exact opposite of hers.”

  “I cannot,” Michelle admitted. “This world symbolizes death, decay, and all things negative. It would conflict with the holy power given to me from my world. I am already Soul Bound to the seven heavens, which has given me increasingly powerful abilities over light and life. Soul Binding with this world would have the negative effect of making me weaker than I am now.”

  I still wasn’t clear on this Soul Binding they spoke of, but I understood the basics of it. By synchronizing themselves with a world, they would become Soul Bound with that world, which greatly increased their abilities in a particular type of magic. My only real issue was I didn’t know how a person would go about doing this. I kept imagining some weird old hermit meditating inside of a cave to gain enlightenment.

  “That will also take a long time,” Michelle added. “Especially since you have not tried to Soul Bind a world yet.”

  “Yeah…” Adina scratched the back of her neck and gave Michelle a sheepish smile. “That’s why I’m suggesting the second way.”

  “And that is?” I prompted.

  “You two have sex with me,” Adina said.

  “… huh?”

  I actually needed a moment to register her words and comprehend them. It felt like my mind had suddenly crapped out on me. Michelle was in an even worse state. She looked like someone had zapped her in the face with a taser.

  “Now, before either of you flip out or anything, just hear me out.” Adina raised her hands in a “calm down and listen” gesture. I continued to stare. Michelle crossed her arms. “You both know I’m a succubus, right? Well, we succubi are a race that lives for the soul purpose of seducing and having sex with men. Our torture method is to literally have so much sex with someone that we turn them into a drooling mess. However, sex isn’t just something we do. A lot of our powers are derived from the act.”

  “That is absolutely disgusting,” Michelle said.

  Adina puffed out her cheeks. “Don’t be rude. It’s how we’re made.”

  My thoughts raced several miles a minute as I stared at this creature, who was now sitting up and earnestly looking at me with those vivid eyes of hers. It was hard to resist. Truth be told, I wasn’t sure I wanted to resist, but I still did if only so I could understand what was happening.

  “So… you want me to have sex with you… in order to increase your powers?” I asked.

  “Yes.” Adina nodded, then paused. “Well, it’s not just that. I mean, if you’ll let me be honest for a moment here, I really just want to have sex. I’ve wanted to have sex with you for a while now, but I haven’t done anything because me and Michelle agreed to wait until the situation settled down.”

  “You and Michelle were going to wait to do what?” I asked.

  “Isn’t that obvious?” Adina said as Michelle looked down at the bedsheets. I noticed her cheeks were red. “We were going to tell you that we love you.”

  “You love me?”

  I stared blankly at these two for a moment, not quite comprehending, or maybe not wanting to comprehend, what they were saying. They loved me. The idea was not… unfathomable.

  I had wondered every so often these past few days if one or both of them might have had feelings for me. Adina was very obviously affectionate. She hugged me in her sleep, hugged my arm when she was awake, and often got in my personal space. I could see her having feelings for me, though I think I chalked up most of personality to her just being a succubus. But Michelle? The woman was incredibly kind and always worried over me, but she was an angel, a being who was supposed to be perfect and not at all into sex and romance. While I knew she had emotions, I wasn’t sure if she would feel love for a mortal.

  “Was that not obvious?” asked Adina, leaning forward and crawling over until she was right in my face. Her warm breath washed over my lips, and the scent of vanilla hung in the air as she bore into me with those beautiful eyes that had no pupils. “I’m pretty sure I made it obv
ious that I have feelings for you.”

  “I guess you have,” I admitted, then glanced at Michelle. “But…”

  When she saw my eyes on her, Michelle turned her head and crossed her arms. Her wings flapped a little in agitation as a blush spread across her cheeks. The pale pink coloration created an image of pure and virginal beauty.

  “It’s not… like my feelings are all that strong,” she admitted. “I don’t even really understand it myself, but I… well, even I understand that the way my heart races when I look at you is more than simple camaraderie.”

  Adina nodded as if agreeing with Michelle’s words and turned to me. “And what about you? Are you telling me you don’t feel anything for us? Nothing at all?”

  As Adina and Michelle gazed at me with expectation in their eyes, I thought about how I should answer. Did I have feelings for them? It had been so long since I felt emotions like love that I didn’t really know.

  After losing every person I’d ever partnered with in the military, including my best friend, I distanced myself from everyone. I stopped talking to my family and women became nothing but bed warmers. I had refused to ever let myself become close to anyone, because I knew better than most what kind of pain you’d suffer from when someone you loved was taken away. I didn’t want to experience that again.

  But I also knew I had to make a choice. Here. Now. I understood that the situation would not let me run from my feelings, which meant I had to confront how I felt about these two.

  The answer was… surprisingly simple. I think it had been staring me in the face this whole time, and I had just refused to look at it.

  “I do love you two,” I admitted, frowning very slightly as I felt my heart quiver. I placed a hand against my chest as if to steady myself, then looked at them with more confidence. “I feel the same way you two do.”

  “Then there’s no problem!” Adina clapped her hands together. “Since you feel the same way, let’s get right down to having sex.” She tilted her head and smiled at me and Michelle. “And we even have the perfect bed to do it on. Aren’t you two glad we lugged this thing all the way back here now?”

  While I was still uncertain, since I’d already said what I felt, there wasn’t much sense in hesitating anymore. I looked at Michelle. However, she wasn’t looking at me. In fact, she seemed to be looking at anything but me and Adina, as if she was purposefully avoiding our gazes.

  “Is this really something you’re okay with?” I asked.

  “W-what do you mean?” Michelle stuttered.

  “I mean… I’m a human and Adina is a demon.” I gestured to myself, then Adina. “Is being with us not going against God’s teachings… or something like that?”

  “There are no teachings I know of that say we can’t have a relationship with whomever we want.” Michelle still wasn’t looking at me as she shrugged. “What’s more, I… I’m not sure it matters anymore. I don’t even know what’s happening up in Heaven. I don’t know whether my people are safe, or if the rebellion is still going on… I have no idea. But I do know our forces were overwhelmed. Even if there were some precepts that state an angel cannot fall in love with a human, I’m not sure it matters anymore.”

  “I think I understand,” I said slowly, frowning just a little.

  Michelle hadn’t given up on returning home, but she wasn’t certain she even could return home. I felt for her. At the moment, I wasn’t sure how to return to my original body. I couldn’t log out, which meant I probably needed to find a portal, but there hadn’t been a single portal in the entire dungeon so far.

  While Michelle and I looked at each other, Adina pouted and got back on all fours. She crawled forward like a cat, or maybe even a panther, her large breasts hanging from her chest and swinging with hypnotic motions that drew my eyes toward them. The smile on her face became increasingly seductive as she put one hand in front of the other, invariably pushing her breasts together as she crawled over to me on all fours.

  “Since everyone now understands where we all stand, I think holding back is pointless,” she said with a breathless tone.

  I would have asked what she meant by that, but I didn’t need to. Adina reached me and suddenly lunged forward. A pair of indescribably soft lips hampered mine. Adina’s mouth tasted like the finest ambrosia in the entire world. As she placed her hands on my shoulders, pushing me down so she could straddle me, her tongue penetrated my mouth and rubbed against my tongue.

  It was electric.

  My restraints broke as she kissed me. I kissed back, passionately, and maybe even a little desperately, my hands going to her backside and landing on her fine ass. Maybe it was because she was a succubus, but her ass was perfect. She had a perfectly heart-shaped ass that was both firm yet soft. As I grasped it between my hands, my fingers sinking into her skin, and Adina moaned into my mouth as she began grinding her pussy, still barely covered by cloth, against my leg.

  As she ground her covered mount against me, blood rushed to my dick, causing it to swell and grow unbearably stiff. I suddenly realized these annoying pants were in the way, so I pushed Adina back and struggled to get them off.

  “Let me help you,” Adina said as she grabbed my pants and pulled them off me while I was still sitting down.

  I realized somewhat belatedly that I wasn’t wearing any kind of underwear when my dick sprang free and the cool, if somewhat stale, air caressed it. Was this because I was an avatar and avatars didn’t wear underwear? No, no, no. I remember every character creation system from the RPGs I played as a kid. Characters always had underwear on, so why was I going commando?

  Adina gazed at my cock, which was actually the same size as my real one. Damn. Whoever made this avatar body did a fine job. No wonder I felt so comfortable. As she gazed at my throbbing dick, Adina licked her lips and stared at it in fascination.

  “So this is a penis,” she muttered in wonder.

  “Have you never seen one before?” I asked.

  Adina shook her head. “No. Mother never let me join the others when they went to torture humans with pleasure. She said she had higher hopes for me and wished I could find happiness through other means. This is… my first time seeing one.” Her cheeks flushed red as her eyes grew hooded. She gazed at me. “Can I touch it?”

  “Feel free,” I said.

  With my permission, Adina reached out and grabbed my shaft. Her soft and somewhat cool hands felt so incredible on my hot cock that they caused it to twitch. Adina jerked her hands back when this happened, but then she touched me again and began slowly stroking the underside of my cock with her fingers.

  “It’s twitching,” she muttered, a smile curving at her lips. “That’s kind of cute.”

  I felt heat rise to my cheeks. I’d never heard someone call my dick cute before. It was honestly a little embarrassing and maybe even somewhat emasculating. Adina either didn’t care or didn’t realize this as she slowly leaned down and stuck out her tongue.


  A soft groan escaped my mouth as the tip of Adina’s tongue touched the underside of my cock. She moved, leaving a glistening trail of saliva as her tongue ran from the base of my dick all the way to my head. After giving me a thorough lick like I was a lollipop, she leaned back and blinked several times.

  “Do you eat a lot of fruit?” she asked suddenly.

  “Excuse me?” I asked, breathing just a little heavy.

  “Strawberries. Do you eat them a lot?”

  “Um… I sometimes have them for breakfast.”

  “Hmm… you taste kind of like strawberries.”

  I tasted like… a fruit? I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, nor was I certain how I could taste like a fruit at all. I knew your diet could affect how cum tasted, but your dick? That was a new one.

  Adina leaned back down, taking my dick in hand before she began licking it all over. Her inexperienced tongue covered me with her saliva. Even though it was clear she’d never done this before, her enthusiasm while licking my dic
k was so great that it sent electric jolts straight through my spine and into my brain. There was just something erotic about an inexperienced succubus tonguing my dick.

  However, I didn’t want to be the only one experiencing pleasure.

  “Adina,” I gasped, “bring that cute ass of yours over here please.”

  I wasn’t sure Adina heard me at first, but then she moved around and swung a leg over my chest. With her legs now on either side of my chest, her ass and pussy were right in my face, still barely covered. In fact, her ass wasn’t really covered at all. The thong-like garment was wedged between her asscrack. I wondered how to get it off at first, but then I found some hooks on either side of her hips and quickly undid them.

  After peeling away the thong, I was finally able to gaze at her fully exposed pussy. She had no hair. I had expected that since I couldn’t see any sticking out of that thong. A small hood rested at the very front of her pussy lips, hiding the clitoris. Unlike a lot of women I’d slept with, her pussy was a perfectly smooth line that looked like a pair of lips. She’d obviously never had sex. A virgin succubus. That was a new one. Her pussy traveled all the way up to her exposed asscrack.

  I traced her pussy lips with my finger, then slowly pushed my finger passed her lips and caressed her labia minora. After simply letting my fascination wander, I grabbed her thighs, leaned up, and began licking her pussy. I ran my tongue from across her vagina from the top all the way to where it ended near her ass.

  “Oh… that’s… good,” Adina moaned before she went back to licking my dick. “Mo peash!”

  Since she seemed to enjoy my ministrations, I decided to go a bit further. As I pushed my tongue past her folds, I reached out toward her hood, worked out her clit, and began rubbing it. I applied a light pleasure to my strokes, listening to Adina as she moaned around my cock, which she had finally taken into her cute little mouth. The vibrations sent arcs of pleasure through my body, but I didn’t want to cum first. I increased the pace of my rubbing and put more pressure on her clit, which pulsed several times. Adina’s butt clenched for a second before her pussy began squirting her love nectar around my mouth.


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