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Swordsman of the Rift

Page 19

by Brandon Varnell


  Adina didn’t know if Michelle had called his name or if she had, but she was running toward the man before he could even greet them. She pounced. There was a loud “Oof!” from Bryan as she bodily tackled him to the ground. Before he could even regain his senses, she was pressing their lips together, penetrating his tongue with her mouth. His taste was a lot stronger now. The taste of cinnamon and coffee was heavy on his mouth. She wondered if that was because he was not an avatar but here in his real body, but the thought only lasted for a second before she shrugged it off and went back to orally ravishing him.

  “Get off him, Adina! Allow Bryan a chance to breathe!”

  She squawked as Michelle grabbed her by the wings and yanked her off Bryan. She would have complained, but then she saw Bryan looking incredibly dazed and realized she might have gone overboard. He sat up, wincing, then looked at her with a pained smile.

  “You really… need to be more careful.” He placed a hand against his chest and rubbed it. “This body of mine isn’t my level 69 avatar. My real body is only at level one.”

  “I’m sorry,” Adina said as she rubbed the back of her head.

  Michelle huffed at her before helping Bryan stand to his feet.

  “I’m glad you have returned,” Michelle said. “We have been waiting for you.” She glanced at Adina. “This one kept complaining about how much she missed you.”

  Rather than get embarrassed, Adina puffed out her chest with pride. “I am a loyal succubus who couldn’t wait to see her man again.”

  Bryan and Michelle chortled, but then Bryan turned to the archangel and asked, “And you? Did you miss me?”

  Michelle flushed. “Well… yes, I did. W-we are lovers, after all.”

  As the three of them reunited, Christine stood up and walked over to them. She brushed the dust and grass off her clothes and stopped in front of the trio.

  “Welcome back, Bryan.”

  “It’s good to be back.”

  “Now that you are back, we should decide what to do next,” Michelle said.

  “I want to rescue my mother,” Adina added.

  Michelle frowned. “We should go to Heaven and see if the rebellion is still ongoing or if someone won.”

  “Your rebellion can wait. My mother has been sealed inside of that crystal for too long.”

  “The rebellion in Heaven is a serious matter that should be resolved. I cannot just abandon God or my people.”

  “Um…” Bryan raised his hand, interrupting their conversation. “I don’t know if you guys remember, but I just said I’m only at level 1 right now. That means I’m no longer strong enough to help either of you yet. I propose we find a world where I can level up. We can decide what to do once I’m at a suitable level where I won’t hold either of you back.”

  Adina looked at Michelle, who looked back at her, and through their eyes, a conversation took place.

  “Let’s go with Bryan’s idea,” Michelle said at last.

  “That sounds like a good idea to me,” Adina agreed.

  Of course, even though they had agreed to help Bryan level up, it wasn’t like they knew which worlds they should go to. Adina had never been outside of Hell. Her original home was the Second Hell, and then she had traveled to the First Hell after her mom was sealed away. While Michelle was a bit more knowledgeable, her knowledge only extended to Heaven, and that was the last place they wanted to go for grinding levels.

  Fortunately, there was someone among them who could help out.

  “If that is your plan, then why don’t you three come with me?” Christine suggested. “I have been traveling through the Rift Plains for over a year now and know of several great worlds that can be used for grinding and gaining experience.”

  Bryan looked at Adina, who nodded, and then at Michelle, who also nodded. He turned his attention to Christine.

  “I think we’ll take you up on that,” he said.

  “In that case, you three, just follow me.”

  As Christine began walking off, Adina and Michelle came up on either side of Bryan and grabbed his hands. Together, they followed after the human Rift traveler and began their next adventure.



  Hello everyone! It’s Brandon Varnell here. I’m glad you all could join me as I attempt to write something I have never done before in my entire life. No, it’s not harem. That’s almost all I write. I’m talking about gamelit.

  Gamelit or LitRPG is a genre I’ve never touched before. Certainly, I have read a few stories with RPG elements like Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon, Log Horizon, and Sword Art Online, but this is the first time I have ever written something like this myself. I’m honestly not sure how well I did.

  Because I don’t know the western gamelit market that well, I decided to do a lot of research into what other authors were doing. I mostly read audiobooks because they are easier to consume. I bought stuff from authors like Jaime Hawke, William D. Aarand/Randi Darren, Michael Scott-Earle, Prax Ventor, and others. I wanted to know what other authors were doing and what made them successful before attempting to write something myself.

  Despite all my research, I still don’t know how well I did.

  Since I don’t know how good this story is, or whether or not I should continue, I thought I’d leave this matter to my readers. If you enjoyed this story, please consider leaving a review to let me know. It doesn’t need to be big. Simply writing a single sentence review like: “This was a fun story!” would suffice to let me know whether I should continue. If enough people say they like it, I can probably see about turning this into a duology or maybe even a trilogy.

  Before I head off, I would like to thank several people. Lonwa_A, my artist, thank you for doing such a great job with the cover art. My editor and proofreaders, thank you so much for help find those errors in my manuscript for me. And you, my readers, thank you so much for reading this story. I can only do what I do because you support me. I’d be living in my mother’s basement if it wasn’t for you.

  At least, I would if my mother had a basement.

  Anyway, thank you all again! I hope you’ll join me on my next story!

  ~Brandon Varnell

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