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B10 - His Desire

Page 2

by Love, Annabelle

  The last notes of Survivor’s ballad were still fading into nothingness when Jake and Michelle kissed on the dance floor. Moments afterwards, they were heading in the direction of the bridal table.

  “Jay D just got married, baby! Woohoo!” I cheered, opening my arms wide. “Come here, you ape!”

  “Ape?” He chuckled. “I’m not sure how to take that.”

  “Congratulations, man.” I hugged him and patted him on the back. “I didn’t think you’d ever do this, but I’m so glad you proved me wrong.”

  “Are you saying he got cold feet?” Michelle posed a question, pitching her voice higher.

  “No.” My response came fast. “It’s got nothing to do with you. I just thought he was so messed up that he wouldn’t take a chance with anyone else.”

  “Thanks a lot,” Jake cringed, taking a step back.

  “Oh, come on,” I groaned, still smiling up at him. “Who are you kidding? Anyway, that’s ancient history. The best is yet to come.”

  “That’s true.” Jake nodded in agreement. “Can I talk to you for a sec? In private?”

  “Sure,” I shrugged, gesturing him towards the lobby.

  “So…” He drew in a sharp breath, his hands on his waist. “How are things between you and Stacy? Is there any tension in the air?”

  “Dude…” I snorted in amusement. “You just got married, and you’re worried about me and Red? Of course it’s been tense between us, but do you think I’d make a scene at your wedding? I’m officially insulted. I’m not even going to fool around with anybody, although I’ve seen some very interesting prospects around here. Besides…” I paused, catching a glimpse of Stacy downing a glass of champagne. “It looks like she’s got better things to do than pick a fight with me.”

  “That’s funny,” Jake remarked, craning around. “She doesn’t usually drink.”

  “Well, I’m happy she decided to change that,” I confessed, a small smile spreading across my face. “Go tell your Mrs. that everything’s fine. Tonight is your night. Don’t spend it worrying about me and Ms. Freckles over there.”

  “Will do. Thanks.” He smiled back, turning away from me.

  Typical Jake. He should be focused on his special night, not concerned that I would argue with the maid of honor.

  If I were getting married, I would be drunk out of my mind just minutes into the reception. By the end of the night, I’d probably be doing shots with the band while singing ‘I Was Made For Lovin’ You’. And if anyone told me to ‘behave myself’, I would have them kicked out.

  Moments afterwards, I rejoined the table, enjoying the appearance of more French champagne. For the first time ever, Jake didn’t look like he had any intention of stopping. Indeed, he downed one glass after another, while sharing stories and song trivia with everybody. He was a whole new man, free of the chains of his past. It was obvious that it was the alcohol that had him ranting like that. The private songwriter wouldn’t do this had it not been for the champagne. And if we were anywhere else, I would attempt to stop him. This was his wedding, though, and this was Jake. He didn’t like anyone telling him what to do in normal circumstances. Suggesting that he slow down on the drinks tonight? Yeah, I imagine that wouldn’t go down well.

  I didn’t say a word, even when I saw him jogging towards the piano.

  Figuring out his intentions was easy. He was going to perform one of his many creations, and maybe even dedicate a song to his new wife. The next few minutes were not so hard to predict. Jake’s incredible vocal skills would mesmerize bystanders and guests alike. I had no problem with that; I loved to watch him play. But this would have another consequence that I didn’t want to witness. People would get emotional. Instead of piano notes and the echoes of Jake’s voice, all I would hear would be sniffs and sobs. So, I started off towards the lobby, intending to get a drink or two at the bar and get back to my table.

  Inside the hotel, the chandelier light was reflecting off the floor and the granite counter alike. The bartender was slicing a lime into thin slices, his fingers just behind a tall glass. I hadn’t even reached the counter when the buzz of chatter grew in eagerness. The combination of Jake’s passionate voice and the piano notes turned quite a few heads. Some customers closest to the façade, who were drawn to the wedding taking place outside, even started taking pictures.

  A wave of cold sweat washed over me. In his enthusiasm, Jake had forgotten that he had to keep a low profile. A single picture posted online could spell disaster. Very soon, he would have the media circus he had been trying so hard to avoid all this time.

  “Is there a microphone in here?” I asked the bartender, panic speeding up my tone.

  “Yes sir,” he replied, looking up at me for a fleeting moment. “Why?”

  “Just give me that thing!” I groaned, leaning forward. Keeping his silence, he raised a small microphone over the counter. I snatched it from his grasp and turned to face the hall, bringing it up to my mouth.

  “May I have your attention, please?” I addressed the people in a firm tone, my breath quickening. “In case you still haven’t recognized the guy on the piano, yeah, he’s Jay D. He just got married. I’m his best man.”

  “I told you!” A squeaky female voice rose above the chatter.

  “I know this is a lot to ask, but please, don’t post any pictures online tonight.” I requested, my voice mellowing out. “He and his wife wanted this to be as private as possible. You can post all the pictures you like tomorrow, but let’s respect their wish, shall we? Thank you.”

  “Who’s the lucky lady?” A blonde to my left asked, raising her hand.

  “Her name’s Michelle. You can go out there and meet her,” I encouraged, gauging their reaction. To my relief, no one was taking pictures anymore. Instead, they were chatting with one another.

  At that point, some of them began to leave their bar tables and make their way outside. Jake and Michelle would have to talk to three to four dozen strangers, but that wasn’t a problem. In fact, I had a feeling Michelle would like this. A real issue would arise if even a single TV crew showed up, and I had prevented that from happening, or so I hoped.

  Puffing air out of my cheeks, I hopped onto a stool. “Jack. Neat.” I ordered, leaning my forearms on the counter.

  “Finally, you did something right.” A familiar voice commented. I threw a sideways glance over at the entrance, knowing who it belonged to. Stacy was pushing her way through the people, her gaze locked on me.

  “What the hell…?” I moaned, my face twisting into an expression of confusion. “Are you following me or something?”

  “Don’t flatter yourself,” she said, annoyance deepening her tone. “We just happened to notice the same thing.” She added, seating herself two stools away. “Double vodka on the rocks, please.”

  “Whoa!” I giggled, shaking my head. “Someone’s desperate to get drunk tonight.”

  “I’m on vacation, and this is my best friend’s wedding,” she spoke in a monotonous voice, her gaze down on her feet. “Why shouldn’t I?”

  “You can drink the whole freaking bar for all I care.” I shrugged, not thrilled with the notion of arguing with her any further.

  I sipped some of my whiskey and then looked out through the glass windows. The happy couple were in the middle of a small crowd, laughing and having fun. Once again, Jake trotted off towards the piano, giving me a pretty good idea about what would follow. More enchanting music.

  The thought of leaving the hotel altogether crossed my mind. I was flying back home the next day, and I hadn’t seen much of Barbados. However, I couldn’t do that to Jake. I was his best man. I couldn’t ditch him like that. What I could do though, was go upstairs to my room. Going outside would mean more alcohol, and I had made him a promise—keep things civil with Red. I doubted I could keep that promise if I drank my ass off that night...

  Chapter 3


  Walking out onto the balcony off my room, I logged in to my social media
accounts, still unsure whether my request had been enough. I checked a few mainstream and online media pages, amid a mash of Jake’s voice, cheers, piano, and acoustic guitar. There were no pictures or reports of the event whatsoever. I had no incoming messages or alerts. Luckily for him and his bride, the world had remained unaware of his wedding.

  After more than an hour, my fears were set at ease, and the crowd below had begun to disperse. Hugging his new wife from behind, Jake was leading her to the pool to the left. He pushed her in, forcing a pretentious scream from her. She fell into the pool face-down, splashing water in all directions.

  “Lucky bastard.” I smiled to myself, watching him dive into the water. I returned to my room, understanding that this was a private moment. They didn’t need any witnesses, and I wasn’t a peeping tom.

  I grabbed the remote from my nightstand, hoping to find something good on TV. But, just when I turned it on, a knock on my door drew my attention. I threw the remote down on the bed, wondering who it might be. I hadn’t ordered any room service, and I wasn’t expecting anyone.

  Once I yanked the door open, I felt like someone was playing a practical joke on me. Of all the hot women in this hotel, Stacy had chosen to pay me a visit. And, judging by her narrowed, reddened eyes, she had done exactly as I had predicted. I could smell the alcohol, even though she was four feet from me.

  “Hello, handsome.” She assumed a deep, husky voice, her lips curling into a wicked smile.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I grumbled, reaching out to grab her by the wrist. “Get in here before anyone sees you.”

  “Aren’t you sweet?” She uttered, her voice drowsy as I slammed the door behind her. “Worried about my honor. I guess you’re not such a dick after all.”

  “How much did you drink, Red?” I asked, ignoring her remarks.

  “No idea,” she cackled, staggering forward. “I just drank enough to forget who got married today. Guess what, handsome.” She urged, tapping her fingers on my chest. “It wasn’t me.”

  “Right.” I nodded, easing her towards the bed. I had been suspecting why she was so determined to get drunk that night since I saw her gulping down champagne. Now, I had my answer.

  Michelle’s closest friend was jealous.

  I could see this a hundred times, and I’d still find it hard to believe. Why some women were so obsessed with the idea of getting married was a mystery to me…

  “Straight to the point,” her sexy voice returned. “I like that.”

  “What point?” I wondered, placing either hand on her hips. I rolled her around and pushed her down on the bed, the sight of her bare leg testing my limits.

  “Sex, you moron.” She declared, reaching forward. Before I knew it, her fingers were on the buckle of my belt, and her gaze on my crotch. “That’s what I’m here for. Some good, casual sex.”

  “Oh, hell, no!” I shouted, slapping her hand away.

  Stacy tipped her head back and glared up at me. “Why? Am I not good enough for you?”

  “Listen to me,” I requested in a low tone, sitting on my knees in front of her. “I’d be lying if I said I haven’t thought about it. I have. A lot. But not like this. Let me show you what I mean.” Finishing my sentence, I reached over to the nightstand and swung open the top drawer. Sensing the glass of a small mirror on my fingertips, I pulled it out and brought it in front of her. “Does this look anything like the Stacy you see in the mirror every day?”

  “Who cares…?” She mumbled, leaning forward. Her lips crashed against mine, putting me in the worst possible dilemma. I craved her; hell, I had been craving her for months. I’d love to feel that silky skin in my palms, touch her and kiss her all over, but I had to use my head.

  Sleeping with a drunken Stacy?

  On the night of Jake and Michelle’s wedding?

  They would all be mad at me. And although I could talk things through with my buddy, I’d ruin any chance of being with Stacy in the future.

  “Fuck!” I barked out, flinching back. “What the hell is wrong with you? What part of ‘no’ don’t you understand?”

  I was expecting an angry response, just like mine or even worse. Yet, Stacy did no such thing. Instead, she bit her lower lip and dropped her gaze from me, lifting her hands to her cheeks.

  “Am I that undesirable?” She whispered, holding back a sob.

  “Oh, crap.” I sighed, realizing that I had one more enemy, other than her intoxication. Her insecurities had sent her into an abyss of despair.

  “No, you silly girl. You’re not undesirable. You’re one of the sexiest women I’ve ever laid eyes on. I just don’t want you to wake up in the morning and accuse me of taking advantage of you.”

  “You wouldn’t!” She exclaimed, her gaze shooting up to meet mine. “I am…” She paused. “Oh, no!” Her brows shot up as she put her fingers over her mouth. “Get out of my way!” Stacy groaned, jumping up. Moving around the bed, she rushed over to the bathroom.

  I heaved one more sigh, two voices within continuing to torture me. One was screaming at me to satisfy Stacy’s wish. The other was urging me to keep my hands off, because of the disaster that would definitely follow. Within moments, I wound up asking myself a simple question…

  Is a single night worth more than an actual relationship?

  No, it wasn’t. I was still under the impression that I could work things out with Stacy. Touching her would just prove to her that I was the prick she thought I was.

  “David!” Her pleading voice brought me back to reality.

  I ran off to the bathroom, not changing my mind about my next course of action. Halting just outside the bathroom, I felt my concern giving its place to pity. Stacy was a total mess. She was lying on her back, sprawled across the floor, facing me.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, her quivering lips telling me more than she was willing or even able to say. “Could you please help me up?”

  “I have a better idea,” I murmured, closing the gap between us. Bending down, I put my hands under her armpits, her sweet perfume tantalizing me. I pushed her body up until she draped her arms over my shoulder. “Let’s get you back to your room.” I went on, turning around.

  “Please, don’t mention this to Jake and Michelle,” she begged with a sniffle. “She’ll be so mad at me.”

  “My lips are sealed, you crazy redhead,” I assured, approaching the door to my room. “My lips are sealed.”

  Finding myself out on the hallway, I started humming Lenny Kravitz’s ‘I Belong To You’, feeling a sense of pride swelling in my chest.

  The object of my desire had thrown herself at me, and I had managed to resist her. I didn’t want just the one night, I wanted more than that. It was the ultimate test, and I had passed it with flying colors. I just hoped that my gesture would not be in vain, but, with Stacy, I could never be sure. She had been shooting me down for weeks. I didn’t know if what I had done would be enough for her to give me a chance…

  Chapter 4


  Having some time to reflect on what had happened helped me realize just how awkward the next day would be. We all were staying at the same hotel. We’d be leaving by 6pm, but, unless we woke up just minutes before our departure, we would run into each other. Jake and Michelle were both smart. They’d be able to tell that something had transpired, and they would start asking questions. I would have to choose between being honest to my friend, and keeping my promise to Stacy.

  I would hate to be in that position. I didn’t want to choose. The news of Stacy’s antics the night before would upset Michelle and I had no intention of lying to Jake either.

  Therefore, I reached the only decision that would save me from that trouble—I packed my bags in a hurry, called a cab and left.

  Destination? Grantley Adams International Airport.

  Jake would learn about what his maid of honor had done, but he would do so well after his three-week honeymoon in the Caribbean. For the moment, he could savor his love with Michelle
, without worrying about what her friend had been up to.

  As for his Mrs.? I knew how tight she and Stacy were, but I was sure that finding out about the incident in my room would not go down well with her.

  Her wedding was a happy occasion.

  In my mind, there was no room for jealousy or any other negative emotions. Stacy shouldn’t have been thinking like that. All she had to do was live the moment, and be happy for her friend, not knock on my door looking for a booty call…



  A smoky voice rose in my ears, disrupting my slumber.

  In seconds, however, something a lot less pleasant forced me to clench my teeth to endure the pain in my head. I felt like I was being hit by ten different hammers at the same time. Rolling my eyelids up, I looked down at myself. I was lying in bed, still in my red gown. Monica was on my right, with a blue bowl in her grasp.

  “Good, you’re awake.” She praised, wearing a faint smile.

  “Ughh…” I moaned in agony, squeezing my eyes shut as I sat up. “My head is killing me. What are you doing in my room? Where’s Michelle?”

  “She’s having lunch with Jake and the others,” Monica informed. “And now that you’re finally awake, I think I’ll join them.”

  “Lunch?!” I squeaked, staring up at her with wide eyes. “What time is it?”

  “Ten past two. PM,” She replied. “You were in pretty bad shape last night, Stacy. We got kind of worried when you disappeared. I found you in here, stinking of booze. We had to call the hotel doctor; we thought of taking you to the hospital, but he said you’d be fine. Badly hungover, but fine. Don’t you remember?”

  “No,” I shook my head in denial. “I guess a ‘thank you’ is in order. You didn’t have to spend the night in here.”

  “You’re welcome.” Monica gave a polite nod. “Has anyone ever told that you talk in your sleep? I was on the couch, trying to get some rest, and every now and again, you brought up David’s name.”


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