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Dungeon Walkers 1

Page 34

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “I know,” Trish laughed, “but you’re so damned cute when you’re flustered.”

  “So mean, even after I made you dinner.”

  “Ah, poor fluffy bunny... come here and I’ll make it up to you,” Trish leered.

  Cyra giggled and got to her feet. “You can make it up to me later.”

  “She can now,” Stern said as he got to his feet and started collecting the dishes. “I have dish duty.”

  “Actually,” Trish said, getting up, “you helped with dinner, so I should have the dishes tonight. I have to start pulling my weight now that I live here, too.”

  “I won’t object,” Stern said. “I’ll get some tea brewing.”

  “Trish,” Cyra said slowly, “I told you about Stern helping me with learning my fear. Would you be willing to help me tomorrow?”

  “Of course. Just me?”

  “Just for tomorrow. We want to see how safe I feel if it’s just you, then we’ll have Stern join in the day after to see if I feel even safer with both of you.”

  “Methodical,” Trish nodded. “I approve. I do want to spar against both of you, too. Oh, Cyra, my bag has Stern’s armor. It’s on top of all my stuff. Can you grab it for him?”

  “Of course.”

  “Thanks, Trish,” Stern said, moving past her to get the tea ready. He paused long enough to kiss her cheek. “Welcome home.”

  Trish felt a surge of warmth in her chest and she exhaled slowly. “Thank you.”

  “I felt that, and I’m just as happy,” Stern told her.

  “That’s weird, but I don’t dislike it,” Trish said. “Feels a little one-sided with only you being able to feel our emotions, though our first interaction makes so much more sense now.”

  “If I could stop, I would,” Stern told her sadly. “I’d prefer the ability to feel how and when I want, and not everyone all the time.”

  “I can understand that,” Trish nodded. “Tomorrow starts our journey together as a crew and as a family.” She glanced over at Cyra, who was coming out of the bedroom. “I haven’t felt this happy in… maybe ever.”

  Cyra beamed. “I haven’t, either.”

  “It’s unanimous,” Stern agreed.

  “Are you really going to spar in your armor?” Cyra asked Trish. “It looks so much heavier than ours.”

  “Yes, and it is,” Trish said as she gathered the last of the dishes. “I got used to it before, and I hope I get used to it again quickly. Two weeks of sparring, then a week of the mock dungeon. That’s going to put us just after spring when we finally head north.”

  “Yes, it will,” Stern nodded.

  “Oh, I heard something today. A rumor from Bloodstone,” Trish said suddenly. “The mayor lost his position. The bulwark of the Rescue Squad lead team went to the city.”

  Cyra gasped. “The Hand of Law?”

  “Yup, along with his wife. They heard that new Walkers were being discriminated against. When they showed up, they were told about you and Stern. The Hand went right to the mayor and forced him to resign. Some lawyer was sworn into the now-open position.”

  Stern exhaled slowly, recalling the tall, broad-chested man they were talking about— the letter in his bag is why he’d shown up in the city. Since the Hand hadn’t come to Darkstone, it meant that he was trusting Stern to be okay. Stern chewed his lip and wondered if his parents already knew.

  “Do you think the mayor will come after us?” Cyra asked Stern.

  “I doubt it.”

  Cyra breathed easier. “Thank the Goddess.”

  “They stayed in the city for a few days, talking to everyone who wanted to speak with them,” Trish said.

  “Did he bring his wyvern mount?” Stern asked.

  “Scales of Justice? Yeah. I wish I could have seen it,” Trish sighed, “though that name is ridiculous.”

  “Maybe we’ll get the chance when we go north,” Cyra said with bright eyes.

  Stern watched them and smiled, thinking about how they would react if he told them he knew the man personally. He stopped himself from telling them, feeling a little bad, but still wanting to keep it secret as long as possible. I should send him a letter, though, thanking him for not coming to check on me. I’ll step away from the dojo for a bit tomorrow and do that.

  Chapter Forty-one

  The next two weeks were nearly a blur for Stern. Every morning was fresh torture of Trish waking him with a kiss and, as the two weeks came to an end, a little bit of grab-ass. The idea of Trish and Cyra having done the same was nearly driving him insane with desire. Cyra had managed to kiss his cheek multiple times a day, and even let him hold her on occasion.

  The training had proven that Trish could calm Cyra if she panicked. Even better, when both of them were in the room, she didn’t panic and run, confident that they were there for her.

  During their sparring, Stern was the best unarmed fighter of the three of them, Cyra’s kicks could win any fight if she happened to get a stun, and Trish was hard to defeat when she had her weapon and shield.

  They thanked Velina repeatedly on their last day of training until she told them that she would be the one controlling the mock dungeon. They thanked her for that, instead, and promised a celebration dinner at the end of the week.


  The soft lips on his brought Stern out of his sleep. His arms went around the person kissing him on reflex. When she stiffened and pulled back, Stern blinked and found not Trish, but Cyra. He released her immediately.

  “Cyra, I’m sorry,” he said quickly.

  “No. No, it’s me,” Cyra exhaled slowly. “I wanted to wake you up for once. I didn’t think about what else might happen besides a kiss.”

  “It was nice,” Stern said. He’d felt the love as he woke before the fear popped up when he held her unexpectedly.

  “It was...” Cyra swallowed. Leaning down, she paused just inches from him. “You can hold me now.”

  Stern was about to say something, but Cyra kissed him again. Stern did as she suggested, hoping she was right. His arms went around her waist, but held her loosely so she wouldn’t feel trapped.

  Cyra pressed into the kiss, going from light to a deeper one that held the heat of passion. Stern groaned into the kiss, letting her lead it. His arms tightened around her without thought.

  A soft moan came from Cyra and her tongue brushed his lips before slipping into his mouth. Stern groaned as his libido raced and he tried to hold back.

  Suddenly, Cyra pushed away from him and was across the room, panting heavily. Her eyes were bright as she stared at him. “I… I’m sorry.”

  “No,” Stern shuddered. “Breaking it there was good. I was starting to think of going further, and that is your choice.”

  “Should I ask Trish to come in?” Cyra asked softly, her eyes drifting down his body.

  “No. We haven’t gone far yet, either. I’ll be out in a few minutes, after I calm down.”

  Cyra licked her lips, then nodded. “Is it always… so difficult?”

  “Holding back, but wanting more? Yeah. I’ll never complain, though. The fact that either of you, much less both of you, are interested in me is nearly enough to keep me sated by itself.”

  Cyra blushed, looking at the floor. “I feel warm, like I do with Trish. You make me want to kiss you again.”

  “I’d gladly accept as many as you’ll give,” Stern said. With a sigh, he sat up and swung his legs out of bed. The floor wasn’t as cold as it had been over the last month, but it was still enough to help him. “This morning might not be the best time, though.”

  Cyra’s eyes had gone to his waist before jerking away, her face burning hotter. “Right… I’ll go help with breakfast!” she blurted, then rushed out of the room.

  Stern exhaled slowly— his body was humming the same way it did when Trish woke him. “Pawly, why don’t you ever warn me?” he muttered. He knew that she left when the women came to wake him, and she did it without her normal claws or extra-weighted paws. “Maybe they
suborned her? Bribed her with food.” Chuckling at the idea, he stood up and set about getting ready for the day.


  “You didn’t go too far, did you?” Trish asked when Stern came out of his room.

  He didn’t see Cyra. “I didn’t think so. Fuck.”

  “Take over for me,” Trish said, leaving the stove.

  “Yeah...” Stern said, suddenly feeling like shit.

  He found the eggs were nearly done and the sausages were already separated out for them. He spotted the bread, butter, and jam set on the table. Glancing at the bedroom door, he sighed and finished cooking off the eggs before plating them and taking them to the table.

  Should I check on them...? No, let Trish handle it. I’ll just wait for them to— Stern’s thoughts cut off when he heard a sound he hadn’t expected. Blinking, he turned to look at the closed door. Was that... what I thought it was?

  A second later, a slightly louder repetition came from the room. Stern’s face flushed. He knew that sound, having heard it occasionally in the past.

  Well, I didn’t expect that, he thought, his face burning hotter.

  Turning back around in his chair, Stern cut a hunk of bread off and buttered it. His mind wanted to supply the images to go with the sound, but he kept forcing them away. The door opening and closing had his face heating again.

  Trish joined him at the table, wearing a pleased smile on her lips. She leaned in close to him and spoke in a whisper, “You did fine. Got her a bit too worked up, apparently. I had to give her a helping hand.”

  Stern had thought he couldn’t get any redder earlier when he heard Cyra orgasm, but Trish just proved him wrong— he was certain he could cook the eggs on his face at this point.

  “You know what this means?” Trish breathed into his ear.

  Stern’s head jerked side to side as he tried to calm down.

  “I’ll give you a helping hand tomorrow,” Trish purred.

  Stern’s eyes bulged and he swallowed as his face burned hotter. “Oh…”

  Trish kissed his cheek. “Thanks. I’d been hoping to start being more physical with you both.”

  Stern shuddered involuntarily as he tried to calm down. His nerves felt frayed and on fire, and his brain kept providing him ideas about what Trish would do to help him tomorrow morning, each more graphic than the last.

  The click of the bedroom door opening again made Stern’s breath catch. He jerked slightly when Pawly suddenly appeared in the chair across from him.

  “Sorry.” Cyra’s voice was barely audible as she took her seat. She wasn’t looking at Stern, staring firmly at the table.

  “No,” Stern croaked, then cleared his throat. “Cyra, you’ve nothing to apologize for.”

  “Nothing at all,” Trish said with a smile. “I’m actually very happy.”

  Cyra’s cheeks heated. “It wasn’t fair to him.”

  “It’s fine,” Stern said. “Really.”

  “Yes. I promised to help him tomorrow morning,” Trish added.

  Cyra’s face grew redder and she blinked at her plate. “Oh, o-okay. That makes sense.”

  “This is awkward...” Stern muttered.

  “Yeah...” Cyra agreed with an awkward laugh.

  “You’re both fucking adorable,” Trish giggled. “Stern, are you upset with me helping her or about her needing some release?”

  “Of course not,” Stern said instantly.

  “See, Cyra?” Trish smiled. “Now, will you be upset when I help him tomorrow?”

  “No!” Cyra said quickly, then shifted in her seat. “Umm…”

  “Hmm?” Trish giggled. “Making you squirm again, is it?”

  “Trish... easy,” Stern chuckled. “Breakfast is going to get cold, and comments like that aren’t going to help the two of us.”

  “Fine,” Trish relented. “I’m so damned happy, though.”

  “I can feel that, as well as Cyra’s excitement and embarrassment.” Stern glanced at Cyra. “I also have those feelings. You’re not alone.” A spike of love from Cyra hit him and he smiled at her.

  “Okay,” Cyra said, taking a deep breath. “No more talk on that right now. We have a mock dungeon to run soon.”

  Trish sighed. “Fine. I’ll behave... for now.”

  Pawly had been eating her sausages the entire time they talked, her eyes tracking each of them in turn as they spoke. Having finished her food, she meowed softly and gave Stern pleading eyes.

  Stern chuckled, Cyra giggled, and Trish laughed.

  “Fine, I’ll give you a little bit more,” Stern said, cutting half off one of his links.

  “Willing to give the women in your life what they want? Good,” Trish snickered.

  Stern shook his head. “Thanks for keeping that clean.”

  Trish winked. “You asked me to stop for now. You know what I could’ve gone with.”

  “Yeah, yeah I do.”

  Cyra watched them, chewing her lip. “It’s bad, isn’t it?”

  “Bad and oh so good,” Trish replied with a wicked laugh.

  Stern started eating— after all, they did have a mock dungeon to run.

  Chapter Forty-two

  “If you all fall, we stop the run,” Velina said, finishing her explanation of the mock dungeon.

  “I’m ready to go,” Stern said. His hands touched his daggers on reflex.

  Cyra nodded. She was holding a staff in her hand, wearing a dagger on her belt, and had a sling-bag over her shoulder, filled with items they would need if it were a real dungeon. “I think I’m ready.”

  Trish strapped her shield on, pulled her hammer, and nodded. “Feels good.”

  Velina stepped away from the shimmering portal. “Three rooms. It’s the most we can do, and the first is empty, of course.”

  “I’ll get Pawly ready there,” Stern said. “Don’t be surprised by her, Velina.”

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine,” Velina laughed. “See you in a bit.”

  Trish stepped into the shimmer and vanished, followed by Stern, then Cyra. The dungeon was much like the first Stern had entered— a natural cavern with stalagmites and stalactites. Stern summoned Pawly and gave her all the buffs he could.

  “Damn, she’s a badass,” Trish said when she glanced at Pawly. “You take point?”

  Pawly chuffed and slinked toward the tunnel.

  Trish followed her, the soft, rhythmic shink-shink sound of her scale armor moving clearly audible in the quiet room. Cyra was behind Trish and Stern came last, his daggers already in hand.

  Pawly paused by the tunnel, looking back at Cyra. Cyra focused, then shook her head. Trish caught the exchange and pursed her lips, clearly thinking. With the all-clear given, Pawly entered the tunnel, leading them to the first room of monsters.

  The tunnel twisted and turned, ensuring that there would be no line of sight into the next room. It was good, because no monsters would see them earlier, but bad because it meant they wouldn’t see the monsters, either.

  Pawly paused at a turn, then backed up a few steps. Cyra focused on her perk. After a few seconds, she held up two fingers. Trish nodded, and Pawly crouched low and slunk around the corner. Trish moved forward and peeked around it.

  A room similar to the one where they’d prepared greeted her— stalagmites and stalactites broke the room apart. She caught sight of one of the monsters and took a slow breath. Trish looked back at the other two and mouthed a single word.

  Stern nodded while Cyra’s brow furrowed.

  There was suddenly a yowl and an anguished scream. Trish rushed around the corner, making a beeline for the creature she saw. Cyra followed her and Stern came in behind her. Cyra blinked at what she saw while Stern cut between her and the room, ready to attack anything that got close.

  Trish closed on the two-foot-tall humanoid. It spun on her, its bone club raised to strike. She dipped her shield to block it and her hammer came around. She grunted at the impact and turned her head away as the bone shattered sending fragments flying
. Her hammer slammed into the small creature, deforming its chest and sending it flying. With a hollow thunk, it slammed into a rock outcropping, sliding bonelessly to the ground.

  “How many?” Stern asked.

  Cyra blinked before focusing on her perk. “Three… er, two,” she corrected after a second of hesitation. Pawly’s hunting yowl came a heartbeat after. “Right!” she yelled.


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