Book Read Free

Just for Fins

Page 1

by Tera Lynn Childs




  For my Daddy

  words aren’t enough

  but they’ll have to do

  Donald J. Childs




  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  About the Author

  Other Works



  About the Publisher

  Chapter 1

  “How can you not know how to use the royal seal?”

  I glare at Dosinia across the kitchen table. She looks fashionably bored as always, her perfectly glossed mouth pursed out in a disapproving pucker. If there weren’t stacks of kelpaper and pots of waterproof squid ink between us, I’d be tempted to jump over the table to throttle her.

  Besides, with Brody practically glued to her side—as close as Aunt Rachel’s wooden chairs will allow—he’d get equally doused with the thick liquid. And I’m sure Prithi, the furry little traitor, is curled around her feet. They’re innocent bystanders in this family squabble.

  So instead of lashing out, I grumble, “I do. I’m just out of practice.”

  Of course, I’m not so sure I know what I’m doing. I’ve never sent out invitations to a council of kings and queens before. I’ve never even sent out any sort of invitation other than to birthday parties, and those usually had bubbles and seahorses on them, not royal seals. This is a level of responsibility I’ve never faced.

  I need to get used to it.

  As of my eighteenth birthday two days ago, I am officially Crown Princess of Thalassinia, which means all my correspondence—my underwater correspondence, anyway—has to bear my royal seal. It looks just like Daddy’s, except that instead of saying KING WHELK OF THALASSINIA, it says CROWN PRINCESS WATERLILY.

  Every time I stamp the seal onto a sheet of kelpaper, I smile with pride. And to think I almost gave all this up. I glance sideways up at Quince and find him sniffing the open pot of dark-blue squid ink. I bite back a laugh when he jerks away at the disgusting smell.

  He must sense my attention, because he looks over at me. His expression shifts from scowl to sultry in a fin flick when he finds me watching him. He winks at me, and I feel my cheeks burn hot with a blush. If we weren’t surrounded by friends and family right now, he’d probably be saying, “Like what you see, princess?”

  Oh yeah, he would have been worth the sacrifice, for sure. But I’m glad I found a way to keep both him and my title.

  “On an official state invitation like this,” Dosinia says, interrupting my moment with Quince, “your seal should be placed at the bottom of the correspondence. Not the top.”

  “You—” I start to argue with her, but then a long-forgotten lesson from the royal tutor resurfaces. Before I came to live on land with Aunt Rachel, I had hours and hours of training in royal protocol. How to enter a dining room. What to wear to a state funeral. And, as much as it pains me to remember, where to place the royal seal on official correspondence.

  That doesn’t mean I like admitting that Doe is right. I never like admitting that.

  Rather than give her the satisfaction—and the chance to say I told you so—I slump my shoulders, grab the stack of misstamped kelpaper, and drop it on the floor behind me.

  “Is it that big a deal?” Shannen asks.

  She’s my best human friend, a certified genius, and always ready to lend a helping hand when I need something—anything—but she’s not at all up to speed on mer-world etiquette. She doesn’t know that a misplaced seal could mean the difference between an invitation being placed on a ruler’s desk or tossed into the nearest trash bowl.

  “Yeah,” I say with a resigned sigh. “It kind of is.”

  Across the table, Doe sits up straighter. I can practically hear the gloating already. I keep my eyes on the table, pulling over another stack of kelpaper to start the whole stamping process over, and ignoring my cousin. If she doesn’t want a bottle of squid ink sent flying her way, she’ll keep her little bubble of pride to herself.

  “See, I told you I could help,” she says. “I had just as many hours of protocol training as you did. More since you left.”

  Prithi meows in agreement.

  I slowly slide my hand across the table toward the foul-smelling dark-blue squid ink.

  Brody doesn’t release Doe’s hand as he scoots his chair a few inches away from the line of fire.

  “Who wants lemonade?” Aunt Rachel pushes back from the table. “Everyone? Lily?”

  As everyone else says yes, I look up at her pointed use of my name to find her giving me an equally pointed look. Below raised brows, her wide-eyed gaze flashes to the pot of squid ink in my hand and back to my eyes. Busted.

  I release the pot. “Yes,” I say, dropping my eyes to my now-empty hands, “I’d love some.”


  I stare at my fingers, covered in smudges of squid ink like when I was a little guppy just learning how to use sea-cucumber quills to write on kelpaper scrolls. Normally I would just use a prefilled pen, but official correspondence requires a more formal calligraphy.

  Still, if my splotch-covered fingers are any indication, maybe someone should change that law.

  “Relax, princess,” Quince says, reaching over my hands to grab the stack of kelpaper and the royal seal. “Shannen and I can do the stamping. You focus on the writing.”

  I give him a grateful smile. “That would be great,” I say. I point to a spot in the center of the bottom of the kelpaper sheet. “The seal should be stamped right there.”

  Shannen nods. “Got it.”

  She takes the squid-ink-doused sponge, presses the seal into it with a squish, and then carefully stamps the mark into the exact spot I indicated. Shannen is the neatest person I know. If anyone can make precision stamps on kelpaper, it’s her.

  Aunt Rachel returns to the table with a tray of lemonade-filled glasses. She sets one in front of each of us, careful to keep them away from the kelpaper.

  I lift my glass to take a sip, waiting for the freshly stamped royal seal to dry so I can start composing the invitation without smearing the ink.

  When Tellin and I talked on my birthday—both before and after the bond-in-name-only that allowed me to keep my crown and stay with Quince—we decided that calling a council of kings and queens was the best way to help his dying kingdom.

  Ocean warming and coral bleaching are having catastrophic effects on Acropora. Things are so bad, Tellin almost forced me to bond with him because he thought a stronger alliance with Thalassinia would save them. When he explained what was going on, I couldn’t swim away. I bonded with him, to retain my title and my power to call a council of kings and queens to make a formal request for aid.

  For too long his father’s pride kept them from asking for help. We have to act quickly now.

  After my birthday ball, Tellin returned to his kingdom to share the news with his girlfriend and to prepare. He’ll meet me back in Thalassinia this weekend for the council meeting. If everything goes according to plan, by the tim
e the meeting is over, Acropora will have offers of supplies and support from every ruler in attendance.

  With the seal dry on the first sheet of kelpaper, I stare down at the pale-blue expanse and nerves kick in. I know this is what needs to be done, and that my responsibilities as crown princess will only continue to grow. But still, the idea that I am writing to request the presence of the most powerful merfolk in the Western Atlantic—and on such short notice—is more than a little intimidating.

  I dip the quill in squid ink, hold it over the page, and feel the same hesitation I experienced two days ago as I was about to sign my title away. That hesitation made me realize that I can’t just walk away from my duty. I couldn’t then, and I won’t now.

  I press the quill to the paper and start writing.

  I’m only a few words in when Dosinia says, “You spelled ‘requested’ wrong.”

  “What?” I scowl.

  She can’t be right. She’s on the other side of the table, reading upside down, and—


  Son of a swordfish.


  Even the cat knows I’m wrong. I crumple the kelpaper into a wad and toss it behind me with the ever-growing pile of other screwups.

  With a frustrated sigh—or maybe a groan, I’m not sure—I drop my head onto the table. I hear the clink of glass on wood, but I don’t care. Why is this so hard? Why do I keep screwing up on something so simple but so important?

  Maybe I should have signed my title away. Thalassinia would be better off.

  “Um, Lily . . .”

  My muscles tighten. Quince only uses my real name in serious situations, like when he’s telling me he loves me or that I’m too good for Brody. Or—I’m guessing now—when a tipped-over pot of squid ink is seeping across the table.

  “It’s my hair, isn’t it?” I ask, not lifting my head.

  “Yeah, it’s all over—” Brody grunts as something, maybe an elbow to the ribs, interrupts him.

  “You look beautiful in blue,” Quince says.

  “Very . . . mermaidy,” Shannen offers.

  “I’ll get a towel, dear,” Aunt Rachel says.

  Seconds later I feel something wrap around my hair. Holding the towel in one hand, Aunt Rachel pulls me upright with her other. Everyone at the table—Doe, Brody, Shannen, Quince—stares at me like I’m a beaten guppy. Which only makes me feel worse.

  “Why don’t you go take a bath?” Aunt Rachel suggests. “It will make you feel better.”

  And it will get the squid ink out of my hair. She doesn’t say the second part out loud, but I know she’s thinking it.

  I stare helplessly at the mess on the table. “But I have to finish the invitations,” I insist. “They need to go out tonight, or the kings and queens won’t have time to make travel plans for this weekend.”

  “We’ll get all the stamping done,” Shannen offers.

  Quince nods.

  I shake my head. That’s only part of the process.

  “I’ll help,” Dosinia says with a long-suffering sigh, shrugging out of her magenta cardigan. “I can write the invitations.”

  She reaches for a stamped sheet of kelpaper and a second, unopened—and unspilled—pot of squid ink.

  Prithi stretches up to rub her nose against the sweater.

  I’m tempted to scowl at Doe. Since when does she volunteer, even reluctantly, to help beyond her ever-present willingness to criticize someone else’s work?

  But as I stare at the mess and the big smear of squid ink on Aunt Rachel’s white table, I think it’s probably best for me to take a time-out. If Doe actually helps, great. If not, at least I’ll have a clear, calm—and clean—head when I come back down.

  “Okay,” I say as I stand up. “I’ll be quick.”

  Everyone nods and goes about their work. Shannen stamping the kelpaper, Quince moving it into a row in front of Doe. Aunt Rachel mopping up the spilled squid-ink mess. And Doe scratching a quill across the page in what looks like elegant, legible script.

  At the doorway I turn back and see Brody carrying a finished invitation over to the counter, where it can dry safely.

  “Thanks, guys,” I say, knowing that between the bath and their support, everything will turn out fine. I hope.

  Chapter 2

  The bath is steaming hot as I step into the tub. I sink down and stretch my legs out in front of me, sighing as my body absorbs the calming effects of the water. My hair is carefully pinned up, out of the way, so the squid ink doesn’t contaminate the entire tub and wind up turning my skin blue.

  Closing my eyes for a second, I focus on my transfiguration as human flesh magically shifts to mermaid scales.

  “Ahhhh.” I smile. This is exactly what I need—a brief break from the world to relax my thoughts.

  That might require a longer bath than I have time for.

  Since I got back to Seaview yesterday morning, I’ve been thinking nonstop about the problems in Acropora. From what Tellin says, things are really bad there. His people are starving, their environment is dying, and they are leaving the kingdom in droves to seek better chances either on land or in neighboring kingdoms. Daddy confirms that Thalassinia has seen a surge in immigration; he just didn’t know the reason.

  Now we know why.

  I shake my head and sink a little lower in the water.

  How could this have been happening to the kingdom next door without us having any idea? It’s sad and a little scary.

  That’s why I’m so eager to call the council meeting and get the other rulers involved. Everyone in the Western Atlantic should know what’s happening to their kin. That Tellin’s dad, King Gadus, has kept this a secret for so long has only made things worse. He let his pride hurt his people, and that’s something a ruler should never do.

  “But,” I say to myself, “things will get better after the council meeting.”

  Tellin and I will make our plea as a united front, and the other kingdoms will step up to help. It’s the mer-world way.

  Eyes closed, I relax against the wall of the tub. I need a little more time in the water. I’ll get out in a minute. Then I’ll finish up the invitations and send them off by messenger gull to royal palaces across the Western Atlantic. After that, it’s just a matter of figuring out what to say and waiting for the offers of help.


  My heart lurches, and I sit bolt upright in the tub. Water sloshes over the edges and onto the white tile floor.

  Meow meow meow!

  “Prithi,” I growl at the door, where Aunt Rachel’s cat is scratching to get into the bathroom. “Go stalk Doe.”

  She lets out a plaintive meow and then goes silent. I twist around in the tub and see the shadow of her paws under the door.

  “Fine,” I mutter. “Time to get back to work anyway.”

  Quickly transfiguring back into my legs, I lean forward and pull the plug from the drain. As the lime-scented water swirls away, I maneuver up onto my knees and turn on the faucet. I unclip my hair, lean to the side, and stick my head under the running water.

  From the corner of my eye, I see dark blue running down the side of the tub. I squeeze some coconut shampoo into my hand and scrub it into my hair. Blue foam bubbles up around the drain. I keep lathering and rinsing until the foam and the water streaming from my hair have no traces of blue.

  I shut off the water and quickly wrap my head in a soft, fluffy towel.

  Climbing out of the tub, I grab another towel to dry off my body. I kneel down and mop up the water from the floor before tossing the soggy towel into the hamper.

  Standing in front of the mirror, I pull the towel off my head and expect to see my normal blond rat’s nest. Instead, I see a blond rat’s nest with a giant splotch of blue on one side.

  “No,” I gasp.

  Apparently squid ink is both water- and shampoo-proof. I grab the towel and scrub desperately at the discolored hair. When I pull the terry cloth away and find no traces of blue, I know I’m in trouble. It�
��s not rubbing off. My hair is well and truly dyed.

  And not in a cool way. If it was just the tips or even one long streak, that would be fine. But it’s a big blob. Most of the bottom half of my hair on the left side of my head. Just . . . blue.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

  There are three options. I can cut off the blue and the rest of my hair to match, leaving me with a bob-length style. I immediately dismiss that. One disastrous experiment with short hair my sophomore year that left me looking like a fuzzy blond Q-tip taught me that lesson.

  I could dye the rest of my hair to match. That would even things out, but I’m not cool enough to pull off blue hair. I’m barely cool enough to pull off normal hair.

  Or I could just leave it like it is and hope it eventually fades away.

  I don’t like any of the options. But as I stare at the wet curls of blue and blond in the mirror, I know I don’t have much choice. I will just have to live with it for a while.


  “Okay, okay,” I say to the impatient cat. “I’m coming.”

  I get dressed and, after briefly considering—and then dismissing—the idea of fashioning the towel into a blue-hair-disguising hat, open the door. Prithi stares up at me. She blinks several times before turning and running down the hall, into Doe’s room.

  “That bad, huh?” I call after her.

  When I walk back downstairs, I brace myself for a tsunami of comments about my blue hair. Doe’s will be the worst, I’m sure. I step into the kitchen and find it empty. The table is clear, not even a trace of squid ink on the painted surface. Wish I could say the same about my hair.

  Guess this explains why Prithi abandoned her Doe worship for a while.

  I spin around, looking for signs of what happened, or maybe a note. I find one stuck to the refrigerator.

  The invitations are done and the messenger gulls are on their ways. Went to get ice cream. Back soon.



  What? They finished everything? And they sent off the invitations via messenger gulls to the various kingdoms?


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