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Dark Days (Book 1): The Collapse

Page 25

by Davis, James

  “Where the hell are we? I’ve never heard of Fort Alvis. And what kind of stupid-ass name is Alvis anyway?” Ashley said in a pissy tone.

  “Alvis was my grandfather. This place is named after him.” Sharp replied.

  “Well, your grandpa must have been a real asshole with a name like that.” Ashley shot back, clearly trying to piss Sharp off. Clay nudged her in the side,

  “Cut that shit out! Just play along for now.” Clay said in a hushed tone. Ashley gave him the stink eye, but agreed and kept her mouth shut.

  “I will not tolerate too many more insults from you. I suggest you mind your tongue from now on.” Sharp said, staring a hole right through her. He led them toward a large green and white chopper. The wind picked up as the blades began to whirl. Clay, Hank, and Ashley were shoved into the chopper behind Sharp. Seconds later they lifted off, leaving their family and children behind, heading off into the unknown.

  “Sharp where in the hell are you taking us?” Clay asked as they lifted higher into the sky. The President looked at each of them with his toothy smile proudly on display and said,

  “Why, my house of course.”

  Thanks for reading part one of the Dark Days series. We appreciate your time. This is our first novel and there are many to come. If you enjoyed this book and want to hear where we are on the next one, see what else we might be working on, or just see what we're up to in general. Feel free to join us in our Dark Days Facebook Group where we will be posting teasers, updates, contests and more in the days to come. Feedback and reviews are always welcome. Happy reading.




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