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A Rake's Redemption

Page 22

by G. L. Snodgrass

  Lord Warwick rolled his eyes. “Never, Mother. You know me. I am always on my best behavior.”

  The older woman scoffed and turned to Lady Weston. “I am so glad you could attend, Lady Weston.”

  Lady Weston dipped a quick curtsey and offered her appreciation for being invited.

  Warwick’s mother slipped her arm into Lady Weston’s and started to lead her away. “Come, my dear. Let us leave these two rogues and go talk to people who understand the realities of the world. There is someone I want you to meet.”

  Lady Weston threw Nathanial a quick glance before nodding and letting herself be led away.

  Nathanial watched her cross the room, his eyes never leaving those perfect hips.

  “So? What do you think?” Warwick asked.

  “Possibly?” Nathanial answered as he continued to watch the woman under discussion. Yes, most definitely a possibility. The only issue truly would be if he could stop himself from trying to seduce her. This woman would be working with Olivia. Helping his sister. She would be off limits. A thought that he found very displeasing, to say the least.

  “Yes, possibly,” he said again to his friend.

  Chapter Four

  Lady Alice Weston spent the remainder of the evening pretending this was once again her world. Taking in the beautiful dresses. The gay laughter and handsome men. Unlike a fairy tale, however, she well knew that tomorrow, there would be no prince to rescue her. No fairy Godmother to magically make things all better.

  A bittersweet taste filled her throat at the thoughts of what she was missing. It had been a mistake to come tonight, she realized. Tomorrow, she would return to her world of dreary poverty. Tomorrow, she would have nothing but memories of what might have been.

  Sighing, she turned and caught a glimpse of Brookstone on the other side of the room. Smiling, as he charmed two young ladies who both looked up at him as if he were the greatest thing to ever grace the earth.

  She had enough problems. No use taking on more.

  Her back shivered as if a snake had slithered down her spine. There was nothing she could say to those women or their mothers that they would ever believe. Not her, not an embarrassed spinster. Best to not even think such thoughts. All she could hope was that they discovered what kind of monster he was before it was too late.

  Turning again, she caught sight of Mr. Caldwell and her heart shifted once again. But for a different reason, she thought. The way he looked at her. Like a lion eyeing a gazelle. A desire and want behind his eyes that made her spine tingle. But, it made her spine tingle in a completely different way.

  Was he the man that wished to observe her before making a proposition? Did he want her to be his mistress?

  The thought was not as terrifying as she would have anticipated. Yet, for some reason, it might very well be the most frightening thought she had ever had. For this was a man that a woman could lose her heart over.

  Tall, strong, handsome, and so wealthy he needn’t worry about the dictates of society. So different than so many of the men around her. Self-made, he exuded confidence and ability. The kind of man a woman just knew would protect and provide for. At least until he moved onto the next lucky female.

  Be careful, she thought. This would be a business arrangement. Always remember that. There would be no love, no true feelings. Yet, her mother wouldn’t starve, and if she played her cards right, she might drag the arrangement out for years. Only if he found her skilled, she reminded herself with a shiver. What would his reaction be to discovering she was a virgin? Would he cast her aside for a more experienced woman?

  Sighing to herself, she turned away from his penetrating look. There was so much to consider. So much to worry about. Suddenly, the room felt overly warm. Depressing and tight. As if her world was crashing in around her.

  She gritted her teeth and made her way to Lady Warwick to say her farewells. The evening had become too much. If Caldwell wished to make a proposition, let him do it some other night. Not here, not now. She would not let him ruin her memories of her last night with the ton.

  Having expressed her appreciation to Lady Warwick, Lady Alice stepped out the front door and sighed heavily. She knew a coach in this part of town would cost more. If she traveled but a few streets over the cost would be cut in half. Not an insignificant factor for a woman in her straights.

  Ignoring the strange looks from the footman. She made her way down the steps and turned right. The night was dark and smelled of coal smoke and horses. A cold shiver ran through her body when she thought about what she was doing. It was dangerous for a woman alone on London’s streets at night.

  But, what choice did she have? She had attended the ball, she had presented herself like a calf at market. Now she must return home and wait to find out if there would be buyers or not.

  Pulling her cloak tight, she lifted her chin and tried to look like she belonged.

  “Alice,” a dark voice called from behind her. A voice that made her knees quake with fear.

  Swallowing hard, she turned to see Lord Brookstone making his way towards her. He had waited until she was just far enough away that she could not expect any assistance from the Warwick’s footmen. Her heart raced with terror. She knew this man and what he could do.

  “Lord Brookstone,” she managed to say. “I thought I made it rather clear that we have nothing more to say to each other.”

  He smiled, that snake smile of his. The one that hid the evil inside of him.

  “My dear,” he said as he stepped next to her, taking her arm in a vice-like grip. “We have a lot to talk about. As I told you earlier. You will not be allowed to ignore me any longer.”

  Her heart fell as she realized just how dark it was and just how evil this man was. Nothing she could do would shame him enough to stop him. Nothing she could say would change his mind. She could see it in his eyes. He was going to take what had been denied him.

  Smiling down at her, she saw that he realized she was aware of her fate and the thought pleased him. Having her terrified excited him.

  Swallowing hard, she reached out to slap him, her hand reacting before she could think.

  Lord Brookstone easily caught her hand before it could reach his face. Smiling back at her. All her action did was excite him more. He wanted her to fight, she realized. Wanted her to scream and cry.

  Her blood ran cold as she realized what was going to happen and that she might very well be dead before the night was over.

  A dreadful feeling of hopelessness washed over her. This was what her life had become. Alone, vulnerable, and without anywhere to turn. She would be this man’s victim and no one would ever care. In fact, most would blame her.

  She could fall no further, she realized.

  Brookstone leaned forward as he pulled her in close. She could smell brandy, stale sweat, and a sickly perfume. A mixture of aromas that turned her stomach and brought bile to the back of her throat. Pulling back, she shifted to keep her lips away from his.

  A movement in the dark made her jump. A silver cane head appeared from nowhere and caught her attacker just under the ribs. Brookstone gave a heavy oomph and bent at the waist as he dropped his grip and stepped back.

  Lady Alice stood frozen, unable to believe what she had just seen.

  From the darkness, A hero appeared. Nathanial Caldwell, cloaked in black, top hat, and gloves. The man looked as if he’d just stepped from a London ball. Which obviously, he had, she thought, as her mind tumbled over itself trying to understand what had happened and why.

  “Are you well, Lady Alice?” The tall man asked as he quietly examined her for any injury. Completely ignoring the English Lord bent over, gasping for breath.

  Her eyes flicked back and forth between the two men. So different, so confusing.

  “But? How? …” she began to stammer.

  “In a minute,” he said, holding up a hand to call a coach forward. His coach, she was sure as a sudden thought came to her. Was he going to abandon her here with
Brookstone? Had he acted only to give her time to escape? Should she be running even now?

  As the big black coach pulled to a stop next to them, Mr. Caldwell opened the door and held out a hand to help her in.

  “Do you know who I am?” Brookstone groaned from the sidewalk.

  Mr. Caldwell laughed. “Of course I do. You’re a useless toad.”

  Lord Brookstone forced himself to stand and stared at his attacker. “I will kill you,” he hissed, and Alice knew that he meant it. He would dedicate his life to it.

  Mr. Caldwell laughed again. “You won’t be the first to try. And like the others. You’ll end up buried in your family’s crypt.”

  Alice’s heart stopped beating as she looked out from the coach at the two men. Two animals, wild and dangerous, she thought. The slightest of moves and they would attack each other. There would be no surrender. One would die, maybe both.

  “Mr. Caldwell,” she said, afraid if the moment wasn’t broken, he would kill the Earl and his life would be ruined. All because of her. No man could kill an Earl and escape the wrath of the Crown.

  He turned away from his adversary as if he had nothing to fear and stepped up into the coach.

  “Until next time, Brookstone,” he said with a sneer that was meant to show his distaste and disdain, all in one look.

  Leaning back in his chair, he tapped the ceiling with his cane and the coach rocked as it lumbered on its way.

  Alice stared at the man across from her. Unable to believe what had happened in the blink of an eye. One moment, she was literally in the clutches of the man she most feared and hated in the entire world. Moments away from assault and worse. The next, she was traveling through the streets of London like a princess. This was not how the Cinderella story went. Not unless Mr. Caldwell turned out to be her fairy Godmother.

  “How? … Why?” she asked again, unable to fully form her thoughts let alone her words. Everything had happened too fast. “You attacked a peer. Aren’t you concerned?”

  He smiled at her and her heart melted a little. A kind smile, she thought. No malice, no evil. A simple smile of a man who cared that she was all right.

  “Lady Weston. I have fought Barberry pirates, Caribbean hurricanes, and British bureaucracy. Believe me. A man like Brookstone is the least of my concerns.”

  “But …”

  “No,” he interrupted her. “Do not worry. Lord Brookstone is no longer a threat.”

  She stared at him, desperately trying to understand what kind of man need not fear the likes of Lord Brookstone. Surely, he didn’t understand just how evil the man was. How many of the Earl’s friends in high places that could make his life miserable. No, Mr. Caldwell just didn’t understand the facts of the way things worked.

  “Thank you,” she said as she looked down at her hands in her lap. “Thank you for saving me. I fear what might have happened if you had not come along.”

  He frowned, obviously upset at the thought of what might have happened. “I am glad to be of assistance. But you must promise me to not tell anyone. It would be bad for my reputation if people heard I saved pretty damsels in distress. Very bad indeed.”

  She smiled back at him, pleased that he was trying to make light of the matter. Like a true gentleman, he would not let her to wallow in the fear and shame of what had just happened. No, he would treat it as if it were of no concern, something for her to ignore.

  Yet, she knew that she would spend many nights remembering the pure terror that had coursed through her veins when Brookstone had grabbed her. The evil intent in his eyes, that sickening smell. She would never be able to erase it all from her memories.

  The coach made a sharp turn, pushing her to the side.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, suddenly aware that she was alone with a strange man and had absolutely no idea what his plans were.

  “My house,” he said as if it were of no concern.

  “Your house?” she gasped. “I can’t go to your house. I can’t be seen entering your residence.”

  He laughed. “Why Lady Weston? Is it because I am a commoner. Would it be acceptable if I held a title?”

  “No,” she said. “That is not it. I can’t go alone into any gentleman’s house. It would be unseemly. People would talk if they saw me step into your house. Especially at this time of night.”

  He laughed. “Then we must take care to ensure you are not seen.”

  She stared back at him, unable to understand this man. If he had no concern for her reputation, he should at least worry about his. But then, why worry? He was a man. A rake, he must have women traipsing through his house at all hours of the day and night.

  Swallowing hard, she fought to regain control. Taking a deep breath, she decided to address the matter head-on.

  “Mr. Caldwell…” she began.

  “Lady Weston?” he replied with a very attractive smirk.

  Sighing heavily, she fought to not lose her anger. This man had saved her, he deserved some consideration.

  “Mr. Caldwell, why are we going to your home?”

  He smiled. “Because I have a business proposition for you, and that is where I conduct my business.”

  Her heart fell. There. It was out. The true reason behind all of this. He was not being chivalrous tonight. No, he was simply protecting something he wanted.

  A sad feeling of loss flowed through her. For a moment, a brief moment, she had thought her life might change. Only to find it once again in the sordid gutter.

  Clenching her jaw, she stopped herself from saying anything in reply. No. If she said something now, she would surely ruin any chance of completing an agreement. And for the first time, she had come to the realization that she might want a business arrangement with Mr. Caldwell.

  If she was going to lower herself to becoming a man’s mistress. There could be much worse than the tall stranger across from her.

  Chapter Five

  Nathanial studied the woman across from him and frowned internally. The woman was a mystery. Beautiful, intelligent, yet alone in this world. A world that was not kind to unprotected beautiful women.


  He remembered the anger that had flashed through him when he had come upon Brookstone accosting her. An anger that had taken all he possessed to control. The last time he’d felt such anger was when pirates had tried to take his ship.

  The possessiveness that had filled him tonight was a complete surprise. Something that threatened to take control. Something that must not be allowed to happen. Not if he was to achieve what he wished to achieve.

  Yet. There was something about this woman. Something that pulled at him. Even now, he wanted to take her in his arms and comfort her. Make her aware that she need never fear anything ever again. And if he were honest with himself, he wanted much more than to merely comfort her. Much more.

  Shaking his head, he pulled himself back to the present.

  “Just so you can relax your concerns. My man will pull into the back, we will go in through the servant’s entrance. I can assure you, no one will know.

  She hesitated for a long moment as she looked up at him like a tantalizing mermaid, curious, but ready to flee if necessary.

  “Your servants will know.”

  He smiled. “I pay my servants twice the normal wage to ensure their silence. Believe me. No one will ever learn of this.”

  She continued to study him with doubt in her eyes, silently letting him know she thought him foolish.

  “Trust me, Lady Weston. I believe you will be pleased with tonight’s events and tomorrow you will look at the world in a completely different light.”


  Lady Alice Weston’s heart skipped a beat as she processed his words. Did he plan to consummate their agreement tonight? Without any time for her to prepare herself? It seemed so cold, so barren of emotion. Yet, deep inside her, an anticipation began to build. Tonight, with this man, she would finally discover the truth about men and women.

  She was
surprised at how much the thought did not terrify her. In fact, a small sliver of hope and happiness began to grow inside her. She might regret it in some distant future. But, tonight would be hers.

  When the coach finally rocked to a full stop, Caldwell jumped out before the footman could reach the door. He was like that, she realized, quick to do what he wanted and not wait just because society said he should.

  Holding out a hand, he smiled reassuringly at her. Alice took his hand and tried to swallow the doubt and fear as she desperately searched for that hope and happiness once again.

  Stepping down from the coach she saw that true to his word, they had stopped in the alley behind the house. A stable boy had run to open the back gate for them, standing there looking for all the world as if his employer returned every night with a woman dressed in a blue silk dress.

  “Thanks, Tommy,” Caldwell said to the boy. “Tell Jack to hold the coach, I may need it later. Also, saddle a horse. I will have some letters that need delivering.”

  “Yes, Sir,” the boy said with a smile. Obviously pleased to be of service. Alice had seen hero worship before, and this was an obvious case. The boy would do anything for this man, charge a canon if necessary.

  “This way,” Nathanial said to her as he gently placed a hand on her lower back.

  Alice felt a tingle travel up her spine at his touch and said a silent prayer of thanks that he had not used her name. No one would know who she was. Her mother need never know what she was to do tonight.

  The back door opened to an empty kitchen. A kitchen that held a butler impeccably dressed, holding up a candle to light their way. The man, short, and a little chubby showed no sign of surprise at seeing her there. But then, surely, this was not the first time his employer had done this.

  Turning without a word, the butler held the candle high and led them down a long hallway, up two flights of stairs, and into the main entrance way for the house. Alice gasped, the room was ornate, stylish, and showed a great deal of wealth. Gold candelabras burned at the four corners. A black and white marble floor gleamed in the yellow candlelight.


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