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A Rake's Redemption

Page 33

by G. L. Snodgrass

  Jocko shook his head, “Mon mere would be so ashamed,” he said. “I look like an Englishman.”

  Nathanial snorted. “Your mother wouldn’t know you.”

  “Exactly,” Jocko exclaimed as he stepped up to look at himself in the mirror. Slowly shaking his head.

  “Is everything in place?” Nathanial asked him as he adjusted the lay of his own jacket.

  “Of course,” Jocko answered, mimicking his employer’s actions. “Our men will be in place. He won’t be allowed to upset the evening. Miss Olivia will not be embarrassed, I assure you.”

  The strident heat in his man’s words reassured Nathanial. The one thing he knew in this world. Jocko would go through hell itself for Olivia. Nothing in this world would ever be allowed to harm her. And, hell and damnation would fall on any man who tried.

  “Good,” Nathanial said as he made his final adjustments. “Shall we go? I am sure the ladies are becoming worried that our guests will arrive before the host is there to greet them.”

  Jocko laughed. “That musaraigne, Lady Weston, would die of embarrassment if that happened. Maybe we should cut an extra tack or two. A little delay might not be all bad.”

  Nathanial shook his head, “Lady Weston is not a shrew… Well, maybe a little. But she means well.”

  “Do you know, the woman told me to stop cursing,” Jocko said as if he’d been asked to drain the ocean.

  Smiling Nathanial could only shake his head at his friend's shock.

  “How was I to know the old Chat could speak French.”

  “They all speak French,” Nathanial said. “It is prerequisite for joining their world. They think it makes them different.”

  “Why?” Jocko asked with a serious frown. “The children of France have been speaking it for a long time. Even that dog, Napoleon speaks it. Or at least as well as a Corsican can.”

  “Yes, well, perhaps for tonight, belay the cursing. For Olivia’s sake.”

  Jocko snorted as he pulled at his collar once again. “Lady Weston means to marry you off to her daughter if you ask me.”

  Nathanial balked. Where had that come from?

  “Stop doing that or you will ruin the lay of your cravat,” Nathanial said as he pulled at his friend's hand. “And don’t be ridiculous, Lady Weston would never accept me as a son-in-law. I don’t have the right breeding, remember? Besides, you know me, I am not the marrying kind.”

  Jocko studied his employer for a long moment and then smiled slightly. “You didn’t use to miss the shoals and rocks so easily. You used to be able to see danger hidden under a calm sea. Now, you sail straight into it like it’s the deep blue.”

  Nathanial snorted. Jocko was so far off the mark he didn’t even know how far off he was. Marriage to Lady Alice would be wrong on so many fronts, he thought. Yet, why had his pulse quickened at the thought? Why did he find himself thinking about the subject more and more?

  No, he said to himself as a thousand thoughts erupted in his brain.

  Don’t be foolish, he told himself. One woman, for the rest of his life. No, impossible. Yet, this woman would be Lady Alice Weston. Beauty, grace, intelligence, kindness. Everything a man could want. It would never be allowed though. Plus, what had she said? ‘One Night,’ that was all he was to her. One night of bliss.

  Sighing heavily, he pulled himself back to reality and slapped Jocko on the shoulder.

  “Let us face the evening mon ami, Hopefully Olivia can find a match and we can stop with all this bother.”

  Jocko snorted. “Olivia has a keen eye, I’ve taught her well. No man will fool her. It will take a special man to capture her heart. And I ain’t seen one among these people. Not with this lot.”

  Nathanial laughed. Unfortunately, he feared his friend was right.

  “Yes well, we can’t dictate who we come to love. Sometimes we must take a leap of faith.”

  Jocko’s brow narrowed. “That sounds like a man who knows it is wrong to sail into a storm, but does it anyway. Just because he can.”

  Nathanial smiled. “Remember, my friend, storms are what make us feel alive.”

  Jocko snorted, “Until they kill you.”

  “Enough,” Nathanial replied. “You will not delay me any longer, we could spend the evening discussing the ways of the world. But we have duties before us.”

  Jocko smiled, “Oh well, it seems Lady Weston will not die of embarrassment after all. Such a shame.”

  Nathanial had to fight to hide his smile. It would not do to encourage Jocko. The man was like a terrier, once he got his teeth into something, he would not let go.

  Sighing, Nathanial inspected himself one last time, set his shoulders, and led the way out. A brief realization hit him. The evening would not be boring at least. No, not tonight.


  Lady Alice Weston slowly descended the stairs to find Nathanial looking up at her with a gleam in his eyes. He liked what he saw, that look told her, setting her heart at rest. She had chosen this color of blue just for him. Hours of preparation had been for that one look. That one moment. And it had all been worthwhile.

  “Lady Alice,” he said as he bent over her hand. “You look perfectly beautiful.”

  She smiled at him and said, “Mr. Caldwell, you are too kind.”

  He continued to stare at her as he held her hand a moment longer than necessary. The warm thrill that rushed through her body reminded her of their night together. The thoughts dancing in her head of him. All him.

  “The Capt’n is right,” Jocko said as he bowed. “You look magnifique mademoiselle.”

  Alice smiled at him, “You as well Jocko,” she said as she quickly examined him. “You look like a proper Englishman.”

  The man grimaced but he hid it quickly. “From you My Lady, I will take that as a compliment.”

  “Where are Olivia and your mother?” Nathanial interrupted.

  “We are right here,” her mother said as she and Olivia stepped out of the parlor. “We should make ready to meet our guests.” She added with a wave of her hand towards the front door. “It wouldn’t do to keep them waiting.”

  Alice ran her hands over her dress one last time to make sure everything was in place.

  “You won’t be needed for this,” her mother said to Jocko. Dismissing him as if he were a turned piece of fish.

  The man stared at her for a long moment then smiled at Mr. Caldwell and said, “Better you than me, mon ami.”

  Nathanial shot his friend a quick look and shook his head.

  “Olivia is nervous,” Alice whispered to Nathanial. “compliment her.”

  Nathanial frowned for a moment then turned to his sister and tucked her arm into his.

  “You look wonderful,” he said to her. “You remind me of our mother. Beautiful, poised, so graceful. I know she would be proud of you tonight.”

  Olivia looked up at her brother for a long moment, a small tear forming in the corner of her eye.

  “Thank you,” she said at last as she looked away, obviously afraid to let her brother see how important his words were to her.

  “Ladies, shall we?” Nathanial asked as he pointed to Benson, waiting at the front door.

  Alice sighed heavily. Please, she prayed, let tonight go well for Olivia. Let everything come off as it was supposed to. So much depended upon tonight. Olivia had begun to be accepted in the higher reaches of society. Her brother’s wealth had opened doors for her. But to truly become welcome. She must demonstrate that she belonged. That she understood their rules and the expectations of the ton.

  How she behaved. How her servants behaved. The decorations, the music, her dress. Everything would be judged tonight. One mistake, and the whispers would begin. One chink in the fortress walls and the ladies of the ton would destroy her and any chance she might have at finding a good marriage.

  As for her brother? Alice mentally rolled her eyes. He would be forgiven a lot of errors, but not all. His wealth, good looks, and the fact that he was a man would allow h
im to pass tonight’s exam much more easily. After all, these Ladies had daughters in need of a husband, preferably, a very rich husband. They would be able to forgive the lack of a title and the reputation of a rake. But only if he were to accede to their rules of behavior in public.

  Please, she silently prayed. Please, Nathanial, you have been a perfect gentleman so far. You have charmed and acted the part so well. Don’t let anything ruin it tonight.

  Glancing over at him, she caught him giving her a strange, intense look. As if he were seeing her for the first time and trying desperately to decipher exactly who she was.

  Her heart pounded for just a brief moment, the world slipped away and it was just the two of them. However, the moment was lost when Benson opened the front door and began the introductions.

  And like that, the night began, probably the most important night of the season for Olivia. All Alice could do was hope and pray.

  An hour later, her stomach was finally beginning to relax. The night was going well. Olivia was the center of attention. The musicians were very good, the night was cool, so the room was not too hot. Yes, things were going well.

  No one had begged off attending. It seemed that no one dared risk the wrath of Mr. Caldwell. Even the Duke of Hampton and his wife had returned to town just to come to tonight’s party. The only disappointment had been Olivia’s friend Amanda. Such a shame, Alice thought. She knew how much Olivia had hoped her friend would come. But the young woman had sent a note that she was ill and would be unable to attend.

  “Why is Olivia arguing with that man,” her mother hissed as she nodded across the room.

  Alice glanced up to catch sight of her friend in a heated argument with a man with his back to her.

  “That is Lord Bradford,” Nathanial said with a shrug of his shoulders. “They are always arguing. They can’t be in the same room with each other without disagreeing. It’s been like that for years.”

  Her mother looked up to the heavens for support. “Well, someone needs to tell her to stop. She is drawing attention. The wrong kind of attention.”

  Alice thought that perhaps her mother was worrying a little too much. The pair did not seem to be angry, more an intense discussion.

  As she watched, however, Lord Bradford turned towards them as he winced, then instantly shut down any sign of emotion as he quickly bent over young Olivia’s hand before turning and walking away.

  Olivia looked after him, a confused frown on her face. Her sudden abandonment did not last long however as four young men quickly moved in to take Lord Bradford’s place.

  Alice smiled to herself. That was one thing she need not worry about. Olive would never be allowed to be a wallflower. Her beauty would never allow such a thing.

  Yes, things were a success, Alice thought as she turned to inspect the dance floor. People were enjoying themselves, she was standing next to the most handsome man in England, and Olivia had been found acceptable. Yes, the evening was well and truly going well.

  “Why is he here?” her mother gasped as she reached out to take Alice’s arm for support.

  Alice’s stomach fell as she followed her mother’s gaze towards the far end of the room.

  “Oh, my …” she whispered under breath, unable to believe it.

  Cousin Jonathan, Lord Weston, had just stepped into the room.

  A dozen heads saw him, then instantly whipped around to catch her reaction. Each of them thinking about the fact that her own cousin had cast her and her mother aside.

  Why was he here? she furiously wondered. No invitation had been given. Surely, he knew he was not wanted. Finally, her mother and herself were pulling themselves up out of the gutter he had thrown them into. And now, he appears here. Obviously to cause a scene.

  Alice could well imagine the tales and snickers that would fly through the ton tomorrow.

  “Did you see how Lord Weston cut his own cousin?”

  “Did you see how Lady Weston was made to look like such a fool?”

  “Oh, poor Lady Alice. To have such a reprobate for a father, and such an idiot for a cousin. Oh, well, what can you expect from that family?”

  These and a dozen other tales would be told over and over. How could this happen? Then a sudden thought occurred to her. What would Nathanial do? Oh, it could become so much worse, she realized. What would he do if her cousin disturbed the gathering? Would he blame her? Would he be so angry that he asked her and her mother to leave? That being the only solution to the embarrassment her family had brought on his.

  Her stomach rolled over at the sudden fear that coursed through her. Looking up, she quickly checked to see how Nathanial was handling this breach of protocol.

  The man was impassive. As guarded as the crown jewels. Nothing bothered him. At least he never let it show. Instead, his eyes quietly watched and evaluated as her cousin slowly made his way through the crowd. Obviously intent on confronting his host.

  Every pair of eyes in the room seemed to shift to watch the coming confrontation. Every person waited for the coming explosion. Lord Weston was going to use this opportunity to tell his cousins what he thought of them. They could see it on his face.

  Holding her breath, Alice glanced at her mother, silently asking her what she should do.

  The three of them waited as a hush fell over the room. It seemed that talk of politics, the weather, any witty banter and all the meaningless flirting had instantly come to a halt as each person in the room turned to watch the coming disaster.

  Alice couldn’t stop herself from comparing him to the man who stood next to her. The spreading middle, the short legs and balding head of her cousin were such a contrast from the tall, strong Nathanial Caldwell.

  Why must her cousin do this to her? Why must he constantly shame her? What evil had she done to him in some past life that led him to shatter her world, over and over again?

  “Mr. Caldwell,” Lord Weston said as he held out his hand, “thank you for inviting me tonight.”

  Her mother gasped and gripped Alice’s arm so tightly she was cutting off the blood flow.

  “Welcome, Lord Weston,” Nathanial said with a slight bow before taking the man’s hand.

  Alice’s stomach clenched up into a tight ball. What was going on? How dare Nathanial ask this man to attend the ball. Of course, it was his prerogative. But the least he could have done was warn her and her mother. Didn’t he realize what this man had done to them?

  “Aunt Beatrice, Alice, how nice to see you again,” Lord Weston said with a slight hitch in his throat.

  For the first time, Alice noticed how nervous the man looked. His pale skin was even whiter than normal and a small bead of sweat was forming on his forehead. The room was not that hot and he hadn’t been there long enough.

  The man was frightened.

  His quick glance at Nathanial confirmed the thought to her. He was very worried.

  “You never did understand when to say no, Weston,” her mother said with an angry frown. “Just because you were invited, does not mean you were wanted.”

  Lord Weston winced as he once again glanced at Nathanial.

  “Actually,” Nathanial said. “I insisted that Lord Weston attend.”

  Alice felt her heart slam to an instant stop. Why? Why had Nathanial taken steps to ruin the evening?

  Chapter Eighteen

  Alice held her breath as she looked back and forth between Nathanial and cousin Johnathon. What was going on? How was this possible? Surely Nathanial understood how wrong this was. Surely, he knew how upset she would be.

  Did he care so little that reminding everyone of her shame was of no matter? Was he even now enjoying her discomfort?

  “Nathanial?” she asked.

  He smiled at her, a quick, reassuring smile. Then he glanced at Johnathon and frowned.

  Lord Weston swallowed hard, glanced at Nathanial one more time, and said, “Aunt Beatrice, Alice, I owe you an apology. I have acted cruelly and without thought. Do forgive me.”

nbsp; Alice froze in place at his words. How? Why?

  “What is the meaning of this?” her mother demanded rather loudly. Alice winced inside. Half the room was listening to this conversation. By tomorrow, the tale would have spread throughout London.

  “Lady Weston,” cousin Johnathon said with a furtive glance at Nathanial. “Please forgive me. I should never have set you aside. You are family and I treated you abominably. I have realized my error and wish to restore your allowance. It is not much. But I can assure you, it will be more than adequate.”

  He swallowed hard as a bead of sweat trickled down his cheek.

  Alice’s mind spun in a dozen different directions. Allowance? They need not fear returning to the streets. They would not have to slink off to some distant country cottage. They would be given enough to continue to live in London. Enough to be ladies of the ton.

  How? Why? she wondered again. Why was Johnathon doing this? She well knew how it must tear at his very soul to admit he had been wrong. Not to mention the dent it would put into his annual income. No, this was not the Johnathon she knew.

  Her brow narrowed as she studied her cousin. He was telling everyone that he had been wrong. That the slight scandal about her broken engagement was of no concern. That he had accepted them back under his protection. Why?

  Nothing made sense. Why now, why here?

  Glancing at her mother, Alice could see the woman was just as confused as she was when the thought struck her.


  Twisting, she stared at the tall man. Raising one eyebrow, she silently asked him, ‘Why’?

  He smiled slightly, but refused to answer. Instead, he bowed slightly to their guest and said, “Lord Weston, that is very good of you. I was always under the impression that you would do the right thing. Heaven knows. Two such fine ladies as Lady Weston and Lady Alice deserve to be treated correctly. The world just seems to work so much more smoothly. Don’t you agree?”

  Lord Weston’s face turned even whiter as he pulled at his collar. “Yes, well. It was the least I could do.”


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