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A Rake's Redemption

Page 40

by G. L. Snodgrass

  Olivia felt that all too familiar wall descending between them. Once again, Lord Bradford had decided that the best way to handle her was to ignore her.

  Amanda glanced back and forth between them, slowly shaking her head. She gave them a moment then said, “I thought the music tonight was very good. Didn’t you? The band was excellent. We must find out who they were.”

  Olivia watched as Lord Bradford’s lips twitched at the corners of his mouth while he fought to hide a smile. She found herself also wanting to smile. Leave it to Amanda to break the tension surrounding herself and Lord Bradford. But then, she had years of experience doing just that.

  Neither said another word all the way home. Amanda tried to start a conversation several times, but neither would acknowledge the fact. Eventually, Amanda rolled her eyes and stopped trying. Leaving an awkward tension.

  Olivia had not won the argument, yet neither had she lost.

  The carriage had not finished rolling to a stop when Lord Bradford jumped out and held the door for them, offering his hand to help them down to the ground. Olivia swallowed hard, then placed her hand in his. She ignored the strange feeling that shot up her arm as she focused on descending as quickly as possible so she could retrieve her hand from Lord Bradford’s grip.

  He stepped back, tipped his hat, and said, “Ladies,” then gave Jocko that conspirators glance again as he left them to get into his own carriage without looking back. Within seconds, his carriage pulled away, as if he couldn’t leave them soon enough.

  “You know,” Amanda said as she stepped up next to Olivia, “that man would die for you. He’d step in front of you and take a bullet. Not because you are Nathanial’s little sister. But because that is the type of man he is. Perhaps you should think about that the next time you criticize him for worrying about your wellbeing.”

  Olivia looked at her friend, surprised that Amanda had taken his side. Couldn’t she see how demeaning it was to be treated like this? Nothing more than an object to be protected. Property to be guarded from others. With no say in how or when.

  Amanda looked back at her for a second before shaking her head and going inside. Olivia gathered her skirt and hurried in after her friend. But Amanda had already started upstairs to her rooms.

  Tomorrow, Olivia told herself. She and Amanda would discuss this more tomorrow. In the meantime, she needed to forget about the way her hand had felt in Lord Bradford’s.


  Lord Bradford closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the squabs of his coach. That girl, she was going to be the death of him yet. She was intolerable, insufferable, opinionated, and obstinate. Of course, she was also extremely intelligent, kind to everyone except him, and beautiful beyond belief.

  But, he reminded himself, she was also Nathanial’s little sister. A fact that he could never allow himself to forget.

  It had always been like this between them. From the first day he had met her it was like fire and ice, like oil and vinegar. He would say the sky was blue, and she would have to say no, it was really more an azure, or aqua color.

  If he and Nathanial went out for the evening and returned a little worse for wear, she never criticized her brother but would shoot him looks of pure disdain. As if he didn’t deserve to be on the same planet as her.

  Of course, she was still so young, he reminded himself. Yet, Olivia had never really been young. She had always seemed like an old soul to him. Mature beyond her years. Able to see people and events as they truly were.

  No, Olivia was a perfectly fine young woman except when it came to him. For some reason, she hated everything about him and was determined to make his life miserable. He really didn’t know why he agreed to keep an eye on her for Nathanial.

  Her brother should have shipped her off to a convent years ago.

  Sighing, he opened his eyes and stared out the window. How serious was this threat? he wondered. Warwick was not known for overreacting. If he was worried, then there was probably good cause.

  Should they inform Nathanial? Bradford was sure that Nathanial had contacts and sources of information that Warwick did not. Some people of a certain criminal class just didn’t enjoy talking to a government man like Warwick. They might, however, talk to a rich merchant willing to line their pockets.

  Taking a deep breath, he nodded to himself. He would discuss it with Warwick tomorrow night. They were scheduled to meet up at Brook’s. Perhaps Nathanial would return and he could escape from Miss Olivia’s sharp tongue.

  Chapter Three

  Olivia woke still upset about the prior evening. She could not put aside the feeling of being beholden to Lord Bradford. A feeling that sat at the bottom of her stomach and refused to go away. It could not be allowed to continue. Amanda and herself would finish their season early. Closing it out with next week’s ball at the Hamilton’s.

  A good friend of Nathanial’s. The Duke was almost like an uncle. Friendly without constantly criticizing her every choice. Her Grace, the Duchess of Hamilton was delightful and had openly declared that she was following Olivia’s progress in the ton so she could use her experience when she brought out her ward, Johanna in a few years.

  The party would be exquisite. But after that, Amanda and herself would retire to the country and Lord Bradford would no longer feel obligated to worry about her wellbeing.

  “Yes,” she said to herself under her breath. It would be for the best.

  “Did you say something, Miss Olivia,” her maid Mary asked as she removed her day dress from the armoire?

  Olivia looked up and smiled sweetly. “Just mumbling to myself, Mary. I’m becoming eccentric in my old age.”

  Mary laughed, she well knew Olivia’s penchant for talking to herself. Smiling, she held up the dress and silently asked if it was acceptable.

  Olivia nodded, her mind had already drifted off, wondering if Amanda would be willing to cut the season short. Of course, she would, Olivia thought to herself. It had taken every bit of pressure and pleading to get Amanda to participate at all. To her, a commoner, a banker’s daughter. None of it made sense. Amanda believed in only what she could see or touch. This search for the perfect marriage companion was a fool’s errand.

  In all honesty, it had been Alice’s pregnancy that had finally swayed Amanda to join Olivia. She hadn’t liked the idea of her friend having to attend all the gala events alone. Another of the many reasons Olivia loved her.

  Only after Amanda had agreed to allow Nathanial to sponsor her, buy her the latest gowns and all the necessary extras, had Olivia begun to convince her to move into Nathanial’s house temporarily.

  “It is only until I am married. After that, you can go back to your apartments and become lost in your books.”

  Amanda had frowned as she shook her head. “I don’t know.”

  Olivia sighed internally as she fought to control her frustration. “Think,” she said. “You will have unfettered access to Nathanial’s library.”

  Amanda froze for a second. Her eyes behind her gold-rimmed eyeglasses grew two sizes bigger.

  “That’s right,” Olivia continued, “and you know as well as I do that Nathanial has one of the best private libraries in all of Britain.”

  At last, Amanda’s shoulders slumped in defeat as she agreed to move into the house for the remainder of the season.

  Olivia had squealed and hugged her best friend, it was going to be so much fun. Exactly as she had always hoped it would be.

  Now, as the season drew to an end, Would Amanda want to return to her own apartments or would she be willing to accompany her to the country estate? The thought of losing her now was not pleasant. No, she must find a way to convince her to go with her to Eastmoore, in Kent. The ancient home that Nathanial had purchased and completely refurbished.

  The baby, Olivia thought. Alice’s baby. That is how she would get Amanda to join her.

  Hurrying downstairs, she found Amanda in the dining room, preparing to break her fast.

  “I thi
nk we should go shopping for the baby,” Olivia said as she took her seat, nodding to Henderson that she would have her normal meal. Eggs, toast, with the second piece of toast covered in Mrs. White’s homemade blackberry jam.

  The footman smiled and turned to prepare her plate.

  Amanda looked at her strangely with that slightly tilted angle that Olivia knew was Amanda’s way of trying to see beneath the actual words.

  Her frown slowly softened. “You want me to go with you to the country estates.”

  Oliva shook her head. The woman was too good.

  “How did you know?”

  Amanda shrugged. “You already know that I am embroidering a pillow for the baby. There is no need for me to go shopping for a present. You hoped to use a shopping trip to increase my excitement.”

  Olivia bit the inside of her mouth but couldn’t stop herself. “Amanda, you do know that your embroidery is atrocious. You can’t give that pillow to a child. It will taint their education for years.”

  Amanda laughed. Her lack of domestic skills had never bothered her. She shrugged. “I thought, now that I have these glasses, perhaps I might improve.”

  “And?” Olivia asked, pausing with her for between her mouth and her plate.

  Amanda blushed slightly and shook her head, “No, they haven’t helped. Even though I can now see what I am doing. My fingers still refuse to work correctly.”

  Olivia smiled. “All right, what else? It couldn’t have been just that.”

  Her friend frowned. “No. But after last night, I knew that you would want to be away from Lord Bradford’s concern. The idea of being obligated to the man bothers you to the extreme. Plus, unlike your brother, you can’t manipulate him or fool him. That makes him extremely frustrating. So that means a trip to the country. Probably after the Hamilton event. They are family friends and you would not want to disappoint Her Grace, Lady Hamilton.”

  Olivia’s mouth dropped open. Amanda discerning deductive skills were amazing. She had been right at every turn.

  Amanda glanced as she smiled slightly. “Of course, there was also the fact that I heard you tell your maid Mary that we would be retiring to the country next week.” Her friend smiled at her, letting her know that she had only been teasing.

  Olivia slumped and slowly shook her head. “You realize I will have to do something to tease you back. Just to keep things equal.”

  Amanda shrugged as she took another bite. “You will forgive me when I agree to go with you to Kent.”

  A sharp burst of happiness flowed through Olivia as she realized how right her friend was.

  Taking another bite of food Amanda said, “You will need to inform Jocko of our plans to go shopping.”

  Olivia scoffed, “He’ll want to send half the King’s army with us just to ensure nothing bothers us.”

  Amanda shrugged again. “Perhaps. But the man is just doing his job. It would probably be best if we went tomorrow. I know that he is out right now and won’t be back until later.”

  Olivia slowly steamed inside, she hated the idea of her schedule, her life, being dictated by other people. Even if it was Jocko.

  “We could just go today,” she said to her friend with a conspiratorial grin. “No one need know, we could just go and come back before Jocko even returned. We could take a footman with us.”

  Amanda raised an eyebrow, silently asking her friend if she had become insane.

  Olivia held her stare for a long second then slumped in defeat. No, it wouldn’t be right. It wouldn’t be fair to Jocko. If anything went wrong he would never forgive himself for not being there.”

  “Very well, tomorrow then,” Olivia said with just a taste of sadness at the loss of all freedom and self-will.


  Lord Bradford folded the paper and glanced up at the clock on the mantel. Brooks really was the best of the best, he thought. The clock was a touch ornate without being ostentatious. Telling everyone that the people in this room are rich, but don’t need to remind everyone just how rich.

  Turning to the back, he finished reading the article about the latest in parliament. He was pleasantly surprised that the paper had been able to get at least half of it right. Better than most, he thought.

  Where was Warwick? he wondered to himself as he glanced at the clock again. This was so unlike him. He was never late. In fact, he was usually early. Suddenly, his stomach tightened up. Had Warwick discovered something related to the proposed kidnapping? Was Olivia the target? Was that why he was late?

  The thought of anything happening to Olivia sent a cold chill through his body. Nathanial had entrusted him. He could not let his friend down. Besides. The world wouldn’t be right without Olivia. Someone had to make him miserable just so he could recognize all the good things in his life.

  Finishing the article, he looked up to see Lord Warwick enter the room. His tall frame and blond hair recognizable anywhere. The British Lord scanned the room until he located Lord Bradford then dipped his head in acknowledgment.

  Bradford felt his stomach relax as he realized that there was nothing seriously wrong.

  “Sorry for being late,” Warwick said as he slipped into the chair across from him. “A package was late.”

  Bradford laughed slightly, perfectly aware that meant a spy’s report from France had been delayed.

  “So, Jensen informed me that the beef is particularly good tonight.”

  Warwick nodded and called Jensen, the club’s senior footman, over. “We’ll both have the beef.”

  “Yes. M’lord. Right away.”

  “And the betting book,” Lord Warwick added.

  Jensen didn’t bat an eye as he hurried to place their order and returned with the club’s betting book. The one place where members recorded their bets.

  Lord Bradford raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

  Warwick smiled. “I thought we’d make an adjustment to our bet, double the stakes. We both received a thousand pounds from Nathanial when he got married.”

  Bradford frowned. There was nothing new there. “Yes, and we agreed that the next one to get married would owe the remaining survivor a thousand pounds.”

  Warwick nodded as he leaned back to allow Jenson to place a plate of roast beef, potatoes, and carrots. “Yes, well if you think of it, you will only be passing on Caldwell’s money. Actually, that makes it no true cost when you lose. I thought we would double the stakes. Make the idea of getting married even more unpalatable.”

  “Are you needing motivation to avoid marriage? I thought the institution itself would be more than enough.”

  Warwick smiled. “No, I just believe that I am going to win, that you will marry before I do, and so, I hope to increase my winnings and make it even more painful for you.”

  The young Earl studied his companion for a moment then nodded. “Very well. As I have no intentions of marrying any time soon and as there are not even prospects on the horizon. I feel comfortable increasing our wager.”

  Warwick smiled around a forkful of beef and nodded. Bradford shrugged his shoulders and made the necessary entry in the club’s betting book. It was easy money. He didn’t need an heir. He had two younger brothers. He enjoyed the company of too many different women to ever limit himself to just one. Besides. he had never met a woman who captured his attention enough to want to spend the rest of his life with her. And he refused to become one of those old fools with a mistress or two on the side.

  No, if he ever got married it would only be because he loved the woman. And as that seemed as if it would never happen, he was safe in his wager.

  “So,” he said to Warwick as he handed the book back to Jensen, “tell me how things go in France?”

  Warwick slowly shook his head. “Bad, they are always going bad and will continue to do so until someone finishes off that damn Napoleon.”

  “Wellesley will do it,” Bradford said as he took another bite of food.

  Warwick nodded then stopped and said, “Oh, I forgot the whole kidna
pping rumor. It appears to have been a false lead.”

  Bradford stopped eating, his fork halfway to his mouth while he waited for the details. If Warwick was right then there would be no need to inform Nathanial.

  Warwick nodded. “My man traced the report. It seems a young man has become embroiled with a young woman of some wealth. Supposedly, the two of them have contrived to orchestrate a sham kidnapping, then elope to Gretna Green and marry before her family could stop them.”

  “Who is the young lady?” Bradford asked.

  Warwick shook his head. “I don’t know, nor do I have the identity of the young man. But since we can be assured that Olivia is not a man’s lover nor is she about to run to Scotland. I believe we can put aside our worries.

  Bradford smiled all the while his stomach turned over. Would Olivia run off to Scotland to get married? Could she be a man’s lover, hiding it from everyone? No, he thought. First off, her brother had more contacts than the British government. Someone would have brought this story to his attention.

  Besides. Olivia would never run or slink off in shame. If she was truly in love, she’d announce her intentions to the world and dare anybody to deny her.

  Taking a quick sip of his wine, he nodded to himself. Yes, they could rest assured. Olivia was not involved. She might be many things, annoying, frustrating, insufferable, but she wasn’t a coward. She wouldn’t do anything to shame her family. It wasn’t in her.

  No, he thought, Olivia wasn’t the target. That meant that for the first time in several weeks, he could begin to relax.

  Chapter Four

  Olivia waited for Henderson to open the door of the carriage then let him help her down. Glancing up, she examined the storefront while she waited for Amanda.

  “I’m telling you,” she said as her friend joined her, “a baby cannot have too many toys.”

  “The baby will be the child of one of the richest men in Great Britain, they will want for nothing.”

  “Yes, but only an aunt can provide that special toy. The one they will love all of their lives.”


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