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Castle Investigations Box Set

Page 17

by Dee Bridgnorth

  "Let's go," he whispered in her ear, drawing her close to his body.

  "Wait, Lucas. You're hurt." Scarlett noticed the bright red gash on his chest, and the blood running down his arm from his previous gunshot wound.

  "I'm fine. It's just a scratch."

  She snorted. It obviously needed stitches, and she was sure he’d torn open the stitches in his shoulder, but he seemed to be ok and intact, so she wasn't going to waste time arguing with him now. It was then that she remembered Gabriel and Zach.

  "Gabriel. Zach. They were shot." She grasped at Lucas's hands, which were trying to direct her towards the parking garage.

  "Lucas, stop. Your friends, they're—"

  "We're fine, Scarlett." Scarlett turned to see Gabriel and Zach, guns out, flanking them as they made their way towards the car and van.

  "But how? I saw them shoot you," she said, unable to explain how Gabriel and Zach seemed to be completely unharmed.

  Zach grinned at her. "Bulletproof vests, of course."

  Sully tucked Isabel’s hand under his arm as her long legs kept up with his hurried pace.

  Scarlett glanced behind them to the clubhouse and saw several men racing towards them.

  "Um, guys, we've got company," she said.

  Lucas grabbed her hand and took off running, pulling her behind him. The three-inch stilettos were just a hindrance, so she pulled on Lucas's hand to stop him. Kicking off the shoes, she left them behind as they raced towards the car.

  "Get in! Get in!" Lucas yelled, and Isabel and Scarlett dove into the back seat. The other guys had disappeared into the shadows, making their way towards the van to retrieve Ethan.

  Lucas peeled out of the parking space, whipping the car around to head towards the exit. Gunshots fired, and the back windshield behind Scarlett's head exploded, raining glass down all around them. She screamed and bent over, her hands covering her head.

  Soon they were on the road, heading back towards the warehouse. Quiet permeated the car, except for the noise of the wind blowing through the back window.

  Cold air blew through the broken glass as shivers raced up and down Scarlett's skin. Shock was setting in. All that had happened. All the blood. It all rushed back to her, and she couldn't stop the tremors from shaking her body.

  "Turn up the heat, Lucas. Scarlett's shaking like a leaf."

  Scarlett caught Lucas's concerned gaze in the rearview mirror, but she glanced away and out the window. She was tired of being the weakest link on this team. She'd put all their lives in jeopardy today because she was too stubborn to just stay put and let them do their jobs.

  "Well, that could have gone better," Sully joked humorlessly.

  Isabel popped him on the side of the head with her hand. "Shut up, Sully," she groused.

  Sully pulled out his phone, which must have been buzzing in his pocket.

  "Castle," he answered, pausing as the other person spoke. "Good deal. Meet you back at the office." He ended the call.

  "Gabriel and the guys are safe and on their way back to the warehouse. Everyone's accounted for." Sully glanced over his shoulder at Scarlett. "You ok?" he asked, concern lighting his eyes.

  "Yeah, I'm fine," Scarlett said, embarrassed that everyone kept worrying about her.

  They arrived at the warehouse, and Lucas was out of the car and opening her door before she could grab the handle. As soon as she was out, his arms were wrapped around her. He dropped his face to her shoulder, between her neck and her collarbone, and inhaled deeply, placing a light kiss there.

  "I was so worried about you," he murmured against her skin.

  Scarlett pushed back. "Worried about me?" She wasn’t sure why she was so angry; she just knew that she was and now had an outlet for it.

  "I was worried sick about you. You were surrounded by four guards with guns hanging off their bodies, while you and Sully stood there unarmed. I just knew you were dead. Knew I'd killed you—" Her breath came hard and fast, and she knew she was moments away from hyperventilating. That would be the cherry on top for sure—passing out in the parking garage while berating Lucas for almost getting killed.

  Lucas pulled her back towards his chest, and she relented, laying her head against him. "I'm fine. Sully's fine. We're trained for these things, Scarlett. We're kind of hard to kill."

  Scarlett knew that Lucas was trying to make her feel better, relieve the tension. And at this moment, she was going to let him. She pulled back once again, noticing the angry gash across his chest and the blood running down his arm.

  Glancing around at the team getting out of the van and car, she took stock of their injuries. Sully had a split lip, his right eye was almost swollen shut, and cuts and bruises marred his face. Isabel's cheek had started to turn a nice shade of purple. Gabriel and Zach were taking off their vests, and Scarlett caught sight of two enormous bruises on their chests. If they hadn't been wearing vests—if the men had missed and hit them in the head—they'd be dead right now.

  Scarlett was scared. Scared that everyone's lives had been in danger. Scared that Emery would be sold before they could find her. Scared that her feelings for Lucas would be the nail in his coffin. Scarlett knew what she had to do. Now she just had to work up the courage to walk away.

  Chapter 19

  Scarlett looked dead on her feet. She was glancing around, taking in all the team members, and it was as if he could hear her thoughts. He saw the guilt all over her face. What he hadn't expected was the trembling that overtook her, as well as the shallow breaths she puffed out.

  "Hey, take it easy," he said, trying to calm her down. She glanced at her hands, noticing the blood there. Her face was covered with it as well, and he hoped to get her in the shower before she saw her reflection. Tremors wracked her body, and Lucas realized too late that she was losing it. She slumped against him, her eyes rolling back in her head. He scooped her up in his arms.

  "Dammit! Isabel, I'm taking her up to your bathroom."

  Lucas ran down the hall as quickly as he could with Scarlett in his arms. He ran the water for the tub, sitting on the side with Scarlett cradled in his lap. Taking a washcloth, he began washing the bulk of the mess off her. That way, the bath water wouldn't be quite so gory when she got in. He was able to clean most of it off her face and hands before she woke.

  "What happened?" she asked, her voice small and weak.

  "You passed out," Lucas said. He still cradled her like a baby in his arms, her head resting against his shoulder. Scarlett's hair was damp from where he'd washed her face, as well as from the steam rising in the room. "I thought you might like a bath."

  She nodded and tried to stand, but was shaky on her feet. "Let me help you," he said. He pulled the dress over her head, leaving her in only a pair of black bikini panties and a black lace bra. He averted his gaze quickly, but Scarlett didn't seem to notice.

  "I've got it from here," she said and reached around to undo her bra. Lucas cleared his throat and walked towards the door.

  "Call if you need me," he said over his shoulder. She didn't answer. He snuck a glance quickly and saw that she had already sunk down into the tub.

  Lucas walked to the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge. He popped the top off, wiping the mouth to rid it of the metallic taste, and downed it. Needing something stronger to take the edge off, he walked over to the cabinet, picking up a bottle of whiskey. He poured two fingers into a glass and swallowed it back. Placing the tumbler back on the counter, he filled it again. This time, he took his time, sipping the liquid as warm fire burned down his throat.

  "Rough night," Gabriel said, taking a glass from the counter and setting it next to Lucas's. Lucas took the hint and filled his glass.

  "Yeah. It was."

  "She ok?" Gabriel looked at his glass, not meeting Lucas's eyes.

  "She will be. She's not used to this crap, you know? She's innocent."

  Gabriel nodded. He downed the fiery liquid in one swallow and placed the glass in the sink. Clapping Lucas on t
he shoulder, he walked past him and down the hall to his room.

  It seemed Scarlett had made an impression on more than just him. Gabriel never asked if women were ok. Didn't really care. All of them were lying, manipulative bitches in his eyes. So the small concern he showed for Scarlett was surprising.

  Lucas took a few moments to clean and bandage his wounds. Fortunately, the stitches in his shoulder had held, so a trip to the hospital wouldn't be necessary. He covered the knife wound with antibiotic cream and then closed it up with butterfly bandages. That should keep it from bleeding. Glancing at the clock, he realized Scarlett had been in the bath for quite a while.

  He knocked on the door to the bathroom. "You ok?"

  No answer. He knocked a little harder, but she still didn't answer him. Worried she'd drowned or passed out again, he pushed the door open, rushing to her side. Her eyes were closed, her head back, and her mouth slightly open. She was asleep.

  He glanced down into the water, noticing that she'd poured some bubbles in. They concealed her nakedness except for the tips of her pink nipples poking through. Lucas closed his eyes, trying to keep his gaze from lingering too long. He didn't want to feel like a creep, ogling her while she was asleep.

  He pulled a towel from the linen closet close by. Laying the towel on the side of the tub, he lifted her out of the water, setting her down on the side. She awoke at the movement, watching him as he folded her in the fluffy cloth. She had washed her hair, and the wet curls fell in ringlets down her back. He pulled her hair over her shoulder, using one end of the towel to dry it.

  Scooping her up in his arms, he carried her to his room. She looped her arms around his neck, resting her head against his chest. She was so small. So fragile. He'd been so close to losing her tonight. Again.

  As he set her down on the bed, Scarlett didn't let go. She pulled him to her, and he went willingly. The feel of her wet body against his, wrapped only in a towel, was doing a number on his control.

  Her hands went into his hair, tugging gently at the locks as she lifted her mouth to his. He pressed in, the slide of his tongue against hers sending fire through his veins. He buried his fingers in her hair as he devoured her. All the fear, the emotion, the longing coursed through him, and he unleashed it all as he worshipped her with his mouth.

  Her whimpers and moans were his undoing, and he pressed her back onto the bed, the towel inching dangerously up her thighs. He rested himself above her, kissing her lips, her cheeks, her neck. Their passion rose with fury, and Lucas felt desire build in his chest. He plundered her mouth, savoring the taste of her, a spiciness that was all Scarlett mixed with the taste of—tears. He pulled back, seeing hunger and need in her eyes, as well as tears that were spilling over and cutting tracks down her cheeks.

  Lucas pulled back, picking her up and placing her on his lap as he sat back against the pillows. "Shh, baby. It's ok. Don't cry." He repeated the words over and over as she sobbed, her tears soaking his bare chest. He felt them roll down his abdomen, the intimacy of the moment something he would never forget.

  Scarlett finally stopped crying, and he held her tightly against him.

  "When they took you tonight, I didn't know what I was going to do. I'd never felt such rage." He kissed the top of her hair, inhaling her scent. "I've never wanted anyone as much as I want you."

  Scarlett didn’t say anything to that, just laced her fingers through his and squeezed. They just sat there in companionable silence as the minutes ticked by, Lucas stroking her hair as her fingers traced circles on his chest.

  She was so strong. So brave. He knew she felt guilty, knew she blamed herself for what had happened tonight. He'd reassure her that she wasn't to blame. Tomorrow.

  * * * *

  Scarlett woke wrapped in Lucas's arms. She still wore only a towel, and she glanced down to see that it had come open while they slept. She carefully untangled herself from Lucas and got up to put some clothes on. She knew what she had to do, but she also knew that Lucas would be pissed with her.

  She couldn't allow these people to keep putting themselves in harm's way for her. She'd do anything for Emery, and it was time she took matters into her own hands to find her. Scarlett knew the team would continue to look, and she was grateful for that, but she was taking herself out of the equation. By not having to look out for her the whole time, they'd be better able to devote all their attention to finding Em.

  Scarlett gathered her belongings, and swung the small duffel bag she’d brought over her shoulder. Her face was sore from the beating she’d taken earlier that night, her lip swollen not only from the small cut on the side but also from Lucas's kisses. She shivered, remembering their time together before her stupid emotions had overwhelmed her, and she'd started crying.

  It couldn't be helped. She knew that by leaving him tonight, she was ending the chance for them to be together. It just couldn't happen. People that loved her ended up dead—or worse, in Emery's case.

  She silently crept out the door, glancing back for one more glimpse of Lucas. His hair was mussed, falling over his forehead. His chest was bare, and Scarlett knew she'd never forget this sight. She sighed, wishing things could be different.

  Easing the door closed, she walked towards the kitchen and living room. She guessed she'd need to call a cab in order to get home. She pulled the phone from her pocket to dial and jumped when Isabel stepped in front of her.

  "Geez, Isabel. I didn't see you there," Scarlett said.

  "So I see. Where are you going in the middle of the night?" Isabel raised her eyebrows at Scarlett's bag hanging from her arms.

  "Um, I—I need to go. It's time."

  "And how are you planning to get home? You don't have a car here."

  "I was going to call a cab?" Scarlett said, as more of a question than a statement.

  "That's not going to work," Isabel said. "I'll have Gabriel take you."

  "No! I mean, no, that's ok. Gabriel hates me."

  "I don't hate you," a slightly accented voice said from behind her. She jumped, yelping a little in surprise. When she turned around, Gabriel was standing there with his brow quirking up, a smirk on his face.

  Scarlett's face flushed with embarrassment. She looked to Isabel, who seemed to be holding in a laugh. She must have seen him coming up behind her.

  "Um, ok. But it's ok, really. I can just take a cab," she tried.

  "That's not going to happen, Red. When Lucas finds out you're gone, he's going to have a shit fit, and if he finds out I could have helped you home and didn’t, he'll kick my ass. Let's go."

  Scarlett bristled at the new nickname. She hated being called Red. But since Gabriel was talking to her, she figured she should probably keep her mouth shut.

  Gabriel directed her towards a red convertible. It was old, maybe 1970s. With its sleek red body and black top, it was the kind of car that made you want to be with a bad boy. And Gabriel definitely fit the bill.

  He slid in behind the wheel, and Scarlett opened the passenger door, placing her bag on the back floorboard.

  "What kind of car is this?" she asked, hoping to keep the awkwardness at bay.

  "Nineteen seventy-one Plymouth Barracuda."

  "Oh. That's interesting," she said, rolling her eyes at herself. Gabriel made her so nervous. He was gorgeous, with his light gray eyes and a messy crop of wavy hair that hit right below his ears. His voice was that of fantasies. He practically oozed sexuality and power. As attractive as Gabriel was, it was Lucas who made her heart beat faster. But Gabriel's presence was still overwhelming, which made her nervous.

  Gabriel started the car. The rumble of the engine vibrated throughout the Barracuda. The car was amazing. Powerful. Sexy. Just like Gabriel. She blushed.

  Trying to take her mind off Gabriel and his overpowering aura, she gave in to the nerves that took over her mouth. "Thanks for taking me home. You didn't have to, you know. I really appreciate it, though." She bit down on her tongue to keep the words from spilling out. She sounded like
a blathering idiot.

  Scarlett watched as Gabriel raised his eyebrow at her once again.

  "Nervous, Red?"

  Her face heated up at his question. She turned and looked out the window. It was too cold to put the top down, but having the top closed did nothing to detract from the car's appeal.

  Scarlett was still tired, the warmth of the car and the rumble of the engine lulling her to sleep. She jerked her eyes open when the car's engine died. They were at her apartment.

  Gabriel got out of the car, and, confused, Scarlett exited as well, wondering why he was getting out.

  "What are you doing?" she asked, trying to keep up with his fast pace.

  "Checking your apartment," he answered, the "duh" evident in his tone.

  Scarlett blew out a breath and followed closely behind him. When they came to the door, Gabriel pulled a gun from behind his back and nodded to her to stand aside. She knew the drill, so she stepped away from the door so that he could scope out her apartment. He pulled out a set of keys, and Scarlett briefly wondered how he'd gotten the keys to her apartment.

  A few moments later, Gabriel returned, nodding an “all clear.” She noticed a white box next to her door, blinking an "all clear" message as well. When had someone installed a security system?

  She stepped inside, shaking off a chill that tried to creep over her. The apartment had been cleaned, the broken vase and glass picked up. The blood had been cleaned from her rug. Everything appeared as it should be. Everything except the fact that she knew this was where Emery had been taken.

  Fear and hopelessness crowded her mind, and she struggled to maintain control over her emotions. The trembling started in her hands, and she tightened her hands into fists to keep it at bay.

  Gabriel looked at her, concern passing through his eyes. "Hey, Red, you don't have to stay here."

  "Of course I do!" she snapped. She was so tired. So angry. So scared. Gabriel seemed as good a target as any right now. "You all almost died tonight! Because of me!" Her breath came fast and hard, the shakes she'd tried to ward off now overtaking her body. Gabriel pulled her close, into his arms. There was no attraction there—just the simple embrace of someone who cared. That thought shook her. Gabriel cared? About her? Since when?


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