Castle Investigations Box Set

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Castle Investigations Box Set Page 18

by Dee Bridgnorth

  She pulled away, putting some distance between them. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just—why do you care?"

  "Lucas cares about you. And you've proven yourself to be trustworthy and kind." He turned away from her, walking towards her kitchen. He pulled a glass down from the cabinet and ran the tap water, filling the glass and taking a long swig. "I haven't met too many women that have earned my trust. Just Isabel. And now—you."

  The words warmed Scarlett's heart. Just a few days ago, this man seemed to loathe her, hate her for being in his presence. And now, he trusted her. All the more reason to stay away. She liked him. Liked Isabel, Sully, Zach, and Ethan. And she liked Lucas. She closed her eyes as the memories of their earlier kisses filled her mind. Maybe it was more than like.

  When she opened her eyes, Gabriel was watching her with a curious expression. He glanced away quickly, and Scarlett blushed. Had he realized what she was thinking about? How mortifying.

  Gabriel stepped towards her door, turning and holding out his hand. She placed her palm under it, and he dropped a set of keys into her palm. "New keys for the new locks. Your password for the alarm system is on the kitchen counter. Change it as soon as possible. Call Lucas if you need anything."

  Scarlett was moved by the generosity and kindness of Gabriel and Lucas. They'd taken care of her apartment, given her the tools to feel safe. Gabriel lifted the gun from his back, laying the gun on the table next to the chair. "Here. Take this in case you need it."

  Scarlett could only nod in agreement. Then she slipped her arms around his waist and squeezed. The hug was awkward, Gabriel stiff and unyielding. But Scarlett couldn't help herself. Finally, he seemed to relax, patting her back gently, almost as if he weren't quite sure what to do with his hands.

  She pulled away, wiping at the moisture leaking from her eyes.

  "Thank you," she said, quietly. Gabriel gave a quick jerk of his chin in response and was out the door.

  She locked the door, setting the alarm and changing her password. She trudged back to her bedroom and stopped cold. She couldn't do this. Couldn't sleep here, where Emery had experienced so much terror.

  She pulled the covers off the bed and walked back to the couch. Lying down, she closed her eyes and slept.

  * * * *

  Gabriel sat in his car, watching Scarlett's apartment. It was odd how drawn to her he was. He'd be lying if he didn't admit that having her small, curvy body pressed against his didn't feel damn good. But she was Lucas's girl. And he knew Lucas was falling in love with her.

  Gabriel wasn't sure what it meant that he could feel something for a woman, even as innocent as his fascination with Scarlett was. He cared about her. Wanted her safe. He realized it was similar to what he felt for Isabel. She'd gotten under his skin, and now he'd do anything to protect her.

  His phone lit up. Lucas.


  "What the hell, Gabriel? Isabel said you took Scarlett home."

  "I did. She was getting ready to call a cab. I'm still here, sitting in the lot, watching her place. You want to take my place?" he asked.

  "I'll be right there." Lucas clicked off the line, and Gabriel was left once again to his thoughts. He needed a drink. Needed to forget about the curvy redhead who'd somehow gotten past all his defenses. He knew when it had happened. That day in the motel, when she'd fainted at the sight of the dead girl. Her compassion for her. Her loyalty to her sister. And then tonight, her concern for him and his team. His family.

  He needed to get a grip. Scarlett belonged to Lucas, and there was no way he'd betray his friend and brother. No woman was worth that.

  Chapter 20

  Emery's body shook. Her stomach roiled, and she wondered when she'd eaten last. At school? How long ago had that been? The pain in her arms and legs caused her to cry out. Where was the warm feeling from before?

  She glanced down at herself and saw that she was dressed in a sheer white nightgown. You could see straight through it, and she tried to cover her body with her hands. Pain shot down her arms as she tried to move them. Her calf muscles were cramped up, causing her entire leg to ache with pain. She tried to massage them to relieve the constricted muscles, but it just caused more pain in her arms.

  She raised her head slightly to look for water, her lips cracked and parched. There was none to be found. Why did she hurt so badly? Where was the man with the needle? He would make it go away.

  She tried to call out, her voice a raspy whisper that did nothing to gain anyone’s attention.

  "Help me," she tried again.

  No one came to help.

  Emery's head felt heavy. She wanted to go to the door, try to get out, but the nausea was debilitating, as well as the piercing pain behind her eyes. She had to have help. She needed relief. She wanted to feel good again.

  Sweat beaded her brow. She was cold and clammy. Her heart was racing as if she'd run for miles.

  Running. Would she ever run again?

  Her thoughts came and went. She was unable to grasp one for very long. Her fist pounded the wall as she tried again to call out for help.

  The door opened. The tattoo man came in with a twisted smile on his face.

  "You want it now, don't you?" he said.

  She nodded, whimpering, tears running down her face. She wanted to forget. Wanted to feel the warmth.

  She laid her arm out for him willingly as he tied the rubber band around it. The prick of the needle was just a tiny pinch, but this time, the euphoria didn’t come. A burning sensation crept up her arm, and she jerked her gaze to his.

  "No more for you. He wants you pure. That means none of the good stuff." He laughed as she struggled to sit up and force him to give her what she wanted. She pulled at the nightgown between her breasts, hearing the fabric tear, her anger burning through her chest. Off—she wanted it off.

  "Dammit! Those things aren’t cheap," he yelled. He jerked her up by her nightgown until she was half-raised on the bed, then backhanded her across the face. Her head reared back at the impact, and she fell limply onto the bed. She watched as he walked away, her vision fading as she slipped into unconsciousness.

  * * * *

  Scarlett woke the next morning to light spilling through the windows. She stretched her arms over her head and winced at the sore muscles. Her jaw hurt, and her head felt like it was ready to explode. She stumbled to the kitchen, taking some ibuprofen for the pain.

  After popping the pills, she went back to her bathroom. She didn't want to be here—didn't want to be in this place, but she had no choice. She needed to get back to work, or there wouldn't be money to pay the rent. She turned on the shower, letting the water run rivulets down her body. The warm spray felt amazing, easing her muscles that were so tight and sore.

  She put on sensible black slacks, flats, and a cable knit sweater. She checked her voicemail. She had a ton of messages, most of them from Ron, and one from Maggie.

  She pressed the play button on Maggie's call. "Hey, Scar, I'm heading into work tonight. Can't just sit here anymore. Plus, Ron is having a coronary with both of us being gone. Anyway, hope you're safe. Find my girl, ok?"

  Scarlett's eyes filled with tears. So if Maggie had to go tonight, Scarlett would be there, too. She thought about the gun Gabriel had left her, and she walked into the living room, shoving it into her purse. She packed her jeans, a t-shirt, and her polo shirt for work tonight, as she knew the messages from Ron would be imploring her to return to work tonight. Which was fine, really. She needed the money.

  She decided she'd call Lucas before she went in, to make sure they were still willing to help her find Emery. She just couldn't be with them anymore while they did it. She picked up the phone and dialed.

  "You have a lot of explaining to do," Lucas answered.

  "It has to be this way."

  "I don't understand—"

  "I can't do this, Lucas. I can't keep putting you in harm's way. I just can't do this—us. Not right now."

nce fell over the line, and she wondered if he'd hung up.


  "I'm here."

  "I'm sorry." She paused, knowing she was going to sound like a real bitch when she asked this, but it couldn't be helped. "Will you still help me find Emery? Even though—" She broke off before finishing her sentence: "Even though I just dumped you."

  Lucas huffed out a breath. "Of course, Scarlett. What kind of man do you think I am?" The heat of his words burned her, and she was ashamed she'd even asked the question.

  "I'm sorry, Lucas."

  "So you said. Listen, I gotta go. Don't go anywhere but work, ok?"

  "Ok, but I have to go into the diner tonight, too."

  "Dammit, Scarlett! Do you have a death wish?" he yelled.

  Scarlett's temper flared, and she couldn't help the anger in her response. "No, Lucas, I do not. But I have to work, and since Maggie is in danger, too, someone needs to be there with her. So if I want to keep my job and pay my rent, I have to go to the diner tonight!" Her breathing came in short bursts, her hands shaking at her sides.

  "Fine. I'll see you tonight." He ended the call before she could protest.

  The day passed with little fanfare. She had a little typing to make up since she had been gone for a couple of days last week. Her boss hadn't expected her back in, but seemed happy to have her back. Scarlett was a diligent worker, devoted to whatever task was given to her, whether it was to type up a contract at the real estate office she worked in, or to make the coffee. No job was too menial for her.

  She didn't really have time to make friends at the office. Since she didn’t have money for luxuries like lunch, she would sit at her desk instead of joining the other ladies at some restaurant. Sitting in the break room just opened her up to questions about her lack of food, so she chose to eat at her desk, munching on the almonds or raisins she brought in to tide her over until dinner.

  At the end of that day, Scarlett walked out to the parking lot of the office, and the hair rose on the back of her neck. She felt as if she were being watched. She looked around quickly, not spotting any danger. She picked up the pace, rushing to her car and locking it as soon as she was inside.

  She turned the car towards the diner. The real estate office she worked in was in Arlington, Virginia, so she had to drive about forty-five minutes to get to the diner. She thought about Lucas as she drove. Wondered what he was doing. She knew her feelings for him had grown into something more than just attraction. She cared about him. Maybe even loved him.

  She shook the thought from her mind. It couldn't be helped. She had to find Emery and get them on their feet. Maybe then, she could open herself up to loving someone else.

  Her eyes caught a car coming up fast behind her. She was on a one-way street, and traffic was fairly light on this side of town. As soon as she got closer to the inner part of the city, though, she hit more traffic and had to slow down. The car continued, and Scarlett froze. It was going to hit her.

  She braced herself as the car rammed into her from behind. She swerved slightly before gaining control of the car once again. She stepped on the gas, only to see traffic ahead. She had to get out of here, but where could she go? Ahead, she saw a small cross street. She waited until the last second, almost passing the street, and turned the wheel hard. Her tires screeched as she took the turn, the other car blowing past her.

  She sighed in relief, just as she saw a new car heading down the lane towards her. A black Jaguar. Lucas.

  He must have been following her. She wasn't sure if she was happy or angry at that discovery. She guessed he must care if he'd spent the day tailing her. As the adrenaline left her body, her hands began to shake. She breathed slowly, trying to get her emotions under control.

  Finally, she pulled into the diner. She jumped out of the car, rushing in before Lucas could catch her. She shouldn't have worried. He pulled his car into the driveway, waiting as she went inside, before pulling off down the street.

  * * * *

  Lucas's pulse raced. They'd found her. If she hadn't had the brilliant thought to pull into that alley the way she had, they would have jumped her at the traffic light. He was amazed at the presence of mind she’d shown, to make a decision like that. He'd relaxed once he'd pulled in behind her, following her to the diner to make sure no one else followed her.

  He knew as soon as she got out of the car that he'd been spotted. She seemed flustered as she rushed inside, pushing her hair out of her face and making eye contact with him. He'd give her some time to cool off before going inside. He made like he was pulling off, giving her a salute as he passed by her. Her eyes widened in shock, her mouth dropping open. Asshole move? Maybe, but the look of surprise on her face made him smile.

  Lucas pulled down the street, parking where he had a solid view of the diner. He'd sit here for a little while and then walk in. He knew what she was doing. Pushing him away. She was scared. Scared not only of what she felt for him, but also of what might happen if she let him in.

  He'd give her time. He wasn't going anywhere. He'd lost Laura—had almost lost himself at one point, too.

  He thought back to Laura’s father, to how he'd almost killed him. Would have killed him if The General hadn't stepped in. Leonard was a sick bastard and deserved to die, but Lucas knew that if he'd taken the man’s life at such a young age, he would never have been able to crawl out of that hole. He would have ended up strung out on drugs, or worse.

  He'd received word while at basic that Leonard had taken a fall down some steps, breaking his neck. Lucas thought it was much too merciful a way for him to have died. But he was glad that the temptation to end the bastard’s miserable life was no longer there.

  Lucas had killed men. The military had seen to that. Fighting for your life in a war-torn country, though, was much different from playing judge and jury with a piece of shit that deserved what was coming to him. Since he'd started working with Sully, there had been times when he'd had to take another man's life, but always in self-defense.

  His thoughts went back to Valmir and how he'd lost control, beating him to death with his bare hands. Ok, so maybe that wasn't self-defense. But the man had put his hands on Scarlett, had hit her. His blood boiled as he thought about it. Valmir had deserved to die, and Lucas refused to regret it.

  An hour passed, and Lucas decided he'd given Scarlett enough time to cool down. He knew he'd get an earful for following her, but he hoped she'd see reason, see that he was trying to protect her.

  He fingered the tracking device in his pocket. He had somewhere to be tonight; the whole team did. He would have to find a way to get his insurance policy on her somehow.

  He walked into the diner, finding a spot at his usual table. Scarlett met his eye and then whispered something to Maggie. Maggie nodded and made her way over to his table.

  "Can I get you something?" she asked, her hand on her hip.

  "Coffee. She send you over here to do her dirty work?" He grinned. It was fine. He wasn't going anywhere. She'd have to talk to him at some point.

  "Yep." Maggie winked and turned away to get him some coffee.

  Lucas looked over the menu, watching Scarlett as she laughed with her customers, always kind and attentive. His mind recalled seeing her in the tub last night, and he shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He wanted her. But he wanted all of her, and, once he had her, he had no intentions of ever letting her go.

  It was more than just a physical desire. He wanted to help her—wanted to take care of her and Emery. He knew his feelings might be too much, too soon, so he was willing to give her time. But he wasn't going to allow her to push him away and put herself in harm's way.

  She had a table behind him and set down their drinks. Just as she made to pass by him, he grabbed her wrist, pulling her close to him. She stumbled a bit before righting herself.

  "What do you want?" she spat at him under her breath. Ok, so maybe she hadn't had long enough to cool off. Too bad. He was mad, too. He wasn't the one
who’d left her in her bed last night, then secretly gone home. At first, he'd felt rejected. She would rather be in danger than spend the night with him? But then he remembered her words from earlier: "I almost got you killed." She'd left to protect him.

  He relaxed his grip on her arm and tamped down his anger.

  "Just wanted to catch you before you ran off," he said a little too loudly. "I'd like to order something to eat, if you could take my order?" She looked around, noticing that people were watching.

  "Fine," she snapped. She took out her pad and pencil, as if she even needed that thing. It was a shield, something to do with her hands so that she didn't have to look at him. Now, that wouldn't do. He waited, knowing that at some point she'd have to look up from the pad and make eye contact with him. The seconds ticked by, and finally, she looked up at him, fury burning hotly in her gaze.

  He smiled. She rolled her eyes.

  Well, eye-rolling was better than the angry glares she’d been sending his way earlier.

  "The usual, please," he said sweetly. She huffed out a breath and turned to go.

  Lucas chuckled as she walked away. He loved getting under her skin. Loved to see the flush darken her cheeks.

  He could have stayed pissed at her. Cold. Erecting the walls that she probably hoped he'd put around himself. Giving her an out. But he wanted her too much. She was his chance at redemption. For Laura. For himself.

  Scarlett brought his food over, almost tossing it in his lap as she carelessly set the plate down. A couple of fries jumped off the plate and onto the table. She cringed as if realizing, too late, how hard she'd dropped the plate in front of him. She turned to see if anyone had noticed, and he watched as relief filled her face.


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