Castle Investigations Box Set

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Castle Investigations Box Set Page 19

by Dee Bridgnorth

  "Sit down," he said.

  She shook her head. "I'm working, Lucas. You can't come in here and boss me around."

  "As if you'd let anyone boss you around. Just sit. I need to talk to you," he said. She crossed her arms across her chest—her armor, he guessed, to protect herself. She blew out a breath and mumbled, "Be right back."

  Scarlett walked over to the bar, leaning in to tell Maggie something. Maggie looked up, catching his gaze. She smiled, nodding at him. Good, Maggie was on his side, then.

  Scarlett returned and sat down across from him. "I've got fifteen minutes, then I need to get back to my tables." Her arms were once again crossed over her chest, and he didn't like that she was shielding herself from him. He reached over, taking one of her hands in his. She looked away, refusing to make eye contact with him.

  "Have you eaten?" he asked. She was so small—curvy in the right places, but he could see that the bones in her cheeks were much too sharp, her collarbone protruding a little too much. She wasn't eating well.

  "Not yet. I'll eat when my shift's over."

  "When is that?"


  "Uh-huh. Here, eat this." He took half his burger and put it on a napkin. He slid his plate towards the middle. "Fries, too."

  She looked as if she were going to argue, but then changed her mind. She had the burger eaten in just a few bites. And he didn't complain when she ate most of his fries.

  "So, you were following me today?"

  "I was. Needed to make sure you were safe. Want to tell me about the car that rammed you earlier tonight?"

  "I took care of it."

  His anger rose.

  "And if you hadn't, they would have gotten out of their cars at the stop light, broken your window, and pulled you out of the car, never to be heard from again. This isn't a game, Scarlett."

  "Dammit, Lucas, I know! It's my life. My sister's life. My friend's life. And your life. I'm just trying to keep everyone safe." Tears filled her eyes, and Lucas took her hand in his, squeezing softly.

  "I know," he said.

  She blinked away the tears, and he sat back, relieved.

  He decided to try a different tactic.

  "Zach found out Luftar owns a yacht, and we're assuming he has it docked at the wharf near the yacht club."

  Scarlett's eyes filled with hope.

  "So what's the plan? How do we catch him?" She sat closer to him, leaning forward in anticipation. Her polo shirt was unbuttoned, and he caught sight of her cleavage. Lucas groaned.

  "We don't do anything. You stay here. The guys and I will scope it out."

  "Ok." Shock ripped through him. What game was she playing now? Why would she readily agree after fighting him for days?

  "I’m serious, Scarlett. I want you safe. I'll keep you posted with all the details, but you have to promise to stay put."

  "I will. I promise." She glanced down at her hands, watching as she twisted a napkin between her fingers. "So when are you planning to check it out?" she asked.

  "Tonight. Late. We'll go down and see if he has a boat there. If he does, we'll keep surveillance on it, so it won't leave without our knowledge."

  "Sounds like a solid plan," she said, and smiled sadly. He wondered if she already missed the easy comfort between them as much as he did. "I, um, better get back to work." She stood, and he reached up, taking her hand in his. He stood, pulling her close to him. Her breathing sped up, and he could see the rapid fire of her pulse underneath her skin.

  He leaned in, nuzzling her neck, inhaling the fragrance of her. He breathed in deeply. He lightly grasped her collar in his hands and gently pulled her in for a quick kiss. He didn't push her. But he wanted to give her a reminder of how good they were together.

  She responded as he’d hoped she would, losing herself in his kiss. A couple of catcalls and whistles rang out, and she sprang back out of his arms.

  "I gotta go," she said, her voice low and raspy. At least he knew she wasn't unaffected by him. The attraction was still there, and he knew her feelings were, too. Now to help her overcome her fear.

  Chapter 21

  Scarlett tried to keep herself busy over the next couple of hours. She could feel Lucas's gaze on her, watching her every move. She'd nearly lost her resolve to push him away when he’d kissed her earlier. She could still feel his lips on hers.

  Around nine o'clock, Lucas took a call as Scarlett watched while wiping down the counter. His face pinched, and then his eyes met hers. Hope filled Scarlett's heart, and she rushed to the table where he was sitting.

  "Ok, I've got the address. I'll meet you there." He put his phone back in his pocket.

  "We have a lead on Damon. A warehouse near the wharf, close to the Navy Yard. Zach intercepted a call. Damon is supposed to meet Luftar there."

  "So not at the dock?"

  "Doesn't look like it. Looks like I'll be gone a couple of hours. What time do you get off?" He took her hands in his.

  "Around ten."

  "Don't leave alone. If anything, stick with Maggie, ok?"

  Scarlett nodded. She didn't want him worried about her when he was putting himself in danger. She wasn't sure what she would do if something happened to him.

  Lucas leaned down, pressing a kiss to her lips. "We're going to find her, Scarlett. I'll bring her home to you."

  Scarlett's eyes filled with tears, and she placed both hands on his face, bringing him down to meet her lips. She put all of her thoughts and emotions into that kiss, then pulled away reluctantly.

  "Be careful," she said.

  "You got it." Lucas turned and walked out of the building.

  Maggie found her with tears rolling down her face. Scarlett sniffed and brushed the wetness from her cheeks.

  "He loves you, you know?" Maggie said.

  "No, he doesn't. He cares about me. I care about him."

  "No, he loves you. I think he's loved you from the first moment he laid eyes on you. Don't push him away," Maggie said, squeezing her shoulder as she passed by to bus a table.

  Scarlett thought about Maggie’s words as she went back to the kitchen to clean up for the night. They still had a little while before closing, but it was slow, and this way, she could leave right after closing time.

  Did Lucas love her? Were his feelings that deep? Did she love him?

  Scarlett was too scared to think about that. Maybe when he was safe beside her again, she'd give it more thought.

  Her phone buzzed in her pocket, a blocked number lighting up the screen. She answered, wondering if it was Lucas or one of the guys.

  "Hello?" Scarlett answered.

  "Scarlett? Where are you?" Em's voice was like a knife to her heart.

  "Em! Em, is that you?"

  "Scarlett—I'm home."

  "Stay close to the apartment. Hide, Em. I'll be there as quickly as I can."

  "I'm home, Scarlett." Em's voice was odd, distant. Maybe she was still on something they had given her.

  "I’m on my way."

  Scarlett hung up the phone, dashing out of the kitchen.

  "Maggie!" she yelled, not caring that she was making a scene.

  "Em got away. She's at home. I'm going to get her."

  "I don't like this at all. What if it’s a setup?" Maggie asked, tucking her towel into her apron.

  "I have to take the chance. I have to go to her."

  "At least call Lucas and tell him what you're doing."

  "I will."

  Maggie hugged her tightly. "Be careful."

  Scarlett nodded and raced out the door to her car.

  Slamming the door shut, she pulled out of the parking lot, dialing Lucas's number as she went. It went straight to voicemail, just as she figured it would. If he was trying to be quiet while sneaking up on Damon, he'd hardly keep his cell phone on. She left a brief message, telling him that Em had called, and that she herself was on her way to her apartment to get her.

  She thought about Isabel and decided she'd call her next. Isabel answered
on the first ring.


  "Yeah. It's me. Listen, Em called. She said she's at home. I'm on my way there now."

  "It could be a trap. Just wait. I'll send one of the guys out there to meet you."

  "I can't wait. If she's there, I've got to get her. I'll bring her straight to the warehouse."

  "I don't like this, Scarlett. I'm on my way with Ethan."

  "Ok, meet you there."

  Scarlett pulled into the parking lot just as she hung up with Isabel. The apartment was still dark. Scarlett carefully looked around her, trying to determine if there was anyone around, lurking in the shadows. She couldn't see anything that seemed amiss, but whom was she kidding? She had no idea what to look for.

  She opened the car door, quietly pressing it closed. No need to alert the neighborhood that she was home. She crept quietly up the steps to her apartment, glancing around to see where Em might be hiding.

  "Emery?" she whispered. The apartment building felt more eerie than normal—almost menacing in its quietness.

  "Em? Are you here?"

  No answer. She arrived at her apartment door and turned the key in the lock. Glancing around, she didn't see anyone, so she opened the door. The alarm system sounded, and Scarlett pushed the door closed behind her, rushing to put in the password. Her hands were shaking, and it took several tries to get the numbers in correctly.

  Scarlett went to the lamp by the chair, turning on the light. She heard the sound of the door opening. Her hand slipped into her purse, grasping the gun that Gabriel had given her as she whipped around to see who'd come in.

  Arms wrapped tightly around her body, pulling her up against a hard, unyielding chest. She bucked and kicked, trying to get free, but the man was much too strong.

  "There you are," a menacing hiss sounded in her ear.

  Scarlett tried to get her arms free, the gun still in her hand. The prick of a needle pinched her arm. The guy loosened his hold slightly, and Scarlett was able to break free. She lifted the gun to fire, but before she could, found that the weight of the gun was too heavy for her hand. She dropped the gun and collapsed onto the floor. The last thing she saw was a large boot kicking away her only means of protection.

  * * * *

  Lucas and his team crept closer to the warehouse. Split into two teams, they made their way down opposite sides of the building.

  "Any movement on your side?" he asked into his mic.

  "Negative. Not a creature is stirring," Sully deadpanned.

  "Moving in." Lucas, Gabriel, and a couple of their hired operatives crept towards the side door. Sully, Zach, and their team took the front door.

  Pulling on the handle, Lucas was surprised to find it unlocked. He silently gestured for the guys to cover him as he pressed into the darkness.

  None of the lights were on, and it didn't appear that any exchange was happening here tonight. The warehouse was vacant and looked as if it had been undisturbed for quite some time.

  Lucas moved closer to the center of the building, hoping to get a good view of the inside perimeter. A light blinking from a pillar close by caught his attention, and he stepped closer to see what it was.

  Fear shot down Lucas's spine. A bomb.

  "Fall back," he yelled into his intercom. "Fall back. The place is going to blow."

  Lucas glanced one last time at the clock on the device. Twenty-five seconds. It was barely enough time to backtrack, much less get out the door.

  Lucas took off in a dead sprint, Gabriel and the other two operatives leading the way. They cleared the door, barely making it a few feet beyond it before the place blew. The blast launched him into the air, fire and debris falling around him.

  Lucas hit the ground with a thud, the air knocked from his lungs. He lay there, watching the enormous fireball consume the old building. As his hearing returned and his head cleared, he heard Sully's shouts in his earpiece.

  "Falco! What's your status?"

  Lucas could hear the fear and worry in Sully's voice. He took a deep breath, regaining his composure.

  "I'm here."

  "How about the others?"

  Lucas sat up, looking around. He saw Gabriel sitting close by, blood streaming from a cut on his head. The other two guys looked a little worse for wear, but were alive.

  "All accounted for. And you?"

  "All accounted for. It's a good thing you spotted that device, or we would all have been crispy critters." Sully was just a barrel of laughs tonight.

  "Roger that."

  "Meet you back at the van."

  Lucas got to his feet as the team headed towards the van. Someone had set them up. Someone had wanted them to come to this warehouse tonight. A cold chill raced across Lucas's skin. Scarlett.

  He took out his phone, turning it back on just as he reached the van. Two missed calls. Two voicemails. Dread crept up his neck, causing him to sweat. He pressed play. It was Scarlett.

  "Hey, Lucas. It's me. I'm going home. Emery called me. She said she was home. She didn't sound good, so I didn't want to wait. I have to get to her. I, um—I just wanted you to know. Be safe."

  The line went dead, and Lucas's blood ran cold. The next call was from Isabel.

  "Lucas. Call me. Scarlett's heading towards her apartment. I don't have a good feeling about this. Ethan and I are in pursuit."

  The message was from half an hour ago. Lucas dialed Isabel.

  "Please tell me you have her." He could hear the panic lacing his voice, but there was nothing he could do about it.

  "Lucas, the door was open when we got here. Scarlett's purse and a gun were lying on the floor. She's not here."

  Lucas felt nausea rise in his throat. They'd been set up. Diverted so that Damon’s guys could get their hands on her. Rage filled him. When he got his hands on Damon—and he would—he was going to kill him, and not quickly. No, Lucas was going to drag it out and make him pay for hurting Scarlett—make him pay for Laura and Maryanne.

  "Lucas?" Isabel's voice broke through his thoughts.

  "Yeah, I put a tracker on her. Earlier this evening. If she's still wearing her shirt, we should be able to find where they've taken her. We're heading back to the office now."

  "We'll meet you there."

  Lucas met Sully's gaze, realizing that he'd been listening to the conversation.

  "They've got her. It was a diversion. I need to get Zach back to the office, so he can track her down."

  Sully nodded. "Let's go."

  Chapter 22

  Scarlett's head was pounding, and her mouth was dry. She tried to sit up, but the nausea was too bad. Breathing deeply, she tried to tamp it down. If she threw up, she'd just become dehydrated more quickly, which would sap her energy, leaving her unable to fight.

  And she would fight.

  Stuffing down the bile rising in her throat, she slowly opened her eyes. She was in a small room, lying on a cot. It looked much like the ones she'd seen at the halfway house in Baltimore. She tried to sit up, but her arms were tied to each side of the bed, preventing her from doing more than lifting the upper half of her body.

  She lay back down, refusing to give in to the desperation.

  Her body felt heavy, lethargic—like she'd felt after being drugged in the hospital. She couldn't remember much about what had happened. Just the call from Emery and racing home to find an empty apartment and no Emery in sight.

  She moaned as another wave of nausea threatened to overtake her. She dry-heaved, trying her best to keep her meager dinner down. Swallowing deeply, she took in a deep breath, calming her heart rate and her queasy stomach.

  She took stock of the room. A small window was high above her, like a basement window. It looked about a foot high and about two feet wide. Not big enough to crawl out of—that is, if she could even get herself untied from the ropes binding her.

  She wiggled her arms, pulling against the restraints. The rope burned her wrists, tearing the sensitive flesh. In minutes, her arms were red and bleeding. It
was no use.

  She closed her eyes for just a moment, or at least she thought it was just a moment. The door to the room opened, and Damon Lopez walked in.

  He sat down on the bed near her feet.

  "Hello, Scarlett."

  "You son of a bitch! Where's my sister?" Scarlett lifted as much of herself as she could off the bed, struggling against her restraints.

  "Now, is that any way to talk to your host?" He shook his head back and forth, as if ashamed of her manners. What a creep.

  "What have you done with her?"

  "She's safe. For now. Quite a little hussy, though, when you give her the smack."

  Scarlett's blood ran cold. He'd given her little sister heroin. She was going to kill him. If she could figure a way out of this mess, she wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger and end his miserable life.

  "You've been quite a pain in my ass. I'd love to make you pay for that, but Luftar has his obsessions, and you and your sister just happen to meet his specifications." Damon talked about them as if they were objects, material goods to be traded and sold. And she guessed that to him, that's what they were. He ran his hand up her thigh, not stopping until he reached her breast.

  "I have to say, Scarlett, you are quite a treat." His hand squeezed her breast hard, causing pain to radiate through her chest. She gasped, and his eyes lit up with arousal.

  "Yes, it's quite a shame I can't take you for a ride. Although, what Luftar doesn't know won't hurt him, now, will it?" Damon stretched out his body on top of hers. His hands roamed over her body as if in a lover's caress, and then he would pinch or twist, his lust for inflicting pain a turn-on for him.

  He pulled back, unzipping his pants. He leaned down and pulled Scarlett's pants down her legs. She was desperate to find a way out of this. If she didn't think of something quickly, he was going to rape her.

  "You can't do this," she tried. He laughed.

  "Of course I can."

  His hand reached into his pants, stroking himself, and Scarlett felt herself about to be sick. Her mind raced for any excuse she could give him. Any reason to stop his pursuit.


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