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Castle Investigations Box Set

Page 81

by Dee Bridgnorth

  * * * *

  Zach looked at the woman before him—hands on hips, chest heaving, face flushed, with stubbornness and determination oozing from her pores. She'd never looked more beautiful than she did right then.

  He couldn't help himself. There was nothing in the world that could have stopped him from doing what he did next.

  With a swift sweep of his arm, he dragged her body against his and crushed his mouth to hers. Her mouth fell open in surprise, and he took advantage of that, delving in, his tongue meeting hers. He was careful not to press her too closely, since her ribs would still be sore. But he held her firmly, never wanting to let her go.

  She tasted of mint and fire. And Quita kissed like she did everything else in her life—with complete dedication and abandon. Her hands left her hips and gripped the back of his hair. She pulled slightly, and a grin spread across his face. He kissed her thoroughly, tasting, nipping, and savoring her heat.

  Catcalls and whoops finally met his ears, and he pulled away. Quita's face registered shock, her cheeks flushed from passion and desire, and her pupils were dilated almost completely, blotting out most of her gray-green eyes.

  "What? What was that?" she asked, her hands touching her lips and ignoring the whistles and shouts of the few patrons left in the diner.

  "You drive me crazy, woman," he said.

  "So you kissed me?"

  "It was either kiss you or throttle you."

  Zach immediately regretted his choice of words, but when Quita smiled a wicked smile at him, he knew she'd understood that he hadn't meant them literally. Without a word, she turned on her heel and went back behind the bar.

  Zach watched as she disappeared into the kitchen. He didn't see Maggie saunter over until her face was close to his. He jerked back in surprise, meeting her eyes, which were filled with mischief.

  "You looooove her, don’t you?" she sing-songed.

  "What? No, I don't love her. I just needed to shut her up."

  Maggie threw her head back, her tinkling laughter spilling up out of her.

  "Keep telling yourself that, lover boy!"

  The question circled in his mind as she left, thoughts of Quita going round and round in his head. He didn't love her. He liked her, sure. And he was certainly attracted to her. But love?

  He wasn't capable of loving another person when he couldn't even love himself.

  No, he didn't love her. And as long as he kept telling himself that, everything would be ok.

  Chapter 7

  Quita rode with Zach back to Maggie's house. They'd stopped at a Walmart that was open twenty-four hours so she could pick up some toiletries and clothes. They'd made small talk as they’d walked around the store, but neither of them had spoken of the kiss.

  Zach wondered if it had rocked her world as much as it had his. They'd kissed before. That night in Vegas, a few months back. It had been just as amazing as the one tonight had been, fueled by fear and the relief that she was ok.

  But tonight's kiss had been all fire and heat, again fueled by his fear—this time prompted by arriving at Maggie's to find her gone—and anger that she continued to defy his wishes. But she'd been so beautiful doing it, standing there refusing to bend to his rules.

  And damn infuriating, too.

  He didn't understand why she wouldn't let him in. He knew she was hiding something. A secret that fueled her decisions. Her career as an exotic dancer and the situations she had been forced into while working at The Dirty Kitty—he didn't even want to get started on the name of that club—didn't fit with what he knew about her as a person.

  Quita wasn't the type of woman to allow her boyfriend to beat her and pimp her out for his financial gain. And yet, she had. Why?

  That woman didn't fit with the woman who'd just stood toe to toe with him in the diner and defied him at every turn. So what was she hiding? What had Bruno had on her to keep her under his thumb?

  It had to be to protect someone else. But whom?

  It was driving him crazy.

  He turned into the driveway for Maggie's place and turned off the car, parking it behind the house and out of view of the street. It was unlikely that anyone would recognize his car or find them at Maggie's, but Zach had learned to be cautious.

  When they walked into the house, Maggie had already changed into fuzzy pink pajamas with cats and rainbows on them. He'd never met a woman who was more childlike in her tastes than Maggie. But Sully had let on to him that there was more to Maggie than met the eye. He didn't know what that was, but he got the feeling that Maggie was running from something.

  How similar she and Quita were.

  "Hey, ya'll. Did you get some good stuff?" Maggie asked, eyeing the bags they brought in.

  "A few things. It will be nice to have my own clothes again. And makeup!" Zach hadn't realized how much stuff women needed to make themselves feel beautiful. He thought that Quita was stunning without makeup, but he knew the bruising made her self-conscious. He was glad to be able to help her out.

  She'd protested when he’d taken out his wallet, saying that she still had a little left in her account, and pulling out her debit card. He'd stopped her.

  "You can't use that," he'd said.

  "Why not?" Her feathers had ruffled at his assertion.

  "Because your account can be traced. You know that."

  "Right. I just…I forgot."

  He'd pulled her into a quick hug, hating that he couldn't make it all better. She hated being dependent on other people. He was sure that much of that stemmed from her time as a virtual prisoner in Bruno's regime. At the same time, he was grateful that he was in a position to take care of her.

  Quita put the bags on the counter and sat down across from Maggie at the bar.

  "Want some wine?" Maggie asked.

  "I'd love some."

  "I have chocolate, too." Maggie grinned.

  "Heaven! Let me go get changed first."

  Quita ran off to change, and Zach put the bags he was holding next to the bar stool. "I brought my computers to work. Ok if I set up over there?" he asked, pointing to the dining room table where they'd eaten dinner earlier.

  "Of course. Need anything?"

  "Got any beer?"

  Maggie wrinkled her nose. "Um, no. I have pink Moscato wine, though."

  Zach laughed. "I'm totally going to lose my man-card here, but ok."

  Maggie squealed and pulled out three wine glasses, pouring the bubbly liquid into each one. Quita returned wearing flannel pajama pants and a tight black strappy tank top. He took a sip of his sparkling drink and groaned.

  She looked amazing.

  "I'm going to work," he said as he sat down at the table, propping open the two laptops and typing in his passwords. Once he’d linked up remotely to his secure server, he was ready to get started.

  The sounds of the two women giggling and chattering filled the room. He smiled to himself. When was the last time Quita had had that in her life? He didn't know her well enough to know for certain, but he was sure that it hadn't been in recent years.

  Zach soon lost himself in his work, meeting each barrier with determination and grit. He was certain he'd break through. So much depended on it. Already, he'd made it through several levels of encryption more quickly than he had the first time around.

  "Zach?" Quita asked, peeking her head around the corner. She looked flushed and rosy, as though the wine had already started to have an effect on her.

  "I'm heading to bed," she told him.

  Zach looked at the clock on his computer. It read three a.m. Time had flown by as he'd worked.

  "Yeah, me too. Good night," he said, closing down the programs.

  Zach waited until he heard her door shut, and then went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He knew he wouldn't sleep long. He didn't want to wake the girls up with one of his dreams, so he set his alarm for five-thirty. Just enough time to fuel him for another day.

  Maggie had already prepared the couch for him, and, once she
’d taken off all the pillows, he was surprised at how much room was actually there. He didn’t have to curl up in a fetal position, as there was plenty of space to spread out. The cushions were soft, enveloping him as he sank into their warmth, and, before he knew it, he'd drifted off to sleep.

  * * * *

  Zach shot straight up, gasping for air. He put his hand over his chest as he tried to still his racing heart. He often woke up this way, but this time, it seemed different somehow. He didn't recall having the dream, and he wasn't screaming. So, what had woken him?

  He got up off the couch and walked over to the window seat, peering out through the curtains. A movement caught his eye at the edge of the small yard. Moving quickly, Zach went to the bathroom, where a window looked out onto the back yard. Peeking through the curtains, Zach saw two men in black walking stealthily across the yard.

  Without wasting any time, Zach hurried back to his bag, taking out the gun he'd tucked inside, then slinging it over both shoulders backpack style. Quietly, he made his way to Quita's room. When he entered, Quita sat straight up in bed.

  "Zach?" she whispered.

  Zach put his finger to his lips and motioned to the yard outside. Fear lit Quita's eyes, but she nodded and climbed off the bed.

  "Get your bag as quickly as you can. We need to get out of here." Zach looked out the window again, where something glinted in one of the guys’ hands. He didn't know how many of them there were, so he wouldn't make the first move. He needed to get them out of there.

  Quita pushed her feet into her shoes and pulled a hoodie on over her tank top. Zach went to Maggie's room and lightly shook her awake. Maggie came awake swinging, and Zach briefly wondered what in the world had happened to her to cause her to react that way. He ducked, her fist barely missing him. With both hands up, one holding the gun, he tried to show her that he wasn't a threat.

  Awareness fell over her.

  "What the hell, Zach?" she said, way more loudly than he wanted her to. He put his finger to his lips.

  "Get some things in a bag. Quickly. We have to go."

  Glass shattered in the living room, and Zach ran towards the front room just as a rock landed on the floor. Something else flew towards him, and he ducked. A bottle crashed behind him and burst into flames. Molotov cocktail. Damn!

  The flames spread from the rug on the floor to the couch, where he'd been sleeping just moments before.

  "Get down!" he shouted, as Maggie and Quita entered the room.

  Another Molotov cocktail flew in, landing on the window seat. Flames exploded, catching the curtains around the window on fire.

  The sound of rapid gunfire followed, and the girls shrieked and ran back to the hallway as bullets hit the side of the house, breaking the windows and splintering wood all around them. The flames licked at the front door as the entire living room was engulfed in flames.

  "Stay down!" Zach army crawled to the kitchen, checking the back door. Just as he entered the room, another bottle flew in through the back-door window. He jumped up and ran as the gas ignited, the flames making a barrier between him and the back door.

  Fire now blocked both exits, and Zach cursed at having to go through a window. It was hard to stay hidden when you were climbing out a window. The flames had picked up and spread, the walls of the living room burning under the accelerant. Maggie lay on the floor, tears rolling down her face as she watched her beloved home and belongings go up in flames. Zach's gut clenched, and anger fueled him. He wanted these bastards to pay for doing this.

  Smoke was heavy in the air, and Zach knew that they had just a few minutes to get out before they all died of smoke inhalation. Dropping to the floor, he crawled towards the hallway where the girls were lying in wait.

  "Follow me," he called out and stayed low until they reached Quita's room. He hoped that going out the back would be safer than exiting from the front. If the assholes who'd done this had any sense at all, they'd be long gone. Sirens wailed in the distance, but the fire department wouldn't get here in time. Zach looked over his shoulder to see that the flames had consumed the entire living room and kitchen area of the house. Quita and Maggie were coughing violently. Zach could feel his lungs seizing, and dark spots fluttered in his vision. He had to get them to safety.

  Opening Quita's door, he jumped up and ran to the window. Throwing it open, he looked outside to see that all seemed quiet. He put one leg over the window frame and slid the other one over, hoping that if there were someone out there that he couldn't see, they'd take a shot at him first. But no shots came.

  Once he was on the other side, he pulled Quita out through the window to safety. Maggie stood there, still looking at the door to the bedroom, where smoke was billowing in from the living room.

  "Maggie! Let's go, hon."

  Maggie stood there, unmoving.

  "Maggie. We don't have time."

  She turned slowly, tears running rivulets down her face.

  "My house. My things," she whispered.

  "I know. I'm so sorry. But things can be replaced. You can't."

  Nodding, she climbed out the window, and Zach helped her down. Then they ran to the car, crawling inside. Zach wasn't going to stand around waiting for the police to get there and ask all sorts of questions—not until the girls were safe. He peeled out of the driveway, passing four fire and rescue vehicles on the way.

  Zach pulled out his phone. Sully answered on the first ring.


  "Sully, someone found us. Threw Molotov cocktails into the house. We barely escaped."

  "What? Is everyone ok? Is Maggie—I mean, what's the damage?"

  "I think it's going to be a total loss. We passed the fire engine on our way out. I didn't stick around. Can you call someone? Let them know that no one is in the house, and run damage control on why we left."

  "Of course. You're bringing them here?"

  "Safest place I can think of right now."

  Chapter 8

  It was basically the middle of the night when Zach and the girls walked into the Castle Investigations warehouse. They entered the conference room, where Sully, Isabel, and Ethan were all sitting at the table. Isabel jumped up from the table and ran over to Quita and Maggie, pulling them in for a big hug.

  The girls talked in hushed tones, and Ethan stood to shake Zach's hand and pull him into one of those bear hug things that guys did. Sully never took his eyes off Maggie. When Isabel released Quita and Maggie, Sully stood, drawing Maggie into an embrace. Instead of looking awkward, they seemed to fit together like two pieces of a puzzle.

  When had that happened? Sully pulled away and cleared his throat. Ah, there was the awkwardness in full force. Zach chuckled to himself.

  "Ok, want to tell me what happened?" Sully started.

  "Don't you think Quita and Maggie could use a chance to clean up and get some rest before we interrogate them?" Isabel asked with raised eyebrows.

  "Ladies, I know you're tired. We'll be quick."

  Quita and Maggie nodded as they slid into chairs at the table, Quita sitting next to Zach, and Maggie on her other side, next to Sully.

  "Zach, tell me what happened," Sully said.

  "I'd nodded off for about an hour or so when I was jerked awake by something. I ran to the windows and noticed men creeping around. When I went to wake the girls up, gunshots peppered the front of the house, and then the Molotov cocktails came sailing in after that."

  Maggie's eyes filled with tears, and she hid her face from the group, trying to keep the rest of them from noticing. Zach felt terrible having to retell the story of how her house had burned down. He saw Sully reach over and take her hand, holding it under the table.

  "How did they find you?"

  "I have no idea. We were careful. I made sure no one followed us."

  "Maggie, did you tell anyone about Quita staying with you?"

  "No, but Quita came to work with me. She left with Zach, though, so no one knew she was staying with me. I can't remember if we s
aid anything at the diner. Can you?" Maggie asked Quita.

  "No, I'm sure we didn't."

  Sully pushed back in his chair, its joints creaking under his weight. "Well, we're not going to figure anything out right now. Ladies, why don't you get cleaned up and get a little rest? Zach, you need some shut-eye?"

  "I don't think I could sleep now."

  "Fine. I trust you salvaged the drive?"

  "Of course. I'll see if I can make any more headway."

  "Let's reconvene at nine this morning."

  They all stood, Sully ushering Maggie out the door to show her to her room. Zach put his hand on Quita's lower back. She looked tired enough to drop at any moment.

  "Quita, you can use my old room,” Isabel told her. “Maggie can use Ethan's. It at least has some feminine touches to it since we lived here for a couple of months before we moved into our house. We used both rooms, so I made his look comfortable for any female guests staying here."

  "Thanks," Maggie said, as Sully held the elevator door open for her.

  "I appreciate it," Quita added.

  "Of course. I'll show you around and get you two some clothes to wear."

  "Izz, can I see you a minute?" Ethan asked, peeking around the conference room door and into the hall.

  "Oh, sure. Um—"

  "I'll get them some things if you don't mind my rummaging through your drawers," Zach offered.

  "Not at all. There's not much left here anyway. Thanks, Zach." Isabel squeezed his shoulder, then, turning to Quita, gave her a quick hug. "I’m glad you're ok. Get some rest."

  Zach could see that the hug meant more to Quita than Isabel even realized. Or maybe she did realize it, and that's why she’d done it. Who knew with Isabel?

  He, Sully, and the two women took the elevator up to the top floor of the warehouse, where the living quarters were. The warehouse was three stories. The first story held the boxing ring, the firing range, and an open space where they met with clients. The second floor held the offices.


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