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Castle Investigations Box Set

Page 98

by Dee Bridgnorth

  Pulling his phone from his pocket, he dialed Sully as he jogged back to the warehouse.

  "They took her!" he shouted when Sully answered the phone.

  "Took who? What are you shouting about?" Sully asked gruffly.

  "A black car pulled up and took Ella. Run these plates," he said, and rattled off the letters and numbers.

  "Got it."

  Sully hung up, and Zach ran up the stairs to the computer room. The whole team was there, gathered around, waiting.

  Zach sat down at his computer and hacked into the cameras posted around the city. With a few keystrokes, he had a lock on the car.

  "Do you have a name for the plates?"

  "Yeah. You're not going to like it."

  "Who is it?"

  Sully held up the piece of paper that Ella had written on earlier. It was The General's name.

  Charles Kingston.

  * * * *

  Ella sat in a chair, the black hood the men had pulled over her head still in place, and her hands tied behind her back. Bright light suddenly hit her squarely in the face as the hood was pulled off. She blinked rapidly before her eyes focused on her surroundings.

  She was in an office. A very nice, very expensive home office. Dark mahogany furniture filled the room. A copy of the Declaration of Independence hung on the wall. A flag was folded and displayed in a glass case on the bookshelf.

  The person that owned this office was a proud American citizen.

  He was also a criminal.

  The high back chair turned around, and Ella stared into the terrifying face of Charles Kingston. His white-gray hair was cut in a military flat top, his physique still muscled and lean. His Army uniform was starched and pressed, and was highly decorated.

  This man was supposed to be the epitome of a homespun hero.

  Instead, he was the devil incarnate.

  "Hello, Fiorella. So nice of you to join me today."

  Ella wanted to hurl. She hated these fake niceties. Hello, Ella. I'm going to pull your fingernails off one at a time. Please enjoy your stay here. Thank you. Come again.

  "How are you, Charles? It's been a while."

  "Last year, I believe," Charles answered. He'd raped her in the hallway of Bruno's club last year. Ella had figured out shortly after she'd been taken prisoner by Bruno and Tobias that Charles had secretly wanted her for himself. She'd remembered those lingering gazes he'd given her as a teenager. This way, he got to have what he wanted without risking his reputation on the Hill.

  "What do you want?" Ella asked, fear making her voice come out more sharply than she'd intended.

  Charles didn't appreciate being disrespected.

  Charles stood. "Now, is that a way to greet your old friend?"

  "You were never a friend of mine."

  The slap came from nowhere, whipping her head back, the pain radiating through her head. Ella moved her jaw, thankful it wasn't broken. She tasted blood where her teeth had cut the inside of her mouth.

  "Watch your mouth, young lady."

  Something broke inside her. She was sick and tired of men doing what they wanted with her. Kidnapping her. Hitting her. Raping her. Enough was enough. Ella drew her head back and spit at him, the blood and spittle landing right on the side of his face and rolling down to the white collar of his shirt.

  Charles's face turned red with anger.

  "You stupid bitch!" he roared, taking a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiping at his face and shirt.

  Ella was prepared for the next blow. Charles's fist struck out, landing on the same cheek. Black spots danced before her eyes, and the ringing in her ears made her unable to hear anything he was saying.

  Ella struggled to stay awake, the blow nearly knocking her out. Charles was a healthy man, still strong and physically fit even in his sixties.

  "You're going to tell them to turn the drive over to me."

  "What?" she asked, trying to stay conscious.

  "Dammit. Pay attention. We're going to call the Castle Investigations team. You're going to explain to them that unless I get that drive from them in the next hour, I’m going to start cutting your fingers off one at a time. Is that clear?"

  Ella felt the bile rise to the back of her throat. She nodded, unable to speak for fear she'd vomit and piss him off even more.

  "How did you know about the files?"

  "I know everything. Who do you think burned your friend's house down and followed you halfway across the country? If my guys weren't so incompetent, I'd have those files in my hands now. These civilians don't know what it's like to be at war. It's a disgrace to our country."

  "What war?"

  "Life is war, Fiorella. Never forget it. You're either the one capturing, or the one being captured."

  The man was certifiable.

  "Now, it's time to turn over what's rightfully mine."

  Charles dialed a number and put the phone on speaker.

  "Hello, Charles, to what do we owe the honor?" Sully's calm voice rang through the room.

  Charles glared at her. "I see Fiorella can't seem to keep her mouth shut. Well, it's certainly posed a huge problem for her. She has something to ask you." Charles nodded at her.

  Ella took a deep breath. "Sully, listen to me. Tell Zach I love him. And call my mom and tell her I'm sorry. Please, Sully."

  Charles hit her again, and this time, the spots lasted longer, and the ringing was almost deafening.

  "You'll bring those files here, or I'll start cutting her fingers off one at a time. Is that clear, Castle?"

  "See, here's the problem, Charlie boy. How do I know you won't just kill her before we get them to you?"

  "You don't. You have one hour."

  Charles ended the call.

  "Ralph!" An ugly man with scars all over his face pushed open the door.

  "Yes, sir?"

  "Take our guest downstairs to the holding room."

  "Yes, sir." Ralph started towards her when the sound of glass shattering in the adjacent room sounded, and footsteps pounded down the hall.

  "Call security!" a man shouted. Ralph rushed at Charles and dragged him towards the bookshelves.

  "Wait! I have to have those files!" Charles shouted.

  "There's no time, sir," Ralph said, pressing a button near the desk. A bookshelf slid away, revealing a long passageway.

  "Get her!" Charles said.

  "I'll come back for her. I have to get you out first."

  Ralph pushed The General through the passageway.

  Shots sounded outside in the hall, and the sound of shouting and running filled her ears. She had no idea what was going on, but she was a sitting duck where she was. She tried to pull her hands free but couldn't get the right angle to snap the ties.

  A hand came over her mouth, and she screamed.

  "Shh, it's me."

  Zach's voice was the most wonderful sound she'd ever heard.

  "Zach?" she asked, turning to see a man in black from head to toe, with even his face covered by a black ski mask.

  "The one and only. Let's get you out of here."

  "He wanted the drive, Zach. He was the one who ambushed us at Maggie's house, at the rest stop, and then in Memphis."

  "I figured that's what this was about. Let's get you home."

  Her hands were freed, and Ella went to stand. Her knees buckled, and Zach caught her, scooping her up in his arms.

  "I can walk."

  "Sure you can."

  "Stubborn man."

  "Who are you to call me stubborn?"

  Zach's gaze landed on the bruises that Ella knew were already showing up on her face. She could feel her cheek swelling, and she feared her jaw was broken.

  "I'm going to kill him," he hissed.

  "Not today. Just take me home."

  "You need a hospital."

  "No. I need you."

  Chapter 25

  Zach sat on the couch in the living area of the warehouse, with Ella on his lap, curled against his chest. The rest of
the team members were on their way to debrief and determine the next step. The day could have gone much differently. A chill had crept over his skin when he'd heard Charles Kingston's threat over the phone to cut off Ella's fingers one at a time. It had taken all the restraint he'd learned in the Army not to charge in there and blow his head off.

  Charles had gotten away. Zach wanted to punch something, and he would later on. He'd go down to the main level and pound away at the heavy bag until his muscles ached. But for now, he would hold the woman he loved in his arms.

  Ella's face was swollen, her cheek black and blue. Zach didn't understand men who hit women. Everything in him called out to protect this woman, to cherish her. He'd never let anyone hurt her again. If it killed him, he would keep her safe.

  Sully, Gabriel and Cate, Lucas, and Isabel and Ethan trickled into the room one by one. Sully had Lucas and Gabriel send word to their wives to pack their bags. They'd all be bunking down at the warehouse for the foreseeable future. The General was aware that they knew his identity.

  It would be all-out war until he was taken down.

  Zach hadn't had a chance to sort through the files yet to see if they had evidence on The General. His gut said there wouldn't be anything blatant. Maybe a picture here or there, but the man was too smart. He wouldn't have let Bruno keep a file on him without his knowledge.

  Sully sat down in the leather armchair as everyone else settled in around the room.

  "As you all know, we're up against a very formidable opponent. His influence is far-reaching. None of us are safe. Nor are our families. Anyone you love or care about needs to be packed up and brought here."

  Ella sat up, as if just realizing that the entire team was present. Color touched her cheeks as she squirmed to get off Zach's lap. He let her go, but only because he didn't want her to be embarrassed.

  "What about my mom?" she asked quietly. "He'll go after her first."

  "I've already sent for her,” Zach replied. “As soon as he took you, Sully called Nathaniel. We sent a plane for her, and she'll be here tonight."

  Ella grabbed his hand and squeezed. He knew she wanted to do more, but for now, the small touch would suffice.

  "Maggie's staying, too, right?" Isabel asked.

  "Yes," Sully said. "She's involved now, and too close to us for us to take a chance."

  "Good," Isabel said with a gleam in her eye. Zach knew that Sully had feelings for Maggie. In fact, they all knew, and they were all determined to make sure that the two of them got a chance to explore those feelings. What better way than to have her living here, under the same roof?

  "What's the next step?" Gabriel asked, his arm around his wife.

  "We need information, and we need proof. Cate, I'm hoping you can dig up something. Use your connections, but be careful. I won't have anyone on this team hurt—or worse."

  "I met him," Cate said softly.

  "What?" Gabriel asked, pulling away and pinning her with an intense stare.

  "The night I went out with Andrew Haney. Charles Kingston was there with one of the escorts. There was another man present as well. I can contact Christy Knox from the escort service and see if the escort he was with that night is still working at the service. If she is, she might have something we can use. Pictures, phone calls. It's not much, but it might be a start."

  "Why are we just now hearing this?" Sully asked.

  "Well, Ella dropped her bomb and then ran out and was kidnapped. No offense, Ella."

  Ella smiled. "None taken."

  "Plus, it took me a minute to figure out why I knew that name. I saw him there, but nothing I saw was against the law. Not really. And I don't have proof, so it's just my word against his."

  Sully nodded.

  "I want him to pay," Lucas said. "He's been playing with our lives and the lives of those we love for far too long."

  "He will. I promise," Sully said. "Zach, how soon can you comb through the files of that drive?"

  "I'll start tonight. I only got a brief glimpse of them before. I do have pictures of him with Ella's father. But if he tampered with the evidence and turned it to reflect back on Guillermo Flores, it's not going to do us much good."

  "Maybe my mama knows something? Dad kept most of his business stuff to himself, but The General was at our home many times. It's possible she overheard something."

  "Good. We'll talk to Mrs. Flores when she arrives this evening. Until then, Cate, work your magic. Everyone else, go get your families. Lucas, I'd see if Emery can take a leave from school. I don't want her in danger."

  "Agreed. Scarlett and I will drive up and get her tonight."

  "Ethan and Isabel, stay together, ok? The General has his sights on me more than any of you. I'm not sure why, but Izz, I don't want him to use you to get to me. Don't let her out of your sight, Ethan."

  "Wouldn't dream of it," Ethan said, taking Isabel's hand in his.

  She yanked it out just as quickly and gave them both a stern look.

  "I'm not incapable of taking care of myself, and I don't appreciate the insinuation that I am."

  "I'm not—" they both said at the same time.

  "I will be cautious because that's the smart thing to do. All of us need to stay close to each other. And Maggie needs a new job, Sully. Take care of it."

  With those words, she stood and marched out of the room.

  With a reddened face, Sully stood as well. "Ok, team, I'll be in touch. Stay inside as much as you can, and no one leaves alone. Guys, you all know to make sure you're carrying at all times."

  Everyone nodded and stood. Zach pulled on Ella's hand as she stood to leave.

  "Wait, I want to talk to you."

  Ella sat down, her face puzzled and, if Zach wasn't mistaken, a little worried.

  He waited until the rest of the team had left before he took both her hands in his. Facing her on the couch, he wished he had a more romantic way of doing this, but he didn't want to wait another moment.

  "Ella, your strength and determination, your courage and bravery, your kindness and compassion—they all make you the most amazing woman alive. This week has been hell, and yet it's also been the best week of my life. Because you were by my side every single minute."

  Tears hovered on Ella's eyelids, and the worry seemed to fade from her beautiful, bruised features.

  "I've slept better than I have since before my time in the Army. The flashbacks have subsided some. You make me better. I spoke to Isabel earlier, and she's sending me to a counselor friend of hers who specializes in PTSD. I want to get better because I want to be better for you."


  "Just a minute. Let me get this out." He took a deep breath. "With you by my side, Ella, I can do anything. You would make me the happiest man alive if you'd agree to be my wife."

  Zach reached into his pocket and took out his grandmother's ring. His mother had given it to him when he'd turned thirteen. She’d told him he was a man now, and that one day he'd meet a woman that would turn his world upside down. He'd want to marry that woman, and he should give her this ring.

  "This was my grandmother's ring. It's a little old-fashioned, so if you don't like it, I can get you something else."

  He held the ring out, waiting. Ella's mouth opened and closed as if she was trying to find words. Tears were streaming down her face. Zach waited, worry starting to creep into his mind. Had he read this wrong? Did she not love him like he loved her? He could wait. If she needed time.

  "I know it's sudden…"

  "Shh. Shut up, Zach," Ella said, and grabbed his head, pulling his face to hers. She kissed him, the saltiness of her tears mixing with the exquisite taste of Fiorella Flores. His love. His life.

  She pulled back, tears still racing down her face. "Of course I'll marry you. I love you, Zach. I love you more than anything."

  Relief and joy filled his heart. He hugged her close, inhaling her scent, feeling her body against his.

  She was his everything.

br />
  Zach and Ella hadn't wanted to wait to be married, and with the danger surrounding them with The General, they also hadn't wanted to risk a public ceremony. So Isabel and Ella had worked around the clock for two weeks, ordering things online and decorating the first floor of the warehouse to make it suitable for a wedding.

  Alannah Flores had arrived the night Zach had asked Ella to marry him. She'd told Ella later that Zach had called her before asking Ella to be his wife to make sure he had her blessing. She said she’d cried all the way to D.C. The flight attendant had been extremely stressed out.

  The ceremony had been simple, with just the Castle team and their families, along with Ella's mother, in attendance. They'd partied most of the night, once the ceremony had finished and they’d cleared the chairs out to dance the night away.

  A honeymoon was out of the question with the danger they were in, so Zach and Ella were planning to go once they'd ended the threat that The General posed.

  Ella stood at the mirror in the room she now shared with Zach, taking in the simple wedding dress she'd bought online. The style fit her perfectly—simple, elegant. And now she was waiting for her groom to join her. Her husband. The man she would spend the rest of her life with.

  She and her mother had shared a room until her wedding day. Ella had kept the promise she'd made to herself not to share her body with another man until she met the one she'd spend the rest of her life with.

  Tonight, she'd spend the night with her husband. For the first time, she would be intimate with a man on her own terms and no one else's.

  The door to their room opened, and Zach closed it behind him, propping himself against the doorjamb.

  He was still wearing his tux, the bow tie loose and hanging around the open collar of his shirt. Mouthwatering. That's what he was.

  Ella turned to face him, nervous for some reason. She'd done this lots of times, but never willingly, and never with someone she loved. Zach pushed away from the door and strode towards her. His eyes raked over her body, starting from her bare feet and traveling up to meet her gaze.


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