Castle Investigations Box Set

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Castle Investigations Box Set Page 103

by Dee Bridgnorth

  He couldn't survive on coffee all day, even though the man loved his coffee. She'd never met someone who took it so seriously. For Sullivan Castle, making coffee was like a work of art.

  Sully ground his own beans and then used some French press contraption that she was completely intimidated by. Even working in a diner for a living hadn't prepared her for the complex processes that Sully used to create the perfect cup o’ joe.

  Making up her mind, Maggie warmed up two plates of spaghetti for Sully and her, and then took those and a bottle of wine down to the offices. She'd just plant herself in his office and demand that he eat. It was a perfect way to ensure that Sully didn't try to avoid her after their encounter.

  When she got to his office, she rapped her knuckles lightly against the doorframe. He was staring at the phone on his desk and popped his head up abruptly.

  "Oh, hey," he said and stood, shoving his hands in his pockets. She realized he did that when he was unsure of himself. Which wasn’t often, since Sully was pretty much always sure of himself.

  And ok, sure. It made her feel pretty amazing that she was the one who made him do that.

  "I brought you dinner. I know you don't always get a chance to eat, so I just thought I'd bring it down to you."

  "Wow, thanks. That was thoughtful." He reached out a hand for his plate, and then his mouth fell open when she dropped into the chair across from his desk.

  "Please. Have a seat and join me," he said sarcastically.

  "I will. Thanks." She popped the cork for the wine and poured some into each of the glasses that she'd brought with her. After pouring two generous glasses full, she took a sip from hers, then dug into her spaghetti.

  Sully continued to stare at her, not saying anything and not eating.

  "Did you talk to the president?" she asked, unfazed by his shock-and-awe demeanor.

  Sully shook his head as if clearing away his thoughts, then picked up his fork and started eating.

  "I did," he said after shoveling a mouthful of spaghetti into his mouth. "We're cleared to do the investigation, but if anything goes wrong or leaks out to the public, we'll take the fall for it."

  "That's not fair!" she argued.

  "No, but it's the way it works. Kingston could ruin the president or spin it so that it looks like a witch hunt. By taking the fall, we're protecting the president."

  Maggie sighed. Life was so complicated. She hated that bad people got away with things, and that good people took the fall in order to protect someone else in power. It wasn't fair.

  But then again, she'd known for a long time that life wasn't fair.

  They ate in companionable silence. After all, it was difficult to talk and eat spaghetti at the same time. Maggie drank her wine, letting it warm her insides. She loved wine. Loved the nuances of the blends of grapes and flavors. The hints of spice or vanilla or caramel that she could detect.

  When she was finished eating, she put her plate aside and poured more wine into her glass. She sat back in the comfortable chair and watched Sully. He was working on something on his laptop, unaware that she was watching him closely.

  Finally, he sensed her gaze on him and looked up.

  "What?" he asked.

  "Nothing," she said, shrugging.

  He made a few keystrokes and then closed the lid to the laptop.

  "Listen, Maggie—"

  Maggie jumped up from her chair. "Nope. We're not doing this. I'm not having this conversation, Sully."

  "It's just that—"

  Maggie put her hand up, stopping his words. "I mean it. I'm not listening. You are not going to sit there and tell me all the reasons that this is a bad idea. Because we both know that what's going on between us is bigger than all the reasons you think you have for keeping us apart."

  She didn't wait for his response. She simply gathered up his dishes, leaving his still half-full wine glass on his desk, and left the room.

  As she passed the computer room, she poked her head in to say hi to Zach. He was so easygoing, and after their near-death experience together when her house had been firebombed, she was the most comfortable with him, aside from Lucas, than any of the other team members.

  "Hey, Zach," she said, propping her hip on the doorjamb.

  "Hey, Pink. How's it going? You bring me some of that?" he asked, a smirk on his face.

  "No. I, um, thought Sully might be hungry so I brought some food down."

  His grin widened. Maggie felt her cheeks heat up and changed the subject.

  "Do you ever sleep?"

  Zach chuckled. "I'll let you change the subject. This time. Yeah, I sleep better now that I have Ella, but in the past, not so much. I'm going to call it a day here in about an hour. Ella and I are going to get some dinner together."

  "That's nice," she sighed. And it was. She was so glad that Ella and Zach had each other. She just thought about how nice it would be if Sully took her to dinner some time. Like a date. A real date. She hadn't had one of those since she’d been a teenager.

  "Hey, you're from Atlanta, right?" Zach asked.

  Maggie grinned. Zach knew everything. He knew she was from Atlanta.

  "Yes, and I'm sure you already knew that—and a whole lot more about me."


  "What else do you know about me?" she asked, getting a little concerned about the extent of his knowledge into her past.

  "No more than a background check shows. I didn't send any PIs out after information or anything like that."

  She stiffened. They did that?

  "I don't remember signing anything."

  "You didn't." Zach winked.

  Maggie laughed, but it wasn't a comfortable chuckle. It was the type of laugh that had very little humor to it. The kind of laugh that you did instead of crying.

  "We just have the basics. Where you're from. No criminal records."

  Maggie knew there would be no police reports with her name on them. Anthony had made sure of that.

  Sully stuck his head through the doorway next to hers, and she jumped. He'd scared the crap out of her, sneaking up like that. Her hand flew to her heart, and, at her inhalation of breath, Sully looked at her with a brow quirked, as if to say, "What's your problem?"

  Those brows of his were quite expressive.

  "Any news?" he asked Zach.

  "I think so. I was just about to ask Maggie about the guy since they're from the same city and all."

  "What guy?" she asked, the butterflies of nerves starting up in her belly.

  "The mob guy from Atlanta. Ever hear of Anthony Garmoni?"

  No. It couldn't be.

  She felt the blood draining from her face, the fear coursing through her veins. Blood pounded in her ears as blackness took over her vision. She heard the crash of the dishes landing on the floor and reached back for something to hold onto, but it was too late.

  She swayed as memories from her past whirled in her mind. Her arm snapping in two as his foot smashed it into the ground. His fist smashing into her jaw as the sound of cracking bone filled her head. Three weeks in a hospital with multiple broken bones and internal bleeding.

  The blackness started to clear as her vision returned, blurring the two figures in front of her into unrecognizable shapes. Someone was holding her, lightly tapping her cheek and calling her name.

  Maggie blinked as Sully's face swam into view.

  "Pixie? What the hell?" His voice was stern, but his eyes were full of worry.

  She tried to sit up, but Sully held her close to his body, not allowing her to.

  "I'm ok," she croaked out, her voice feeling scratchy as if she hadn't used it in a long time.

  "People who are ok don't pass out at the mention of someone's name," he said sarcastically.

  He helped her to a sitting position. Zach was squatting in front of her. "I'm taking it you know this guy." His eyebrows quirked up with a knowing look.

  "Yes," she said simply.

  "Care to elaborate?" Sully asked as he held
her steady.

  Maggie cleared her throat and tried to put some distance between them, but Sully wasn't having it. He held on to her tightly, and when she tried to remove her arm from his grasp, he smirked.

  Fine. Insufferable man.

  "He's a bad man," she said.

  "Oh, yeah? That wasn't obvious from his mob connections or anything," Zach said. "You know more than that."

  She sighed. "He has a reputation. He's an abuser. A rapist. Sadistic and cruel." She shook her head as her voice began to shake. "I'm sorry. I thought that when I left Atlanta, I'd never hear his name again. Just freaked me out, I guess."

  Zach and Sully both looked at her knowingly. They knew she wasn't telling them the whole story. But she couldn't. Not yet.

  She sat up as straight as she could and looked Zach in the eye.

  "So, what's he done this time?"

  "He's here. In D.C."

  And with those words, Maggie passed out again.

  Chapter 6

  Maggie's tiny body went limp in his arms. When she'd collapsed last time, he'd barely caught her in time before she hit the ground. He was glad he hadn't let her out of his arms.

  He patted her face lightly, but she wouldn't come to. After waiting what felt like minutes but was probably only about thirty seconds, he tapped harder against her cheek.


  "Call Lucas," Sully said, panic rising in his chest.

  Zach took his phone out of his pocket and dialed Lucas's number. "Maggie's passed out. Can you come help?"

  He nodded at Sully and put his phone in his pocket. "He's on his way down."

  Sully watched her face, now pale and washed out. All the color had drained from her face as soon as Zach had said that Garmoni was in town.

  "What do you think she knows?" Zach asked.

  "I'm not sure I want to find out." Sully sighed as he stroked her cheek, hoping she'd come to and tell him he was being ridiculous. But he had a bad feeling about this.

  "What in the world could she have in common with a mob boss?"

  "I have no idea, but I plan to find out," Sully said.

  "I'll start looking into her background. Go deeper," Zach said, standing and going over to his computer bank. Sully gave him a nod.

  He felt guilty for prying into her private life. She'd obviously not wanted them to know anything about her past, but damn it! She wasn't telling him anything.

  Her secret adventure today. Her knowledge of Garmoni. A knowledge so deep that she'd passed out not once, but twice, at his name.

  "Something isn't adding up," Sully muttered.

  Could she be in communication with Garmoni? Working with him, even?

  No. That was genuine shock that had registered on her face when Zach had broken the news that Garmoni was in D.C.

  And fear. Pure, unadulterated, vicious fear.

  Lucas entered the room just as Maggie began to stir. He took something out of his bag, a vial of some sort, and waved it in front of her nose. She gasped and sat up, but Sully held her close to his chest.

  "Shh, I've got you," he said, and she relaxed against him.

  Maggie curled into his chest, as if borrowing from his strength. He couldn't help it. He loved her there. Loved that she was so tiny that he could just scoop her up and tuck her under his arm to keep her safe.

  "How do you feel?" Lucas asked her.

  "Ok," she said softly. "Sorry."

  "Why are you apologizing?" Sully asked her, a little pissed that she actually felt like she had to apologize for her reaction to the monster named Garmoni.

  She shrugged. "Just feel stupid, I guess."

  Lucas took a light out and shined it into her eyes. Maggie rolled them, and Sully could tell that Lucas was trying to hide his smile.

  "I'm fine," she ground out between clenched teeth. "It was just a little shock."

  "I agree," Lucas said. "But I'd appreciate it if you took it easy and got some rest. It will take your body a little time to recover. Try to stay relaxed. Drink some wine," he said as he eyed the spilled dishes and the empty wine glass with blood red wine spilling out of it. "Relax."

  He reached into one pocket and pulled out a candy bar, and then took a bottle of water from his other pocket. "Here. This will help. Scarlett says chocolate helps everything." He winked.

  "Thanks, dad," she teased. Lucas gave her a stern look, then glanced over her head at Sully. "Stay with her for a while. She needs rest and hydration. Make sure she drinks this."

  Sully nodded, relieved that she was ok, and Lucas squeezed her hand, leaving to go back upstairs.

  The woman was driving him crazy, drawing a reaction out of him that he had only ever had towards those closest to him: his mother, his sister, and his brothers in arms. Every time she danced into his office, her pink hair swirling around her and making her look like a damned fairy princess, he wanted to scoop her up and tuck her away in his castle, no pun intended. His desperate need to protect her probably wasn't normal. He knew he had issues. Issues that stemmed from his mother's death and Isabel's almost rape.

  "She won't be alone tonight," he promised. And he always kept his promises.

  * * * *

  Maggie wanted to protest. Really, she did.

  But she couldn't bring herself to do it. She'd been trying to hold Sully's attention for weeks now. She planned to take full advantage of it now that she had it.

  Only, she needed to call her brother and check in on him. How was she going to do that if she had a babysitter all night? She'd think of something.

  Sully stood with her still cradled in his arms. Damn, the man was strong. Granted, she only weighed about a buck ten, but still. He’d deadlifted her as if she were as light as a feather.

  "I’m taking Mags upstairs. I'll check in later," he called over his shoulder to Zach. "Keep me updated."

  "Will do, boss. Feel better, Pink."

  "I will. Thanks, Zach. Sorry for all the drama."

  "Well, at least this time, things aren't exploding into flames."

  "Zach," Sully growled.

  Maggie just laughed. "I believe that was your fault, not mine."

  "Hard to say," Zach said.

  Sully stepped into the elevator with her still in his arms.

  "I can walk, you know," she said.

  "I know. I'd just rather not have to catch you. Just let me do this."

  She kept her mouth shut and tried to hide the grin on her face. Sully cared about everyone, but she was pretty sure he wouldn't be carrying just anyone to his or her room. Being cradled in his arms, against his chest, wasn't a hardship by any means. And she relaxed against him, resting her head against his hard pecs.

  The man was like a rock mountain.

  They reached her room, and she leaned down to turn the knob. Sully pulled at the sheets of her bed and then laid her on top. He pulled the bottle of water out of his back pocket. She hadn't realized that he'd grabbed it from Lucas. He then pulled the candy bar out of his other pocket.

  "Eat this, and drink the water, please."

  "Yes, sir," she said.

  He sighed heavily.

  "Sorry. Sometimes the smartass comes out without my permission," she said.

  His lips twitched. She knew he was trying not to smile.

  He stood there, looking at her. Finally, she started to feel a little self-conscious.

  "Are you going to just stand there and look at me?"

  His smile broke through, and she realized that the smartass had escaped again. He chuckled.

  Sully looked around as if looking for a chair. She patted the mattress beside her.

  "I don't think that's a good idea," Sully said, and she could see that he was already uncomfortable. Because he wanted to stay? Because he was worried that he'd cross his self-imposed lines? Because he didn't want to be near her?

  That wasn't it. She knew he felt the same thing she did. He was just better at fighting it.

  "I promise I won't bite."

  "That's not at all wh
at I'm worried about."

  "Sully, I just passed out twice in Zach's office. I'm not going to jump your bones."

  It was a low blow, but she couldn't handle him pacing or sitting in a chair and staring at her all night. Plus, she wanted to be near him. Wanted him to wrap his giant arms around her and keep her safe. He could. She was sure of it.

  "You're right. I'm sorry."

  "Geez, would you stop apologizing already? You sound like a girl."

  He growled, the sound low and menacing in his chest. Except he might as well have been a kitten, because she knew he'd never hurt her. Never.

  Sully climbed onto the queen size bed, and Maggie scooted closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. She sighed in contentment.

  As if he were reluctant to do so, Sully slowly lifted his arm and drew her to him. The tenderness with which he held her melted her heart.

  "What happened with Garmoni, Pixie?"

  She stiffened, and she knew he felt it, but she tried to relax. She didn't really want to go into the whole story. She wasn't ready to talk about it. She knew she could trust him. With her head, she knew this. But her heart was still a few paces behind.

  Sighing, she curled up closer, moving her head from his shoulder to his chest.

  "I'm not ready to talk about the whole thing. I will. But not now." Maggie took a deep breath. "I know Garmoni. I've experienced his brand of punishment toward women. He put me in a hospital for three weeks."


  Maggie held her finger up. "I will tell you the rest. But not tonight, ok? I just want to stay here. With you."

  With those words, Maggie raised her head and pressed her lips to his. Tenderly, Sully pulled her closer, holding her as if she were something precious. Valued. Treasured.

  Sully's tongue traced the seam of her lips, and Maggie opened to him, desperate to get closer. His hands thrust themselves into her hair, and he tugged slightly, making Maggie smile.

  "What are you doing to me?" Sully whispered against her mouth.

  "The same thing you're doing to me," she answered back.

  With his trademark growl, Sully lifted her onto his lap to face him, letting her legs fall on either side. She pressed closer to him as he devoured her mouth, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip. He trailed his lips down her neck, and she tilted her head to the side to give him better access. Finding a sensitive spot right at her pulse point, he bit down slightly. When her mouth opened in a gasp, he took full advantage of it, moving his lips back to hers and diving in. Their tongues tangled at a frenzied pace, fighting for dominance.


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