Castle Investigations Box Set

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Castle Investigations Box Set Page 104

by Dee Bridgnorth

  "Seriously," he rasped. "You're going to fight me even on this?"

  Maggie grinned. "You bet your ass."

  A knock sounded at her door, and before she could move off Sully's lap, Isabel strode in. When she saw Maggie's position on Sully's lap, her hands flew to her mouth.

  "Oh, gosh. Oh, man. I’m so sorry. Geez!" She turned to leave, and Sully barked her name.

  Slowly, Izz turned around, the look on her face sheepish.

  "Ever hear of waiting for someone to tell you it's ok for you to come in?"

  Maggie crawled off Sully's lap and slid back up the bed with her back against the headboard. She knew her face was beet red, but then again, Sully was right. They hadn't exactly told Isabel that she could come in.

  "I heard about Maggie fainting. Twice." Isabel said the last word with a bit of a scolding tone. "And I was coming to check on her. I wasn't expecting to find my brother groping her in her delicate condition."

  Sully jumped off the bed, and Maggie followed him.

  "You're right. Damn," he said, striding to the door.

  "No. No, you don't. You don't get to walk out of here the martyr, Sully. Get your ass back on that bed." Maggie pointed to the bed, then turned around to face Isabel. "And you don't get to lecture him. I initiated that kiss. I'm the only one who gets to say what's right for me, and what isn't."

  Isabel grinned, her face glowing with mischief.

  "Yes, ma'am," she said, saluting. She cleared her throat, the smile never leaving her face. "I see that you are perfectly fine. I'll leave you two alone."

  Isabel walked out the door and then peeked back around it before closing it all the way. "Oh, and Maggie? I want details."

  With those parting words, she shut the door and left Maggie alone once again with Sully, who was now sulking. He hadn't sat down on the bed yet. She knew it wouldn't be that easy. She also knew the moment was gone. But it had been amazing while it lasted.

  "I should probably—" he started.

  "Leave?" she asked.


  "Is that what you always do when things get uncomfortable? Run away?"

  "Damn it, Maggie. I'm trying to be a good guy here."

  "Who said I wanted you to be a good guy?"

  "What?" he asked incredulous.

  "I mean, obviously, I already think you're a good guy, but what I mean is…" Maggie pulled at her hair and stared at the ceiling, exasperation taking over. "Sully, I don't need you to protect me from you."

  Sully took two big steps and closed the distance between them. He took her hands in his and pulled her even closer. His face was inches from hers.

  "I'm not protecting you from me. I'm protecting you from a madman who sells women to the highest bidder. I'm protecting you from a man who is forming a criminal army to take over the District and will stop at nothing to get his way. I'm protecting you from a man who wouldn't hesitate to throw you into the hands of a man you already have a past with. A past you won't even tell me about."

  The mention of Anthony's nearness made Maggie's knees weak. Nowadays, she always thought of herself as a strong woman. She hadn't always been. But then again, when she'd fallen under Anthony's spell, she'd only been eighteen. Far too young to know better.

  "I'm trying to keep you safe. Alive. Free. If The General finds out what you mean to me, he will use you against me. Make no mistake about it."

  Sully's words penetrated her heart. What you mean to me.

  "What do I mean to you?" Maggie asked him softly.

  Sully rolled his eyes. "Of course you'd zoom in on that." He released her arms and took a step back.

  Maggie knew that they were attracted to each other. She knew that she had feelings for him that went beyond the physical. She just hadn't realized that he had them, too.

  "Tell me."

  Sully pushed his hands through his short-cropped hair. Then, as if possessed by something he couldn't control, he turned back to her, grabbing her by the upper arms and pushing her up against her door.

  "I’m crazy about you! Can't you see that? You won't leave my mind. At night. During the day. And every time you waltz into my office, with your pink hair swinging around your shoulders, and your perky ass swaying as you walk, all I can think about is getting my hands on you."

  His breaths were coming fast and furiously. Maggie's heart pounded in her chest, and she knew his heartbeat mirrored her own. They stood there, the honesty of his words hanging between them.

  "Oh," she whispered. The word was so inept at accurately portraying what she felt in that moment. She wanted to tell him that she felt that way, too. Well, not about the pink hair, but how he made her feel. How he possessed her every thought.

  "Oh," he whispered back. Maggie wasn't sure how long they stood there, staring into each other's eyes, their hearts on their sleeves, before Sully pulled away.

  Maggie put her hand out, stopping him before he could leave.

  "I wasn't lying about not wanting to be alone. Will you stay?"

  He nodded, walking around to the side of her bed and sitting down where he'd been before. She crawled in on the other side, curling up under his arm. Her heart told her that what she felt for Sully had crossed from attraction and like to something that was deeper and more meaningful. But it wasn't the time to examine it more closely. For now, she'd just be here in the moment. With him.

  Maggie knew the world was plotting against them. She wasn't sure if Anthony knew she was there. If he'd try to come after her. If The General would use her to get to Sully. And in that moment, she didn't want to know.

  Closing her eyes, she let sleep consume her, tucked safely in the arms of the one man she trusted to keep her safe.

  Chapter 7

  A faint light shone through the small window in Maggie's room, its tinted glass not revealing the time of day. She knew it was morning, but wasn't sure how early.

  Sully was gone. He must have left during the night once he knew she was ok and resting. Reaching for her phone, she tapped the screen. Eight-thirty.

  She'd slept all night and half the morning. Normally, she was down in the office by eight. Fainting had sure taken something out of her last night.

  Before she took a shower, she had a phone call to make. Sitting up, she dialed her brother's number.

  "Hey, Will," she said, her voice cracking a little.

  "Hey, sis. How's it going?" he asked. She could hear the clanking of dishes in the background.

  "Good. I'm just checking on you guys."

  "What's going on?" His voice lowered with the words, and she could hear his footsteps as he stepped away from his lovely wife, Jenna.

  "Are you guys ok? Nothing has happened?" she asked him, hating that she knew she was worrying him, but realizing that they needed to know the truth.

  "Nothing has happened. We're all safe. Now tell me what's happened there."

  "Anthony's in D.C."

  "Geez, Mags. Does he know you're there?"

  "No idea."

  "Come home."

  "I can't. If he knows I'm here and follows me, I'll put Brady in danger. I refuse to put him or you and Jenna in danger."

  "He misses you," Will said softly.

  "I miss him, too." Maggie fought the tears that tried to cut off her voice.

  "I'll have him call you later today. Jenna's trying to get him to preschool."

  "Tell him I love him."

  "I will. Stay safe, sis."

  "You, too."

  Maggie put the phone back on her nightstand and went to the shower to get ready for the day. When she was under the hot, steaming water, she let the tears fall, sobbing until she slid to the floor, wrapping her arms around her knees.

  She didn't hear the door open. Didn't realize she wasn't alone until strong arms lifted her up, wrapping her in a towel, and carried her to the bed. She let the sobs continue, her whole body shaking as the grief left her body.

  Maggie cried for the eighteen-year-old girl who had fallen in love with a really ba
d man. She cried for all the times that that bad man had beaten her to within an inch of her life. She cried at the fact that that same man had managed to find his way to her safe haven, this city she now called home.

  But mostly, she cried for her four-year-old son, who was forced to live without his mother.

  * * * *

  Sully had heard the soul-crushing, animalistic sounds coming from the bathroom when he'd entered Maggie's room to check on her. He'd knocked for several minutes and had worried that she was in trouble.

  When he'd entered the dark room, he had heard the shower going and had almost turned to leave when the sound of her sobbing had reached his ears. Pounding on the bathroom door hadn't made her stop, and when he walked in, he’d realized that she hadn't even heard him.

  Maggie wasn't just crying. She was grieving.

  Fear covered him like a blanket. What was wrong? What had happened?

  He held her in his arms as she wept, her body shaking as the sobs were torn from her body in agonizing jerks. He wanted to make it better. But how could he, when he didn't even know what had happened?

  For several minutes, he held her, patting her head and whispering soothing words in her ear. The sobbing slowed down to tears and hiccups. And still he held her. Sully wasn't sure how long they stayed that way, with him stroking her hair and Maggie curling up against his chest like a little girl.

  Finally, Maggie lifted her face to his, her red-rimmed eyes piercing his soul. She was beautiful. And absolutely broken.

  He cupped her face and leaned closer. "Talk to me," he whispered earnestly.

  She closed her eyes and nodded once, then curled back against his chest.

  Frustration bubbled up inside him, but he pushed it down. It was her story to tell. He needed to be patient. But it was damned hard. Whoever had hurt her, whoever had made these gut-wrenching sounds come out of the sweetest woman he'd ever met—Sully would make them pay.

  * * * *

  Maggie left Sully's lap and padded to the bathroom to put her clothes on. Sully sat on the bed, waiting for her to return, hoping she'd open up and talk to him. Minutes later, Maggie opened the bathroom door, with her hair piled high on her head in a messy bun, ripped jeans that fit her like a second skin, pink Chucks on her feet, and a hot pink top that slid off one shoulder, revealing a tantalizing amount of skin. He wanted to lick that spot right where her neck met her shoulder.

  Clearing away his inappropriate-for-the-moment thoughts and focusing in on the hurting woman in front of him, Sully stood as she faced him.

  "I need food first," she said, her voice hoarse from all the crying.

  Sully nodded and held the door open for her as they made their way to the kitchen.

  "Sit," he said, pointing to the bar stool. Maggie acted as if she were going to argue, and then must have thought better of it as she plopped down onto one of the stools.

  "Omelet? Toast? Cereal?" he asked.

  "An omelet sounds fantastic," she answered. Sully took out the eggs, ham, cheese, and spices, and got to work, whipping up the omelets as quickly as he could. He was anxious to hear what had her so torn up. He hated that he couldn't fix it. Wished he knew how to help her.

  Hearing her cries had felt as if someone had ripped out his heart. It was terrible. Sully was a fixer at heart, but something told him that whatever she was dealing with couldn't be fixed easily.

  He poured the egg mixture into the hot pan, then flipped it over. Working in silence, he didn't try to get her to talk to him until she was ready.

  But she would talk.

  Plating the omelets, he set one in front of her, and the other in front of the stool beside her. He got to work on the coffee. No one else on the team knew how to make coffee the right way. They put the little cup into the instant machine and pressed the lever, and out came sub-par brown stuff that had caffeine in it but very little taste. In contrast, he'd prepared the water and beans beforehand, and now used his French press to steep and pour two cups of heavenly brew.

  Sully sat down next to her, placing her cup in front of her and taking a sip of his own coffee. He closed his eyes and inhaled.

  Maggie giggled. "Thanks," she said.

  He quirked a brow. "What's the laughing for?"

  "You and your coffee."

  "I can't help that I like a quality cup of joe."

  She smiled, and then, as if the weight of her problems had fallen over her, her smile dropped. She put the coffee down and took a bite of the omelet. Sully let her eat, not pushing her to speak until she was ready.

  Finally, they finished their breakfast and put away their plates. Maggie took his hand, pulled him into the common area, and sat down on the couch.

  She took a deep breath and blew it out as she turned to face him.

  "I met Anthony Garmoni when I was eighteen. I was young and stupid. I had no idea what he was like or who he was connected to."

  Dread crawled over Sully's skin. He had a feeling that Garmoni was about to give him even more reasons to despise him and want him dead.

  "My best friend and I had gone to a club the summer before I was to go off to college. We weren't able to drink, but we didn't mind. I just wanted to dance. Anthony approached me. He was older than me by about five or six years. Handsome. Charming. I fell under his spell. He asked for my number, and I gave it to him, completely flattered that he'd pay attention to me."

  Maggie glanced down at her hands twisting in her lap.

  "My mom passed away when I was a freshman in high school. My dad left before I was born. I never knew him."

  "I’m sorry," Sully said.

  Maggie gave him a small smile. "Thanks. Anyway, I lived with my brother, Will, and his wife, Jenna. I'd applied to several state schools and had gotten a scholarship to Georgia Southern. I was supposed to start in September. Will wasn't too happy when Anthony showed up at our door to take me out on our first date. He said that Anthony was too old, and that something didn't seem quite right about him."

  Maggie met Sully’s gaze. He could almost see the young girl who had had more trust in the world than she should.

  "But I was eighteen. What was he going to do? He knew I'd be in south Georgia pretty soon, and didn't think it would hurt anything. I'd be moving away. Away from Anthony." She paused, her voice lowering, and anger filled her eyes. "He was wrong. So wrong."

  Maggie stood and started pacing the floor. "I fell hard for Anthony. He took me to amazing restaurants. Bought me lavish gifts. I attended charity balls on his arm. For two months that summer, I lived the life of a kept woman, and I loved it. I was his trophy."

  Sully felt sick. He knew where this story was leading, and it was nowhere good.

  "When things turned physical, I was nervous. Anthony was my first. I gave myself to him, thinking it was the only way to keep him. Once he owned my body, he thought he owned my life."

  Maggie's hands twisted in front of her. Sully wanted to go to her and pull her into his arms. Tell her everything would work out just fine. But he didn't. He waited. Letting her tell the story.

  "Anthony convinced me not to go to Georgia Southern that year. Will was furious, refusing to let me live with him and Jenna unless I dumped Anthony and promised to attend college the following semester. When I refused, he kicked me out. Anthony took me in."

  Just like a predator. Sully was fuming. He wanted to show Anthony what it was like to be preyed upon. To be broken.

  "Things started off wonderfully. I lived in his luxury apartment in Atlanta. Never did I question how he made his money or what he did for a living. He told me he was a consultant, and I believed him without question.

  "It was six months into the relationship that things took a dangerous turn. Anthony and I attended another charity ball. I'd bought the most beautiful ice-blue gown. I felt like a Disney princess. My blonde hair was piled high on my head. My makeup was flawless. Anthony had said I looked like a dream."

  Sully believed it. He could almost see her. His Cinderella.

  "I was proud to be on his arm, and we circled the room, danced, and laughed. Anthony left me alone for a few minutes. I was sitting at our table sipping champagne, even though I was underage. A man walked over and sat down next to me. He was young and handsome, and I was flattered by his attention. I didn't know who he was. Nor did I know that Anthony hated him."

  Sully's gut clenched. He had a feeling that he knew where this story was headed, and he didn't like it one bit.

  "He asked me to dance. Told me his name was Lorenzo. I didn't see the harm in dancing with him. Anthony returned while we were in the middle of the dance. His anger was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. He punched the guy in the face and ripped me out of his arms. We drove home in silence. I had no idea what I had done."

  Maggie's breathing was heavy, her eyes unfocused. Sully realized that she wasn't here with him. She was back there, in that time, with Anthony.

  "When we got home, I tried to explain. I apologized and told him that it had been innocent. That I had only danced with him to be nice.

  "My apologies only fueled his anger. The first punch left me stunned. No one had ever hit me before. I didn't even realized what had happened. The next blows were so vicious, so violent, that I passed out from the pain. When I woke, my face was black and blue. I couldn't open my eyes. My jaw was broken, as well as one of my ribs. Anthony left me there on the floor. His housekeeper found me the next morning and took me to the hospital. I was there for three days. I told the doctors I'd been mugged."

  The fury Sully felt was unlike anything he'd ever felt before. He wanted to kill Anthony Garmoni with his bare hands. He wanted to unload all the fury of his life onto this man who'd thought it ok to beat the most innocent and beautiful creature God had ever made.


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