Cettia's Dawn

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Cettia's Dawn Page 29

by Emily Wilson

  He scrambles to his feet and hides behind Kato. “Is he always this grumpy when he first wakes up?” he asks quietly.

  “I imagine so.” Kato says good morning and kisses his cheek.

  “I’m better equipped to answer that, and the answer is yes. He and Ronan are the grumpiest morning people in Athoze.”

  The glare Aleon shoots Teagon’s way could spoil sweetbread. “Can we go? Why are we on a rock, anyway?”

  “I was showing the little Videre that Cettia isn't the only pretty light in the sky,” Teagon explains. “He was awake, I was awake—”

  “I was perfectly content to go back to sleep,” Az corrects.

  “You loved it, don't lie.”

  “I loved it.” He smiles a little and leans against Kato, hoping the brute didn't take any of that the wrong way. “I don't remember the last time I watched the sunrise for the fun of it.”

  Kato doesn’t seem to think twice about the banter and looks off into the distance longingly. “Sad I missed it. Next time wake me.” He looks down at Az and adds something just for him with his mind: “Just us... maybe we can make love while the sun rises.”

  Unfortunately, the shiver that runs down his spine and the quiet gasp that escapes before Azrian can catch it see to it that the others know exactly what just happened — or close enough, anyway. But for once, Azrian doesn't care. “I'd like that a lot, Jellycrai.”

  Kato pulls his bottom lip between his teeth and then seems to snap out of it. “Okay, so we see why this is called Redhaven... what else does it have to offer, Teag? You’re officially our guide.”

  Teagon looks like he’s completely content to stay right there all day, but he reaches out his hand for Aleon to help him up. “You sure you want me for a guide? I did a whole different kind of sightseeing when I was here, but I can let you know who’s single.”

  “I'll leave you here,” Aleon warns, but there's not a lot of bite behind the words. Teagon ignores him completely as Aleon jumps them back down to the bottom and holds him steady, then takes a couple of steps to reacclimate himself to walking.

  “I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving,” Aleon says.

  Azrian notices then that his stomach has been quietly objecting to its emptiness and agrees that they need food, so Teagon guides them to a quiet, dark, little bakery.

  “Great place to get more than one kinda treat, if you catch my drift.”

  “I have the best tasting treat there is,” Kato retorts, leaning in to bite Azrian’s cheek a little harder than he normally would in public, but something tells Az he’s thinking of their time alone last night.

  “I should have left you both on that rock.” Aleon facepalms, but they can still see the amusement behind his hand.

  The small talk through breakfast is one of the most normal things Azrian has ever experienced. He never imagined he’d be dining with three Praediti, let alone three Praediti he’s grown to love in one way or another — but here he is.

  Teagon only hits on the waitress twice before she agrees to go out with him. All it took was a very exaggerated story about how he lost his leg and she was hooked, though Azrian isn't quite sure if she agreed out of pity or genuine interest. He also doesn't think Teagon particularly cares.

  As they walk out of the bakery, Azrian has to shield his eyes from the now blazing sun. “Okay, where are we going next? I'm stuffed.”

  “Redhaven is one of our oldest cities. They have a gallery with historic artifacts if you’re interested in stuff like that.” Everyone agrees instantly, and Ronan is nearly running inside when they reach the building.

  “Ever since you let me go down into that city, I’ve wanted to see more stuff like this,” he says, staring wide-eyed at the art on the walls — some of them burnt and charred, others in immaculate condition.

  “Wow,” Kato whispers, walking up to a shield that looks similar to the armor they found in Caer Adstrin. “Think it’s his?”

  Azrian frowns deeply. “I hope not. I really didn't want them taking anything from there... unless this was somehow found elsewhere. The markings look a little different, don't they?”

  “Yeah, maybe. It’s hard to remember, but I wouldn’t put it past someone to take from there and sell it out here.” Kato tugs Az along to see some other artifacts. Some are simple, like hundreds of years old spoons or toys, but some they really can’t figure out. “It looks like some kind of jewel merged with stone... do you think they found it this way, or did someone make it?”

  He studies the way the two are melded together and shakes his head. “This wasn’t found this way. It looks like maybe a Terrare made it. Remember the faces of the Regnum in the mountainside?”

  Kato nods, his eyes flicking back toward the strange object. “It’s like art made from Athoze. I could never draw something this amazing.”

  “You undersell yourself, Jellycrai. I bet if you had more time to focus on art, you'd be really surprised what you're capable of.” Azrian traces his finger lightly over one of the gems, then tilts his head and walks back to the armor they found. “Wait a minute. If Cettia had her Dawn, do you think the other gods had something similar? Hanigen said Inais had “chosen” ones, but what about the other four?”

  “That makes sense. I imagine they all had a chosen at one point or another.” His brow crinkles together as he thinks and stares down at the shield. “Do you think they would be alive? Would the gods be able to grant immortality if they wanted?”

  Somehow, Azrian feels he knows the answer. “No. I think the gods may be able to grant them a longer lifespan, but I don't think they're capable of granting true immortality. Or else... we wouldn't be here. Cettia would still have her Dawn and I wouldn't have been necessary.”

  “You would have been necessary for me.” Kato turns to give Az all his attention. “I just know it... no matter what would have happened in the past... you were made for me.”

  “And yet, we wouldn't know each other if it weren't for all of this.” For the first time, Azrian really stops to consider how much of a chain reaction this has all been. Every single thing that has happened started with that one bad day when he got stuck in the rain and couldn't fix the roof. “I guess I have something to thank Inais for, after all.”

  “Guess I do too, then. Come on, I'm pretty sure that's Teagon getting yelled at for breaking something.”

  Sure enough, the owner is sweeping up glass and cussing at Teagon and Aleon. “All of you go or I will call the Regnum.”

  “I think the Regnum have much more important things to do,” Kato states, amused the man has no idea who he's talking to.

  Teagon barks a laugh. “Go ahead! Here, wait. I'll do it for you.” He cups his hands to his mouth and yells, “Aleon! Kato! You're needed in aisle one!”

  “What do you children know of the Regnum? You're lucky you have a bum leg, or I would have turned you in for breaking this. Shoo.”

  “The Regnum is full of shadowheads.” Kato raises one eyebrow at the man and then nudges Teagon along.

  Azrian stays to watch the man's face as he spots Kato's neck and his expression is absolutely priceless. He flashes the shopkeeper a cheeky grin and dashes after the others, making sure to point out the R on Aleon’s neck as well.

  “Wait... wait! I'm sorry!” he yells, but not one of them stops.

  “Now we broke his stuff and scared him. I feel guilty,” Kato admits, looking as if he might turn back and apologize.

  “Hey, I got a win out of this, too,” says Teagon. “I shouldn't get in trouble for an accident when my brothers are in the Regnum. I get the bro pass.”

  Kato tilts his head, obviously thinking such a thing exists. “The bro pass? When did they give it to you?”

  “Kato, if you don't stop doing stuff like that, my chest is going to explode,” Azrian says with all the love he can muster. Teagon gags and even Aleon looks grossed out, but Azrian doesn't care. “There isn't anything of the sort, but you should let this one go. I think that guy needed to be sc

  Kato looks at him from the side of his eye and grabs his hand again. “You're right. I don't know why he'd ever think it's the Regnum's job to deal with those things. That's what the praelex is for. I should probably introduce myself to them soon, huh?”

  “It might be a good idea,” Azrian says slowly, though that's the exact opposite of how he wants to spend his singular day off. There will be plenty of time for Kato to introduce himself to all the praelex of the world when he officially begins his time as one of the Regnum, but for now... Azrian fully intends on keeping Kato all to himself today. Almost to himself, anyway.

  They spend the rest of the afternoon touring Redhaven and marveling at the shops around them. There are jugs, clothes the likes of which Azrian’s never seen, satchels of all shapes and sizes, and one particular shop that had Azrian blushing so hard he nearly wanted to call it a day and go home — at least until he could come back to it alone with Kato.

  Dinner is spent much like breakfast was, and Ronan eats so much he asks Kato to carry him back to the mountain. Teagon begs Aleon not to jump them just to see how far Kato could manage such a thing, but luckily for Kato, Aleon doesn't listen and they're back inside that infernal mountain before Cettia even thinks about rising.

  Azrian might've had a nice day in Redhaven, but one thing is absolutely certain — he's beyond ready to go home.

  19 The Calm

  Kato feels lighter the second they arrive home. There's something about Embermeadow that just feels right, like it's where he was always meant to be.

  Roe is nowhere to be found, so they all take turns taking baths in the river and then cook the meat they brought home from Redhaven. It ends up being the relaxed night they all needed, and they turn in for bed after a little too much ale. Azrian’s already half asleep but Kato is too excited to wait — it's finally time, and he's not putting it off another day. “Azzy... I have a present for you.”

  “Jellycrai, you don't have to call it that every time,” he says as his cheeks redden.

  Kato laughs loudly, rolling his giant body on top of Az to smile down at him. “That isn't what I meant, but that too... after.” He gets out of bed and looks in his hiding place. Happy it's still there, Kato pulls out the paper and holds it behind his back. “I had wanted to do more for it, but we got kind of busy for a while and now I'm out of time.”

  For the first time, Kato is nervous to show Azrian one of his drawings. “If you want anything to be different, just tell me, okay? Promise you'll be honest even if it might hurt my feelings.”

  “I promise. Of course I do, I got over trying not to hurt your feelings a long time ago.” He grins widely and holds out his hands, and for once, he actually looks a little bit like Nut.

  “Gods, you’re adorable.” Kato kisses him and holds the paper behind him, and when he feels Az’s hands sneaking toward it while he’s distracted, he pulls back with a playful glint in his eye. “Okay fine, here.”

  Once he hands Azrian the drawing of what he hopes is their future home, he instantly bites his thumb nail. “I tried to draw the cabin you have in your dreams sometimes... you only showed me it once, so it was hard to remember but—”

  Azrian’s entire face crashes into his as he kisses him, and the drawing falls to the floor as Az jumps up into Kato’s arms and peppers kisses all over his cheeks. “It's perfect. I love it.”

  “Yeah?” Kato lays him back and melts into him. “I was nervous. I didn’t want you to think you had no say in it, but I also wanted to see this exact smile on your face when I surprised you.”

  “You took it out of my dreams, Kato. I think that counts as me having some say.” He reaches up to touch Kato’s face and pulls him in to kiss him softly this time. “It's beautiful, Kato. And I can't wait to build it with you.”

  “I think you’re beautiful, and now it’s time for your other present. Be a good boy and stay still.” As Kato kisses his way down Azrian’s body, he grins in between each and every one. Everything is already looking up.

  UNFORTUNATELY, ROE and Rhix show up at first light. All of them are wild-haired and grouchy, but also very happy to be together.

  “Azrian.” She pulls in her son to look him over. “Off saving the world once more. What happened to your neck?”

  “Rocks,” Azrian says, gesturing toward the door like that would somehow make what he's saying more believable. “It was rocks. A lot of them.”

  “They got me too. Rocks gone rogue, anyway...” Kato clears his throat as his brothers laugh from the couch. “Glad you guys are safe.”

  “Well I'm glad Rhix offered to let me move in while you three were galivanting across Athoze. The way you two bring visitors home, I'd have to sleep on the roof.”

  “Hey, at least I fixed it,” Az points out. “It would be com... yeah, fair point. So you're li—” Azrian stops when the subject matter finally catches up to him “—you’re living with Rhix?”

  “Yes. We were worried after he told me you were attacked here. He wouldn’t let me be here alone while he’s at work and... well, I like his home. It’s time I let you breathe, son. The giant seems to take good care of you when I can’t.” It’s the nicest thing she’s ever said to or about him, and it makes Kato stand just a little taller.

  Azrian’s body language suggests that he wants to argue, but the loudest thoughts in his mind are ones reminding him that this is exactly what he wants, and now he doesn't have to be the bad guy to get it. “I'm really happy for you, Ma. And thank you for finally admitting how good Kato is for me. That actually means a lot.”

  She glances sideways at Kato and nods her head slightly. “So tell me what happened. Was the threat eliminated?”

  No. Kato thinks to himself. I couldn’t do it.

  “No,” Azrian answers honestly. “It was contained, not eliminated. And Kato and Aleon... they accepted positions with the Regnum.”

  Teagon grins and whirls Aleon around to show her his neck. “See? How sweet is that?”

  “Shadows.” Roe walks forward to see it and runs a finger down it softly. “And Kato? Which member are you?”

  Part of him wishes he could have chosen to be their Sana, but he has a feeling he’d just be cast aside if that were the case. “Cogitare. They didn’t offer to let me be the Sana, and I feel like my opinion will be heard more in this position. One of the many things I plan on changing.”

  She purses her lips so tightly that Kato's afraid they'll disappear, but she shocks him. “I'm glad it's you,” Roe says. “Don't waste this opportunity.”

  “I won’t, ma’am.” Kato offers a smile and there’s something about the look in her eyes that tells him he almost got a smile back... almost.

  “So a Praediti prison, huh?” Rhix speaks up for the first time since they arrived. “What types of laws can get us put in there?”

  Kato swallows thickly before beginning. “The same laws that get humans locked up. We have to start somewhere with equality.”

  “Good. Can I send a few your way?” Rhix jokes, but then instantly drops his playful demeanor. “No, seriously. I've got a list of faeching thieves I've been dying to pin to a wall.”

  “Absolutely. I need to visit the praelex soon anyway and we can get them all on the same page. Aleon can transport them easily, right?” He turns toward his brother with a grin.

  Aleon narrows his gaze and walks over. “I don’t care if you’re the Regnum’s Cogitare. You’re still my little bro and therefore, not my boss.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Yeah, whatever.” Aleon seems to accept defeat with a shrug and follows Ronan to the kitchen.

  When Roe and Rhix leave, Azrian pulls the paper out again to stare at the drawing of their new house. “Can we get started soon? I already can't wait.”

  “Absolutely.” Kato glances down at it and bites his lip as he pictures it in his mind. “How many rooms? Three again?”

  “We might want to go with four. We could always turn one into an art room for you,” Az offe
rs. “Then you could paint me pictures until our walls are full.” Once again, Azrian takes his breath away. No one else has ever accepted Kato for exactly who he is, and Azrian loving his art feels like an extension of him.

  “Can I draw you soon? Lying on the grass. I want to be able to look at it when we’re a sea apart.” Kato touches the side of his face and stares into his eyes, wishing there was some way to draw him and actually do it justice. “No matter the pencil I use, I can never get your eyes right.”

  Azrian draws in a shaky breath. “Maybe once we build the house, you can just add me to that one. Remember where your true home is.”

  “You are my true home. I’d follow you to the ends of Athoze... wait, does it end?” Kato asks, instantly distracted by the thought of traveling the Wastes again. “And if we go near more water, I might have some arguments.”

  “Um... did you guys forget I’m here?” Teagon asks. “The little one looks like he's about to get naked, and I’m only kind of here for that.”

  “Gross. I did forget you were here. I thought you went outside or something.” Kato tosses a pillow at his head, but his brother knocks it down before it can hit him. “You’re helping with building this house. No excuses.”

  Teagon makes a face but shrugs and pushes himself up. “Yeah, I'm good with that. The faster we get this house built, the better.”

  Azrian grins. “Then get to work. I'll get you the tools.”

  “Azrian! He's gotta go!” Aleon yells from the kitchen, and Az cusses under his breath.

  “I forgot Ronan has school today.”

  “He didn’t.” Kato looks over at Ronan as he exits his room fully dressed with his hair combed. “You excited or something?” he asks with a teasing smirk.

  “Well, duh. I get to see Miya and tell her I helped save the world.” Rone wiggles his eyebrows and Kato facepalms at how much he’s grown.

  “Has he been hanging out with Teagon too much? He’s starting to sound like him.”

  Teagon pokes him. “Hey. Don't be a stult. He hasn't spent nearly enough time with his Uncle Teag, and anyway, I'm a good influence.” He turns to Ronan. “Is she hot?”


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