Book Read Free

Cettia's Dawn

Page 31

by Emily Wilson


  (contains spoilers)


  Caelim (kay-lim) – a Praediti gifted with the power to manipulate the air around them, usually characterized by pale blue irises.

  Cogitare (co-gi-tar-ay) – a Praediti gifted with the ability to read and control minds. They’re known by their golden irises.

  Contego (con-tee-go) – not much is known about these rare Praediti, but their eyes appear almost colorless.

  Igneme (ig-nay-may) – a Praediti gifted with the ability to create and manipulate fire, usually characterized by red irises.

  Itinerae (eye-tin-er-ay) – a Praediti gifted with the ability to teleport. They’re most often gifted with pale yellow irises.

  Oculare (awk-you-lar-ay) – a Praediti gifted with the ability to see things others can't — ghosts, auras, other planets. They’re typically identified by their black irises.

  Sana (san-ah) – a Praediti gifted with healing powers, usually characterized by green irises.

  Tactare (tack-tar-ay) – a Praediti gifted with telekinesis. They usually have light purple irises.

  Terrare (ter-rar-ay) – a Praediti gifted with the power to manipulate Athoze itself. They usually have dark brown irises.

  Undare (oon-dar-ay) – a Praediti gifted with the ability to manipulate and control water. They typically have dark blue eyes, but can sometimes be confused with Caelim.

  Videre (vih-dere-ay) – God-gifted with the ability to create and manipulate energy. They’re known by their gray irises and their power comes from Cettia.

  Viribus (vih-ree-bus) – a Praediti gifted with unnatural strength, usually characterized by orange irises.


  Aleon (ay-lee-on) – Kato's brother; originally known as K7.0, he changed his name when he was removed from Deadrun; 26 years old; Itinerae; average build; short brown hair; 6'1.

  Alstro Vervean (al-strow verve-ian) – the Regnum’s Sana.

  Axis (ax-is) – the valianis that accompanies Azrian and Kato through the Simbian Forest and on the rest of their journey; nearly 700 years old.

  Azrian Mihr (Az-ree-in Meer) – shoulder-length dark hair and deep gray eyes; Videre; 5’8.

  Belua (bell-oo-a) – Melior’s partner-in-crime; 6’3; Igneme; killed by Azrian.

  Cindreg (sin-drag) – a dragon currently living inside of the Tizor Mountains with the Regnum; trained by Riley.

  Ecaeris (eh-car-iss) – the former love of Syphon, she was taken by Belua and never seen again.

  Erante Linneal (err-ant-ee lin-nail) – the Regnum’s human.

  Exus Rumhin (ex-is room-hin) – the Regnum’s Itinerae.

  Falos Geinten (fay-los guyn-ten) – the Regnum’s Terrare.

  Ferna (fer-na) – Igneme in Embermeadow; sister of Frankin.

  Frankin (frank-in) – Igneme in Embermeadow; brother of Ferna.

  Guara Murnim (gwa-ra mur-nim) – the Regnum’s Cogitare.

  Hanigen (han-ig-en) – twin brother of the Regnum’s Oculare, Neginah; also an Oculare.

  Jame (jay-m) – Oculare who resides in Embermeadow; dating Morella.

  Jasestros Rastun (jase-strows rass-tin) – former captive of Deadrun, now working for the Regnum; Undare.

  K – Kato’s human mother; former captive of Deadrun; deceased.

  Kareen (kah-reen) – member of the Venandi who assists in the kidnapping plot from Cettia’s Shadow; member of Syphon’s army.

  Kato/K8.0 (kay-toh) – former member of the Venandi; current resident of Embermeadow; both a Sana and a Cogitare; his eyes are golden with a green ring around his pupils; characterized by messy auburn hair with an undercut and scars that run from his temples nearly to the back of his head; 6’5.

  Kerk (kurk) – human imprisoned in Embermeadow’s prison for killing a Cogitare.

  Linaria Imfin (lynn-aria im-fin) – the Regnum’s Tactare.

  Lorn – Caelim attempting to frame a human for breaking into the butcher’s shop; praelex.

  Maikel (my-kell) – Viribus in Embermeadow; musician.

  Melior (may-lee-or) – the former leader of the Venandi; primary residence was Deadrun; Oculare with long, graying hair typically pulled up; killed by Kato.

  Miya (My-yah) – the young girl Ronan falls for; human.

  Morella (more-ella) – Caelim who resides in Embermeadow; dating Jame.

  Nael (nail) – human locked up in Embermeadow’s prison, accused of stealing from Rhix; set free by Kato.

  Neena – K9.0, one of Kato’s only two sisters; deceased.

  Neginah (nehg-ee-nah) – the Regnum’s Oculare; twin sister of Hanigen; assisted Kato and Azrian in Deadrun.

  Nut – a raccanis named Leiko (lee-ko) who met Kato and Azrian in the Simbian Forest and has become part of the family.

  Pax (pahx) – member of the Venandi who assisted in the kidnapping plot from Cettia’s Shadow; member of Syphon’s army.

  Peilar Anhies (pe-lar ahn-highs) – the Regnum’s Igneme.

  Rhix (rix) – Viribus; Azrian’s boss; blacksmith; boyfriend of Azrian’s mother Roe; 6’3.

  Riley (rye-lee) – former member of the Venandi now working for the Regnum as a dragon tamer; Cogitare; 5’5.

  Roe (row) – Azrian’s mother; human.

  Ronan Haevick (row-nin hay-vick) – rescued captive from Deadrun; Videre; 5’1.

  Scaevol Cathen (scay-vil cath-in) – the Regnum’s Undare; Tague’s father.

  Six – K6.0; Tactare; 27 years old, one of Syphon’s sidekicks; silver hair; 6’2.

  Slait (slate) – Tactare; helped the Venandi after they took his grandfather captive.

  Syphon (sy-fun) – K2.0; 31 years old; the oldest of Kato’s living siblings; 6’0; gray eyes; gets his power from Inais.

  Tague Cathen (tag cath-in) – former captive of Deadrun now working for the Regnum; Terrare.

  Tylan (tie-lan) – Tripp’s boyfriend; Sana.

  Talitha (tah-lee-tha) – Sana; worked for the Venandi in Deadrun.

  Teagon (tea-gun) – Kato's brother; originally K5.0, he changed his name to Teagon when he was moved out of Deadrun; 28 years old; Viribus; bulky; reddish orange hair that falls in short curls; 6'5.

  Torenia Vinthil (tore-ee-nia vin-thil) – the Regnum’s Viribus.

  Tripp – K3.0; Itinerae; 30 years old; 6’2; brother of Kato and Syphon’s right-hand man.

  Tuyon (toy-on) – a loyal customer of Rhix and Azrian.

  Vaelyn (vay-lynn) – the praelex who fires Lorn for framing humans; Igneme.

  Voxer – Viribus who broke into the butcher’s hut.

  Xakan (zay-kin) – human imprisoned in Embermeadow for stealing food; freed by Kato despite being guilty.

  Zero – Kato’s brother; originally known as K4.0, and then Zeto, he was given the nickname by Syphon; 29 years old; Oculare; wiry frame; 5’11.

  Zinna Rastun – the Regnum’s Caelim; Jasestros’ mother.


  Anguinite (ayn-gwin-ite) – metal forged by dragonfire.

  Anzore (an-zore-ay) – Athoze’s sister planet; believed to be devoid of Praediti.

  Aterite – the darkest gem in all of Athoze.

  Athoze (ahth-os) – the world as a whole; consists of Edros, Etria, Sastrya, Rostya, and Deadrun.

  Avisim (a-vee-sim) – these creatures are best described as flying monkeys; they will kill for food and supplies but after years of hard work, they can be trained to send messages and letters, even over large bodies of water.

  Bonefell (bone-fell) – the lone inhabited town on the Sastrian Peninsula.

  Bone Lilies – flowers known for their skeletal-like filaments and gorgeously patterned petals; primary function is pollination but they also scare off most harmful volucrae.

  Bridgehelm (bridge-helm) – located in the southernmost part of Edros.

  Brinecoast (brine-coast) – a fishing town located on the cusp of the Sutson Sea and the Vodter Bay.

  Canch (can-ch) – a rude word used to
describe someone mean or unreasonable; an insult.

  Capus (cape-us) – cross between a cat and a rabbit with floppy ears and a long tail.

  Coldhallow (cold-hall-ow) – located on the northern coast of Edros, Coldhallow is a fishing town that survives off craivil from the Aswel Sea.

  Coldhallow Crest – the mountain range just northwest of Coldhallow; the only mountain range in Edros and one of only two in all of Athoze.

  Colwort (cole-wart) – aloe.

  Coyanis (coy-an-iss) – a coyote the size of a large dog.

  Craivil (cray-ville) – fish.

  Dawndrift (dawn-drift) – located in southern Sastrya.

  Deadrun (dead-run) – Once a Venandi stronghold, Deadrun was liberated by Azrian, Kato and others after Melior and Belua were dispatched. Deadrun lies at the most northern part of Athoze and is the birthplace of Kato.

  Dorscuir (door-scur) – a small creature with a long, wiry tail and large ears; a cross between a mouse and a squirrel.

  Edros (ed-rose) – Home to Azrian, Ronan, Cal, and others, Edros boasts the mildest climate in all of Athoze; Coldhallow Crest offers snow and chilly weather, but the coastal cities are prime for beach-going year round.

  Embermeadow (ember-meadow) – Azrian’s birthplace in central Edros.

  Eodren trees (ey-o-dren trees) – trees that grow all over Athoze, no matter the climate.

  Etria (eh-tree-ah) – Athoze’s hub, sitting in between the Simbian Forest and Sastrya. Etria's climate and landscape are as different as the Praediti found there. Freezing cold nights and scorching hot days await you if you choose to venture here, but some of the best food and finest clothing can be found in Etria's towns.

  Grimrock (grim-rock) – located on the coast of the Sutson Sea in Rostya.

  Faech (faych) – an extremely rude word; “get faeched” is an insult used sparingly, it is considered one of the crassest things one can say to another person.

  Hazelfort (hazel-fort) – near the heart of Sastrya, Hazelfort is just south of Redhaven.

  Hokrine (hoh-kreen) – extremely sharp, durable metal typically used for knives, spear tips and armor.

  Hollowater (hollow-water) – this town is located in west Etria.

  Jellycrai (jelly-cray) – nickname given to Kato by Azrian; inexact translation is Jellyfish; meant as a term of endearment since Kato is afraid of sailing.

  Lacranae (lack-rah-nay) – a lizard-like creature shaped more like a frog; mostly desert-dwellers.

  Mors Byssum (mores-bees-um) – translated as death cotton, Mors Byssum is extremely poisonous but looks harmless.

  Oreyete (or-ee-yay-tey) – a large, deer-like creature with antlers and sleek coats; they're found mostly in small woods or flatlands; tricky to trap but worth it if they're caught.

  Oscim (ossim) – bird-like creature.

  Oscael (os-scale) – songbird-like creature that prefer islands.

  Oxhaven (ox-haven) – this small town is located between Coldhallow and Embermeadow in Edros.

  Pistalus – a shark-like creature roughly the size of a small whale.

  Praediti (pray-dee-tee) – humans blessed with magical abilities; easily differentiated by the color of their irises and the powers they freely display; Praediti powers are not hereditary, though having a Praediti parent greatly increases your chances of being born with abilities.

  Praefectus (pray-fect-us) – the ruling government in individual territories; the authorities except in cases that need to be escalated or controlled by the Regnum themselves.

  Praelex (pray-lex) – the police force in Athoze.

  Raccanis (rah-can-nis) – Known by their black eyes and tiny hands, a raccanis is a cross between a raccoon and a small dog. They’re extremely loyal and loving... as long as you keep them fed.

  Redhaven (red-haven) – the capital city of Athoze and home of the Regnum; located in Sastrya.

  Regnum (reg-num) – the governing body of Athoze; consists of one of each kind of Praediti and a human.

  Renegal (renni-gal) – a group of Praediti and humans who occasionally do freelance work for the Regnum, their network of spies and hired hands.

  Rostya (ross-tee-ah) – More rural than any of the other territories, Rostya’s mainland is full of bustling towns and growing markets now that the Great Chasm has blocked it off from the volcano.

  Sastrya (sass-tree-ah) – Athoze's capital, Redhaven, lies at the foot of the Tizor Mountains in Sastrya; the ruling Regnum have their headquarters here; the southern part of Sastrya is dry, vast desert, while the northern half is more temperate with mild winters and warm summers.

  Stult – a rude word used to describe someone the speaker isn’t fond of; an insult.

  Sweetbread – bread found in Edros with sugar baked into it.

  The Aswel Sea (as-well sea) – saltwater and vast, the Aswel Sea joins Sastrya, Rostya, Edros and Deadrun; it can take months to navigate the rocky waters.

  The Etrian Desert (et-tree-an desert) – This desert spans most of Etria, where you face scorching temperatures in the day and below freezing at night.

  The Rostian Ruins (ross-tee-an ruins) – Destroyed long ago by volcanic eruption, the Ruins were abandoned completely and separated from the mainland by a chasm created by Terrare; not much is known about what lies on the other side.

  The Simbian Forest (sim-bee-an forest) – This magical forest is home to creatures of all sorts. From the craivil that fill the rivers to the avisim that own the treetops, there is no shortage of wildlife in this forest so thick Cettia's light can't peek through the trees.

  The Sutson Sea (sutt-sun sea) – This is the only body of water that joins the four main territories – Edros, Etria, Sastrya and Rostya – and is often used for quick trade routes.

  The Tizor Mountains (tie-zor mountains) – This mountain range provides shelter and privacy for the Regnum when they're not in session in Redhaven; not much is known about the interior of the mountain beyond the occasional rumor that there's a hidden city inside.

  The Venandi (ven-an-dee) – a group of people run by Melior and Belua; their main goal is to reach another planet to learn and adopt electricity that can be used without Videre.

  The Vodter Bay (vod-ter bay) – This stretch of water joins the southern part of Sastrya to the Etrian port cities.

  The Wasted Waters – The only freshwater sea in all of Athoze, it's shrouded by mystery and intrigue since all those brave enough to sail the waters are never seen again.

  Ursin (ur-sin) – bear-like creatures.

  Valianis (vall-ee-an-is) – a wolf the size of a horse; they’re incredibly intelligent creatures with preternatural speed and a small amount of magic.

  Volucrae (voll-you-cray) – insects of all kinds.

  Wildpeak (wild-peak) – this town is located in southern Etria.

  Willowbark – an herb used to help with fever and pain.

  Ancient Races

  The Monseri (the mon-sar-y) – Mountain folk who preferred to live inside the mountains or deep underground in forgotten caverns. They ate mostly meat and berries indigenous to the regions around them, and while those dwelling in mountains did come out once in a while, they were mainly autonomous, and the ones underground only surfaced in times of great need or war. They were as tall as the average human and were skilled in all areas – though they lacked any kind of magic of their own, they usually didn’t notice a difference. They had their own governments and their own king, though they served Cettia – particularly in the Tizor city of Caer Adstrin. They were the first to mine Hokrine and atarite.

  The Aequin (the ay-quin) – River folk who founded the coastal cities. They lived on the Athozian islands and a couple of tribes lived underwater with the use of the stolen Atarax. They had long, powerful limbs and webbed appendages which allowed them to swim great distances quickly. They refused to eat craivil despite their proximity to the sea -– instead, most were plant eaters who would rather die than harm an animal. They answered only to Sorsin, they recognized no Ath
ozian king.

  The Nemune (the naym-yune) – Short and stocky forest dwellers, they had broad hands and long toes that make climbing trees a breeze. They didn’t have cities, towns, or even houses – the Nemune slept wherever they landed for the night and were in constant migration from forest to forest all over Athoze. There weren’t many to begin with, but the ones who did exist usually stuck together. It was unusual for a Nemune to stray from the larger group for any reason as they weren’t particularly adept with weapons or self-defense, and their magic was strictly used for helping the forests around them to thrive. Like the Aequin, they answered only to Nitore and recognized no Athozian king.

  The Braeven (the brave-in) – Magic-wielders, they were the first to learn how to harness the power of Athoze for their own benefit, but they largely kept to themselves. Knowledge seekers, and near-immortal thanks to their magic, they hid in shrouded cities in the sky.

  The Prael (the pray-el) – The warrior race; silent, unerring, skilled in every form of weaponry and combat known to Athoze in their time. They were mercenaries and assassins, lone wolves, constantly seeking power and death. They were given stolen Braeven magic by Inais that seeped into their systems and eventually gave rise to the Praediti.


  Name: Cettia (set-tea-ah)

  God of: The atmosphere

  Description: She is the very air they breathe, the sky above their heads, the last line of defense between Athoze and the space beyond

  Power: Light/energy

  Artifact: The sword, Dawnreaper – forged in dragonfire, this blade is imbued with light and Cettia's energy. It will never dull, but instead, each foe it vanquishes will leave its mark upon the blade.

  Name: Inais (in-ay-is)

  God of: The void

  Description: He is the god of everything and nothing, of the empty spaces surrounding them all, the darkness and shadows

  Power: Vacuum

  Artifact: Shadowsiever – this spear bleeds darkness and shadow. It never misses its mark when wielded by one of Inais’ chosen.

  Name: Nitore (nih-tore-ay)

  God of: The laws of nature

  Description: He is the god that keeps them grounded, rooted to Athoze. He holds the balance of the ecosystems and the weather.


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