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Merlyn Academy: Book One

Page 5

by Sophia Stone

  ‘Sure, anything,’ I sounded a little too enthusiastic, so I pulled back slightly.

  ‘Promise me you’ll tell me when you find out about your family.’

  ‘Okay. Why do you want to know about my family?’

  ‘I just… I just don’t want you to get caught up in things. It wouldn’t be fair.’

  He shook his head and pushed his hair from his face. I’d never noticed how dark his eyes were.

  No one had shown this much interest in me for a long time. Long before I had lived with Amanda and Martin. I missed that human connection you feel when you know someone cares. That warm feeling of knowing you matter.

  Without giving it much thought, I leaned towards Harry and gave him a hug. The heat felt physical, as if I had a ball of fire lit between us. It spread from my toes to my fingers and into Harry. As the heat receded from me into him, I heard Harry gasp and arch his back in my embrace.

  ‘Stop,’ he shuttered.

  I pulled away but not before he pushed me, forcing me into the wall.

  ‘I said STOP!’ Harry’s eyes were completely black to the point that I couldn’t see any white in his eyes. He leaned against the opposite wall and panted heavily.

  ‘Are you… okay?’

  Harry slowed his pants, but he was still breathing heavily.

  ‘Why the hell did you do that?’ he barked.

  ‘I don’t know. I wanted to thank you for being so nice to me. I didn’t know that would happen.’

  ‘You nearly killed me! What is wrong with you?’

  ‘Nothing. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that to happen.’

  ‘Let’s get one thing clear- I am not interested in you. I wish I hadn’t bothered to help you now,’ his panting had slowed but his breathing was still heavy.

  ‘Harry I’m sorry.’

  I walk towards him, but he takes a step back.

  ‘You’ve done enough damage,’ He snaps at me before storming off leaving me alone.

  After Harry stormed off, I didn’t fancy sitting and talking to Elenore. I just wanted to be alone for a while so I went back to the hall to tell Elenore I didn’t feel very well and would be taking a nap.

  ‘Are you sure you’re okay? Want me to get you anything?’ she asked.

  ‘No. It’s fine. I’m just going to take a short nap. It’s been a long day.’

  ‘I’ll be in the common room if you need me. Have you got your map?’

  ‘Yes, in my pocket. I’ll see you later.’

  Sitting on my bed, the same thoughts crept back.

  You hurt everyone eventually.

  I don’t know why I was so stupid. I should never have hugged him. The way his body contorted when I touched him was horrifying. The darkness in his eyes was something I had never seen before and never wanted to see ever again. What was it about me that caused such pain to people? Only Elenore and Harry talk to me like I am normal at this school so I can’t afford to lose half of my friendship group. Once lessons start, I’ll have to ask one of the professors how I control these outbursts. I’ll also need to find a way to make it up to Harry.

  If he ever wants to speak to you again.

  I hope he would still want to be friends as he must know I didn’t mean to hurt him. As for being interested in him; I’ll have to reassure him I don’t want to date him as I’d just like to be friends. I know I need to distract myself or I will keep repeating the same thoughts over and over. I would usually read a book, but I didn’t bring any with me. Glancing around the room, tucked next to the desk is a small bookcase holding a handful of books.

  I walked over the bookcase and pulled a pile of books on to the desk.

  ‘“Warts and All: A History of Magic”.’ Maybe I would read that one later.

  ‘“Teleporting for Novices”.’ Might be handy.

  ‘“Spells for Wand-less Wizards”.’ Now this is more like it.

  I put the rest of the books back on to the shelf and take the last book to my bed. It’s an old book with yellowing pages that I worry will crumble when I to leaf through them. I turn to the contents page and start with the first spell.

  Spell One: Candelabra Illuminous

  (Can-de-lar-bra E-loo-min-ous)

  This rudimentary lighting spell will allow the user to practice lighting a candelabra. As with all spells, practice is essential. Should the young Wizard find it difficult to light a whole candelabra initially, I advise the student to start with just one candle and build until they can light a full candelabra.

  Step One: Find your pointing finger. This will usually be your index finger on your dominate hand. You will know the correct finger when a spark appears when conducting a spell. In the absence of a wand, a wizard may use a finger. However, this will not lead to the same result as if using a wand due to wands using a far superior form of magical output.

  Step Two: Point your dominate finger at the candelabra. Make sure you maintain eye contact at all times with the candelabra.

  Step Three: Repeat the following phase firmly but slowly: Candelabra Illuminous

  That doesn’t seem so hard. I don’t have a candelabra in the room but I have a chandelier. I clear my throat and practice saying the spell under my breath. I know I am not allowed to do spells yet but I feel at a disadvantage compared to the other students who have had years of magical training. Hopefully practicing a few extra spells will even the score.

  ‘Can-de lar-bra E-loomin-us,’ It sounds about right, so I point my finger at the chandelier and repeat the phase. ‘Can-de lar-bra E-loomin-us.’

  One by one the candles spark and light. For a moment, I am quite pleased with myself. That is until the candles seem to burn unusually fast and start raining hot melted wax all over the carpet and surrounding furniture.

  ‘Damn it!’ I flick through the book to try to find a solution, but there is nothing about stopping spells nor cleaning wax of furniture.

  You will be in so much trouble.

  I temporarily debate whether to get Harry, Elenore or a professor when I hear voices come down from the corridor. I run to the door and stick my head out to see the Knight brothers walking down the hall towards my room. Zachary and Matthew are once again pushing into each other only this time, into the walls.

  They said they were around for pastoral support. What could be more supportive than stopping me getting in a huge amount of trouble?

  ‘Excuse me,’ I call out to them. ‘You’re the head boys, right?’

  The four boys looked at each other before James answered.

  ‘Yes. Have you got a problem? It’s just we were going down to dinner so if it could wait that would be-.’

  ‘Yes and no. I mean. Yes, I have a problem and no it can’t wait,’ Sebastian rolled his eyes and sighed.

  ‘First years. So dramatic,’ Sebastian said to Matthew. ‘Come on, I’m sure it can wait half an hour for us to eat.’

  ‘Please. I don’t know how to stop it.’

  ‘Stop what?’ Zachary asked.

  I pointed to my room. The boys sprint to my doorway to only to be greeted with pools of melted wax on furniture and a chandelier that is spitting wax like an erupted volcano.

  ‘You know you aren’t to use magic outside of lessons until the second term.’ James said calmly.

  ‘Jesus. What spell did you use?’ Zachary said.

  ‘Candelabra Illuminous,’ I sheepishly replied.

  ‘Rookie error!’ Matthew said.

  ‘Did you not see the part about not using it on chandeliers?’ Sebastian said.

  ‘Where does it say that?’

  Sebastian walked over to the bed and pulled the book open. After a quick flick through its pages, he found the spell he was looking for.

  ‘“Note: Under no circumstances should this spell be used on chandeliers by in-experienced wizards. Risk of fire is high with this spell.” That part,’ Sebastian shoved the book back into my hands.

  ‘I must not have read that part. Sorry.’

  ‘First termers are only a
llowed to use magic under supervision for this reason exactly. Disobeying this rule comes with serve consequences which are not limited to expulsion,’ James said coolly.

  ‘Please don’t say anything. I won’t do it again. I promise!’

  ‘C’mon James. Remember when Matthew made a snot breathing dragon appear in the boys' toilets in his first term? Easy mistake. Go easy on her,’ Zachary said.

  ‘If I remember correctly, mum and dad grounded him for a month of the summer term,’ James said.

  ‘If you hadn’t told them, they wouldn’t have,’ Matthew moaned.

  ‘You shouldn’t have used magic inappropriately,’ James replied.

  ‘The point I am trying to make is simple,’ Zachary said, ‘Just tell her parents, so she doesn’t get excluded. You did it for Matthew.’

  ‘Hmm,’ James paused and then let out a sigh. ‘Fine. Eliminatious.’

  Slowly the wax removed itself from the fittings of the room and in a flash, disappeared.

  ‘Your parents really should have discussed the risks of using magic when you are told not to,’ James said.

  ‘My parents are dead,’ I lowered my head and tried to avoid eye contact. People always gave fake sympathy when I admitted I was an orphan and I hated seeing it.

  ‘My apologies. I wasn’t aware. Do you not have guardians who would have discussed magical rules at the academy?’ he said.

  The other brothers avoided looking me in the eye.

  ‘No. Up until this morning I didn’t even know I was coming here.’

  ‘You’re Lizzie Castle, aren’t you?’ Sebastian said. ‘She’s the one Merlyn was on about.’

  ‘I see,’ James tucked his hair behind his ear.

  ‘We have to invite her for dinner now,’ Zachary said.

  ‘I’m sure Miss Castle has other plans,’ James replied.

  ‘She’s an Orphan. It’s not like she will be calling home,’ Matthew said.

  ‘Too far, Matt,’ Sebastian said shaking his head.

  ‘What? It’s true!’ Matthew said turning to Zachary and James who both shook their heads at him.

  ‘Now that’s two brothers who have embarrassed her. Sebastian, fancy a go?’ Zachary asked.

  ‘Fine. I’ll let you off this time as you are unaccustomed to this world. Now that I have cleared the mess up, would you care to join us for dinner? My brothers and I would be happy to educate you in what you need to know while at this Academy.’

  I didn’t fancy spending the evening alone and the boys would be a good distraction.

  ‘Sure, that would be great. I’ll just grab my jumper.’


  Walking into the hall for a second time today, I felt like a celebrity. Students cleared the way on the Knight brothers' approach, allowing us to sit at the top table looking down at the rest of the other students.

  ‘Do you always sit here?’ I asked.

  ‘Yeah. Being a head boy has it perks,’ Matthew said.

  Sebastian pulled out his wand.

  ‘So, what does everyone want?’

  ‘Caesar salad with salmon,’ James said.

  ‘Beef Burger for me,’ Zachary chimed in.


  ‘Umm what have you got?’

  ‘Literally anything,’ Sebastian said.

  ‘Okay, I’ll have a… pizza. Pepperoni.’


  ‘Do you have lasagna?’ I asked.

  ‘Yes, I can get lasagna. Is that all?’

  ‘Yes,’ We all nodded in agreement.

  Sebastian tapped his wand onto the table and the food we had ordered appeared.

  ‘Help yourselves,’ said Sebastian as he put his wand back.

  ‘How come you didn’t have to say a spell then?’ I asked.

  James neatly speared his lettuce before answering.

  ‘Once you’ve mastered controlling magic, your wand becomes more Intune to what you want. Takes years of practice though.’ he said.

  ‘So how come some students have wands and others don’t?’

  ‘Because some parents can’t say no to their brats.’ Sebastian said.

  ‘You aren’t officially allowed a wand until you start Merlyn Academy, but some parents like to gift their children one before they come to get some extra practice. Everyone turns a blind eye to it as usually it does no harm.’ James explained.

  ‘Unless they do the candelabra charm,’ Matthew sniggered so Zachary clipped his ear with his hand. ‘Oww! What was that for?’

  ‘For being a dick.’ Zachary said.

  ‘Why were you doing a spell on your own in your room?’ James asked.

  ‘It’s kind of embarrassing.’ I put my head down into my lap and began to fiddle with the sleeves of my jumper.

  ‘Come on, we’ve heard it all before.’ Zachary said.

  ‘I made a fool of myself in front of someone.’ I decide not to mention the fire feeling in case the boys tell the head teacher and I get kicked out for doing unintentional magic.

  ‘Did he rebuff you?’ Sebastian asked.

  ‘How do you know it’s about a boy?’ I ask.

  ‘Because 99% percent of first-year witches complain about the same thing.’ Sebastian said.

  ‘Usually because Sebastian rejects them. He’s always been boring.’ Matthew said.

  ‘I don’t date first years.’ Sebastian grumbled.

  ‘Which is very sensible. I wish my other brothers stuck to that rule.’ James rolled his eyes.

  ‘Where’s the fun in that?’ Zachary said after giving Matthew a high-five. ‘So what happened then?’

  ‘This boy had been nice to me, so I wanted to say thank you by giving him a hug, but he pushed me away and stormed off. I wasn’t trying anything on.’

  ‘Liar,’ Matthew said. ‘Whenever a girl, who is your friend, hugs you it means she defiantly likes you.’

  ‘I don’t, I was just trying to be nice,’ I said.

  ‘Sure,’ Matthew said while winking at me.

  ‘We all make poor judgments occasionally. It’s how we learn from them. If he is a good friend, he won’t sulk for long.’ James said.

  ‘Our wise older brother. Always a fount of wisdom,’ Zachary teased.

  ‘So are you all twins?’ I asked.

  ‘We are quadruplets. But not identical.’ Matthew said.

  ‘Well duh,’ Sebastian said.

  ‘I don’t think I’ve ever met quadruplets,’ I said.

  ‘James is the oldest, then Sebastian, then me and then the baby, Matthew,’ Zachary said.

  ‘I’m not a baby.’ Matthew said.

  ‘Multiple births run in our family. So, what do you know about your family, Lizzie?’ James asks.

  ‘Not much. All I have is a surname. Until now, I’ve never thought to look into it,’ I reply.

  ‘You’re an elite like us,’ Matthew puffs up and said proudly until James shoots him a venomous look.


  ‘Some families are older than others. They like to call themselves elite to get special privileges. Stupid really,’ Sebastian said.

  ‘Just because some of us don’t like the title doesn’t mean others don’t,’ Matthew huffed.

  ‘Is being elite a good or bad thing?’ I ask.

  ‘Depends who you ask,’ Zachary said. 'Some people like the title and enjoy its privileges. Others think it’s unfair and allows some families to benefit over more deserving wizards or witches.’

  ‘Let’s not bore Lizzie with politics, shall we?’ James said. ‘Has anyone explained how the terms work to you, Lizzie?’


  ‘It is fairly simple. At Merlyn Academy you have three terms in your first year with a small break between each.’

  ‘Not a long break if you ask me,’ Matthew grumbled while Zachary stifled a laugh.

  ‘I wasn’t,’ James replied before continuing. 'You will have an exam at the end of each term to make sure you fully grasp everything you have been taught. You’ll have four lessons
to attend in term one; Shapeshifting, teleporting, elements and invisibility. If you pass the exams, you study different topics in terms two and three before moving on to Year Two.’

  ‘What happens if I fail my exams?’ I ask.

  ‘They kick you out,’ Sebastian said.

  Noticing the shock on my face, Zachary tried to soothe my fears.

  ‘You are allowed to re-sit the exams if you need to. It takes quite a lot to get kicked out of this school as Matthew can attest too,’ Zachary said.

  ‘Why do you always pick on me?’ Matthew moaned and then crossed his arms to sulk.

  ‘Because it’s fun,’ Zachary laughed.

  ‘Can you stop snipping all the time? It’s exhausting,’ Sebastian said.

  ‘One of us always attends a lesson to offer extra help so you will be fine,’James smiled reassuringly.

  ‘Lizzie, Can I have a word please?’ The familiar voice came from behind me. I turned around to see Harry waiting.

  ‘Harry! Sure, let me just finish my dinner.’

  ‘No, you sit Lizzie,’ James sat up from his seat, leaned over the table and extended his hand to Harry. 'James Knight, nice to meet you.’

  Harry hesitated before offering his hand.

  ‘Harry. Harry Rook.’

  ‘I am not familiar with that family.’ James replied.

  ‘Small branch. Not many of us left anymore.’

  ‘That’s a shame. Harry, would you like to sit down? Lizzie is still eating.’

  ‘I’m fine, thank you. I’ll only borrow Lizzie for a moment.’

  ‘It’s fine, James,’ I said.

  ‘Don’t be silly,’ Zachary said. ‘Harry can talk in front of us. Right Lizzie?’

  ‘Um Yeah. Harry, they don’t mind, do you?’

  ‘No,’ The boys said in unison.

  ‘I’d much prefer privacy,’ Harry said.

  ‘Where are my manners? I’m Zachary,’ Zachary stood up and extended his hand for Harry to shake which Harry obliged. ‘Matthew? Sebastian?’

  Sebastian rose with a huff and gave a half-hearted handshake before grumbling his name. Matthew rose and sat so quickly; Harry barely had time to touch his palm.


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