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Merlyn Academy: Book One

Page 13

by Sophia Stone

  James tenses his shoulders but quickly relaxes. ‘Yes. Very stressful.’

  ‘What’s stressful?’ Elenore asks.

  ‘The meetings. What do you talk about, anyway?’ I ask.

  Seb looks at James with suspicion. ‘They’re private,’ he said.

  ‘Are you part of some secret cult or something?’ Elenore jokes but the way the boys faces stay like stone makes me think there is something up with these meetings. Before I can ask about them, Zach changes the subject.

  ‘Looking forward to the specialism test tomorrow?’ he asks.

  ‘No,’ Elenore and I said together.

  ‘You’ll be fine. No one has every died in them,’ he takes a bite of his bread roll. ‘Although I have seen some nasty bone breakages.’ Zach said.

  ‘Are you trying to scare them?’ Seb asks sarcastically.

  ‘No. Anyway, the teachers are way more clued up about the cheating curses now.’

  ‘Cheating curses?’ Elenore asks.

  ‘Some kids used to curse each other before the event to scare them. Doesn’t happen anymore as if your caught using magic around the school before your second term, they can expel you. Not worth the risk,’ Zach said.

  ‘I still don’t see the importance of specialisms,’ I said.

  ‘It’s important. You need to know what your naturally talented at so you can increase that skill. Why practice everything if you excel in one subject?’ Seb said.

  ‘It is also helpful when you go to apply for jobs after your time at school. Some jobs are better suited to certain skill sets,’ James said.

  ‘You only have this last test, then it's nearly the end of term. Two weeks to completely forget about school. Can’t wait!’ Matt said.

  ‘Do witches and wizards celebrate Christmas?’ I ask.

  ‘Some of us like to celebrate the same holidays as the ungifted. Helps us blend in the better,’ Seb said.

  ‘And who doesn’t like lots of gifts?’ Matt said.

  ‘I love decorating the house for Christmas. My mother and father make it look like Santa’s Grotto. It’s tacky but we love it,’ Elenore said. ‘Do you guys decorate your rooms here?’

  ‘Yes. The second-year students also help decorate the common areas of the school,’ James said.

  ‘Once this exam is over, we need to decorate our room. We can make some paper chains!’ Elenore claps her hands together in excitement.

  ‘I remember those. We made them in infant school,’ I said. ‘As soon as this test is done, we can start getting the room decorated.’

  ‘So, I have you got any tips for the test?’ Elenore asks.

  ‘You know we can’t give too much away, but I would say: Don’t think too much,’ James responds.

  ‘Go with your gut,’ Seb said.

  ‘Be prepared to defend yourself. It’s not just about attacking,’ Zach said.

  ‘Don’t think you can’t play dirty,’ Matt said chewing his second bread roll.

  ‘Matt!’ his three brothers shout at him.

  ‘I was just being honest. Jeez,’ Matt said.

  ‘You two ought to get an early night. That exam is draining,’ Zach said.

  ‘Don’t fancy helping us practise?’ I ask.

  ‘We’d love to, but we can’t. We also have a m-’ James said.

  ‘Let me guess? Another meeting?’ I laugh.

  ‘Yep,’ Matt said. ‘But don’t worry. We’ll celebrate tomorrow. How about a movie night? Popcorn, burgers and ice cream and-’

  ‘Sounds great,’ I said.

  ‘Seriously, you’ll be fine,’ Zach reaches over the table and squeezes my hand.

  ‘We’d better go,’ Elenore said. ‘Bye everyone. See you tomorrow,’ she pulls my hand and leads me out of the hall.

  ‘What’s the rush?’ I ask.

  ‘You must know by now that they like you,’ Elenore said as we walk up the first flight of stairs.

  ‘Don’t be silly, we're friends,’ I said back.

  ‘I think they want more than to just be friends, Lizzie. Have you seen the way they look at you? I’d kill for someone to look at me like that and you have four.’

  ‘I’ll admit that they are nice guys, but they aren’t into me.’

  ‘If you say so,’ Elenore winks. ‘Race you to the room,’ she said as she sprints up the stairs.

  They are nice guys. But even if they were interested, I couldn’t pick just one. It would cause huge fights if I did.

  No, it’s best to leave things as they are.

  I wake up before my alarm the next morning.

  Fifteen more minutes of peace.

  I could get ready early, but I don’t want to disturb Elenore who is snoring loudly in her sleep. I lay in the bed thinking about the Specialism exam.

  What if I fail?

  What if I don’t have a specialism?

  What if I hurt somebody?

  I had tried the last weeks to not let my emotions get the better of me. But the stress of these exams have erased all my hard work. I know I need to focus on controlling my emotions rather than letting them control me. The consequences could get so much worse if I don’t.

  The shrill of the alarm snaps me out of my thoughts. Elenore groans as she turns over to turn her alarm off before laying her head back into her pillow grumbling. One final huff and she turns over to look at me.

  ‘You’re up early?’ she said sleepily.

  ‘I haven’t been up that long,’ I said.

  Elenore gives a mouth-wide-open yawn and reaches her arms above her head.

  ‘Is the exam still bothering you?’ she asks.

  ‘A little,’ I confess.

  ‘One more exam and then it’s back to normal,’ she said. ‘I’m going to jump into the shower, or we’ll never get to the exam,’ she jumps off her bed and strolls into the bathroom.

  I wait until I hear the shower running before I get out of bed and I walk to the wardrobe to pick a clean uniform for the day. I spend some time laying the outfit out neatly on my bed to kill time until I can get ready. Anything to stop thinking about this stupid exam.

  ‘Bathroom is all yours,’ In a puff of steam, Elenore said as she walks out of the bathroom.

  ‘Thanks,’ I pick up my uniform and head to the shower to get ready.

  ‘You know nothing will change either way, right?’ Elenore said as we are walking to the hall. ‘Seriously, you don’t need to worry.’

  ‘I don’t even know what my specialism will be,’ I said.

  ‘No one really does. What I think my specialism is might not be what I am actually best suited too. So, don’t panic. You literally have no control over this.’

  ‘I know. It’s just all so new to me,’ Elenore grabs my hand, stopping us just before we reach the hall.

  ‘I know. I can’t imagine how you feel. It was hard enough knowing about magic when I was born into it, I can’t imagine trying to learn a lifetime's worth of stuff in a term,’ she pauses to gain breath. ‘But you are doing so well. The Knight Brothers can’t stop going on about how proud they are of you-even Seb!’

  ‘Really?’ I ask.

  ‘Yes. Really. We all want you to do well and we all know your emotions get the better of you. Stop worrying about the things you can’t control. We all have such faith in you,’ Elenore stretches her arms out and gives me a hug. ‘Better now?’

  ‘Yes,’ I can’t help but smile at her.

  ‘Let’s make a move then.’

  As we get to the hall doors, the Knight brothers walk past us. James looks at me and then turns away.

  ‘Hi,’ I call out, but they all ignore me and carry on into the hall.

  ‘That’s weird,’ Elenore said.

  While we wait outside the hall with the rest of the class, I scan the hall looking at the faces of my classmates. Olivia seems indifferent as she plays on her phone while Hannah and Natasha read over notes. Harry sits on a windowsill looking up and down the hall. He catches me looking at him, so I smile which causes him to turn
the other way. When the last student arrives at the hall door, two women in white open the door and stand either side of its doorway. They look like nuns except they have a large crimson cross affixed across their chests.

  ‘You may go in now,’ one woman said.

  The other opens her palm, moves her arm and gestures to the middle of the hall in one smooth motion. Olivia pushes her way to the front, followed closely behind by Hannah and Natasha. The rest of us follow behind our three leaders.

  ‘Please gather around. Yes, closer so you can all hear me,’ Professor Merlyn commands.

  We shuffle forwards until we resemble sardines in a tin; shoulder to shoulder. Once we are all in, the women slam the hall doors shut. Around the professor are Ms Sprott, James, Seb, Zach and Matt. The other teachers are sitting at the top of the hall just out of our way.

  ‘Welcome to your Specialism examination. I would like to first start by introducing Ms Celia Sprott from the Assembly. She will be here helping me administer the exam,’ Ms Sprott is still sporting a tight bun that makes her look serious and intimidating. ‘I would also like to remind you of your head boys; James, Sebastian, Zachary and Matthew Knight. They will also help with the examination. James, would you like to explain how the examination works?’ Although Professor Merlyn asked James, he wasn’t expecting him to not obey.

  ‘Thank you, professor,’ James steps forwards and Professor Merlyn takes two steps backwards. ‘The way the exam works is by each of you going around to your classmates and challenging them in an attempt to disarm them. This will be achieved by you going through your powers, starting with the one you think is strongest, until you disarm the opponent. You will take turns to who will go first. The first person is on the attack while the other defends and then vice-versa. We will watch these duels to see which power you use most successfully. This will become your specialism. You will keep going until you have duelled with all of your classmates. Questions?’

  No one dares to put their hand up. We have never been taught duelling and so the prospect of attack and defence is new to us all.

  ‘Excellent. You may-,’ James said.

  ‘ Mr Knight, do you not think it wise to offer a …demonstration to the students?’ Professor Merlyn asked.

  James let out a sigh. ‘Very well. Seb, care to give me a hand?’

  ‘Hand you your arse more like,’ Matt sniggered so Zach shoved him. ‘Oww!’

  ‘Stop it,’ Zach growled under his breath.

  ‘You didn’t have to shove so hard you know,’ Matt said as he rubbed his arm.

  ‘Are you two finished?’ Seb asked.

  Zach and Matt nodded.

  ‘Ready?’James asked Seb.

  ‘When you are,’ Seb replied.

  ‘The first thing you need to do is draw your wand,’ James and Seb both withdrew their wands from their gowns. ‘Next, walk towards your opponent and touch their wand with your own, like this,’ James walks towards Seb and once an arm distance apart, they both raise their wands to touch their opponent.

  ‘Everyone following so far?’ Seb asked the audience who then proceeded to nod.

  ‘Okay then. It is at this point you decide who will go first. Mind if I go first Seb?’

  ‘Nope. You carry on,’ Seb replied.

  ‘Next you spin around, turning your back on the other person,’ James and Seb spun around, turning their backs on each other. ‘ Now, walk five paces away from your partner.’ Both brothers took large strides away from each other.

  ‘Once you have reached five paces, you turn around and face your partner. Raise your wand ready,’ Seb said.

  ‘ As I am going first, it is at this point I would cast my first spell. Aquateaus,’ James said.

  A thin stream of water shot out of James’ wand and whizzed towards Seb. Quick thinking as ever, Seb raised his wand in front of him. When the water hit him, he paused for a moment allowing the audience to see what would most likely happen to them when they first started to duel a partner.

  ‘Can I stop it now?’ Seb shouted to James.

  ‘Feel free,’ James shouted back.

  Seb pointed his wand at the water and in a punch like action, pushed the water away causing the stream to loose its force and collapse into a puddle on the floor.

  ‘You would keep repeating this scenario with the various types of powers until your partner can beat you. Once they beat you, you swap over and let them have a go. Between the two of you, you should walk away knowing what your power may be. Obviously, this may change as you challenge other students,’ James said.

  ‘Any questions?’ Seb asked.

  I looked around to see if anyone had raised their hand, but no one had.

  ‘Remember; Disarm not harm your opponent. You may begin,’ Professor Merlyn said.

  ‘Want to go first?’ I ask Elenore. ‘Just try not to be too brutal.’

  We take a step back from each other, turn around and walk five more paces back then turn to face each other.

  ‘I won’t,’ she pulls her wand from her gown and aims it at me. ‘Ready?’

  ‘As ever,’ I pull my wand from my gown and get ready to defend. My wand glows at its tip in anticipation.

  ‘Transamus,’ Elenore shouts. The spark shoots out from her wand and comes in my direction. I hold my wand up and as the spell approaches closer, it bounces off my wand and disappears. Elenore lowers her wand and we both look around to check that this is happening to other people. Isabella Trix has the same thing happen when Peter Rue hits her wand.

  ‘Want to try another?’ I ask.

  ‘Okay, next one,’ Elenore and I both raise our wands ready, ‘ Invisalabous.’

  I can’t see the spark as I did before, but the air in my direction looks foggy. As soon as my wand senses the incoming spell, it fizzles and once more Elenore’s spell disappears.

  ‘Third time’s the charm?’ I said to Elenore who is looking at her wand with furrowed eyebrows. She points her wand at me, and I think I know which spell she’ll choose next.

  Water, I’ll bet.

  ‘Aquateaus,’ she said.

  A ripple of water pools from the end of her wand and rises above her. Snaking towards me in a series of tight ‘S’ shapes, the spell rises at my wand like a cobra ready to strike. Waving back and forth, the shape strikes my wand once then a second time in quick succession. A bright light appears at the end of my wand, illuminating it to near white light colour. I shield my eyes with my sleeve and when I turn back to look, there is a pool of water on the floor and the light has dimmed.

  ‘I really don’t know what my strength will be if water didn’t work.’

  ‘Try one more,’ I said.

  ‘Ready?’ she shouts. ‘Teleporta.’

  A rush of air swims towards me, darting like a shark on the prowl. My wand’s tip glows brightly at the end and vibrates as the Teleporta spell touches my wand making my hands shake.

  Maybe this is Elenore’s strength?

  In an instant, I feel my hand push back and the spell blows from me and into Elenore’s direction, hitting her and making her teleport. She is only gone a few seconds before she appears back next to me, covered in leaves.

  ‘Where did you go?’ I ask pulling leaves from her hair.

  ‘The woods. I was worried in case you panicked and couldn’t get back so I thought I would do an area nearby,’ she said as she pulls a branch from her hair. ‘I would have worn my hair up if I knew I’d end up there.’

  ‘Sorry. I really didn’t know it would backfire like that.’

  ‘It’s cool. Now I know to be on my guard with the others. Your turn next.’

  We turn from each other and once again walk the five paces. I notice that James is watching me and knowing this makes me nervous. I really don’t want to mess up. I turn to face Elenore and draw my wand. I’ll start with fire; I know that’s my strongest.

  ‘Ready?’ I said to Elenore.

  She nods and draws her wand as I draw my wand towards her and think of the fla
mes that will come out of the tip.

  ‘Infernious,’ I shout.

  I half expect the spell not to work due to my nerves. But a lightning bolt shape made of flames fly’s towards Elenore and for a moment, I don’t think she’ll be able to stop it. Her wand is raised, and she is struggling to push the spell off.

  ‘I-I don’t know how to call it off,’ I shout.

  ‘Eliminatious,’ James commands behind me. I turn and see a light appear from the end of his wand and follow it until it hits my spell causing it to evaporate on contact. I rush to Elenore who is shaking.

  ‘I am so sorry!’ she looks at me with a hurt expression on her face.

  I am too engrossed with Elenore to notice James running up towards us.

  ‘Are you okay, Elenore?’ he asks.

  ‘Yes, just shocked.’ she looks at me again. ‘I think you won that one, Lizzie,’ she said. Her expression softens. ‘I’m fine. Honestly.’

  ‘Maybe you should move on to someone else, Elenore,’ James said.

  ‘Good idea. See you after Lizzie,’

  ‘Lizzie, try to tone it down,’ James said to me.

  ‘I did. I was nervous that you were watching me so I didn’t think it would even work.’

  ‘Hmm,’ he said quizzically. ‘Just. be careful. I’ll make sure one of my brothers is hanging around in case,’ he slopes off and approaches Zach.

  ‘Ready, Miss Castle,’ the familiar voice asks.

  I turn to see Harry standing in front of me. He looks at me with a determined look in his eyes.

  ‘Harry! How have you been? We haven’t talked in ages,’ I beam a smile at him.

  ‘I’d prefer it if we kept the pleasantries out of this. It’s a duel after all,’ he said coolly.

  ‘Harry... it’s only an exam. You don’t have to be so -.’

  ‘If you think I’ll go easy on you, you are sorely mistaken. Draw your wand.’

  In shock, I draw my wand ready in defence.

  ‘Ertha,’ he bellows.

  Vines appear to grow out of his wand and crawl towards me. He has a focused look on his face as if he wants to hurt me. My wand lights up when the vines approach. When one grabs my leg, my wand releases a zap of light, burning the vine causing it to retreat. Harry winces and for a moment, the vines are halted. When he regains his composure, the vines seem to double in size and snap at my heels. I think hard of the vines evaporating and my wand's tip lights up, sending shots to the vines until they retreat into his wand. Harry turns to me and narrows his eyes then smiles.


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