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Cowboy's Bride: A Secret Baby, Ranch Western Romance (Rainbow Canyon Cowboys Book 6)

Page 8

by KC Crowne

  He grinned and nodded. “I deserved that.”

  “You’re damn right you did. I don’t know who the hell raised you, but you don’t kiss a woman without her damn permission – got it?” As I said the words, I realized how false they were. Sometimes the best kisses were stolen ones. A detail I didn’t need to share.

  “Well,” he said, still standing tall, not ashamed in the slightest. “You were gettin’ a little carried away with yourself. Had to shut you up. Figured a kiss was the nicest way to do it.”

  I gaped at him, shocked. “A kiss to shut me up? Who do you think you are?”

  “I think I’m the man who just gave you what you’ve been waitin’ for since I showed up.”

  My eyebrows went up so high on my forehead they nearly disappeared into my scalp. The man was so cocky he might as well have a rooster crest coming out of that thick head of hair. “You think so, huh? You really think I wanted that?”

  The corner of his mouth curled. “Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn’t.”

  I raised my finger like an elementary school teacher getting ready to scold. Then I opened my mouth, but not a single word came out. He smirked.

  “Just what I thought,” he said. “That’s fine – admitting it’s half the battle.”

  “Gerald Walker – you’re a real piece of work.”

  He said nothing to this, standing with his arms folded over his chest, that cocky smirk still on his face. It was like he knew exactly what was on my mind, exactly what I wanted, and was waiting for the moment I would break down.

  I hated that he was right. It was impossible to resist him. The longer I stood in front of him, the more I wanted him, the more I needed what only he could give me. Fuck it. I closed the distance between us, stepped on my tiptoes, and weaved my hands through the hair on the back of his head, pulling him down for another kiss.

  I’d played right into the fucker’s hands. But at that moment, I couldn’t have cared less. I craved him, ached for him, and only his cock would satisfy me.

  As we kissed, I didn’t resist. I fell into it, opening my mouth slightly, his tongue slipping past my lips. My tongue searched for his, and when they touched, his rich taste flooded my mouth, making me weak in the knees.

  Gerald’s hands swept over my body, one grabbing my hip and the other squeezing my right breast through my shirt before dropping to my ass. I sighed through the kiss, heat pulsing from between my legs. I needed him so badly it hurt.

  But he pulled his lips from mine. Disappointment ran through me like a cold wave as I worried he was teasing me yet again. Maybe he’d only wanted to see if I’d give myself to him only to deny me at the last moment like some kind of sick game.

  His gaze moved over my shoulder. “I know the place is empty,” he said. “But you never know.”

  “Right.” I broke from his grasp and hurried to the door, shutting it quickly. Then I turned on my heels to watch Gerald approach, an expression of ravenous hunger on his face – and expression just for me.

  He closed the distance between us and put his hands on my hips again, pulling me against him so I could feel his hard length through his jeans. The sensation caused my pussy to clench, warm wetness ebbing out from between my thighs.

  “This…this is a really bad idea,” I murmured, throwing up one last bit of meaningless resistance.

  “But it’s what we both want. It’s what I’ve wanted since I first laid eyes on you.”

  I bit my lower lip, his words causing my craving to become even more intense. “Then…we should do this quick.”

  He chuckled, as if knowing exactly what was on my mind. “Whatever you want. But I need you tell me just what it is that you’re cravin’, gorgeous.”

  Fuck. No point in resisting. I closed my eyes and spoke. But before the first word came out of my mouth, I reached down and grabbed his cock through his jeans, his length solid. “This. I want this, and I want it right now.”

  He leaned down and kissed me again, moving his right hand from my ass down and over my leg then up between my thighs. The side of his hand pressed against my pussy through my jeans, causing a soft moan to pour out my lips as he touched me. Gerald continued to tease me, knowing exactly how I wanted to be touched. With each passing second the pleasure grew. Gerald touching me, caressing me, like he was already an expert in my body.

  When the first orgasm tore through me, Gerald shot his free hand to the small of my back, holding me in place as my legs buckled beneath me. I moaned, doing my best not to scream.

  “Feel good, gorgeous?” he asked. He knew the answer – he just wanted to hear it.

  “You know it does. Now quit screwin’ around and fuck me.”

  He chuckled again before leaning in and kissing me firmly, deeply, his hands mussing my hair beyond fixing. But he only did it for a moment before putting his hands on my curves and turning me around. My palms pressed against the door, my ass sticking out toward him. I hurriedly undid the front of my jeans as he did the same, and once my button was undone and my zipper open, he grabbed the waistband and yanked the jeans down along with the black thong I had on. He squeezed my ass hard, taking in deep breaths through his nostrils. Then he slipped a finger into me, then another, moving in and out for a moment as his solid dick rested on my ass.

  “Please,” I moaned again. “Give it to me.”

  The jerk was loving it, knowing at that moment he had me in the palm of his hand – literally. I glanced back and saw him clasp his cock, which was so thick and long I worried I might not be able to fit it inside me. He dragged the head over my lips, which were wet and hot. Once he was at my opening, he teased me with it for a second or two longer before pushing inside.

  Holy hell. Feeling Gerald’s cock enter me was like nothing I’d felt before. I pressed hard on the door, soft mewling noises coming from my mouth as he moved his length deeper and deeper. He was almost too much to take, my walls gripping his cock tightly.

  felt the hard ridge of his hips against me as he filled me fully. I’d never known pleasure as I did in that moment, bent over in front of Gerald, his cock buried to the root. He groaned, grabbing my ass, then pulled back and drove inside again.

  My vision blurred – every thought was blotted out of my head other than just how damn good his cock felt inside me. Gerald pulled back and pushed inside again and again, my breasts swaying in my bra.

  Soft slapping sounds filled the air as he collided into me, mingling with my moans and his grunts. Another orgasm welled inside me, ready to break loose at any moment. Gerald’s thrusts grew harder and harder, the force of him entering me combined with the pleasure so much, so intense, that I worried my legs might buckle underneath me.

  My second orgasm arrived like a force of nature, Gerald’s at the same time. He grunted hard as I let out a silent scream, his cock pulsing inside me as he drained himself, filling me with his wet warmth. I shut my eyes, my expression one of shocked delight.

  And then my orgasm faded. Gerald slowed his thrusting, eventually coming to a stop with his cock still buried in me. I didn’t want him to unsheathe it – the way he filled me was almost perfect, like nothing I’d ever known.

  But he did, slowly sliding his cock out of me, a bit of his seed dripping down my leg along with it. I shuddered as the final trace of the orgasm moved through my body.

  Then I came to my senses, realizing what the hell we’d just done. I quickly pulled up my pants and thong, planning to go straight to my own room to clean up and change, zipping and buttoning before taking a quick look at myself in the mirror.

  “OK,” I said, turning around in time to watch Gerald stuff his cock back into his jeans and zip up. “That – that’s never going to happen again.”

  He answered with a cocky smirk. “You think so?”

  “I know so. We got carried away and did something stupid. One time – fine. But another – no way, no how.”

  But he kept right on grinning.

  “What the hell’s that look all about?


  “Nothin’? Sure don’t look like nothin’.”

  “Just sayin’ it’s probably gonna happen again.”

  I put my hands on my hips. “Oh, is that right?”

  “Probably.” Another cocky grin.

  “And what makes you so damn sure?”

  “Because that felt pretty damn perfect. And it’s only a matter of time before you’re cravin’ me again.”

  He was so sure of himself that I almost wanted to sock him in the jaw. Instead, I let out a sigh of frustration. “It won’t – and you can think whatever you want.”

  I put my hands on his chest and gave him a shove. And Lord help me, I couldn’t help but notice again how strong and solid his pecs were through his shirt.

  He laughed. “I got some stuff to get back to, but I’m sure we’ll be bumpin’ into each other again.”

  “Gerald fuckin’ Walker,” I grumbled, shooting razor sharp daggers at him. “You’re impossible.”

  “And you’re about the sexiest woman I ever did see.”

  More choice words filled my head, but I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. Instead, I turned on my heels, pulled the door open, and stepped out, slamming it shut behind me.

  I was pissed at myself for giving in like that. And as the events of the last ten minutes faded, I remembered there’d been an actual reason why I’d gone in there to talk to him. The prick had successfully distracted me and gotten his rocks off.

  After cleaning up, I returned to my office and let out a long sigh. But I didn’t have much of a chance to decompress before a knock sounded at my door. At first, I thought it might be Gerald, but it was too soft for that. I opened the door and there was Sabrina, a concerned expression on her face.

  “You alright? I heard a door slam.” I almost wanted to tell her it was nothing, but her eyes flicked to my hair. “You just wake up from a nap or somethin’?”

  To lie or not to lie? I considered it for a moment, but quickly remembered she was the expert in these sorts of things. And I cursed myself for not attending to my damn hair.

  “Holy shit – you actually did it.”

  “Did what?”

  “You and Gerald.”

  My eyes flashed and I pulled the door shut after Sabrina stepped into the office. I looked at her and asked, “Is it that obvious?”

  “I mean, you’ve got the just-been-fucked hair, and your cheeks are flushed. Doesn’t take a genius.”

  I dropped into one of the chairs across from my desk and covered my face. “It was a mistake.”

  “Maybe it was.” She grinned. “But damn – about time!”

  Chapter 11


  Alright, I might’ve busted her chops a little more than I ought to have. But damn, I couldn’t help myself.

  It’d been clear as the sun on a spring day that she wanted me like crazy, and no sense in denying it’d been kind of fun playing the game with her. And I knew I’d been right when I’d said it was only a matter of time until we’d finally done the deed. No doubt it would happen again. But I wanted to have some fun with it. After all, I had bigger designs for Crystal than just a few rolls in the hay – I wanted to make her mine. It’d take some time for her to come around to that, I was sure.

  So, I did my best to put it out of my head. Damned if it wasn’t hard as hell. The hour after we’d had our fun, I’d tried to get back to work, going over the list of businesses and seeing if there was anything else out of the ordinary.

  But without fail, each time I’d look away from the papers, I’d be thinking about her again. I’d picture her pert, round ass bent over in front of me, her ripe curves shaking as I slammed into her and the soft, sexy sounds of pleasure coming from her mouth. That we hadn’t even taken off all our clothes only made it hotter. Despite just getting off, thoughts of her on the end of my cock were making me hard again.

  But I needed to focus. As fun as it was to fuck Crystal, there were bigger fish to fry.

  I thought about our conversation, about how she’d called all those contracting companies and gotten the same story. Part of me thought it was strange that even Adam had told her he was full.

  Was he in on it too? I dismissed the idea with a shake of my head – no way in hell would anyone that close to my family get mixed up with that kind of nonsense. What would even be the point? The family was worth millions – not like money was a motivation. Not a chance. Adam was one of the – if not the – best contractor in the area. No doubt he would have no trouble filling his work schedule.

  But the others? And that one of them was on the list Josh had given me. I pulled out the folder and went through the names of the businesses, finding the one I was looking for – Zed’s. Next, I took out my laptop and went to the same white pages Crystal had used. I did a quick search and found the number and dialed.

  “Zed’s Expert Contracting, no job too big or too small.”

  It was the too big part I was interested in. Crystal had said they hadn’t even given her the time of day. If they were willing to take on a major project from someone else, it meant there was almost certainly something fishy going on.

  “Howdy. I’ve got a last-minute project I’m lookin’ to get started. Y’all takin’ on any new clients in the next month?”

  “We sure are. How big of a project we talkin’?”

  “Big. So big you might not even have time for it.”

  He chuckled. “I can repeat our slogan if you want to hear it again.”

  I chuckled as well. “Can I swing by your place? Probably be easier to talk it over in person.”

  “Most definitely. You got our address?”

  “Yup – lookin’ at your white pages right now.”

  “Perfect. Swing on by whenever it works for you.”

  “Will do, thanks.” I hung up and tucked my phone back in my pocket. After gathering my stuff, I headed out.

  When I stepped out into the hallway there was no sign of Crystal. And so much the better – no doubt she had a lot on her mind.

  I drove into town, through the main drag of Idylwood, and toward the direction of the contractor’s. Didn’t take too long before I spotted the place. Like the dealership, it was nothing to write home about. The building was small and squat, a little run-down. But parked outside were three brand-new trucks, looking fresh off the lot.

  I knew contractors could make a good living, but it struck me as odd. After parking I gave the front door a knock. It opened seconds later, a wiry guy with a black goatee, shaved head, and arms covered in tattoos answering.

  “Hey,” he said, flashing me a smile of crooked teeth.

  “Howdy,” I replied, tipping the brim of my hat. “I called a little bit ago about takin’ on a new project.”

  “Right, right,” he said, eagerly stepping aside. “Come on in.”

  I entered the office, and like the dealership it was dingy and dark. But also like the dealership, there was a fancy-looking TV in the corner. And on the man’s wrist was a gaudy watch that likely cost in the thousands.

  “Name’s Zed,” he said, taking a seat behind the desk. “Been lookin’ forward to talkin’ with you.”

  “Likewise,” I said, sitting across from him as he gestured to the chair.

  “So!” he said, drumming on the desk. “You’ve got a big project comin’ up, you said.”

  “That’s right. Just bought a chunk of land outside Patterson. Not much right now, but I’m hopin’ to get it set up as quickly as possible.”

  “What’re you thinkin’?”

  “Thinkin’ about a little ranch – always been a dream of mine.” He grinned, and I got the impression he was happier about the money to be made from the work rather than about making my dreams come true.

  “A ranch, huh? Well, I don’t know how new you are to town, but you’re gonna have some big competition over at Rainbow Canyons.”

  “So I hear. But I’m not lookin’ to do a tourist thing. More a little c
hunk of land I can build on as I see fit.”

  “Well, we’ll be happy to help. Tell me what you’re thinkin’.”

  “Well, first of all I want to know how busy your schedule is for the next couple ‘a months. I know this is short notice, and I wanna be clear up front that this isn’t me hopin’ you can squeeze in a week’s worth of work.”

  He shook his head. “Trust me – we’re open. Just a few projects here and there for some clients in town, but other than that we’re ready for ya.”

  “That right? Not much work to go around?”

  He shrugged. “Not so much that. More that we had an investor buy us out not too long ago. When he took charge, he offered us all a stable salary, and any money we make is earned on top of that.”

  Familiar story. “That right?” I asked, feigning ignorance.

  “That’s right. It’s a damn sweet deal if you ask me. Means me and the boys can take more time off, and more importantly, means we can be nice and choosy with whatever projects we take on.”

  “Don’t you worry about some of the other contracting companies gettin’ the drop on you?” I asked curiously. “My brothers work in contracting and they tell me that every client they miss out on is a contact they won’t be able to count on in the future.”

  He shrugged, not bothered in the slightest. “Nah. I’ve been contracting for two decades, and I’m about at the point where my body’s not exactly playin’ nice with me, you know? The less work, the less my back hurts is how I look at it. Hell, with these terms our owners got, this gig’s like bein’ halfway retired.”

  “And the other contracting companies around here – they hurtin’ for work?”

  Another shrug. “As far as I know they’re always lookin’ for new clients.”

  Fucking hell. I wanted to really put him on the spot and mention the B&B. “That right? Because I got a friend who’s needin’ some work done. You know the B&B that just opened near the Rio Rica?”


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