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A Single Dad to Rescue Her

Page 12

by Sue MacKay

  ‘They saw through her?’

  Jamie nodded. ‘They’re not silly. Or they learned their lesson from how David treated them.’

  Where was he going with this? She was here because Ryder invited her. Surely he understood that? ‘What are you trying to say?’

  ‘Want to come round for a meal one night next week?’

  That’d been a long-winded way of inviting her. He was probably as nervous about a relationship as she was. ‘I’d love to.’

  ‘Great.’ His arm slipped away and he wandered over to begin organising the barbecue to feed hungry kids and their parents, a smile lifting the corners of his mouth and a swing in his stride she hadn’t seen before.

  Christine joined her. ‘I see you two are getting on like a house on fire. Though that’s probably not appropriate, considering the work Jamie does.’

  ‘You know what? I think we might be.’ Kayla chuckled, glad someone was okay with it. ‘But don’t tell him I agreed.’

  * * *

  ‘How’s that shoulder?’ Kayla asked as Jamie handed her a glass of Merlot.

  ‘Coming along well. I’ve been warned it’ll take weeks to settle completely.’ The bloody thing ached most nights and gave him grief whenever he lifted heavy objects like the rubbish bin. Not that he’d ask anyone to put it out for him. He sat down beside Kayla on the outdoor lounger and sipped his beer. ‘Since Josue’s given my concussion the all-clear I’m going on a small hike at summer school with the kids tomorrow. The instructors are all for parents tagging along and it’s more time with Callum and Ryder for me.’

  ‘Were your parents so hands on when you were growing up?’

  ‘Nah.’ Guess getting close to Kayla meant sharing some of who he was, and for once it didn’t seem so bad. ‘They didn’t get involved in anything we did. I’m one of six and it was made clear we had to look out for ourselves.’ It had been a harsh upbringing and one he was adamant his boys would never know. ‘I grew up tough and independent, but every kid needs to know they’re loved by their family.’

  He stared at the beer bottle in his hand. Why did he feel so comfortable around her and not other people he spent time with? Could be her strength, or her easy acceptance of him. Or simply that he liked her heaps.

  ‘Were you and your siblings close?’

  He wouldn’t look at her in case there was pity in her face, though her voice sounded devoid of it. ‘Not really. It wasn’t encouraged. I was the youngest and by the time I was getting around they’d all learned to stand alone. I swore I’d never be like that.’ But it had taken Leanne to show him that love was real, even possible, and he’d grabbed it with everything he’d had.

  Sometimes he’d wondered if he’d gone too hard and that’s why they’d fallen apart, but she’d told him she’d just fallen out of love when she’d got in such a panic about what would happen if he didn’t come home from work one day. He’d once had a lot of questions about that, but gradually he’d come to accept that if she didn’t love him any more there was no point longing for what wasn’t to be.

  Kayla’s hand was on his, squeezing lightly. ‘You’re very involved and loving with your boys. They’re happy with you.’

  A lump formed in his throat. ‘Y-yeah.’ Time to change the subject. He swallowed some beer. ‘You always sound happy about your family.’

  Another squeeze and her hand was gone. ‘Our parents are great, though Dean—that’s my brother—got away with a lot more than me because he was a boy.’

  ‘That’s why you accept challenges?’

  Her laughter tinkled in the night air. ‘Absolutely. I drove Mum crazy with some of the antics I got up to, proving I was clever as any boy.’

  ‘I’d better keep you away from my two. Who knows what you’ll teach them?’

  ‘Come on. You don’t want them to be wusses.’

  ‘Not at all.’ He laughed. He did a bit more of that whenever Kayla was around just because it seemed life was easier and more relaxed. Next weekend he’d be at the wedding where Kayla was bridesmaid. ‘Josue’s pumped about the wedding.’

  ‘Best thing to happen to Mallory. She deserves someone special in her life.’

  Don’t we all?

  Where had that come from?

  Kayla’s smile was lopsided, like it was exciting but also sad, no doubt a little unhappy for herself having lost her husband. ‘It’s going to be awesome.’

  Jamie reached for her hand, held it, rubbing a finger back and forth over her palm. ‘You’re not skating down the aisle behind her by any chance?’

  She grinned, sending shafts of heat through him. ‘I couldn’t find skates to match my dress.’

  Putting his bottle aside, he removed the wine glass from her other hand. Tugging gently, he pulled her close and wound his arms around her. ‘I’ve been wanting to do this from the moment you walked in the front door.’ If not for two nosey little blighters he might have. Her mouth was soft under his, her lips opening with his. She tasted delicious. Behind his ribs his heart bumped along rapidly, caught up in the thrill that was Kayla. He couldn’t help himself, he had to keep kissing her, deepening it so their tongues were entwined, and his body was reacting like there was no tomorrow.

  But there was, so he’d only go so far. His boys were tucked up in bed, hopefully sound asleep. He still didn’t know how far he wanted to take this. Kayla pressed a lot of buttons within him, but enough to be thinking there might be more than a bit of fun? Dangerous as hell. He wasn’t ready for any risks.

  She pulled back and gazed into his eyes. ‘Jamie, I’d better get going.’

  Disappointment warred with relief. When he was kissing her he didn’t want to stop. But she was being sensible. ‘Right.’

  She brushed her lips over his. ‘I want to take my time. I’m not sure I can be lucky a second time, and I don’t want to hurt anyone while I find out.’ Looking out for herself, by the sound of it.

  Jamie nodded. ‘I understand.’ His arms fell away as she stood up. ‘Kayla, I like you. A lot. I won’t countenance the boys being hurt either, which in my book means staying away from a relationship for the next few years.’

  She nodded. ‘But?’

  He rammed his fingers through his hair. ‘But I also don’t want to be alone for ever.’ Damn it. ‘Let’s see where this goes.’

  ‘I can go along with that.’ Those soft, warm lips split into a wide smile, tightening his groin and making him want to throw caution to the wind.

  But he wouldn’t. There was too much at stake. For both of them.

  * * *

  Kayla was winning Jamie over, softening his stance on not getting romantically involved, though not far enough that he was prepared to dive right in. They were at Mallory and Josue’s wedding. The formalities were over, and everyone was talking and drinking, and having a good time.

  The band struck up a rousing tune and he scanned the guests, looking for Kayla. She wasn’t hard to find, standing tall beside petite Maisie, that thick blonde hair piled on top of her head, her carefully made-up face so tantalising. She was gorgeous. All he wanted. Which was not good for his determination to remain single. Determination that was falling away the longer he knew Kayla. He’d admitted as much the other night as they’d sat on his deck after dinner.

  Wandering past the guests standing with glasses of champagne as they watched the bride and groom take their first dance as a married couple, he was focused on the woman changing his life. He hadn’t taken his eyes off her from the moment she and Maisie had begun walking up the aisle, leading their friend to Josue. The cream bridesmaid gown accentuated her curves and those seriously high heels made her long legs go on for ever. Her continuous smile set his stomach tripping like a community of butterflies lived in there.

  Basically, he’d given in to the hope and expectation, the wonder and happiness Kayla caused. Emotions he’d thought he’d never kno
w again. He’d held out for months but couldn’t any longer. He wanted her in all ways. The other night when she’d come round to join the family dinner, it had been a normal, rowdy few hours with the boys constantly in their midst and she’d accepted it. For him, it had been the tipping point. He hadn’t slept much that night, too busy thinking about how he wanted to hold Kayla and make love to her, wishing he hadn’t agreed when she’d said they should take things slowly. She took his breath away. ‘Would you like to dance?’

  Her hand slipped into his. ‘I’d love to.’

  Tamping down the urge to sweep her into his arms and rush out to the garden to find a quiet corner where he could kiss her again and again, he led her onto the dance floor and began moving in time to the music.

  Kayla clasped her hands at the back of his neck, pushing her breasts against his chest. Her hips swayed, cruising across his, sending thrills of hot lust zipping to every corner of his hungry body. ‘This is how to dance,’ she whispered.

  There’d never be any other kind again. He breathed in roses, and adventure. When his hands slid around her waist heat came through the silky fabric of her dress, and excitement tingled in his fingers. Why had he held out on getting together with her? How had he?

  ‘Hello?’ She was watching him, that smile in her eyes luring him in, teasing, happy.

  ‘Hi.’ He leaned closer, his lips touching hers, his feet moving with the music, his body moving with Kayla’s. Her breasts were tender against the hardness of his chest, her hands soft as they tapped a rhythm against his neck. ‘Kayla.’ Her name slid across his mouth into hers, long and low and filled with the need clawing through every cell of his body.

  ‘We’d better slow down,’ she murmured, that hot breath lifting the hairs on his arms. ‘We’re surrounded and unable to leave until after the bride and groom.’

  ‘Damn it,’ he muttered. ‘I hate that you’re right.’ Keep this up and it could get awkward. More awkward. Reluctantly he removed his hands from her waist.

  Kayla reached for his hands and began moving to the music again. ‘We’ve got this.’

  I don’t think so.

  But as they continued dancing, altering their moves to the different songs, he conceded she was right. They could dance and not get too carried away. Barely, but enough not to make a spectacle of themselves.

  Maisie and Zac joined them, Zac dancing like he had nothing else on his mind except impressing Maisie, who was doing her damnedest to pretend she didn’t notice and wasn’t interested.

  Josue and Mallory finally prepared to leave, doing the rounds of their friends and family, taking for ever. ‘I thought they’d never go,’ he muttered.

  Kayla hugged Mallory, wiping her hand over her face and sniffing. ‘I’m so happy for you both.’

  Jamie’s heart twisted and he stepped closer, reached for her hand and squeezed lightly. He held his other out to shake Josue’s. ‘Congratulations again.’ He’d never seen a guy quite so happy as the Frenchman looked. A stab of something like envy caught him. He’d once had that, and he definitely wanted it again. He did. If he could make it work for himself and his kids. Other people in the same situation managed. Why not him? Had he turned into a wimp over the break-up of his marriage?

  Mallory glanced at his hand holding Kayla’s and then back at him. ‘Glad you came.’ She leaned in for a hug. ‘Look after my friend.’

  Or she’d kill him? He hugged her back. ‘I’ll do my best.’

  ‘Then there’s no problem.’ Mallory stepped back and looked at Josue with love. ‘Let’s get out of here.’

  ‘Oui. The sooner the better.’

  Kayla laughed. ‘Have a great honeymoon. I’ll try not to spoil Shade while you’re away.’

  ‘Does that mean you’ll take the dog on a search if the need arises?’ Jamie asked as they cheered Josue and Mallory off.

  ‘Shade could show me a trick or two, being more used to searches than I am.’ Kayla suppressed a yawn. ‘What a day. Mallory deserves to be happy. And now I’m shattered.’

  ‘I’ll give you a lift home.’ Kayla did look exhausted. Guess that meant what had started while they’d been dancing was over. He couldn’t deny the disappointment filling him. He wanted her. No question. But if it wasn’t happening then he’d get over it.

  * * *

  ‘You coming in?’

  Please, please, please.

  Kayla’s heart was pounding in her throat. On the dance floor Jamie had been hot and coming on to her, and there was no way she could deny the need he’d created. What if he drove away? Left her on the front doorstep with a wave? She’d feel stupid. And sad.


  Yes? Yes.

  ‘Then what are we sitting out here for?’ She pushed the car door open, not waiting for him to come around. Nervous energy swept through her. She wanted to make love with Jamie. But it had been a long time and there’d been no one since Dylan. She might not be any good.

  ‘Relax. I’m not rushing you.’ He took her hand as he had the day of the avalanche. A strong, caring and supportive hold. ‘We’ve got all night.’ Then he laughed. ‘That’s if you don’t turn me on as fast as you did on the dance floor.’

  Was he nervous too? Not Jamie. He exuded confidence. Though there were moments when she’d see doubt in his gaze and wonder what caused it. How much had his marriage break-up altered who Jamie had been? She hadn’t known him then, but it was hard to imagine him as anything other than the strong man before her. ‘I’ll put on some music.’

  In the next moment she was being swung up into those arms that she’d seen haul fire hoses and operate the Jaws of Life as easily as carrying a loaf of bread, and Jamie’s mouth was on hers. Kissing her like there was no tomorrow, and no time like the present. Kissing her so she forgot everything but the arms holding her and the expansive chest against her breasts. Jamie. One in a million. Had she got lucky a second time?

  You’re rushing ahead of things.

  They were kissing, going to make love. Didn’t mean they were in a relationship of any permanency. No, but she was going to grab everything and see where it led.

  He tugged his mouth away. ‘Key?’


  ‘I’m not making love to you on the doorstep.’



  Why not? She wanted this man. ‘In the meter box.’ Easier to get at than foraging in her bag, which was still in Jamie’s car. She’d never shifted the key after Josue had discovered Mallory’s hidden in the same spot by mistake and let himself into the wrong house. That debacle had led to today’s wedding. Would hers lead to something equally exciting and wonderful?

  Jamie crossed to the box, and still in his arms she retrieved the key and let them inside, nudging the door shut with her foot. ‘Straight ahead.’ Music would re-create that hot, sensational atmosphere between them with some moves. Not that they needed any help. First she leaned in and kissed him. Long, hard and breath-taking.

  Without breaking the kiss, Jamie stood her up against him, tightened his arms around her, and spun her world out of control.

  Walking backwards to the music system, her mouth still under his, she fingered the buttons and pressed the middle one. Anyone would think she’d planned this, she mused as soft, sensual music filled the air. But when she’d left home early that morning to join Mallory and Maisie to get their hair and make-up done, she hadn’t imagined Jamie coming home with her tonight. ‘Care to dance?’ she whispered, slipping her hands behind his head.

  Placing his hands on her hips, he drew her up to his length, and moved in time, taking them round the room, his steady gaze on her face, watching her every expression, seeing her smile. This was magic. The two of them close and getting closer. Sending quivers up and down her skin. Heating her blood. Turning her muscles into a molten blob of need. She found his mouth, and groaned as she tasted hi
s wet heat.

  Jamie’s hands were in her hair, removing the clips, letting it free from the bob to swing across her back, his fingers combing it to the ends. Then he took her head between his hands and concentrated on returning her kiss, holding her at the perfect angle to get the best access. All the while, her hips moved in time to the music, up against him, against his manhood, turning it hard and long.

  ‘Kayla,’ he murmured in a deep, sexy whisper against her cheek. ‘I want you. I need you.’

  Her ribs were going to burst open under the thumping going on behind them. This wonderful man wanted her. Her, when she had felt so alone. Her, when there were other women less likely to hurt him out there. ‘I want you, too.’

  Their feet still moved in time with each other and the music. Their bodies absorbed each other’s heat. Their mouths devoured each other, and Kayla’s head was floating on the exotic sensations filling her. Hot, gentle, tough, wonderful, demanding. Her knees buckled, tipped her further up against him. He was her strength, her weakness. Without Jamie she’d be a useless heap on the floor. Her hands found his buckle and undid it, pulling his shirt free and pushing under to touch the warm skin beneath. To feel the muscles that tightened at her touch. His trousers slid down to his feet when she pushed at them.

  He stepped out of them and kicked them aside. Reaching for her hips to draw her close.

  She pulled back enough to look into his eyes. He was so close, beautiful to touch, to gaze at. To want. ‘Jamie.’ There was nothing more she could say. ‘Jamie’ summed up her longing. She reached for his hand and held it tight, as she had that day on the mountain. ‘Please.’ Please, please.

  ‘How can I resist?’ Jamie’s smile grew wider as his hand tracked down her cheek, over her neck and reached her cleavage.

  Her eyes closed as she tipped her head back.

  ‘How do we get you out of this dress?’

  Blink. ‘Easy.’ The off-the-shoulder netting hid the zip. Leaning forward, she scooped the netting up and sighed with relief as Jamie’s fingers unzipped her dress, skimming over her feverish skin. Shaking her way out of the soft fabric, she reached for him. Slid her hands over those tight abs and down to the tightest, hardest part of his body. She held him, felt his strong pulse against her palm, and groaned with delight.


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