A Single Dad to Rescue Her

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A Single Dad to Rescue Her Page 17

by Sue MacKay

How was Sian breathing at all with the trauma done to her ribcage? ‘Is there a tow bar on the vehicle?’

  Zac again. ‘Yes. I think it knocked her down then the ute went over her. The driver panicked and drove forward when he heard shouts.’

  ‘She’s lucky she wasn’t pulled along,’ Kayla muttered. She couldn’t believe the child was alive. ‘Where’s that ambulance?’ Would the rescue chopper be faster? She didn’t know how long the lungs were going to hold out after the impact from that tow bar. She continued assessing the injuries. ‘Two broken femurs, left arm appears fractured in more than one place, and as for internal injuries, who knows?’

  ‘Breathing’s slowing,’ Jamie warned.

  To hell with protocols. This kid’s life was in danger. Kayla leaned in and carefully exhaled air into the girl’s lungs through her mouth. Worried about moving the girl’s head in case of spinal damage, she had to wait for the lungs to deflate, then breathed for the child again. And again. Time stood still.

  ‘I hear sirens,’ someone called.

  She didn’t stop, kept breathing, pausing, breathing for the child. When a paramedic appeared beside her, she said, ‘Carl, we need oxygen, neck collar, spinal board and splints.’ For starters. ‘And tape to strap that wad in place before Jamie can release pressure on the bleed.’

  Carl nodded. ‘Jessie, you hear that?’

  Jessie handed Carl the medical pack and went to get everything else.

  With speed and absolute care, the little girl was slowly attached to monitors, her head held in place with the neck brace, and Kayla inserted an oxygen tube so that Jamie could immediately begin pumping the attached bag to keep her breathing. Carl taped down the wad holding back the bleeding. Finally they slid the spinal board underneath and placed her on the stretcher.

  ‘I’ll come with you,’ Kayla told Carl.

  ‘Good.’ He didn’t waste time talking, climbing into the ambulance to take the stretcher as Jamie and Kayla pushed it forward.

  Kayla felt a warm hand touch her arm and then Jamie was gone. The door closed and the ambulance was rolling down the road towards town. That touch melted her, told her she wasn’t alone after all. The man she loved had been there throughout the trauma of dealing with this seriously injured child and had still had a moment for her.

  ‘Sian, hang in there,’ Kayla muttered as she read the monitor and cursed the low heart rate. Please, please, please. ‘I do not want to do compressions on those smashed ribs.’

  Josue and Sadie were waiting when Jessie backed them into the hospital bay.

  And so was Jamie when Kayla walked out into the fresh air after filling the doctors in on all the details. Leaning against the wall in the same spot he had been the night they’d brought the German woman in after her car accident.

  Like that night he called, ‘You all right?’

  She crossed over to him, but not straight into his arms. She wanted to, more than a hot shower, clean clothes and a painkiller for the headache pounding behind her eyes. But if she did, they were back to square one. Weren’t they? ‘Sort of. I’m shattered.’

  ‘That’s normal for you.’

  ‘It never feels anything like normal at the time. I’m always terrified I’m going to lose my patient.’

  ‘You were fantastic. I doubt Sian would’ve made it this far if you hadn’t been there.’ He brushed her hair off her face, then gripped her shoulders and looked into her eyes so deeply she couldn’t feel the ground underneath her shoes. ‘I’d trust you with my boys any day of the week. For everything.’

  She stared, trying to read him and afraid to acknowledge what she was seeing because she wasn’t exactly great at reading men. Not the men she cared so much for, anyway. ‘It’s what I do,’ she said defiantly.

  ‘I know. I’ve always known, but I’ve been afraid to accept it. I don’t want them getting hurt, but you won’t do that. Not intentionally, and I doubt in any other way.’

  One tiny step and she’d have those arms she longed for wound around her, holding her near, supporting her shaking body. One tiny step and would she have the future she yearned for. Holding back wasn’t easy but necessary. He was still only talking about his boys. Not himself. ‘I won’t deliberately hurt you either, Jamie. If I didn’t believe that I wouldn’t be here.’ She was so close to falling in a heap at his feet that any release of the pressure from his hands and it would happen.

  ‘I know that, too.’ He brushed a kiss over her cheek. Not like last time. ‘Come on, I’ll drive you home. We can collect your car later.’ Taking her elbow firmly, still supporting her faded stamina, he led her to his truck and opened the door.

  ‘How did you come to be at the scene?’ she asked.

  ‘Leanne lives two houses down. We heard screams and I went out to see what was going on. She kept the boys inside, away from seeing anything.’

  ‘Right.’ Too tired to think what that might mean, she laid her head back and closed her eyes.

  At her house he followed her inside and went down to the bathroom to turn on the shower. ‘Get in and soak away the exhaustion and grime, Kayla.’ His smile was soft yet serious. Filled with care and concern. ‘I’ll go put the jug on for a coffee.’

  His clothes were as filthy as hers after holding down on Sian’s injury.

  ‘You need to clean up, too.’ Kayla pulled her shirt off, undid her jeans zip.

  He skimmed her cheek with a finger. ‘You sure?’

  ‘Are you?’

  ‘Yes, sweetheart, I am. Nothing matters but us.’

  Stepping out of her jeans, Kayla hopped into the shower and shoved her head under the water. She needed to be clean, to wash away the horror of the accident, and then she’d be ready for Jamie.

  Joining her, he took the shampoo bottle and squeezed some onto his palm, then began rubbing it through her hair, soaping her head, her face and down her neck. Tipping her head back for the water to rinse her hair, she closed her eyes and went with those hands. Down her arms, back to her shoulders and over her breasts, stopping to circle her nipples to bring them to throbbing peaks. Then his palms were soothing her stomach, her hips, thighs and then between her legs.

  Suddenly nothing was slow and gentle but pulsing and hot. Her hands gripped his shoulders as she was lifted to place her legs around his waist, felt his need for her at her centre.

  He was sliding into her, slowly, bringing with him a need so great it overwhelmed her. ‘Take me, Jamie. Now.’ Please.

  He retreated, returned to be inside her. ‘Oh, Kayla, love, I adore you.’

  ‘Now, Jamie.’ She’d start screaming if he didn’t bring her to a peak now.

  Hot, gripping sensations rocked her, took over all thought as he plunged into her and roared as his need spilled, bringing her to a climax along with his.

  Afterwards they dried each other with thick towels and slipped into clean clothes.

  ‘You should carry something dressier than a pair of orange overalls in your truck.’ Kayla laughed as she sipped coffee on her deck overlooking town. It was easy to laugh, even when she had no idea what the future held. It just had to involve Jamie. Was she giving up on holding out for everything? He had just shown a little was better than nothing, but could she do a little for ever?

  ‘Nothing wrong with these.’ Jamie grinned. ‘You can see me for miles.’ Then his smile faded. ‘I mean it, Kayla. I love you more than anything. I’ve missed you too much these past couple of weeks.’

  He’d said love. He loved her. ‘I hear you.’ But she wasn’t sure what he was offering with his love. She waited, her hands rolling the mug back and forth, back and forth.

  ‘I’d like a relationship with you. No what-ifs. No asking if I’m sure. Just leaping in and believing in each other.’

  Her heart spluttered, started pounding. Really? Had he just said that? ‘Yes,’ she whispered.

  Jamie ha
uled her into his arms and took her mouth with a kiss like no other. Her head was light. The sun shone brighter. But best of all Jamie was holding her like a piece of precious crystal, as though he never intended to let her go again.

  Kayla kissed her man back with all the love swelling in her heart. She’d do anything for him. Anything. He was her second love, and she was going to hold onto him so tight they’d always be a part of each other’s lives. Pulling her mouth away just enough to say, ‘I love you,’ she smiled. A smile filled with all the wonder and love that was her life.


  HANDS IN POCKETS, Jamie watched Kayla as she sat in the autumn sun with a book in her hand. Her legs stretched the length of the outdoor sofa. Her hair was tucked back in a loose tie. There were shadows under her eyes and one finger kept scratching at the page she was staring at. There’d been no page turning for five minutes.

  His heart squeezed with love. Kayla had turned his life around, putting him back on track for a happy future. He and the boys had moved into her house two months ago as it was more comfortable for the four of them than being cramped in his boxy one.

  But now something was worrying the love of his life. There’d sometimes been a haunted look in her eyes over the past week that had twisted his gut. He thought he knew what the problem was but had been giving her space to tell him in her own time. Except a week was too long and they had to talk. Now. Kayla needed him, and he was here for her. His hand tightened around the contents of his pocket.

  ‘Jamie.’ She was watching him as she shifted so her feet were on the deck. ‘I’ve something to tell you.’

  Damn but they were so in sync at times it was scary. He sat down beside her and reached for her hand. ‘I thought so.’

  ‘I’m pregnant.’ A hopeful smile appeared and for the first time in days her eyes were filled with sunshine. ‘We’re having a baby.’

  A bubble of warmth swelled inside, filling him so much it hurt and he couldn’t talk. He was going to be a father again. With Kayla. Her hand was soft in his as he lifted it and kissed her palm. ‘I thought so,’ he repeated.

  ‘You guessed? Because I stopped having a wine with dinner?’ Her smile widened, hitting him in the heart.

  He loved this woman so much sometimes he had to pinch himself. Swallowing hard, he answered, ‘Because you keep touching your stomach when you think I’m not looking, because you haven’t slept properly for the past week, because I love you and know you.’

  And because you’ve been tipping out your wine when I’m not looking.

  He kissed her forehead. ‘I love you.’ They were in this together. A baby. Yee-ha. As long as the pregnancy went full term... He didn’t want Kayla being hurt again.

  ‘I should’ve told you straight away but...’ Her hand clenched in his. ‘I was scared, Jamie.’

  ‘Of course you were. Do you know how far along we are?’

  Her mouth lifted at one corner. ‘Eleven weeks. I only ever made it to eight weeks before so this time’s looking good.’ She gasped. ‘If I don’t hex it by saying that.’

  He hugged her tight. ‘You won’t.’

  She sighed. ‘I’m trying not to get too excited, just in case.’ Touching his lips with her forefinger, she shook her head at him. ‘I didn’t notice I was late for the first month, and then it was as though I refused to believe what was happening the next month. This morning I toughened up and had an HCG. The doc says everything’s looking good and there’s no reason why I won’t go full term.’

  So that’s why she hadn’t been at home when he’d got back from work. ‘This is the best news. I’m loving it. Seriously. We are pregnant. I’m going to be a dad again.’ And he’d thought things couldn’t get any better since they’d moved in together.

  ‘Isn’t it wonderful? Oh, Jamie, I’m so excited. Now I’ve told you it’s like I’ve put the past behind me totally. We will have this baby.’ Tears streamed down her cheeks. ‘It’s amazing.’

  Leaning in, Jamie kissed her, gently. ‘Kayla Johnson, I love you to bits. Will you do me the honour of becoming Mrs Gordon?’

  Her eyes widened and her smile grew. ‘Yes, Jamie—oh, yes, please.’ The tears were flowing faster. ‘I love you.’

  Taking the small red velvet covered box from his pocket, he opened the lid and held it out to Kayla. ‘I had this made last week. I hope you like it.’

  She stared at the ring made of gold with a dark sapphire set between two smaller diamonds sitting on white satin. ‘It’s perfect.’ She raised her stunned gaze to him. ‘How did you know?’

  ‘Your mother showed me the photo of your grandmother’s ring.’ Apparently Kayla had been promised the ring as a child but it had been lost when her grandmother had gone into a rest home.

  ‘Mum knew you were going to propose? And Dad?’

  ‘I had to make sure they agreed.’ He grinned. ‘It’s been hard not saying anything while I waited for the ring to be made.’ He lifted it from the box and reached for Kayla’s hand. ‘I love you, Kayla. We are going to have a wonderful life together.’

  He believed it, heart and soul. She made him happy, and strong, and ready for anything. He’d found love.

  * * *

  If you enjoyed this story, check out these other great reads from Sue MacKay

  Captivated by Her Runaway Doc

  The GP’s Secret Baby Wish

  The Nurse’s Secret

  Reclaiming Her Army Doc Husband

  All available now!

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Falling for the Billionaire Doc by Amy Ruttan.


  Life and love in the world of modern medicine.

  Escape to the world where life and love play out against a high-pressured medical backdrop.


  Falling for the Billionaire Doc

  by Amy Ruttan



  Dr. Henry Blake scowled up at the first few flakes of snow swirling around in the air. He hated the cold. He hated the fresh air, the woods and the windchill, and he scowled up at the cloud-covered sky, hoping he could melt every single last stupid snowflake that was falling down.

  Why am I here again?

  And then he distinctly remembered why he was back in Colorado in the bitter cold of February. He remembered why he had been dragged away from his warm, beautiful beachfront home in Los Angeles—to deal with a problem at his father’s request.

  He had been born in Aspen, Colorado. It was where his father was the governor and sat on the boards of many hospitals in the state. Even though it was Henry’s birthplace, his family didn’t spend much time here. His parents were elite and wealthy, and only came to Aspen when the powder was fresh so they could rub elbows with the rich and famous.

  His parents preferred Denver, DC or New York City. Basically, wherever their powerful friends were, his parents weren’t far behind.

  Whereas he had always been left alone.

  Alone in a large house in Denver.

  Alone at boarding school for the holidays.

  Alone and scared.

  Henry didn’t have many fond memories of Colorado.

  Or the winter. He hated how coming back unpacked feelings he kept carefully locked away.

  He had returned only because he sat on the board of Aspen Grace Memorial Hospital, one of the hospitals his father had invested a lot of money in.

  And then there was the debt Henry owed to his father. One he was sure he could never really repay. One that left him beholden to the man who was biologically his father, but emotionally meant nothing to him.

  Henry hated owing anyone anything, and he did care about the hospitals he was involved in.

  Even if it necessitated being in Colorado and subjected to the winter he loathed so much.
br />   His father had big plans for the future of Aspen Grace Memorial. But, apparently, there was a problem in going forward with tearing down the old and building the new.

  And that problem was one Dr. Brown. Henry knew nothing about her although he had read a couple of articles she’d written in medical journals.

  She was smart, a good surgeon, but very, very vocal about her displeasure with his father and the board of directors.

  She was the reason he was back in Colorado. She’d been ignoring his calls and emails. Now he had to come and meet her face-to-face. Which annoyed him all the more.

  More than the cold weather.

  Henry jammed his hands into the pockets of his coat, trying to hunker down under his scarf as the wind shifted and blew a blast of snow straight into his face.

  “You know, you should’ve dressed a bit better, Dr. Baker. This isn’t LA.”

  Henry glared at his father’s driver, who had pulled up to meet him at his parents’ private hangar. While he was glad of the private plane and the ride, he couldn’t help but be irritated by the reason for it.

  You owe me, his father had snarled.

  I owe you nothing, Henry had said. Send someone else to deal with Dr. Brown.

  His father had glared at him. Remember all those gambling debts? Remember how you walked away from medicine and almost ruined your career in Los Angeles, how we supported you after Michelle died and how we covered up all your indiscretions.

  A chill had run down his spine. Yes.

  You owe me this. I saved your career. Sent you to the finest schools. You can deal with this problem. I can’t do this with the election coming up.

  Fine, but after I do this we’re done. No more holding anything over my head.

  Very well.

  What would you have me do?

  His father had shrugged. Seduce her for all I care. Just shut it down.

  Henry had no plans to seduce Dr. Brown. Woo her maybe, charm her, but that was it.


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