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Escaping El Dorado

Page 6

by Helen Scott

  "It's not just your people, I think it's people in general," I said with a smile, happy to have some level of defense as we started to move through the crowd toward the main tower of the palace. The closer we got the taller I realized the tower was and the more nervous I became.



  The palace was overwhelmingly white and silver when we went inside. The train-like vehicle that carried us there was exclusively for going to the palace, so there were no other stops or people aboard. It was almost like home, but not at all. The train itself had been pristine and fast. There were no delays, no gum stuck to the underside of arm rests, and definitely no smell of pee coating the inside of my nose.

  When we got out of the train the first thing I noticed was that the front of the building was a giant open area. It was decorated with plants and bright pops of color here and there on paintings and sculptures. At the very front was an elevator, for lack of a better way to describe it. The glass box looked like it belonged in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory rather than Hyperborea. And much to my dismay that was exactly what we were walking toward.

  "Is it safe?" I whispered.

  "Of course. You'll trust me one of these days," he said with a chuckle.

  The box slowly rose and gave a stunning view of the city sprawled out underneath us. As we went higher and higher I could see even further. At first it was just past the city and into the countryside where we had been riding less than a few hours ago, then it was even further, being able to see the specks on the horizon that I assumed were towns in the distance.

  When the doors slid open behind us I was starting to get some vertigo from how high we had gone. I had known the tower was tall, but actually being up that high was something else entirely. I felt like I could see all of Hyperborea or something.

  With a tug on my hand, Niall let me know it was time to face the music. I turned and was surprised to find a cozy entryway in front of us that was very different from the futuristic vibe from the rest of the palace. We walked toward a desk that was sitting front and center and I felt more like I was about to meet a CEO than a queen.

  "We need to see Queen Ailsa about an origin world issue," Niall said. His voice was every inch the commander I'd first met. It was kind of hot seeing him use that voice and the authority that went with it on someone else.

  The thought was like getting doused with cold water. I definitely had Stockholm Syndrome.

  The man behind the counter disappeared through a set of doors and we waited for what felt like an age before he came back. When he returned I noticed that he was in a silver and purple top with a different kind of insignia on it than Niall and I were wearing. I wondered what they meant, what the significance was that everyone wore them. I hadn't just noticed it on the receptionist, but on the people in the train station as well. Everyone had this identifier somewhere on their clothing, or if it wasn't in the fabric then it was a pin or piece of jewelry that they wore attached to it.

  "Queen Alisa will see you in the conservatory. Do you need assistance getting there?"

  "No, I know the way well enough," Niall responded.

  The man nodded and sat back down at his desk pulling something up that was almost transparent in front of him before tapping at different fields and beginning to type away. I had no idea what to make of most of the things I was seeing in this weird futuristic world that Hyperborea had morphed into, but I was fascinated nonetheless.

  We walked down a long hallway and through a wide set of double doors that seemed to be made out of carved glass. At first I thought the intricate pattern was waves which seemed odd outside of Atlantis, but then, once we got closer, I realized it was air currents. Between the waves of air were birds soaring and spiraling wings outstretched and carved in such detail that I could almost see the movement even though it was just glass.

  Niall led me though the ornate doors, down another corridor, and through another two sets of equally intricately designed doors before we finally made our way into what was essentially a greenhouse at the top of the tower. Large vibrant leaves covered the view to the point that if there hadn't been a path marked on the ground I would have just assumed that this room had been taken back by nature somehow.

  We moved the leaves to one side and followed the path to a small sitting area. White and silver chairs were set up around a small table with an opening between the plants that looked out of what had to be the very top of the tower. I wanted to approach the window and look out, but part of me was nauseous just from looking out from where we were standing, never mind getting closer.

  It wasn't until I saw the white shape at the corner of my vision move that I realized there was someone standing there. As I turned to look at her, she turned toward us and there was no mistaking that this could only be the queen of Hyperborea.

  She was wearing a dress of purple, silver, and white. A large panel of the purple, or rather lavender, material went down the front, getting wider as it went, while the rest of the material was white. The silver came into play in straps that crossed under her breasts and went up and over her shoulders, like they were holding the material in place.

  My eyes were practically bugging out of my head though and it was only when I heard the faint throat clear from Niall that I dropped into a curtsy. While I was looking at the floor I tried to regain my composure. The material was sheer. Not completely see through but sheer enough that the curve of her body and legs was clearly visible along with the fact that she wasn't wearing any panties. I was beyond thankful that the purple material covered up any personal areas. The bra-type part of the top of the dress was folded enough to give support to her ample chest that nothing was visible.

  I was having trouble shaking off the shock of meeting the queen for the first time and her basically being naked. It wasn't like she was the first naked, or close to naked, woman I'd seen. I just was a little blindsided by it since I'd been expecting something more along the lines of Queen Victoria when I'd first arrived.

  "You may rise Casimir. How good it is to see you again, my loyal soldier. Who have you brought me?" Her voice was like wind chimes, clinking musically together.

  I saw Niall straighten from the corner of my eye, and when I turned my head, getting ready to straighten myself I saw the subtle shake of his head. Fine. I'd stay curtsying for as long as I could, but after almost four days on a horse, my thighs weren't exactly up to anything other than sitting.

  "Your Majesty," he whispered, his tone reverent, and he took her extended hand and laid the barest peck on her knuckles. "I bring you Tessa, she is from the origin world and has come here with a party of origin world warriors."

  "Tessa, what an interesting name. You may rise."

  I did as instructed and looked up at the queen. Her hair was a white blond and she had the most strikingly blue eyes I'd ever seen. After days of being with Niall and his dark hair and eyes, she looked almost alien. Everything about her was so bright and light which was the opposite of my last few days.

  "Your Majesty," I said belatedly.

  "What brings you to our realm?" she asked, her tone was smooth, but there was a rigid undertone to it as though she was expecting me to be a wild animal that would attack at any moment.

  "Some of the people of the other realms believe I am the Key. I came to Hyperborea with my warriors to try and speak with you and help quell rising aggressions. We would like to know if you have any murals of prophecy or sacred locations where we may search for the ability to tie this world more firmly in place. If that makes sense, Your Majesty," I said, hoping that I was making the right choice in trusting her.

  "I see, and you came here with a warrior from each realm?" she asked as she moved to sit down at the table and chairs.

  "Yes, Your Majesty," I said.

  "Where did you leave them? Why are they not here with you now?" She took a sip of what looked like tea from a glass cup and raised an eyebrow at me as though she was challenging me to answer her.

"That would be my fault, Your Majesty," Niall said, his voice low and quiet.

  "Oh?" Her dainty eyebrows rose in surprise.

  "I found Tessa unconscious in a field not far from where my battalion was encamped. I picked her up, intending to rescue her, at which time I discovered she was wearing strange clothing and upon inspection of her mind, the fact that she was from the origin world. I knew at that point that I needed to bring her to you immediately."

  "You did well, Casimir."

  "Thank you, Your Majesty."

  "Now, Tessa, if you are the Key, why do you need to travel to my world to secure it? Can you not simply do that from where you are or were as the case may be?"

  "I'm afraid not, Your Majesty. It seems likely that I have to visit each world and strengthen that world's ties individually. While I was on Atlantis we discovered a puzzle of sorts that needed to be solved, once that was done I felt the ties to the realm and was able to manipulate them to prevent it being pulled further into the origin world."

  "I see, well, we had better find what you need then, hadn't we?" The queen's voice was hard and I risked a glance at Niall to see if he could sense the shift as well, but I wasn't sure. His expression was as unreadable as ever.

  "That would be wonderful," I said, hoping that the tone shift I'd picked up on was just something I didn't understand about the Hyperborean culture yet.

  "Casimir, you're dismissed."

  "Your Majesty?"

  Panic flared in my gut. It wasn't a culture thing and now I had no way out. Not unless Niall was willing to fly me out of a window or something.

  "You are dismissed. Tessa and I have a lot to talk about, some of which you are not able to understand. I promise that she will have appropriate accommodations during her stay. You need not worry." She smiled, but there was a coldness to it that seemed to blow through the room like the north wind itself.

  "Your Majesty, I would rather he stay. He's the only person I know here," I pleaded with her, knowing that I had to try.

  "I'm afraid that's not possible, dear. Casimir has a lot of things that he handles for me, most of which have been neglected by his bringing you here personally when he could have given the job to one of his squires." The reprimand was as clear as day to everyone present.

  Niall bowed his head at the criticism and I wanted to slap the queen's pale cheeks, turn them red with my own anger. I breathed in through my nose and exhaled slowly through my ever so slightly parted lips.

  "The queen is correct, Tessa. Here is where we part ways. I have a duty to protect those that are loyal to the crown and Hyperborea."

  "But..." your promise, I finished in my head.

  You will be fine. The queen has done nothing to threaten you, Niall's voice intoned in my own head. "Your Majesty," he said aloud with a deep bow before backing away.

  As soon as he was in the elevator and out of sight the queen clapped her hands three times and guards seemed to appear from out of nowhere, although I suspected that part of the reason some of the plants grew such large leaves was for them to hide behind until needed.

  I looked back at the queen as three burly men stalked toward me. Her eyes were narrowed as she looked me up and down. "Take her to the bastille and give her a cell in the hold. I will be down to speak with her shortly. Do not let anyone else see her or speak with her. No one is to know she is there. Understood?"

  "Yes, Your Majesty." The three guards spoke as one and sounded like a football player who had taken one too many hits to the head. Without hesitation they grabbed me, one on each arm and when I began flailing about the third took my legs.

  Niall! I screamed in my head. It was a trap. They're putting me in prison. In a cell in the bastille! Please help me!

  "If you don't stop struggling them I will make you forget your entire life." The queen's voice was venomous as she sneered at me. The cold radiating out of her as she approached me made me shiver and when she placed a hand on my forehead I felt like chapters of my life were flashing before my eyes just waiting to be erased. "Your Grandmother. I would take your memories of her first. You would lose them forever. Cooperate and I'll let you keep them."

  She would destroy the only happy childhood memories I had. Part of me wanted to say screw it, I could live without them, I couldn't live in a fucking dungeon when no one knew where I was. But... Nana's smile was the one thing that had always made me feel safe, it was a memory I cherished, the only thing that got me through some of my darker days. I went slack in their arms. I wouldn't struggle, but I wouldn't help them imprison me.

  Niall, please, you promised. You promised me you would get me out. Get me out! I kept repeating the phrase over and over in my head until one of the guards had the thought to carry me like a sack of potatoes. He flipped me up and over his shoulder, forcing it to dig painfully into my stomach. As we started to walk away I heard the ting of metal hitting the floor and when my eyes found the source of the sound I felt even more helpless. It was the headband, the one that was supposed to help muffle my thoughts. It was on the ground, and we were walking away from it, away from the last part of my safety net.



  Tessa's scream rang in my head over and over again like a gong being struck. Each time it made me shudder down to my very core. I had promised to get her out. I had also promised to be loyal to my queen. Why would the queen be putting her in jail though? The bastille was no place for a woman like Tessa, especially not if she was the Key and the only hope of saving this world, if the prophecies were to be believed.

  I felt torn as the train raced away from the palace and back to the capitol city. There was nothing I wanted to do less than become a traitor to the crown, but I couldn't see a way around that if the queen's actions and the orders I had found on the soldiers were to make any sense. As soon as I was able to I launched myself into the air and took off at full speed.

  I knew no one would think anything of it. The queen and the palace guards less so if they were watching, after all she had just hinted at her displeasure about me leaving my troops. It was in my best interest to get back to them as quickly as possible. There was something rotten at the core of Hyperborea and I was going to find out what it was. I needed to solve this puzzle, not only for myself, but for Tessa. Once I could figure out what was going on I could work on getting her out. I just had to hope she survived long enough.

  My senses flew away from me as I soared through the sky. Each mind I skimmed over wasn't what I was looking for. I needed that hot flare of a mind from El Dorado or that rainy warmth from an Agarthan mind, hell, I'd even take the cool rhythmic pulse of an Atlantean mind. I just needed to find her guys. When I did and explained what was going on, I knew they would help.

  The wind ruffled my feathers as I let my wings work on instinct. I wanted to fly and was going in a certain direction but I didn't want to have to focus on it. In that way flying was sometimes like breathing. I could focus on it if I wanted to, make it work for me, do something other than what it was supposed to, or I could let go and my body would navigate the air currents and magnetic fields naturally until I grew tired.

  As I flew I scanned the land below for signs of anyone not from Hyperborea. Finally, just as my energy was starting to dip I felt that heat I'd been looking for. Hyperborea wasn't known for its temperate climate, so it was easiest to find someone from El Dorado or Agartha since both of those realms were known for their warmth. While Atlantis could be warm, it was also frigid when its residents dove deep enough.

  I circled, focused on the sensation of the foreign mind, and found myself in a familiar area, one that was approaching a common stop on the way to the capitol. The four of them were hiking, backpacks and all, and even worse, the Hyperborean warrior, whichever one he was, clearly hadn't sensed me yet. How could they protect Tessa, help her escape if they weren't even capable of monitoring their surroundings adequately?

  When I closed my eyes and focused on their minds, I felt her twined through all of them. H
er presence had become part of who they were, especially the El Doradian warrior. They truly were mates, and I had no doubt that the Atlantean warrior was on his way to realizing that she was his mate as well. In fact the only one that seemed to be resisting was the Agarthan. Probably needed his beast to scent her first or some such nonsense.

  With a sigh I opened my eyes and prepared to land and explain the situation as quickly and clearly as possible, if they could even understand it. As I looked down I realized that two members had gone missing. My gaze roamed over the land below, not focusing on the space around me the way I should have, so I was surprised when I suddenly encountered a hard mass. Two sets of eyes stared at me. One white and one a deep brown similar to my own.

  The weight of the two of them pulled me down. It was no use fighting them, so I gave in and the three of us plummeted like a stone. I only flared my wings when we were close enough to the ground, which they couldn't even see at that point, that impact would be inevitable otherwise. Even with my wings flared out behind us we still tumbled when we made contact with the ground. It was only my skill in landing and quick reflexes that saved my wings from being crushed as they rolled over me.

  "What the fuck, asshole? Are you trying to kill us all?" The man with the white eyes was practically foaming at the mouth as we all pushed to our feet.

  "Wouldn't have been an issue if you would have just let me land like any normal person," I replied. I knew my tone was huffy, and probably not the way to get off on the right foot with these guys so before anyone could respond I added, "I need to talk to you about Tessa."

  I was flat on my back with a set of claws around my throat and a ball of fire dancing above my head before I had even been able to draw my next breath.

  "What the actual fuck do you know about Tessa?" This came from the man who was obviously Atlantean based on the cool wash of his mind as he leaned over me. It was almost enough to drown out the heat from the El Doradian.


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