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The Mail Order Billionaire (DC Billionaires Book 3)

Page 5

by Eliza Ellis

  A confirmation text from his manager pinged and drew Deanna’s attention. “You work a lot?”

  “I’m a billionaire. I have commitments.”

  “By now, shouldn’t your money be doing most of the work?”

  “True. And it does. But I like making deals. There’s a certain element of risk that makes them exciting.”

  She studied him, and Maxim felt like he was a math problem she was trying to solve. “Like this one? Our…marriage.”

  Maxim smiled. “Exactly. A great risk to both of us.”

  “The science says otherwise.”

  Maxim leaned close. She had nowhere to go but to the side of the car. His gaze pinned her to the seat. “Tell me, truthfully. You didn’t pick me because of the science,” he challenged in a low tone.

  She licked her lips. Her gaze briefly dropped to his and then returned to his eyes. “Why wouldn’t I? I’m trying to make a point.”

  “Intentions all dishonorable, wouldn’t that defeat the math?”

  She shook her head. “I’m still me, and you are still you. As long as we’re both upfront about why we are doing this, everything should work out.”

  He slid closer. “You’re doing this to prove you can match anyone.” His finger drew a circle on the top of her hand. She shifted away. He set his hand down on the seat next to her thigh.

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly. “And according to your letter, you’d like to escape an arranged marriage.”


  “Only to enter into another arranged marriage.” She grinned victoriously.

  “Ah”—he held up a finger—“but this one is my choice.”

  “Is that the way you see it?”

  He rakishly scanned her. “I see a woman who’s found love for many couples and hasn’t had any herself. At least, not in a long time.” She flinched. He continued anyway. “I’m sure there were other men you could’ve chosen.”

  She swallowed. “There were.”

  “But you saw my title and my money—”

  She threw her head back and laughed. Out loud. Laughed at him. “You think that’s what made me pick you?”

  He shrugged and slid back a few inches. “I’ve known a lot of women.” She snorted. His eyes narrowed. “It’s never any other reason.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m not like all of those women.”

  He smiled. “True.”

  “If you were poor, I still would’ve chosen you.”

  He raised his brows. “Is that right.”

  “Yes, it is. The science chose you. I believe in it fully.”

  “Your ex-husband…was he rich?”

  She blinked. “No.”

  “Did you two agree about money? How to handle it, I mean.”

  She hesitated before shaking her head.

  “Then I doubt you’d marry a poor man.”

  She cleared her throat. “I have my own money.”

  “What’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is yours.”

  “I don’t think—”

  “You’re getting the better end of the deal.”

  She peered at him through slits. He felt the ice all the way to his spine. “Is that all you care about? Money? What and who you can buy? Did you answer the questions truthfully?”

  His back muscles tensed. He was no liar. Having the advantage of size, he draped one arm over her lap until he met the seat. Her head abutted the headrest, trapping her mouth inches from his. “You second-guessing your algorithm? That it matched you with a greedy man?” Her chest heaved. Moisture began to gather in the corners of her eyes. She was going to cry! He backed up quickly, all humor gone. “To answer your question, yes, I was truthful.”

  Billy spoke over the intercom. They had arrived at the store. Deanna didn’t wait for the driver to open her door, and she stumbled out.

  Maxim groaned. They were not off to a good start. She wasn’t easily enticed, and he was beginning to question the algorithm himself.

  “A jewelry store?” she exclaimed with a disapproving frown.

  “Don’t you want an engagement ring? And a wedding band? If this is going to look real, you should have them.” He followed her through the door.

  “If you’re trying to buy me—”

  “You have millions of dollars, I know,” he said dryly.

  She took her time observing the rings through the case. Maxim waited patiently in silence. “If you don’t like it, then why entertain them?” she asked.

  “Your meaning escapes me.”

  She paused, leaning against the counter, and looked at him. “You must like the attention.” Her eyes were unreadable. “Or why else entertain women who see nothing but dollar signs?” She stepped closer, her dark eyes cool but mischievous. “Who is Maxim Malenkov that he has to hide behind his title and his money?”

  And then it happened. As he stared into those smooth, brown eyes, he was gone. He heard his name but couldn’t figure out if she was talking about him or not. Her eyes turned kind, and a deep-rooted fear began to shrivel.

  She raised a brow and the corners of her mouth. He was being teased. He cleared his throat and turned away. “I’m the second-born son. A spare heir. I’m nothing but a servant to the future and now king of Degonia,” he said ruefully.

  Her hand rested on his arm. “I didn’t mean to offend,” she said softly.

  His gaze remained on the engagement rings in the case, but he rested his hand over hers. “I know,” he responded in kind. “But you did ask.”

  She slipped her hand from his and pointed to a single solitaire, smaller than most of the rings in the case. He grunted. “You can’t mean that one.”

  “Why not? It’s my ring, right?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “But I’m going to be a princess so I must have a ring that’ll break my finger under its weight?”

  He showed teeth. “You’re sharp. I like a woman with wit.”

  “You’re rarely in their company?” she asked, pretending to be interested in other rings around the one the jeweler was pulling out of the case.

  He chuckled. She had insecurities of her own. “If I’m honest, the more money you make, the fewer people you respect. My true friends I can count on two fingers.”

  “I understand. You want to surround yourself with people who you hope to become like.”

  “Exactly.” He smiled as he watched the ring slip onto her finger. At least their driven personalities were a match. “Perhaps after tonight, I can name three true friends.”

  She stared up at him. “You would consider me a friend after one night?”

  He shrugged. “You’ll be my lover after one night, right? Why not a friend?”

  The assistant jeweler, a young woman, dipped her head and giggled. Deanna merely frowned. “We should talk about that.”

  Maxim took her hand in his and stared at the ring. “Later.” The size was perfect. “This is the one you like?”

  She nodded with a small smile.

  “It’s…still small.”

  “Small in size, but not in price.” She grinned wickedly.

  She moved down a little ways to the second display with the bands. Maxim raised a brow at the jeweler who said, “She is right, sir. The cut and brilliance…”

  Maxim’s gaze went to the cut of his future bride.

  And she was brilliant.

  Chapter 7

  Maxim tapped his hand against his knee. He huffed and looked at his phone. They were cutting it close to get to dinner. He let out another heavy sigh. Staring out the tinted windows of his limousine, he gazed up the tall building where Deanna’s condo resided. He couldn’t tell which one was hers, nor could he see her from this vantage point. He had really wanted to come up, but she had asked that he wait in the car.

  What was taking her so long? Hopefully, she was packing a few gorgeous lingerie sets he could strip off later. Maxim frowned. Maybe it was the dress. Was she the type to have a dress already hanging in her clo
set for when she trapped a guy?

  He wasn’t trapped. This was his decision, he told himself. And Deanna didn’t look like she wanted to be married. He suspected if she had the choice, she’d never marry again. Maxim checked his messages, looking for one from his investigator. Had they found her ex-husband yet?

  Deanna said the marriage ceremony would take place at midnight with a camera and crew ready to film it for the reality show she worked on. He cringed thinking about it, but if that was what it took, then so be it. As long as they got to the plane and were wheels up within the hour. His brother would understand if it took some time for the plane to take off with the busy traffic of the DC airspace.

  He saw the concierge open the door and her walk out. Behind her, someone pushed a cart with her bags on it. Man, she had luggage. Did she know they were flying to Degonia tonight?

  Maxim hurried out of the car and began helping the bellhop put the luggage into the trunk.

  “You help?” Deanna asked, a look of surprise on her face.

  “Why not? I’m fit.”

  She dipped her head. “Yes, you are,” she said quietly.

  He pretended he didn’t hear her for her sake. “Besides, just because I’m a prince doesn’t mean I’m above anyone else. I’m still human.”

  Her smile faltered a bit. What had he said? He had thought she’d respect humility. If she wants cocky, I can do cocky. Maxim fidgeted when he returned to his seat in the car. Finding himself willing to please a woman was a strange and…terrifying feeling. Caring about what she thought? When had that begun?

  Maybe he should’ve rethought this marriage plan. With a woman he didn’t know, he’d have to try. With Leonor?

  No. No, this was still the better option. The science said they were a match, after all.

  “I should probably tell you, the paparazzi will likely be at the restaurant,” he said.

  “What? Oh, no.”

  “Shouldn’t you be seen with your future husband? Happy? Like it’s going to work out?”

  It took her a second, but then she nodded.

  “What?” Maxim slid closer, taking her hand in his. Even in the soft lights of the vehicle, the diamond glinted in magnificent shades of purple and blue. “This looks good on you,” he said softly.

  “It’s a beautiful ring, thank you.”

  He enclosed her hand with both of his. “What are you afraid of?”

  She stared long into his eyes, so long that he feared what she would say. But he couldn’t help her figure it out until he knew the details. He waited for her to speak, his insides spazzing with impatience.

  “I…I am afraid it won’t work.”

  He cupped her cheek. “Of course it will. The science—”

  She broke away with a groan. “I know it. I know all about it. I created it. It…it’s all I have.” She looked down at her trembling hands.

  He covered them with one of his own and used the other to guide her chin until she looked at him. “You have me,” he said softly.

  Her mouth slanted down to one side. “Do I though?”

  “I do this by choice.”

  “Because of Princess Leopold.”

  He snorted, and she laughed. “Leonor, but still, by choice.” He captured her eyes with his. “I couldn’t just marry anyone. Even a playboy billionaire has standards.”

  “Does he?” She smiled playfully. “And what are those?”

  He let his gaze dip. “Well, she has to be beautiful.”

  “Of course,” she said sarcastically.

  “Have her own dreams.”

  “Not full of you?”

  He chuckled. “I don’t mind if they are.”


  His eyes came back to hers. “And she has to stimulate me.”

  Her lips parted. “Stimulate…how?”

  He grinned wickedly. “Intellectually.” He leaned in close, their gazes still tethered. “I couldn’t just marry anyone,” he breathed. He covered her lips with his. She made the cutest little sound of protest. When he parted her lips, she sighed and fell into him.

  The car came to a stop, but their kiss didn’t. All sense of time and space dissipated. Maxim couldn’t remember the last time he had enjoyed kissing so much. The excitement of exploration, learning the curves of a woman’s mouth, falling into a rhythm.

  Her hands traveled around his neck, the heat drawing a shudder from him. Desire kindled and shot down his spine.

  “Maxim,” she breathed.

  Oh, the way she said his name. Pride surged from his gut. He took control of the kiss, firmly demanding more from her lips.

  A man’s throat cleared. “We’re here, sir.”

  Deanna pulled back quickly, a hand to her mouth. She turned away. Maxim could’ve punched his driver. He was in the middle of the best first kiss of his life. What was Billy thinking?

  Maxim patted his mouth with a handkerchief while Deanna reapplied lipstick. Flashes of light penetrated the tint of the windows. “The paps are here.” He looked at Deanna and grinned. “Ready?”

  She shook her head.

  Maxim laughed, put on his shades, and opened the door. After exiting, he held his hand for Deanna. The cameras flashed again and again. Deanna briefly covered her eyes and leaned into Maxim’s arm.

  “Dr. Pearson! Dr. Pearson! Are you engaged to Prince Maxim?”

  Maxim and Deanna exchanged a glance. “Yes. Prince Maxim and I are officially engaged.” She slipped her hand from his and held up her hand. Cameras flashed on the engagement ring.

  Maxim watched Deanna work the crowd. Only he knew the smile on her face was forced. She was nervous about their marriage and her science, and as soon as he told her they would be flying to Degonia to meet the king and queen, he expected her to falter.

  Not until they were married. He couldn’t leave tonight without a wife.

  He tucked her hand back into the crook of his elbow and guided her inside. His lips brushed her ear. “You’re a natural.”

  Her eyes held disbelief. “Is this an everyday occurrence for you?”

  He cocked a brow. “Quite. You’ve never heard of me?”

  She twisted her lips into a mocking grin. “I don’t pay attention to gossip rags. If you hadn’t noticed, I wasn’t exactly on the prowl for a prince.”

  He chortled. “But you snagged one today.”

  “You make it sound like I left you no choice.”

  Technically, that was his brother, the king. “I didn’t.”

  They settled into their seats in a private room he normally reserved for himself and his friends. “Are you even allowed to marry me?”

  “Of course,” he lied. He tore some bread and dipped it into the prepared oil and vinegar mixture.

  Her eyes narrowed. “I’m not a princess.”

  “You will be tonight.” He winked.

  While she gave her order to the waiter, Maxim checked his phone. A text from the queen. He grimaced. He had never really liked his brother’s wife. She was born royal and was every bit as driven to uphold tradition as her husband.

  You’ve abandoned your country for long enough. The king is worried that you will not keep your word. If you do not leave by tonight, you will be sent for.

  Sent for? Maxim let out a frustrated breath. Did they want his money or not?

  “What is it?”

  Maxim glanced at Deanna. Could he trust her? She was different from all the others, but she had a very clear self-serving agenda with this marriage. As did he, and he was starting to feel torn about it. Deanna was common and not exactly comfortable in the spotlight. Marrying into royalty would be difficult for her. Whereas Leonor was born ready. Could he ask Deanna to give up her life for a time and be a different woman in Degonia?

  “Maxim, we’re going to be married. Might as well not start it off by keeping secrets.”

  He shrugged and handed her his phone. “I’ll give you the password as well, if you want it.”

  “I don’t, but I appreciate the offer
,” she said as she read the screen.

  He’d give it anyway. He didn’t have anything to hide. She already thought he was a playboy, but she was willing to trust the science.

  Her brown eyes met his. “What does this mean? You have to be back tonight or they’ll send for you?”

  He collapsed back into his chair. “We’ll be flying to Degonia right after the ceremony.”

  “What? I…I haven’t prepared any… I’m not ready to leave. My work!”

  “Can’t be avoided. Look, whatever you need, I can provide it for you.”

  “How…how long are you expected to be there?”

  He stared at her, trying to find the words. The longer she held his gaze, the harder her eyes became. Maxim swallowed. Probably should’ve mentioned this at the start. “Indefinitely.”

  “Indefinitely!” Her mouth worked, and she looked around the room. “I’m trying to understand…”

  Time to eat…what was the expression? Humble pie? “My lifestyle hasn’t pleased Their Majesties as of late. They hope marriage and official duties will right my path and bring respect back to the monarchy.”

  This time, she was the one to collapse back into her seat. “So it’s not just about choosing your own wife.”

  He leaned forward. “That was a lot of it, believe me. If I have to spend the rest of my life cutting ribbons and making speeches about charities I’ll only be involved in a couple of times a year, then I’d like to do it beside someone I can respect.”

  “But we don’t even know each other!”

  “That’s what your algorithm is for, isn’t it? Shouldn’t take that much time, I think…”

  “Time being the operative word. How come I’m just now finding out that I won’t be back home in…in…” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “Deanna, forgive me,” he said quietly.

  Her cheekbones sharpened, and the darkness in her eyes seemed to overtake the white. She jabbed a finger to her chest. “I have a life here, or have you forgotten, your Highness?” she seethed. “What about my career?”

  “I don’t have an answer for that. Only that I believe you’ll be allowed to do both. You don’t have to be by my side at all times.”


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