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Cowgirl Crazy (Bad Girls Book 2)

Page 4

by Jennifer Labelle

  A complete lady with a naughty side equaled instant love in his eyes, unlike the last bitch who had broken his heart.

  There was only one woman in his life now and she didn’t really count. What he wanted, no needed, was a romantic interest, his Becca. Only now she talked about some tattooed guy like he was Heaven on Earth, and he couldn’t allow it to continue for much longer.

  “Argh!” he screamed and threw his coffee cup across the room. The hot liquid sprayed and the mug shattered on impact once it hit the basement wall. “Soon my sweet, Becca, I’ll be seeing you very, very soon my love.”

  He growled now, and decided to leave a comment under his alias, Lusty Cowboy once again:

  “Not anonymous to me anymore, I’ve figured it out and I’d love to fulfill that desire you speak of. Your pleasurable encounters are in my fantasies and you’ll definitely be in my dreams, my naughty girl. See you soon. ~LC~”

  “Now that should do it.” He chuckled while talking to himself. In the meantime, he had plans to make.

  “Baxter Bane Coulter, what are you doing down there? I heard a crash.”

  “Nothing, Grams, I dropped something. I’ll be right up.” He could hear the nosy old lady grumble from upstairs before she shut the door, and he hit send. At least now she’d know he was thinking about her and he couldn’t wait before he permanently made her his to keep. It was only a matter of time, and a little bit of patience. No other man was going to take that away from him. He’d make sure of it.



  Oh, what a day.

  Her hands were full. She juggled her bag and the groceries she’d picked up for dinner, as she fished for her keys to unlock the door while trying not to drop anything. Her throat was so dry she was spitting cotton, and the Texas heat was so hot today the hens were laying hard boiled eggs. Sweat trickled from her forehead and laid a trail right down her cleavage. Becca couldn’t wait to get out of these work clothes and into something more comfortable. She’d been on her feet the entire day, showing a few properties to a nice but indecisive newly married couple just starting out. And, she’d gotten another creepy message from Lusty Cowboy on the site.

  She shivered. It was good to be finally home.

  “Oomph!” To top it all off she just tripped over her own two feet as soon as she got the door open and landed flat on her face. It couldn’t get any worse, or at least she hoped. “Ugh, here we go,” she mumbled and began to pick up her mess.

  Thirty minutes later, she was showered, dressed in shorts and a tank, the groceries were put away, and she was enjoying a nice glass of sweet tea.

  The rumble of a muscle car close by caught her attention and she hurried to the window to see it. She smiled wide as soon as she noticed Mace behind the wheel, and damn, his toys were just as badass as the man himself. She loved the Harley, but this—this car was a beautiful piece of history. Old as dirt, but a classic none the less and she could appreciate that. She hadn’t known much about his Yenko as he called it, but she could appreciate its solid body, the shiny red paint job, and sleek chrome. The engine revved as he drove around to the back of the house where the barn was located, and she figured she’d meet him outside and offer him a drink since it was so hot and all. It was not only her duty as a good hostess, but an excuse to talk to him again. It was good to see him.

  She grabbed a glass, filled it with ice, poured some tea, and garnished it with a lemon wedge before she escaped out the back door.

  He just finished exiting the car when she walked inside. The car fit perfectly in the space they’d cleared, and she was glad Mace seemed to like it for the time being. He noticed her immediately, so she held the glass out to him. “I thought you might like this.” Becca handed it to him and traced her fingers across the body of the car as she admired it up close.

  “You like it?”

  “Do I?” she said and nodded yes. “I had no idea what you were talking about when you mentioned your baby, but this—this is really nice, Mace. Will you take me for a ride sometime?”

  “You just say the word, babe, and I’ll give you a ride any damn time you’d like.” He smirked, and she blushed, noting the double entendre.

  She cleared her throat. “Tell me about it.”

  “What the car or the ride?” He chuckled. “It’s a ’68 Camaro Yenko, the Holy Grail for any Chevy enthusiast. They only made about a couple hundred of these babies. It’s got a 425-horse power 427 big block under the hood and rides like a dream. My pop gave it to me before he died going on six years now and I’ve been fixing her up for a while. Once I’m done she’ll be worth a mint, but I won’t be selling so it doesn’t matter anyway.” He shrugged and began to chug the drink she offered.

  “I’m sorry for your loss, Mace. I can see why the car means a lot to you now.” She moved closer and squeezed his arm in a show of support.

  He reached up to tuck a stray hair behind her ear that escaped from her messy bun and changed the subject. “Speaking of cars, I seem to recall a sexy woman out riding me on a mechanical bull the other night.” He groaned, “It was hot, by the way, and I am now tasked with washing her car.”

  “You really don’t have to,” she said trying to brush it off, but she could see he wasn’t having it. Mace arched his left eyebrow and shook his head.

  “But I do, babe. I’m a man of my word.” He lowered his face and planted a quick kiss on her lips before stepping back again. “And if I recall the request was for it to be shirtless.” He didn’t wait for her answer before he fisted the back of his shirt in his hand and pulled it over his head.

  Holy sweet mother of…

  She was utterly speechless. Smooth skin, hard muscle, rippling abs, and ink as far as the eye could see, oh my.

  He hooked a finger under her chin to close her mouth and winked. “Now, how about you show me where the supplies are.”

  “Follow me,” she said and led the way.

  She gathered a bucket, the hose, soap, and sponges, and decided to help so it would go faster. “Do you have any plans after we’re done here?” she asked while she lathered soap on the hood.

  “Not really,” he said. “Do you have anything in mind?”

  “How about dinner?” She suggested, “I’ve got some steak we could throw on the grill, if you’re interested.”

  “Sounds good to me,” he agreed and then turned on the hose to rinse the side he was working on.

  “Oh no you didn’t!” Becca squealed. As Mace washed the soap off, the water also sprayed in her direction and it was cold. Her nipples pebbled, and she shivered from the unexpected spray headed in her direction.

  Mace guffawed. “Wet looks really good on you.”

  “It does, does it?” She teased and raced around to meet him. He playfully held her back as she tried to wrestle the hose away from him. He gave in after a few minutes and ran as she gained control of it to get him back.

  He somehow managed to creep up behind her and laughed as she squeaked in surprise while also dropping the hose to the ground the moment he had his arms around her. She loved the sound of his laughter but loved it even more the minute he turned her around, so he could kiss her again. It was better than she remembered too. His lips were so soft and plump as they pressed against her own. It started off slowly at first, but the moment their tongues touched an inferno ignited and she was on fire for him. They weren’t playing anymore. Mace lifted her off her feet and backed them up until her butt rested on top of the hood. Her legs spread for him, so he could get as close as possible and he squeezed her hips with his fingers. She could feel the hard ridge of his cock through his jeans and rubbed her wet core against it. She moaned and her chest heaved as her breathing sped up. Her hips thrust against him, dry humping and it felt so good.

  “Oh, Mace…” Becca arched her back to push her breasts against his chest. His lips trailed across her jaw and down her neck.

  “That’s it, baby,” He growled, “Will you come for me?”

” Was all she managed to whimper. She’d made herself come millions of times, but it had been so long since she’d had a man’s touch and it was bliss.

  He flicked the button on her jean shorts open and slid his hand inside her damp panties. She was so wet for him, and it had nothing to do with their water fight. Warm and wanting, it wouldn’t take long. His fingers skimmed through her slippery folds and circled her engorged clit, applying just enough pressure to make her crazy. Her breath hitched, and she held onto his arms tightly as he played her like a finely tuned instrument.

  “That’s it, baby. Give it me. You’re so fucking beautiful, and breathtaking, Becca.”

  Her whole body shook and she lost control. “H-holy shitttt, Mace, yes, YES!” His mouth consumed her cries of ecstasy, kissing her senseless until she found calm again. He slowed everything down after a few minutes more and pulled back. His breathing was still heavy as he pressed his forehead against hers to gain his own composure.

  “That was, um, that was…”

  “Wow.” He finished her sentence and shook his head as if he was in disbelief. “What you do to me.”

  “Ditto.” Becca returned. Mace backed away just enough to help her put her feet back on the ground.

  “Here’s the plan. I’m going to need a minute to calm down, so I can finish with this car and then join you for dinner before I forget where we are again and take you right here and now. You deserve better than that.” He smiled at her, but it looked more like a grimace. Before he could continue, she did.

  “And, while that happens I’ll go in, change my clothes, and get dinner started. Will you be okay out here?”

  “Yeah, babe, totally worth it.” He lifted her hand to his lips. “See you in a few.”

  “Looking forward to it.” Becca gulped as she turned around to head inside. There were so many emotions swirling around inside of her that she had so long ago suppressed, and she was falling hard for Mace. It was both exhilarating and scary all at once. Yet as she thought about it she knew without a doubt he would be worth the risk to her heart. She just needed to take it one day at a time.

  Chapter Four


  Earlier had been a big tease.

  They’d just finished eating dinner, her car was sparkling clean, and he was still trying to figure out a way to approach the subject of Cowgirl Crazy. He couldn’t get it out of his head. One, she needed to know that he obviously was just as into her as she seemed to be into him. Two, he was proud of her and all that she had accomplished. It was quite the blog. Yet, he could already tell that whatever Becca did she dedicated one hundred ten percent to. Her home, the buildings she owned and leased, as well as her realty business were a testament to that. She was quite successful. That, and sexy, sweet, and she smelled good too, his kind of woman. The list went on.

  Then an idea hit, and it started off with leaving a few words, short and sweet.

  Mace leaned back against the couch as Becca went to put his clothes in the dryer and then said she was going to prepare some coffee for them both. She’d lent him a pair of jogging pants and a Tee that belonged to her brother. They were a bit snug, but it was better than sticking around in wet clothes thanks to their water fight. He pulled out his phone and pulled up the site. After signing in he decided to go with the name she had given him as his username, Tattoos, and he began typing.

  Tattoos wrote:

  “I remember that very day like it was yesterday. Loving those nicknames by the way. And, it’s nice to also know you feel the same way I do. Your secrets are safe with me. XOXO Tattoos, aka. Tall, Tempting, and Tattooed, or shall I go with Mr. Fantasy Man? *Wink*”

  “What are you up to?” Becca smiled as she handed him a mug of coffee. She joined him on the sofa and got comfortable. He left his phone on and turned a bit, so he could face her.

  Here goes nothing.

  “Earlier at work Sawyer showed me something interesting,” he said, and then scooched closer to the middle so he could sit next to her.

  “Really?” Becca bit her lip. “Sawyer’s a blast, so I can just imagine what it was.”

  “She’s something all right.” Mace placed his cup on the table beside him, and then reached for her cup to do the same. He took one hand from her lap and held it. “Remind me to thank her later for showing it to me. Right now, though, I’d much rather concentrate on another amazing woman. You see, thanks to her I was introduced to a unique website, an informative one, one that’s clearly personal yet helps so many others. Have you heard of it?”

  Mace could pinpoint the exact moment Becca figured it out. Her mouth dropped open and then closed as if she wanted to say something but was at a loss for words, the color seemed to drop from her face, and she cleared her throat after avoiding his eye contact. Suddenly the floor was much more interesting than he was, and he couldn’t have that now, could he?

  He nudged her chin with his finger, so she could look at him again, and she seemed to compose herself just a little better. “H-heard of what?” she stuttered.

  “It’s called Cowgirl Crazy, but I think you already know that.” He prompted softly. “Here…” He handed her his cell to look at. “I’d like you to read this.”

  She reluctantly nodded, and began to read the last comment posted, his. It only took a few seconds and her hands shook as she handed it back. He steadied them as he took her hands inside of his again and held them still. “I promise I won’t say anything if you’d still like to keep your anonymity. I just wanted you to know I felt the same way about you. Honestly, it was just a fluke that I happened to read the post of how we met when I did. I’m flattered, and I swear no one knows anything, not from me anyway.”

  A single tear fell down her cheek. She wiped it away quickly and took a deep breath. “Okay.” She continued with a couple more deep breaths to calm herself some and then tried her best to relax.

  “This is so embarrassing,” she said and laughed without humor. “I clearly need to be more careful.”

  “You should, but I also think you should be proud.” He said, “You’re clearly helping others on it. People look up to you, they relate to you, admire you even. It’s also hot as Hell.” He winked, and she blushed again. He’d never get tired of that. Mace placed their entwined hands over his heart. “I mean it, Becca. You’ve got a gift here at whatever you do in life and if you can’t acknowledge that, I’m prepared to be proud enough for the both of us.” He pulled her forward slightly, so he could place a kiss on her forehead. “You get me?”

  “Got it,” she whispered, “just please don’t say anything. I’m not ready for everybody to know who I am.”

  “My lips are sealed. Trust me.”

  “Thank you,” she said, and she seemed relieved now, so he smiled, especially when she threw her arms around his neck and began kissing him hungrily.

  Body language was his favorite type of communication. She climbed on his lap and he leaned back so he could give her more room to explore. There was no issue as far as he was concerned with allowing her to lead this as far as she wanted too. His blood headed south to his cock and it ached to be set free.

  “So, then I guess you saw my latest request?” Becca whispered while trying to catch her breath.

  Is she talking about…? Shit I hope so.

  “You mean with the curious girl, right?” Mace wanted to tread carefully to make sure he wasn’t reading into this wrongly. The last thing he needed was to come across as an ass, so he had to have her spell it out for him.

  “That’s the one.” Becca said, and she tilted her head sideways as she studied his reaction. “She’s interested in anal play with her long-term lover and I was hoping to help her out with that. Lube education is important in that situation, and I figured I could suggest a toy or two, so I was rummaging around my toy box earlier and found a plug I could use and leave a review of, as well as a special silicone lube, Anal Ease. It’s made specifically for this type of play and has a desensitizing agent for a more pleasurable encounte
r for the person receiving penetration. Care to be daring with me?”

  “Please tell me you’re serious.” Mace moaned and thrust his hips upwards, so she could feel exactly how hard he’d become. He quickly got up from the couch and carried her with him. “Bedroom, babe, where is it?”

  “Up the stairs, end of the hall.” Becca chuckled.

  He quickly followed her directions. They made their way upstairs safely and he devoured her mouth against his while he carried her down the hallway. Her hands fisted his hair and he pressed her against the wall while he fumbled to get her bedroom door open. He needed her naked, and pronto. He hadn’t even been inside her yet and he could already tell she was something special. It was pure craziness and he had to fight not to come in his pants like some inexperienced teenager. He had a confident woman in front of him with a kinky need to explore. This had better not be a dream.

  He walked them to her bed and squeezed her ass before he let go. Becca bounced a couple of times and giggled.

  She got onto her knees and pointed her index finger up. “Hold on to that thought. Let me just grab what we need.” She winked and then crawled towards her nightstand. His gaze zeroed in on her ass and he licked his lips. A minute later she was standing in front of him and she yanked her top off.

  “I love that you’re so fuckin’ eager.” He growled, “I need to taste you.”

  Mace quickly flicked her bra loose and took it off so that her top half was bared to his gaze. Next, he undid the button on her shorts, and hooked his fingers along her underwear line. In one smooth motion he took both her panties and shorts and pulled them down. He threw them behind him not bothering to look where they landed. “You’re so beautiful.”

  He kissed his way across her jaw and nibbled on her ear before his lips landed on her neck. His hands cupped her plump breasts, just a perfect size to fit inside of his hands. He caressed them and dragged his thumbs across her nipples. They pebbled for him, and she shivered. He replaced his fingers with his mouth this time, and she bowed to push her chest out, so she could get better access to his mouth there. Her bosom heaved with excitement, and she held the back of his head while he feasted on her.


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