High Minds
Page 112
Brodie, Benjamin 219, 460
brothels 73, 74, 130
Brougham, Lord 302, 325, 716
Browning, Robert 174
Bruce, Henry 495, 536, 744
Brunel, Sir Isambard Kingdom 299, 301, 707, 713, 719
Buccleuch, Duke of 292, 299, 317, 399, 740
Buckle, Henry Thomas 138
Bulley, Ella 551, 552
Burbidge, Thomas 158–60
Burdett-Coutts, Angela 462, 507, 530, 543, 637–40, 647–51, 653, 654, 817
Urania 640–7
burial societies 471
Burns, Mary 84
Buss, Frances 539, 546
Butler, Canon 235, 236, 242, 248
Butler, Josephine 551, 799
Butler, Samuel vi, 30, 138, 150, 204, 211–13, 221, 234–7, 241–50, 595, 642 see also Fair Haven, The; Life and Habit; Unconscious Memory; Way of all Flesh, The
Butler, Samuel (snr) 213, 234
Butterfield, William 729, 733–5, 755
Byron, Lord 96, 173
Cabinet, collective ministerial responsibility 765
cadet corps 453
Cairns, Lord 656, 659
Cambridge, Duke of (Prince George) 333, 480–1, 483–4, 486, 487–9, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497
canals and rivers 720
Canning, George 264, 278
Canning, Sir Stratford 358
Canterbury, Archbishop of 26, 30, 36, 171, 307, 308, 333, 461, 475, 517, 638
capital punishment 198, 627, 629–30, 688
Capitalism 86, 189, 201, 614, 616, 637, 694
Cardigan, Lord 261, 480
Cardwell, Edward 282, 318, 399, 403, 473, 480–97, 768, 769, 774, 817
Carlisle, Earl of 281–2
Carlton Club 391, 723
Carlyle, Mrs 221
Carlyle, Thomas xiv, 50–9, 73, 270, 617–19, 652, 817 see also Chartism
aristocracy 604
and Arnold 171–2
autism 51
and Booth 662–3
cash nexus 18, 54
civil unrest 36, 37
and Clough 155–65, 171
Corn Laws 94–5
and Dickens 636
education 413
feudalism 51–2, 57, 115, 377, 606, 613, 729, 731
and Froude 153, 175, 176, 179, 182–5
and Gladstone 263, 813
great men 340–1
history as propaganda 378
housing 112
and Huxley 216
influence 41, 432
Jews 114
and Mill 51–3, 619, 677
railways 723–4
reform 577–80, 623
religion 137, 199, 227, 229
role of the State 56, 633
and Ruskin 233, 377, 611, 613, 618, 619, 677, 680, 731
and Smiles 206
and Stephen 377, 578, 581–2, 589–93
and Stephen (snr) 229
workhouses 40, 54–5
Young England 56
Carnarvon, Lord 396, 397, 399, 409
cash payment 19, 54, 55
Catholicism 135, 137, 140, 142, 152, 175, 179, 183, 260, 264, 394, 502 see also Roman Catholicism
cemeteries 697–700
Central Hall of Science and Art 330, 333
cesspits 700–1
Chadwick, David 687, 688
Chadwick, Edwin 73, 76, 564, 633, 693–6, 698, 699, 701
Chadwick, Owen 136, 149, 204, 227, 229
Chamberlain, Joseph 311, 440, 444, 709–12, 769, 804
Charity Organisation Society, The 658, 659, 660, 662, 668–75, 678, 679, 682, 801
charity work 266–7 see also philanthropy
Charrington, Frederick 657–8, 659
Charterhouse 446, 449, 450, 453, 455, 467
Chartism xiv, 14, 43, 116–20, 150, 381, 395, 596
and Anti-Corn Laws movement 38, 42, 46, 89, 91, 120
and Arnold 17
and Ashley 64
and Booth 661
and Carlyle 51–4
and Christian Socialism 189
and Disraeli 273
Kennington demonstration 124–5, 126–7, 172, 188
and Kingsley 187–9
petition 18, 120–4
and Smiles 206
and Solly 670
and utilitarianism 198
Chartism 51, 52, 55, 155
Chartist Convention Council 42
Chelmsford, Lord 258, 259
Cheltenham College 26, 452, 453
Cheltenham Ladies College 539
child custody 509, 510, 511, 526, 569, 623
children 60, 61, 76–7, 85, 250, 341, 455
destitute 653
employment in agriculture 793
employment in mines 66–71
employment of xiv, 39, 62–6, 72, 419, 778, 779, 794, 797
chimney-sweeps 62, 776, 780–2
cholera xiii, 281, 561, 649, 653, 665, 669, 670, 694, 698, 700–7
Christian Socialism 153, 186–9, 191, 676
Church and State 14, 18, 24, 61, 136, 139, 203
church attendance 144–6
church building xiv, 18, 136, 146, 150, 638, 729, 731, 733, 816
Church of England 135, 141, 143, 144, 203, 225, 263, 409, 816
cities 691, 692, 693, 709
City of London 253, 256, 259, 260, 294, 343, 649, 670, 800
City of London School 452, 457
civil marriage 515, 520
Civil Service xii, xiii, 469–79
admission exam 472–7
Indian 475, 482
physical fitness 472, 475
promotion 469–70, 473, 478
report 471, 472–3
three classes of 477
Civil Service Commission 476
civil unrest xiii, 34, 36, 41–2, 51, 69, 402, 411, 806 see also Chartism; Corn Laws
Clarendon, Lord 344, 351, 391, 393, 394, 398, 448–62, 476, 738, 771
Clarendon Commission on Public Schools 8, 20, 25, 177, 222, 403, 445–6, 448–61, 462, 547
Clayton, Mr 358, 360
clergy 147–9, 151, 425, 672
Clifden, Nellie 342
Clough, Anne 159, 544, 547, 551–2, 553, 555, 817
Clough, Arthur Hugh vi, 3, 19, 25, 153–64
and Arnold 127, 167–9, 170–1, 173, 192–6, 593
and Carlyle 182, 227
and Froude 180, 182
and Kingsley 158
letters 101, 115, 160, 320
and Nightingale 154, 162, 164–8, 562–4
and Northcote 471
and Sidgwick 547
Thirty-nine Articles 156–7, 499
Clough (nee Smith), Blanche 162, 164, 167, 168
Clough, Blanche Athena 167, 551
Cobden, Richard 46–7, 89–98, 100, 109–10, 120, 124, 292, 308, 317, 321, 390
Cochrane, Alexander Baillie 56
Cockburn, Sir Alexander 254, 256
coffee houses 655, 657
Cole, Henry 359, 424
Albert Hall 330–9
Albertopolis 315–19, 321, 323–5
Crystal Palace, the 303, 316
Great Exhibition, the 289–300, 303–4, 313, 315
Prince Albert Memorial 343–7, 353–5, 364
Cole, Mrs Henry 336
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 188, 227
Coleridge, Sir John 282, 449, 500, 592
Collini, Stefan 3, 174
Columbia market 648–9
commissions see Royal Commissions
Committee of Inquiry into the Organisation of the Permanent Civil Service 474
common good 18
commons 697
company law 201
Condition of England question 52, 112, 113, 175, 378
Congregationalists 144, 666
Congreve, Richard 20–1, 24
Coningsby 44, 57, 82, 270, 274–5
conscience clause 430, 436, 438, 440, 442, 526
Conservatism 13, 203, 206
social 48, 598
Conservative Party 97, 110–11, 381, 382, 389, 395, 397, 409, 596, 770, 772, 790, 808
Contagious Diseases Act 534, 535, 797
cooperative movement 91, 205, 538, 670
‘copyism’ 754, 764
copyright 812
Corn Laws 88–94, 96–100
and Ashley 72, 75
and Disraeli 269, 272
and Gladstone 47, 49, 94, 264, 265
and Graham 72, 94
and Greville 44
and Liberals 38, 89
and Peel 47, 49, 94, 110
repeal of 81, 83, 97, 101–9, 110
and the Royal Family 285
and Smiles 206
corporal punishment 177, 223, 455, 488
costermongers 648
Cowper-Temple, William 328, 553–4, 555–6, 559, 754
Cranborne, Viscount 396–9, 403–4 see also Salisbury, Marquess of (Cranborne)
Cranworth, Lord 514, 516, 517
crime xiii, 73, 74, 78, 113, 124, 417, 423, 633, 665, 787, 802
Crimean War 261, 266, 320, 470, 479, 560, 561–2, 710
criminal law 97, 583, 766–7
Croker, John Wilson 44–6, 109
Cromwell, Oliver 53, 54, 171, 340, 580
Cross, Richard Assheton 405, 491, 769, 775–80, 782, 793–5, 797, 800–5, 809
Crossland, William Henry 687, 688
Crystal Palace, the 295, 306–11, 313–14, 316–17, 332, 338, 356, 772, 774
Cubitt, Thomas 291, 316
Cubitt, William 292, 313, 304
Cubitt, William (Lord Mayor) 343, 344
Culture and Anarchy 3, 172, 175, 207, 431–2, 468, 593–9, 608, 812
curriculum, school 8–9, 414, 416, 429–31, 445–9, 456–7, 459–60, 463, 610–11, 686
Daily Telegraph 385, 389, 415, 603, 811
Darbishire, H. A. 639, 648
Darwin, Charles 59, 137, 150, 162, 186, 190, 191, 211–27, 237, 239, 242–8, 327, 328, 460 see also On the Origin of Species
Darwin, Erasmus 212, 245–7, 542
Darwin, Francis 244–7
Davies, Emily 188, 532, 544–52, 555, 557–8, 687, 688, 817
Davies, Llewelyn 676
de Brakelond, Jocelin 55, 58
de Ros, Lord 260, 461
death and Victorian culture 341, 372
death duties 81
debts 635, 684, 723
deference, end of 131, 202
democracy xii, xiv, 52, 340, 410, 431, 505, 577, 579, 812
Derby, Countess of 769, 771
Derby, Lord 261, 274–9, 328, 776, 805, 807
education 418, 462
and Prince Albert 318, 332–5, 344, 349, 351, 354
reform 390, 391, 393, 394–402
Descent of Man, The 221, 227
deserving and undeserving poor 48, 633, 656, 667, 672, 673–4, 675
Devonshire, Duke of 303, 317, 769
Dickens, Charles 340, 651–3, 817 see also All the Year Round; Hard Times; Household Words; Little Dorrit; Oliver Twist
and Burdett-Coutts 637–48, 652
and Carlyle 51
Free Library 415
home for prostitutes 639–47
Jews 114, 259
philanthropy 633–6, 667, 668
and Prince Albert 344, 356
public executions 624–7
and Queen Victoria 344, 652
religion 79, 211
and Stephen 582
writings 40, 41, 404, 467, 475, 720, 751
Dickson, Colonel 392, 393
Digby Wyatt, Matthew 291, 347, 350–1, 737, 754
Dilke, Sir Charles 528
Dilke, Wentworth 296, 313, 333, 435
disease 85, 88, 694, 704, 801
Disraeli, Benjamin v see also Coningsby; Sybil
Albertopolis 317–18, 320, 321–2, 327, 330, 333, 339
army 484, 490
background 268–74, 271
as Beaconsfield 804–5, 807–12
as Chancellor 105, 274–7, 317, 706
Conservative Party 110–11, 273, 403, 770–6
and Cross 491, 775–6
education 415, 426, 441
free trade 94, 105, 110–11
and Gladstone 274–5, 275–9, 484, 505, 769–70
hypocrisy 271–3, 280
ill health 804
influences 54, 58, 110–11, 209, 244, 527
Jewish heritage 253, 269, 271, 579, 771
novels 14, 44, 57–60, 244, 269–70, 271, 274–5
and Peel 269, 272–4
Prince Consort Memorial Committee 344, 355
public health 706, 801, 803
reform 118–19, 273, 387–8, 391, 394–9, 401, 403, 407–11, 534, 579, 607, 632
and the Royal Family 317–18, 771–2
speeches 275, 772–4
Young England 57–60, 269, 270, 387, 759
divorce xii, 264, 506, 510, 513–26
Dixon, George 439–40
Dixon, Thomas 616, 783, 784, 785
doctors 85, 508, 545, 555–9, 794
domestic violence 509, 572, 622
‘Dover Beach’ 192–6
drains see sewers
drinking fountains 639
Drummond, Henry 521, 701
drunkenness 73, 113, 769, 777 see also alcohol
Duncombe, Thomas 120–1, 122, 262
Dungannon, Lord 92, 517
East End 632–3, 647, 649, 653, 656, 662, 669, 672, 673, 676
East India Company 266, 294
Eastlake, Sir Charles 331, 344–7, 349–52, 356, 358
Ecclesiastical Commissioners Act (1843) 150
Eden, Emily 393–4
Edinburgh, Duke of 337, 498, 775
Edinburgh University 206, 213, 413, 555–6
education xii, xiv, 412–68 see also adult education; curriculum, school; public schools; Ragged Schools; schools; universities
and Arnold 163, 171, 594
and Ashley/Shaftesbury 70–1, 73–4
and Burdett-Coutts 650
and Chamberlain 711
the Church 148
compulsory attendance 415, 419, 768, 782–4, 787, 790–1
and Dr Arnold 15–16
elementary 432–6, 464, 786
endowments 433, 434
examinations/tests 425–6, 427, 428, 467
fees 419, 673
free 416, 438
grants 75, 417, 418, 420, 424–7
and Huxley 222–4, 609–10
local boards/districts 436, 437, 438, 439, 441, 443–4
and Mundella 415, 778–80
and religion 417–24, 430, 436, 438, 440–3, 711, 789, 790
and Ruskin 617, 619
subscriptions 420
Education Act (1870) (Forster’s) 222, 415, 434–7, 441–3, 544, 711, 767–8, 780, 782
Education Act (1876) 791
Egerton, Lady 584–6, 592, 620
Elcho, Lord 355, 530, 744, 745
electoral reform 120, 206, 765 see also enfranchisement; Reform Acts; secret ballot
Eliot, George 81, 114, 191, 200, 211, 545, 817 see also Felix Holt
Elphinstone, Howard 513
Embankment, the 329, 708
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 562
emigration xiv, 79, 124, 163, 643, 646, 654, 663, 674
enfranchisement 15, 16, 51, 379, 407, 526–31 see also electoral reform; household suffrage; Reform Acts; universal suffrage; votes for women
Engels, Friedrich 84–6, 113, 144, 146, 205
English Idealism 578
Essays in Criticism 174, 175, 594
Established Church 2, 122, 135–9, 144, 148, 228, 257, 263, 418, 436, 439, 499–500, 601, 731, 773, 816
Eton 10, 12, 19, 24, 264, 444–6, 448–53, 457–8, 460, 463–6, 471, 547, 581, 640
evolution 214, 226
Ewart, William 314, 514, 627
Exeter Hall 76, 128, 540
Eyre, Edward 579, 584
Factory Acts 63, 73, 693, 778, 779, 789, 791, 796
factory conditions 61, 63, 73, 86, 777 see also working conditions
fagging 177, 454, 461
The Fair Haven 238–42, 248
Farrer, Thomas 477, 478
Fawcett, Henry 550, 779–80, 793, 796
Fawcett, Millicent Garrett 550, 551, 619–24, 686, 687
Felix Holt 81, 114–15, 404, 507
feminism 511, 514, 545, 559, 568, 623
Ferguson, James 762–3, 764
Festing Jones, Henry 234, 247, 250
feudalism xii, 1, 34, 40, 51–5, 57, 115, 143, 377, 578, 613, 729
Fife, John 119–20
Fison, William 432
Fitzmaurice, Lord Edmond 501, 503
Fleay, Rev. F. S. 241–2, 250
flogging 455, 481, 572, 584, 630
Foley, Joseph 357, 367, 368, 369, 371, 372
food xiii, 38, 86, 89, 92, 648, 649, 672–3, 717, 800
foreign affairs 806–7
Foreign Office 101, 305, 391, 472, 476–7, 736–50
Forster, Frank 706–7
Forster, John 340, 636, 640
Forster, Sir Charles 794
Forster, William 407, 408, 410, 432–40, 442, 444, 500, 651, 785, 787, 790
Forster’s Education Act (1870) see Education Act (1870)
Fountain, John 378–9
Fowke, Captain Francis 322, 324, 326–8, 330–2, 334–6, 372, 755
Fox, William 213, 417
Francis, John 33–4
Freake, Charles 337, 338
free schools 444
free trade 47, 89, 94, 102, 285, 606, 710
French, the 108, 171, 172, 289, 291, 299, 463, 597, 685, 692, 793
French Eton, A 463, 596
French Revolution 44, 87, 113, 117, 118, 171, 172
friendly societies 471
Frost, John 120
Froude, Archdeacon Robert 176, 177, 178, 180, 249
Froude, James Anthony 143, 153, 175–86, 192, 268, 340, 566, 813 see also History of England; Nemesis of Faith, The
Froude, Richard Hurrell 137, 139, 142, 176–8
Fry, Elizabeth 432
Fuller, Francis 291, 292, 293
funerals 341–2
Galton, Douglas 725–7
Galvanism 56
garden city movement 671
Garling, Henry 754
Garnett, Richard 174, 175
Garrett, Elizabeth 545–6, 550, 557–9, 687
Garvin, J. L. 709, 710, 804
Gash, Norman 65, 66, 72
Gaskell, Elizabeth 41, 82, 84, 87, 115–16, 138, 152, 200, 201, 582, 634, 646 see also Mary Barton; North and South
general strike, calls for 42
gentry 52, 81, 82, 125, 146, 413, 636, 669, 775 see also aristocracy; upper class
geology 212, 213, 220, 225, 318, 328
German influences 140, 153, 179, 190, 197, 204, 212, 286, 289, 337, 446, 460, 465, 561, 734
girls’ homes 655–6, 661
Girton College 549–50, 552
Gladstone, Helen 553
Gladstone, Mrs 264, 267, 391, 685
Gladstone, William 61, 209, 262–8, 817