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Lilliana Jones and the Temple of Groom

Page 9

by Rich Amooi

  She smiled, feeling very relaxed. “Me, too. No cheese. Who would have thought it?"

  He was about to take another bite of his pizza and stopped. “No, no. I mean you. I’m very much enjoying your company.”

  “Oh . . .”

  His gaze dropped to her mouth.

  She took a deep breath and then took a swig of her beer. She had visions of her lips stuck on his instead of the beer bottle and that wasn’t good.

  He took a bite of the pizza and smiled.

  That smile would be the death of her.

  Marco had to use all his strength not to stare at Lilly. He couldn’t help it. She was already a knockout before the new hair but now she was a double knockout. Triple even.

  But it was more than the hair. Lilly had much more confidence and that was such a turn-on. Funny how that happened. He had wanted her to relax, to not be recognized. She got much more than that.

  Lilly wiped her mouth. “Do I have pizza sauce on my face?”

  “No,” said Marco, catching himself looking at her lips again. “All clean.”

  “Then why are you staring at me?”

  God. Idiot. “Sorry . . . I like your new hair. It suits you.” And I also want to kiss you so badly.

  “Oh . . . Thank you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Thank you? What the hell was that?

  He knew exactly what it was. The stupidest thing ever.

  They finished their pizza and beers, took a selfie out front, and then squeezed through the crowd on their way to the ferry. They would take the high-speed catamaran which would get them to the island of Capri in less than an hour.

  After boarding the vessel, Marco and Lilly made their way to the front and grabbed a seat with an unobstructed view of the water. A few minutes later they were off and flying across the water.

  Lilly closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath of the fresh Mediterranean air.

  Marco watched her, admiring her nose and mouth and chin. Especially her mouth.

  She opened her eyes and turned to him. “This is wonderful. Thank you. I was missing something and I think I’ve found it.”

  “What were you missing?”

  The look on her face was sincere. “Life. This will sound hokey—but I’m seeing things a little clearer again.”

  “That’s not hokey at all. I haven’t had much of a life lately. It’s been all work and moments like these are needed, although I’d prefer they happened more often. Or all the time.”

  She closed her eyes again and took another deep breath. “Yeah.”

  “What happened to you?” God, there he was, sticking his foot in his mouth again. He was distracted by her luscious lips again. “Sorry. You don’t have to answer that.”

  She patted the top of his leg. “It’s okay, I don’t mind . . .” His gaze traveled down to her hand that was touching him, but she removed it. “I admit I’ve got some baggage. I was eight when my dad left us. Me and my mom. He said he needed to get away and forget about life for a while. Said he’d be back soon. He ended up in Miami, Florida. No suitcase, no plan. He took a taxi to the airport and got on the next flight, totally spur of the moment.” She looked to the Mediterranean and shrugged. “You can guess where this is going. He never returned. Never heard from him again.”

  Marco grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “I’m sorry you had to go through that. It had to be very difficult.”

  “The worst. I thought I had gotten past it, but when my boyfriend did the same thing a few years ago, I went through a rough patch. I retreated into my safe haven. I stopped going out. Stopped dating. Stopped having fun. I know it’s not the healthiest thing to do.”

  “We all cope with hardships in different ways.”

  “Yeah . . .” She nodded and turned to Marco. “I can’t believe I told you that story. And you’ve helped me. Don’t tell me you haven’t, because you have.”

  He didn’t know how to respond. My pleasure was all he could come up with. The truth was he wanted to help, enjoyed helping, felt great helping. What could be better than helping another person have a good time without the fear of the consequences? He squeezed her hand again and smiled. She returned the smile and then dropped her gaze to his lips.

  Please don’t do that because it makes me want to kiss you.

  Marco didn’t have to worry about being presumptuous and making a move because Lilly leaned toward him and kissed him. She held her lips against his for a few magical moments and then pulled away, keeping eye contact with him. “Oh . . . I . . .”

  Marco’s pulse sped up. There was no doubt in his mind he wanted more of that. Before she could utter another word, he pressed his lips back together with hers. He pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. The Mediterranean breeze blowing through his hair and the warm sun on his back heightened the experience, and he didn’t want the kiss to end.

  But it did.

  Lilly pulled away and touched her lips with her fingertips. “I don't understand what just happened there.”

  “It’s called kissing. Lots of people seem to do it these days.”

  “First, we were talking and next thing I knew you were kissing me.”

  Marco chuckled and shook his head. “I recall it a tad bit differently. We were talking and next thing I knew you were kissing me.”

  “Still. How did that happen?”

  “That’s life . . . things just happen. Naturally.” He grinned and leaned in. “But if you really want to get to the bottom of it, we could do it again and then carefully analyze every moment.”

  Lilly placed her palm on his chest, pushing him away. “I’m serious.”

  “So am I. Didn’t you enjoy the kiss?”

  “I think it was obvious I did, and that’s what scares me.” She stood and took a deep breath. “What are we doing?”

  Marco stood and moved closer. “Enjoying each other’s company.”

  “You’re going to Australia for months, so how can this go anywhere?”

  Sometimes it takes hours or days for a man to figure out what was on a woman’s mind, so this was a new concept for Marco. She just came out and said it.


  But she made a good point. He was attracted to Lilly, mentally and physically, but what happened at the end of the week when he had to go? It wasn’t like he wouldn’t go to Australia.

  “Not a good sign when you’re so quiet,” she said.

  “I was thinking. I don’t know . . . I’ve never been in this position before. Here’s the deal if it’s not obvious by now. I’m attracted to you, Lilly. A lot. And I want to spend as much time with you as possible before I go. Can’t we have a good time and enjoy the moment?”

  Lilly looked surprised by his honesty. Marco wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. She nodded and seemed to consider his suggestion.

  Don’t say no. Don’t say no. Don’t say no.

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

  Wrong answer!

  But Marco wouldn't give up that easy. “Well, we have a few more minutes until we get to Capri. I guess I’d better use that time wisely to convince you why it’s a great idea.”

  He grinned and then leaned in, kissing her again.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lilly couldn’t remember the last time she had enjoyed a kiss like that. She loved the way Marco took control and pulled her closer with so much passion. It was wonderful being in his arms and kissing him. Too bad her stupid, sensible brain got involved and let her know that kissing Marco was just plain dumb and wrong. This was what she had been avoiding the last few years so she couldn’t be hurt again. Where was her heart when she needed it?

  She wondered what was going through Marco’s mind. He didn’t look too worried. That was one of the other things she liked about him. His confidence. She sat and waited for him to say something.

  “Lilly,” he said, taking a seat next to her and grinning. “Just a friendly warning that I’ll kiss you again in about one min

  Lilly laughed. “That sounded like the pre-boarding announcement at the airport. Nice try. You’re still not going to kiss me.”

  “You’re right. I’ve changed my mind.”

  “Good,” she said, not meaning it at all. “We need to focus on finding Roberto.”

  They approached the dock in Capri and Marco pointed to a dramatic rock formation in the middle of the water just off the coast. “See that?”

  She nodded, not having a clue what it was. “Yes. Rocks.”

  Marco chuckled. “Not just any rocks. It’s called the Faraglioni.”

  Lilly stood to get a better look. “It’s amazing.”

  “It’s Capri’s most iconic sight. The Faraglioni rock formations tower an average of three hundred feet above the surface of the sea. Seeing it up close is a must for anybody who comes to the south of Italy."

  “A must,” Lilly said.

  “That’s why I want to take you out there.”

  She turned to Marco and stared at him, then turned her attention back out to the rocks. “What exactly do you mean, take me out there?”

  “I’m glad you asked. I will hire a skipper to sail toward the Faraglioni. We’ll sail right through the stone archway of the second stack which is called Faraglione di Mezzo. Once we are underneath, you’ll kiss me.”

  Lilly snorted. “I will kiss you?”


  “And why would I do that?”

  “One, because it’s enjoyable. And two, it’s good luck.”

  “I’m sure you made that up so you could get another a kiss.”

  “I assure you it’s the truth.”

  “Why is it good luck?”

  Marco shrugged. “I have no clue. It’s just always been good luck. Why is a four-leaf clover good luck? Or a rabbit’s foot? But why not believe? Look, how about if we go out there and then we go find Roberto? Or you can go back to Rome if you’re a chicken. Deal?” She gave him a look. “Okay, I see you look a little skeptical.”

  “Not a little. A lot. You’re up to something.” She pointed to his face. “Tell me the truth.”

  He tried to give her his best Jack Nicholson. “You can’t handle the truth.”

  She laughed and followed Marco off the ferry. They made their way toward the other side of the harbor and Marco stopped in front of the boat tours office.

  “We don’t have time for this,” Lilly said. “We need to find Roberto.”

  “Finding Roberto won’t take long at all. We have all night for that.” He pointed out to the Faraglioni. “But the boats will stop going out there in couple of hours. Let’s just go for a quick sail and we’ll be back before you know it. Then we’ll find Roberto.”

  Lilly stared at the boat tour sign written in Italian and English. “Is this safe?”

  “This is a good question. Just the fact you asked me that question tells me you’re considering going with me. Let me ask you this. When do you think you will have time to come back to Italy?”

  “Maybe never.”

  Marco chuckled and placed his hand on her shoulder. “Okay, I don’t believe that. You’ll miss this place when you go home. I’m sure of it. And you have to return to explore Florence and Venice and Verona, and the other beautiful places north of Rome. I haven’t been through what you’ve been through, but still . . . Are you sure you want to deny yourself the pleasure of something so wonderful? I’m talking about the kiss and not the rocks.” He laughed and stepped back out of reach when Lilly tried to smack him on the arm.

  “Fine,” she said, shaking her head. “I’ll go.”


  She followed him down a few steps to the boat rental office. “If you ever give up wine, you would be a great salesman selling kitchen gadgets late at night on television. Or maybe a hostage negotiator. I can’t say no to you.”

  “Then it looks like we'll get along just fine.”

  It was a beautiful day on the water. The Mediterranean was sparkling from the sun. Marco sat in the back of the boat with Lilly to his side as they sailed toward Faraglione di Mezzo. The closer they got, the faster his heart beat. He was so excited to share with her the wonders of Faraglione, but another kiss from her was his predominant thought. He glanced over and her attention was on the water, watching as they approached the rocks.

  Lilly stretched her legs out in front of her on the padded bench and took in the bright sun and the warm sea breeze. Marco loved that look on her face. Something about it said she was relaxed. Satisfied. Not a care in the world. She was the girl Marco could easily fall for, even with all of her quirks and flaws. That’s what made her unique and amazing. Hell, he had plenty of flaws himself.

  “Almost there,” he said, stating the obvious. Lilly had been silent since they left the dock and he was curious what was on her mind.

  “I hope you don’t think you’re getting a kiss,” she said. “Not going to happen.”

  “You’re thinking too much—knock it off. Relax and enjoy this, would ya?”

  “Fine,” she said, getting her attention back on the water and Faraglione di Mezzo. “You’re still not getting a kiss.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  Dominic the skipper maneuvered the boat around the first stack and approached Faraglione di Mezzo. He slowed the boat down and then killed the engine once they were underneath the rock. The small waves crashed against the rock and the boat rocked gently back and forth.

  “Well?” said Marco, curious of what she thought. She had to be impressed with such a beautiful creation from Mother Nature.

  Lilly scooted along the bench seat, closer to Marco and then stood up underneath the archway. “No kiss.”

  Marco shrugged. “Fine. Your loss.”

  “My loss?”

  “Of course.”

  “Right. You mean your loss.”

  He thought about it. “Okay, I admit it. It’s my loss.”

  She squished her eyebrows together, most certainly confused by what he had said. Good. It was all a set-up, and he just waited it out.

  She chuckled, admiring the inside of the archway. “How long are we going to stay under here?”

  “In a hurry?”

  “No, no. It’s amazing.”

  “Well, if you must know, I gave specific instructions to Dominic to stay here. Until you kiss me.”

  Lilly glanced over to Dominic who smiled and nodded. “It’s true. He offered me a big tip.”

  She huffed and folded her arms. “Then I guess we'll be here a long time.”

  “If that’s how you want to play, then sure. I’ve got patience. Just the thought of kissing you again will keep me going for hours.” He took a seat, leaned back and clasped his hands behind his head, taking in the breathtaking sight before him. Lilly in front of the rocks.


  Lilly placed her hands on her hips. “Quit looking at me like that.”

  “I can’t help it. But seriously, I’m not sure how the people in the boat behind us will feel when we don’t move out of the way for them soon. The only thing I can do is blame the stubborn American woman. I hope they’ll understand.”

  Lilly glanced back at the other boat. There were at least ten people staring in her direction. The skipper of the other boat gave a gesture with his hand to tell them to get moving. Then he honked the horn on the boat.

  Marco turned back at the other boat and yelled. “We can’t go until she kisses me.”

  Lilly bent down and smacked Marco on the arm. “I can’t believe you!”

  “Kiss him,” several people on the other boat yelled. Laughter and catcalls came next as the skipper honked the horn and they chanted. “Bacci! Bacci! Bacci!”

  Marco smirked. “Wow, they really want us to kiss, imagine that? You know you want to, so you might as well just do it. Life is passing you by, Lilly Jones. Live a little.”

  She looked back at the other boat again, then turned to Marco. “Stand up.”

  Marco grinned. “It would
be a pleasure.” He stood and took a step toward Lilly. “Now what?”

  “Be quiet—that’s what.” Lilly stepped closer to Marco and ran her hands up his arms, across his chest, and then continued upward until they wrapped around his neck. “You’re bad.”

  He shrugged. “It’s your fault. You and your—”

  “Shut up so I can kiss you.”

  “Of cour—”

  Lilly yanked down Marco’s head, stood on her tiptoes and kissed him.

  She felt so good in his arms.

  The perfect size. The perfect height. The perfect kiss.

  Lilly pulled away from the kiss and smiled.

  Cheers echoed underneath the archway from the other boat. Dominic joined in the fun, cheering them on and honking the horn.

  Startled by the excruciating noise of the horn, Lilly jumped and lost her balance. She latched onto Marco’s arms with her death grip and fell backward, the force pulling them both over the edge of the boat and into the water.

  Lilly came up for air and let out a loud gasp. She cleared the hair from her eyes and glared at Marco. “This is all your fault.” She slapped water in his face. “Look what you’ve done.”

  He floated closer, inches from her face. “Me? You’re the one who lost her balance.” He slapped water back at her.

  “You’re the one who insisted on the kiss!” She slapped water at him again. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

  He grinned. “What a kiss.”

  She slapped water in his face again, but then screamed. “Ouch! I think I got bit by something.”

  He chuckled. “Right. Must be the infamous Italian piranha.” Marco felt a sharp sting on his leg. “Shit! Something got me, too.”

  “Ahhh!” Lilly yelled even louder. “That hurts like a—ahhh!”

  Marco screamed as he felt a couple more stings. “What the hell is that?”

  Dominic pointed from the boat to the water and screamed. “Get out of the water. Jellyfish. There must be ten of them.” He threw a bright orange life ring connected to a rope toward Lilly and smacked her on the side of the head with it.


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