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Dragon’s Secret: Red Planet Dragons of Tajss Book Fourteen

Page 5

by Martin, Miranda

  That is true. I would have helped the Zmaj, but the fact that their group included females kept me from leaving after that initial invader attack.

  I watch the Elders share a heavy glance. Perhaps I should not have mentioned the females. But to not acknowledge their presence at all would have seemed suspicious as well.

  "I see," Falkosh murmurs, turning his attention back towards me after their silent conversation. "We realize you must be exhausted, so we will simply thank you once again for your aid." I incline my head once more. The less words I utter the safer it will be. "And, to show our appreciation, we would like to offer you accommodations for as long as you need them."


  "That is very generous of you." And it is. "I will impose upon your generosity to rest before continuing on my journey."

  I know that they have more than one reason to offer me shelter. They want to glean more information from me if they can. They have noticed that I am not revealing any more than necessary. If I were the leadership of a large group like this, I would want to increase my chances of learning more too. Especially if a threat was a possibility. But they will only be disappointed. I will not reveal anything I have no intention of revealing.

  "Padraig, if you will please show our guest to a free cave?" Kalessin says, addressing the big Zmaj where he has been waiting silently at the opening of the cave.

  "Yes, Father," he agrees. Ah. They are family. I feel a pang at that. So much has been lost. "Come, Archion."

  I nod, saying goodnight to the Tribe Elders before I follow him out.

  There are some people still in the main area, some of them sitting across from each other and playing what I now gather I was correct about. The square boards are indeed games.

  Padraig leads me to a small cave, walking in and lighting a few small candles with his torch before gesturing me inside. I look around at the neat little guest quarters, complete with a thick pallet, a chair, and a small table.

  "You may ask anyone you see if you need anything," Padraig offers.

  "My thanks."

  "Of course. I will see you in the morning."


  He gives me one last searching look before nodding and turning to leave, dropping the curtain back into place at the mouth of the cave for privacy.

  When I am alone, I take off my pack, and the rolled-up scroll. I tuck the cylinder holding that precious cargo into the pallet rather than laying it beside the bedding as I do with my pack. I cannot trust that nobody will try to search my things, so I will just make it more difficult to do so while I sleep.

  I don’t plan to rest right away in any case. I am tired, but I must do something else first. After lowering myself to the pallet, I cross my legs and rest my hands on my knees, palms up. I stretch my hands and relax them allowing them to curl, to close halfway.

  I take a deep breath. I close my eyes. I focus on my breathing. A deep inhale, followed by a long exhale. I feel my heartbeat start to slow, my energy start to spread. My consciousness expands, beyond the tight aura that is usually around me.

  And there is that familiar maternal energy at the thin edge of myself.


  I sigh as the warmth and welcome of the planet itself encompasses me. I settle in to commune with the source of the Order's sacred information.



  "Can I use the scraps?"

  "Sure," Delilah agrees, handing over the tops of the roots she has already used for her dish. "Have at it."

  I murmur my thanks, taking the fragrant, delicate greens. I continue to work on my own dish, incorporating them into it. As I move over to my own cutting board in the kitchen area, I can feel Archion's eyes on me, his intent gaze heating my skin, making it feel sensitive and feverish under his regard. My self-consciousness is hyper intense because of it, my shyness rising. I try to push thoughts of him aside and focus as much as I can. It isn't easy.

  When I first began apprenticing with Delilah, I proved myself a quick learner. I found out quite early on that I had a knack for cooking, and I discovered I enjoyed doing it. And now, with Archion still here, I have even more of an incentive to show what I have learned so far.

  I concentrate as I measure out a fistful of the root tops. I want the special dish to be perfect. At the root of it—no pun intended—it's a simple stew. But I've been playing around with it, using what seasonings we have, and I think I've come up with a beautiful blend.

  I sink into cooking, into chopping, tasting, seasoning. I feel at home in this space, in doing the simple but important task.

  I make one last adjustment, dip another clean spoon into the bubbling mixture, and bring it up to my mouth to have a taste. I close my eyes briefly, focusing on the complex flavor. It's perfect!

  "Time to put the food out," Delilah calls to me.

  I nod, untucking the small cloth I keep at my waist while I'm cooking. As I plate the dish and set it out with the other food, I feel nerves rising, my stomach full of butterflies despite my confidence only a few moments earlier. I really hope everyone likes it.

  Should I have added more salt? No, it was fine. If I touch it now, I'll just throw something off.

  I watch as the other women and the Zmaj fill their plates and sit down.

  Delilah is the first to taste it. I watch her as she takes a bite, leaning forward in my own chair in anticipation. Her eyes widen as she chews. Good or bad? I can't tell, damn it! Her eyes find me as I wring my hands under the table.

  "Nora—this is great!" she praises after she swallows. "So good!" She takes another bite with apparent enthusiasm.

  I look around at the others for confirmation, trying not to seem as eager as I feel. Do they like it?

  "It is quite delicious," Ragnar says.

  "Oh man, it's so good," Penelope agrees, taking a bite of her own.

  "Really?" I ask, acting casual as everyone murmurs their approval.

  "I wouldn't lie to you," Delilah offers. She points her spoon at me. "Not about food. That is serious."

  She's right. She doesn't dole out compliments indiscriminately, not in the kitchen.

  I feel myself sit up straighter, glowing from the compliments. It sounds stupid, but ever since Archion and I have crossed paths, I feel like a suppressed part of me has begun to rise. The part of me that I always tucked inside myself, kept covered up as I deliberately tried to fade into the background. For some reason, I just don't feel that need to hide myself right now. In fact, I kind of like drawing some attention, maybe showing off a little, as evidenced by how much I'm enjoying everybody liking this dish.

  Delilah liking the food is the sweet icing on the cake. She probably will never give me her secret sauce recipe, but she's taught me a lot. More importantly, she's helped give me a sense of purpose among the Tribe, both in the kitchen and out. Her opinion really matters to me.

  "Yes. Delicious indeed."

  I look over at the deep voice, knowing who it is from the timbre alone. Archion watches me intently as he takes another bite, the words he just said taking on a new meaning. The others continue to rave over the dish, but I can't tear my gaze away from his. Not when I feel like he's undressing me with it.

  I have to force myself to look away, to focus my attention on my food. He's been watching me all day, his attention like a heated brand upon my skin. I've never felt so aware of how I move, of my breathing, of just how I hold myself. I feel every part of me in a way I never have.

  It's a little uncomfortable, but the attention is far from unwelcome, though I don't make a show of catching on to it. I just enjoy it all through the meal. Is this how the other women felt when they met their mates? If so, no wonder I'm not with any of them. I never felt anything even close to this.

  After dinner is over, I see that Archion is still watching me. I decide to busy myself by going into the children's cave again and telling them another story. That's enough attention for one night.

  "Can you tell us about the genie again?" Z
oe asks, looking up at me with those big eyes.


  "Yes, the genie!"

  I laugh as Elneese and Ganeese chime in.

  "All right. Everyone settle down on. I'll tell you the genie story again."

  I settle into the story, deliberately telling the longer version. I don't want to go out while the communal games are still going, needing a break from Archion's all-encompassing gaze. By the time I leave the sleeping children, everyone has already gone to bed. Perfect.

  That doesn't mean I don't dream of that hot gaze upon me, or that he's not the first thing I think of when I wake up the next day. Still, I can't just think of him all day and night. I have things to do.

  The first thing on the agenda is packing up and loading cargo into the rover for the trip to the city. Candles, herbal salves, and crushed healing stone tinctures Errol has made according to orders received, all have to be carefully loaded into the vehicle for the trip.

  As I wrap another candle and set it into a box, I find myself thinking about my life with the Tribe as I do from time to time. I really like it here, even blending mostly into the background as I do. I mean, I still usually prefer it that way, not really enjoying attention despite how much I soaked in the praise about my cooking last night. That was different for me, though I don't regret it.

  I'm just so happy I followed Kate to the Tribe rather than staying in the city with the other women who were in our group. The time in the city was okay, but the Tribe felt like home the moment I arrived to help with the dragonlings and the births to come.

  I love children. Being a midwife and a nanny is very fulfilling. I enjoy doing crafts, cooking and taking care of the farm as well, but the children are where my heart is. At least in this new iteration of my life. And now, with Archion here with us...I can't stop thinking about children. Privately, I indulge in the secret thrill of possibility as I continue to work. Nobody has to know I'm getting so carried away with the fantasy.

  As the day wears on, I start to notice something that puts a damper on that particular dream. An odd tension in the air. By the time dinner arrives, I know I'm not imagining it.

  I felt the cloak of distrust coming from the Elders all day, but at the communal meal that night, I can really sense the uneasy tension emanating from them, despite the fact that they're there to join in the festivities.

  I watch them as they continually glance over at Archion. His presence is clearly the source of the tension. I keep a straight face, but a knot starts to form in my gut. They're trying to hide it, but their joint attention is subtly but surely fixed upon the newest addition. I don't know why, and I'm not sure what to make of it.

  I do know that I feel protective over Archion in a way that doesn't quite gel with how long I've actually known him. Or how well I know him, which is not at all really. All I do know is that I won't sit back and allow them to harm him despite all the logical reasons why I shouldn't get involved.

  I can't overtake them by brute force, but I can get to the city. I know Rosalind would intervene in any matters of injustice. She's reliable like that. I have that in my back pocket, but I really hope it won't come to that. These people are my family now. I don't want to move against them if I don't have to.

  I keep an eye on the situation as I pretend to remain carefree, my role as someone who stays in the background serving me for once. Nobody's really paying attention to me.

  I've never felt intrigue like this in the Tribe before and it's throwing me off kilter in a way I wouldn't be able to hide with too much attention on me. I've always felt only comfortable here, like I'm at home.

  But my gut is now ringing with warning. And no matter how uncomfortable or awkward, I don't plan on ignoring it.

  I look up, my eye going to the Elders once more, lingering there before I glance over at Archion, only to find his eyes trained on me. I feel that familiar rush at the eye contact. He doesn't look away when I meet his eyes, watching me steadily.

  He appears calm, not at all perturbed by his surroundings despite being a stranger in a strange place. Definitely calmer than I am, but I don't think it's ignorance.

  Something about his eyes... I feel like he knows that he's the object of not-completely-positive attention. Like he knows about the intrigue going on behind the scenes.

  I don't look away this time, keeping that eye contact despite feeling my face flush with heat. I feel so much when I look at him. As I maintain that contact, I feel the attraction deepening between us. Well, at least on my end.

  He continues to be difficult to read, even as his presence, his attention, sends tingles down my spine. This time, he's the one who averts his gaze.

  I finally look down, my heart thumping hard.

  It takes more effort that I want to admit hiding my reaction to him through the rest of dinner.



  When I go to my temporary quarters, my mind is still on Nora. I could sense her intuition regarding the Elders, her concern. Her protectiveness. Maybe I recognize that in her because I feel the same way towards her. I want to guard her, never let any harm come to her. I know I would put my own life at risk to ensure her safety.

  While my interest is endlessly seized by the beauty, I feel the uneasy stir of duty to the Order. All of these feelings are competing with the place my attention should be, where duty demands it stays. But I cannot seem to completely separate myself from these emotions despite that knowledge.

  When I wake the next morning, I resolve to keep better control over myself as I aid in the collection of meteorites from a light shower the previous night. The meteorite showers are a more common occurrence now, one that I am glad the Tribe is taking advantage of.

  As I walk back towards my cave after my shift, my mind on this new society they are building here, a sound catches my attention. A feminine humming.

  My footsteps slow at the arresting sound. I know instantly who it is. I am so attuned to Nora at this point that I would know her voice anywhere. The sound calls me to the spring she bathes in, one I notice the females have been sharing on a rotating clock. They treasure their time there.

  I stay hidden, peeking out only briefly to ensure that it is her. I immediately hide myself again, not wanting to intrude on her privacy. I close my eyes and stand there, listening. Her hum blooms into a song I am not familiar with, weaving an enchantment around my hearts. A sure threat to my mission. But once again, the knowledge does not push me away from her.

  As I listen, I cannot help but imagine her bathing, the glittering drops of water on her skin shining in the sun, her hair sleeked down to her head, revealing the soft contours of her face. I only saw a brief glimpse, but my imagination is strong.

  I have heard the females call the spring their "spa", a concept similar to the pools used by the Order. Judging by what I have heard of their conversations thus far, bathing and water was an apparent luxury on their ship. Learning that their ship crash-landed on Tajss was not a surprise to me.

  They are most definitely a new addition to the planet, clearly not adapted for the climate or the harshness here. If the other Zmaj had not procured epis for them, I do not think they would have survived this long. I am glad that the females found the other Zmaj. I could not imagine a world now without Nora in it, even though I just learned of her. It does not make sense, but perhaps it is not meant to.

  I listen for as much time as I can steal, but I cannot linger for too long at the arch by the spring. I sigh, enraptured by this jewel of a woman. However, much as it pains me, she cannot be my priority. Staying for a moment past when I know I should, I continue on to clean up before I meet with Arawn again.

  Morning patrols under Arawn's leadership are a simple exercise. My own teachers were far less lenient than he, but I do not voice that opinion as I follow orders. I doubt it would be met well, even apart from revealing more than I desire to.

  When I see two of the other Zmaj irritably snap at each other, I mentally shake my head.

  "Stay back," one growls.

  "Control yourself," the other responds, a muttered rebuke with a flash of anger that they quickly control.

  The dragons of the Tribe are in decent physical shape, but they lack full control over their bijass. That's a vulnerability that invaders will exploit given the chance. My own teachers would never have allowed such a lack of discipline. Again, I maintain my silence on the matter.

  I am clear on my role here. I am simply a guest, not a part of the Tribe. I am certain my criticism will not be appreciated. So I keep my it to myself, running through the patrol around the cave system with Ragnar, doing my part before we turn back.

  When we arrive, the females are in the kitchen preparing the midday meal.

  Including Nora.

  As I find myself doing every time she is in the vicinity, I watch her closely, studying her. Just like I would prey, though a completely different sort of adrenaline guides my actions in this matter. I want to know everything about her, want to absorb every morsel of knowledge. She strikes me like no other.

  Even while she is in full view, she does not draw attention, a skill in and of itself. Her tendency to hide herself away, to shroud herself in anonymity only draws more attention for me. It goads me to chase, intoxicates me like clear attention from her might not. It is almost as if she knows, though I know she has no true idea of my intentions. Intentions that harden when I am alone with my thoughts of her.

  I know she is aware of my attention, because her eyes give her knowledge away. When she glances over at me from time to time, her cheeks flush at my direct gaze. She is so tempting. Even while we eat, food that is in part prepared by her hands—making it even more delicious—I watch her.


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