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Dragon’s Secret: Red Planet Dragons of Tajss Book Fourteen

Page 8

by Martin, Miranda

  Stomach clenching, I leap towards her, fighting through the buffeting wind to wrap my arms around her delicate frame just as she starts to slide down the dune, the wind too strong. She is too light now to remain anchored on the ground. We will not be making the meteorite landing sites anytime soon.

  She looks up at me, the fear and bewilderment in her gaze tugging at me.

  I must keep her safe.

  Acting quickly, I scoop her into my arms, spreading my wings and curving them around to cover her. The sand is now hitting us hard enough that I fear it will damage her soft skin. She clings to me, tucking her head in against my chest and closing her eyes against the sand.

  I close my eyes as much as I can without completely compromising my vision, walking into the storm. I have not felt this level of fear in some time, and I know it is due to the precious burden I carry. I cannot allow harm to come to Nora. I use that fear to drive me. Closing my eyes, I take shallow breaths with my head bent towards my chest, attempting to keep my airways clear.

  I must focus on my inner knowing—a difficult task within the edges of the sandstorm. But the knowledge that I must keep Nora safe forces a calm over me. I fall into that near meditative state, reaching for to the quiet voice within. The voice that lets me see beyond what I can see with my eyes alone.

  Sensitive to everything Tajss can tell me now, I follow a sense that I cannot quite name. Pushing against the wind, I hold on tightly to its suggestions. I must trust that it will lead me to whatever sanctuary can be had in the storm of weather now besetting us. Every step I move forward is a fight, the wind too strong for me to use my wings to glide, even if I did not need them to keep Nora safe.

  Soon, I cannot see farther than one stride in front of me. Eventually, even that much visibility must be compromised in order for me to keep my eyes safe. They already feel raw from having them open even a slit.

  Urgency and fear swirl within me, but I keep the emotions at bay, focusing on that sense that draws me forward. I cannot stop. I must keep going. Tajss will not disappoint me, will not lead me astray.

  I am so focused on pushing myself forward, on fighting the wind and the pain of the sand scraping against my skin, that I do not realize I am near an obstruction until my wings scrape against hot rock.

  I pause, reaching a foot out to feel. It is rock, but it does not provide much cover, at least not here. I slowly sidle over to my right, using my wings and my foot to feel the way.

  The wind is so strong now that I stumble more than once, keeping my grip on Nora tight. There must be somewhere here that we can take cover. I keep moving, refusing to give up, refusing to leave hope behind. Gritting my teeth, I continued to inch towards the side.

  Searching. Until my foot hits nothing. Not waiting for any more of an indication, I surge forward. The painful scrape of the sand ceases abruptly. My breathing is harsh in the relative quiet, the wind no longer howling directly into my ears.


  We are safe.

  I take a moment simply to take a deep breath, coughing immediately as I do.

  Nora stirs in my arms.


  I shake my head, bending over to set her on her feet as I cough out sand.

  "Here, let me help."

  I feel a soft cloth brushing over my eyes, clearing away the sand that has gathered there.

  After a few moments of recovery, I can finally take a breath, standing upright again. Nora draws closer to me, looking up at me in concern.

  "Are you okay?"

  I nod, looking around. It is a shallow cave, if a space this small can be called a cave. It only goes a few strides into the rock face I felt with my foot.

  A particularly strong gust of the wind howls directly outside the opening we just came in from. Nora starts next to me, her hand coming out to grip my forearm as she draws closer. I turn to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

  "Do not fear. We will be safe here."

  She nods, her eyes still on the sandstorm outside as she draws closer, her body pressing against the side of mine. Even in this situation, I feel myself tense at the softness of her. She feels that subtle shift in me, her gaze darting up to look at my face.

  I know my eyes broadcast the desire I feel for her, the want that I have been struggling with ever since I first saw her.

  Her gaze immediately drops, her cheeks flushed. Even the shyness is appealing to me.

  Turning away, she shrugs off her pack and opens it up, crouching to upend the contents onto the ground.

  "We should figure out how much we have with us and how much we'll need," she offers, still not looking at me, deliberately turning her attention to the rations to avoid the sexual tension between us.

  I feel my hearts soften.

  Patience. I will hold on to patience for her.

  I crouch too, sifting through what she has laid out before upending my own pack and looking through it as well. There is not much.

  The bulk of the meat we have brought along is in a compartment in the cart we were forced to abandon. Nora sees exactly what I do.

  "It's not enough. Not if we have to stay here for a while," she says, panic starting to thread through her voice. "We definitely don't have enough water to get through more than today."

  I stare at her face, drinking in her pure, unwittingly sensual beauty even as I reach for the words to help calm her, to be the voice of reason we need.

  "Anything we do not have can be hunted. Do your best to relax, to remain calm."

  I ensure my voice is measured, slow and relaxed to help her. She shudders slightly, her shoulders dropping as she nods.

  "Okay. Okay, you're right," she says. "Panic won't help anything."

  I nod as she gathers our resources back into our respective packs. As I watch her, I realize just how vulnerable she is here on Tajss. Not only is she small and soft, if we came across invaders or a beast rather than a simple sandstorm...

  I feel that clench of fear once more. It is unacceptable that she is so completely vulnerable.

  I glance outside. The storm appears to be stronger, gaining momentum rather than losing it. We will likely have to spend at least the following day here. I immediately resolve to make good use of our enforced time here.

  Tomorrow, I will teach Nora how to fight.



  I pull myself together as I ready my pallet so I can lie down.

  The sandstorm was completely disorienting, but now that I've had a moment to take a breath, I feel a lot more calm. To be honest, I know it's mostly because of Archion. And not just because he was able to find this shelter for us. How he did it with no visibility, I have no idea. It's kind of a miracle to me.

  But he also helped by just being him.

  He’s a true rock under pressure, someone I could fully lean on. I know for a fact that if I’d been alone, I would have freaked out way more. But his calm, steady energy and his reassuring words help me pull back from that edge of pure, unadulterated panic.

  I'm so glad he's with me.

  After smoothing down the top, I lie on the pallet, my eye going to Archion once more. He's rolling out his own pallet between mine and the cave's opening, which I'm sure is no mistake. I've seen him put himself between danger and others too many times now. He's just that kind of person, down to the core.

  It's ridiculously attractive. Maybe that's my lizard brain talking, wanting a male who can protect me, but it doesn't change how I feel.

  I watch his calm face for a moment before tracing lower down on his body to the muscles of his arms, which are bunching in an eye-catching way as he finishes up the simple task. Just the sight of him settles me inside, makes feel more secure. Maybe it's stupid to think so, but I can't help but feel that no harm will come to me under Archion's protection. For now, I'm more than happy to take it.

  Exhausted from the trip so far, the sandstorm, and the anxiety attack after seeing how much we don't have in terms of supplies, my eyes start to c
lose of their own accord while I watch him. I don't try to fight it.

  Might as well catch as much sleep as I can before we have to go out and brave the sands again. It's not like there's anything else we can do until the wind dies down. Sleep is the most productive thing I can think of. I don't know when I actually succumb completely, but I sink deeper into sleep than I expect to be able to under the circumstances. Maybe because I know Archion is right there to watch over me. Nobody has ever made me feel this safe.

  Unfortunately, I don't get to stay in that welcome slumber. My eyes snap open in alarm as the covers are jerked off my body. What the hell?

  "Wake up, Nora. We have much to accomplish today."

  Huh? I blink up at Archion's much-too-awake face. Nuh uh. No way. I groan, closing my eyes and rolling over onto my stomach to bury my face in the pallet once more.

  "No we don't," I respond grumpily. "I can still hear the wind outside."

  "It is not nearly as strong as it was yesterday," he retorts.

  I don't respond. Maybe if I'm quiet he'll take the hint and just go away so I can sink back into that delicious—

  I squeak as the pallet tilts under me, sending me tumbling right off onto the hard ground. I glare up at Archion, shoving my hair off my face. He's still gripping the edge of my bed.

  "Why won't you let me sleep!" I growl, looking over at the mouth of the cave. Dawn's light is just barely breaking through from what I can see. "The suns aren't even up yet!"

  Archion just chuckles, looking annoyingly bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

  "There is no time to wait. A threat can catch you unawares no matter how early."

  "Huh?" I draw my knees up and rest my head against them, closing my eyes again. "This is way too early to be doing this much talking."

  "No, it is not. If anything, it is much too late for you to learn how to defend yourself."

  That has me raising my head, frowning up at him as the fog slowly starts to slip from my brain. Grudgingly, but relentlessly. I am so not a morning person. It takes me a while to get out of bed even at a reasonable time.

  "Defend myself?" I ask.

  He nods, crossing his arms. Now that I'm more awake, the bulge of his biceps does distract me some. I'm not proud of it, but it is what it is. I might as well enjoy something if I have to be up this early.

  "You are soft, but not defenseless. With some training, you will not be such an easy target."

  I might have taken offense at the easy target remark if it wasn't so true. Training. I rub my eyes, trying to digest his words.

  "You want to train me?" I ask, just to be sure. "In self-defense?"

  "Yes. You should have been trained some time ago. The fact that you are still so vulnerable is unconscionable."

  I mean...I can't argue with that either.


  "I've never been good at physical things," I venture hesitantly. "I don't know how well I'll take to whatever you have in mind."

  He shakes his head.

  "Everything can be improved upon, no matter the starting point. And you have never had me to help you before." I admire his confidence, I guess. "Come. We will now begin."

  I don't think I'm going to be able to get out of this.

  "Fine," I grumble, admitting defeat. Rising to my feet, I look for my shoes. "One sec."

  The last thing I want to do right now the get out of the pallet and exercise. But he's right. If this training can inch me towards feeling less helpless, more confident in my own abilities, that could only be a good thing So I'll force myself to do it. Never mind the fact that he's forcing me anyway.

  "First, we shall run," he announces as soon as my shoes are on.

  "Run?" I groan, hoping I heard him wrong. "Isn't the wind too strong for that?"

  He shakes his head, turning towards the cave opening.

  "No, it has slowed enough for us to run. But we will tie cloths around our mouths and noses just in case, to avoid breathing in any dust."

  He has an answer for everything, doesn't he?

  Dubious, but ready to at least try it, I take a scrap of cloth that I used to wrap the rations and tie it around the bottom half of my face instead. Like a cowboy ready to rob a moving train. At least there's nobody around to see how ridiculous we look.

  When we step outside, I have to admit, at least to myself, that I see what Archion means. The wind isn't nearly as strong as it was when we first stumbled into this cave. Maybe not weak enough yet to find the others or to travel back to the Tribe, but a run might be doable. Damn.

  "How do we make sure we don't get lost?" I ask, raising my voice now that we're outside.

  It's still kind of loud. There's also still dust in the air, enough to obscure things at any kind of distance.

  "We will run around the rock," Archion explains, pitching his voice loud enough for me to hear. "There is no way we will lose ourselves that way."

  That makes sense. With that brief reply, he takes off in front of me.

  "Come, Nora!" he calls over his shoulder.

  Sighing, I push myself forward through the sand. Nothing like a good old morning jog to get the adrenaline going. I make sure to keep Archion in my sight—which is easy enough since he's deliberately slowing down so I can keep up at all—and the rock face to my left so I don't get lost.

  It's really hard at first. I can't even remember how long it's been since I've run. Well, at least not for exercise. There's been a couple of times there now where we've been in the meteorite shower or a battle situation where I've had to move quick. Huh. Maybe I should have started cardiovascular conditioning much earlier.

  After going for a few more minutes, I realize all over again why I didn't. Running sucks.

  "I hate this so much," I grumble to myself.

  I try to keep it under my breath, but Archion's bat ears hear me. Slowing so he's next to me rather than in front of me, he looks over.

  "It is only because you are just beginning," he offers. “You will strengthen with practice."

  I roll my eyes. "Maybe," I humor him.

  Do I really want to practice this torture enough so I'm better at it? Ugh. I force myself to keep going. No way am I quitting this early. And, surprisingly, after a few more minutes, I actually hit a rhythm. The blood starts coursing through my body in a rush and my heart settles into the new pace. I break out in a sweat that's different from the one that's only due to the desert heat. It actually feels kind of good. I feel...alive. Okay. Maybe Archion wasn't totally wrong.

  We still run for longer than I would have liked to, but I'm not grumbling anymore by the time we complete the circuit and reach the cave again. Inside, I walk to get my heart rate down, tearing off the makeshift mask to gulp in deep breaths. But even though I'm tired, I feel stronger than before the run. Huh. Who would have thought?

  "We will eat now," Archion tells me, rummaging through the rations. "Then we will begin training with the electro-stick."

  I nod. Sounds good to me so long as it isn't more running. Once I catch my breath, I have some water and eat a light breakfast. I don't want to weigh myself down too much if I'm going to have to keep moving. If I have to throw up in front of Archion... Yeah, I'd really rather not.

  "Ready?" he asks as soon as I stand up.


  He grabs the stick and tosses it to me.

  I fumble a little but manage to catch it.

  "Your goal is to be able to defend yourself," he begins, already circling me with his lochaber. "That is what we will focus on. Perhaps, as you improve, you may learn more offensive techniques."


  He's right. I'm not going to be the first line of offense unless something has gone terribly wrong.

  "But first, I need to assess your current skill level. I am going to attack and you have to do your best to defend yourself. Attack me in return if you have the chance." He gives me a moment, bracing his own feet. "Ready?"

  "Not really."

  He smiles slightly.

  "In some instances, true readiness is not going to be found."

  I sigh.

  "All right. Let's do it."

  He attacks before the last word is out. He's fast. Real fast. And my performance is poor. Though even calling it poor is being nice. I get tapped by that damn lochaber every time he attacks, I stumble over my own feet, and at one point I even drop my electro-stick altogether. It's at that point that he stops, stepping back.

  Then he nods.

  "You know nothing," he states, completely matter-of-fact. "We will start with the basics."

  It stings, but he's not wrong. I do know nothing.

  "I'm ready," I say, trying to set my ego aside.

  That was pretty embarrassing, and I don't think the embarrassing portion of events is exactly over.

  "Good. Here is how you should hold the stick for blocking. And here is how you should hold the stick for striking, depending upon what type of strike you would like to accomplish."

  I listen intently, watching the positioning of his hands. When I try to mimic him, he watches, correcting as he needs to. When he's satisfied with the placement of my hands, he nods sharply, stepping back once more.

  "Good. Now we will go over defensive blocks and also how to move your feet to avoid blows altogether. Since you are so small, it would be best to avoid blows rather than attempt to absorb the force." That makes a lot of sense. "Ready?"

  I nod, my heart already beating faster.


  He doesn't hold back, at least not in speed. He flips the lochaber around, and then he lunges at me with the blunt end. I try to block and move out of the way at the same time, succeeding only in stumbling into the blow. Not that it is much of a blow. He only taps me, obviously in full control of his weapon even though he is moving so quickly. I feel my face redden, but he doesn't look at all fazed.

  "You are not accustomed to being in a true fight. That is fine. Much of this training will simply be helping you reach that mindset," he explains. "Now. If I were to attack you in the same manner once more, you should move your feet like this."

  He comes over to my side and moves over smoothly, towards where the outside of his body would be rather than towards the center. I watch him and mimic the movement. I'm not as smooth or fast, but it is roughly the same move.


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