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Logan’s Legends: A Revelry's Tempest Regency Romance Box Set

Page 22

by K. J. Jackson

  “She mentions it has evened out to a nice pace. The people have to walk farther to get to it, but I feel so much better knowing that they are operating outside of Bournestein’s territory.”

  He kissed her forehead, releasing her and turning to the pile of clothes. “Thank goodness for the building Logan managed to procure for it.”

  She nodded, reaching for her dress. “Thank goodness for Logan in general. When is his next trip north?”

  “I’m not sure.” Hunter shrugged. “Last time he was here, I got the distinct feeling that he wanted to be far, far away from here—or at least far from the castle. Almost as if worms were crawling under his skin just walking through the corridors.”

  “Did you ask him about it?”

  Hunter’s head ducked under his white linen shirt. “No. And I can sense you’re already planning to ask him on it the next time he makes the journey north. But as for me, I don’t ask questions of the man.”

  “Maybe you should?” She pulled on her cerulean dress, then turned so Hunter could button it.

  His fingers were quick down her spine. “Or maybe I should keep my mouth shut and respect his privacy.” He motioned to the wide-open room they had cleared for incoming patients. “Let us finish the cleaning, so I can get you home and into a proper bed, my wife. What else can I do?”

  Bridget spun around the room. The most comfortable wooden chairs she could find lined the walls, the fireplace had been scrubbed and was ready with fresh logs, and there was a wide area at the end of the room cordoned off to the side for her tools and water. Three separate rooms led off from the main area, all neat and clean. The place was manageable—and perfect. She nodded to herself. “I think I can only scrub my tools clean so many times. I think we’re done.” She glanced up at Hunter, her lips drawing inward, hesitant. “I think I’m finally ready to work here.”

  “You are positive?” He tried to curb the smile that came to his face, but didn’t succeed.

  “I am. As long as you promise to come out with me when I need to see those that can’t make the trek here, then I am ready.” Her eyes left his face to look about the room again. “This is ideal—it feels perfect, Hunter.”

  He stepped to her, slinging an arm about her shoulders and pulling her into his body, then kissed the top of her head. “Then I am happy, Bridget. Your perfect is my perfect.”

  She looked up to him, smiling, overwhelmed at the fullness in her heart. Her fingers settled atop the slight mound of her belly. “Our perfect.”

  ~ From K.J. Jackson ~

  You can order Logan’s story now—and check out the sneak peek below!


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  Don’t miss!

  The other stories in the Revelry’s Tempest series are available now:

  Of Valor & Vice, Revelry’s Tempest

  Of Sin & Sanctuary, Revelry’s Tempest

  Of Risk & Redemption, Revelry’s Tempest

  The Devil in the Duke, Revelry’s Tempest (Logan’s story, Fall 2018)


  The sneak peek of the sixth Revelry’s Tempest novel (and Logan’s story—finally!), The Devil in the Duke, Revelry’s Tempest…

  { Prologue }

  Arapiles, Spain

  August 1812

  Ignoring the blood dripping from his hand and the uncontrollable tremble that held his fingers hostage, Logan sank to his knees and reached down.

  Down into the embers.

  Down into the ashes.


  Shreds of a dress. Scorched hair, the smell burning his nostrils.

  A tiny glimmer.

  The ring.

  Clutched in the bent crook of her finger bones.

  Clutched until the very end.

  His wife’s ring.

  The ribbon she’d always wrapped around the band to make it fit snug on her delicate finger had burned away, leaving nothing but a gaping, empty hole within the scorched gold. He’d offered to have a goldsmith resize it a hundred times, but she’d always refused. She’d wanted it exactly as he had given it to her.

  His hand shaking, he plucked the ring from her charred grasp, ashes clinging to his skin.

  It was what he deserved.

  Choosing his soulmate over his men.

  He knew this would happen. Knew she would die. Leave him alone on this earth. He’d known it from the start. Known it since she was three and he was five.

  One did not grow old in the world they existed in.

  For death followed him.

  It always had.

  That he’d gotten away with loving her for as long as he did—a mere trick he had played on fate.

  Fate had finally caught up to him.

  Fate knew he wasn’t worthy of her love.

  Just the same as he did.

  His head jerked up at the rifle shots thundering into the air outside the cottage. Steel clanging against steel. Yelling. Shrieks.

  Boney’s forces were rampaging, dealing death.

  He pushed himself to his feet and grabbed his sword from the smoking embers.

  Let them. He was ready.

  { Chapter 1 }

  Yorkshire, England

  June 1823

  Logan gasped a breath, the air freezing in his lungs as his body seized upon itself, stilling his motion. Stopping his feet.

  He’d followed the woman from the village. Followed her as she walked past the rows of cottages lining the dirt path that ran at a cross direction to the main road though the village of Sandfell.

  That he had even seen her, even been in this part of Yorkshire had been happenstance. Torrential rains had turned the roads along his usual eastern route into a hoof sucking, muddy mess so he’d travelled inward.

  He had just stepped outside of the coaching inn where he’d spent the night, eager to get to his horse and be on his way when he spied her. For as much he’d needed a break from London and the Revelry’s Tempest—a break from the three proprietresses of the gaming house flitting about in wedded bliss and the bi-weekly drama that ensued from the gaming nights—visiting his estate in Northumberland hadn’t given him the respite he’d hoped for.

  Once a year, obligation forced him to make the journey north to meet with Hunter, his steward of the lands and his Northumberland interests. Whereas he usually enjoyed his time in the north, in the clean air that didn’t fill his lungs with muck day after day, this particular trip had found him itching to escape the area.

  Itching to escape the happiness that his friend was flush with.

  Hunter’s three young children—two boys and one girl—were all healthy, curious, and enamored with their “Uncle” Logan. Logan hadn’t sat without a child on his lap for a week. Hunter’s wife, a surgeon and bone setter by luck of her father passing down his skills, had served Logan’s lands as their healer, midwife, and general scourge upon any traveling apothecary that dared to set foot in her domain. Beyond her many assets, the woman still looked at Hunter as though he was the only man in the world.

  Bliss, all around. Too much of it.

  Envy was not an emotion Logan was familiar with.

  But staying with Hunter, staying with his family—watching the smiles on their faces and the simple pleasure they took in b
eing together, laughing with one another—had sparked a jealousy that had crept out of nowhere and settled upon his shoulders.

  He didn’t begrudge Hunter any of the happiness he’d found in life. It was an odd thing, to be proud of his friend for finding happiness, yet deeply envious of him at the same time.

  Logan had suffered through it for days. Then he’d finally cut his trip short, the prickly need to escape the realm of their happiness forcing him to leave without even manifesting a half-witted excuse to leave early.

  His abrupt absence at the estate was sure to worry his friend and Logan had almost turned back to explain his hastily written note that merely said he was needed back in London.

  Yet he couldn’t turn back. Explaining was weakness. Envy was weakness.

  And he was not weak.

  But he was slightly insane.

  Logan’s rooted stance next to a low, dry-stone border fence allowed him to stare—truly stare—at the back of the woman he had followed. A fair distance in front of him, she carried a basket with two loaves of bread sticking tall from the top, bumping into the back of her light blue muslin dress with every other step.

  Just exiting the coaching inn, he’d seen her across the street as she stepped out from the baker’s cottage. She’d been a distance away, but Logan was close enough to see her delicate profile and the swing of her long reddish-blond hair under her crisp blue poke bonnet as she spun away from him. The bonnet, trimmed with a simple white ribbon, had obscured the top half of her face, her eyes, but the tip of the nose, the chin and the lips were hers.

  His wife’s.

  So he followed her.

  He’d done this before.

  Seen a woman that looked like Sienna and trailed her. Drawn to memories he could not escape. The pull of her still so strong after more than ten years that he would stalk a stranger just for a few precious moments of fantasy—moments of hope.

  The heels of his boots ground into the dirt of the path and he shook his head to himself. This was where he needed to turn around. Get back to his horse. Be on his way.

  He had just walked a good mile from the village in an inane pursuit of this woman.

  His gaze centered on the line of the woman’s proud shoulders, mesmerized by her graceful gait. A forest to her right, open field to her left, she moved up a small incline and then disappeared over the crest of a low hill.

  The sudden absence of her made him jerk into motion, his feet flying forward even as his mind reminded him it was beyond madness to follow a strange woman into the countryside. It was, in fact, bordering on menacing.

  Just a few more moments.

  He moved to the crest of the hill, fully intending one last glance at her before turning back to the village. Instead, what he saw stopped him in his tracks.

  At the base of the hill the woman had moved off the path to an apple tree draping over the dry-stone wall and was cutting free a late-blooming cluster of blossoms from the end of a long branch with a small knife. She slipped the bonnet back from her head to let it dangle from the ribbon about her neck and then pulled her hair back on the side to tuck the stem of the white blossoms behind her ear.

  A motion he’d seen a hundred times before. How she twisted her hair to get it out of the way. How she tilted her head as she tucked the twig to her ear. How she closed her eyes, her chest rising in a deep inhale.

  The soft smile on her face as the scent filled her.

  A smile he knew.

  A smile that had once been the center of his world.

  His head shaking, he looked around, his head swiveling. It was trap. A mirage. An elaborate ruse upon him. He was seeing things.

  Seeing things he wanted to see. Needed to see.

  Plucking a single star-shaped blossom from the stem, her fingers lifted it to lightly drag it along the bridge of her nose. Her face tilted upward, her eyes closed as she held the petals to the tip of her nose with just her forefinger.


  He’d only seen one person in the world ever do that.

  His wife.

  His legs were running, blasting him down the hill in a frenzied blur before he could think.

  She didn’t see him coming, didn’t open her eyes until the last second, her mouth flying open with a squeak.

  He grabbed her arm, twisting her fully to him, and the blossom fell from her nose, drifting downward.

  Wide blue eyes—shock filling them.


  His wife.

  His dead wife. Dead for ten years.

  There was no doubt.

  He grabbed her other arm, staring down at her, searching—searching for some small defect, some small dissimilarity that would prove she wasn’t Sienna.

  Her mouth agape, the woman looked up at him.

  No recognition in her blue eyes—not the slightest glint.

  She stared at him, her wide eyes rapidly blinking as she gently tried to tug her arms away from his grasp. “Do I know you, sir?”

  His knees weakened, almost sending him to the ground.

  Her voice was unmistakable.

  “Sienna.” Her name came out awkward, rushed, his tongue not able to believe the possibility that it was her. He hadn’t uttered her name once since she had died.

  Her mouth snapped shut, her lips stretching to a thin line as her eyebrows drew together. “Sir—”

  “Sienna.” He shook her.

  Her eyes widened, sudden fear taking root in the dark azure streaks in her irises. She attempted to jerk free from his grasp.

  “Sienna, it’s me.”

  “Sir, no, no. You are mistaken on who I am.”

  “Sienna, just stop and listen to me. You know me.” He ignored her wrenching and shook her again.

  “Please, sir—”

  “Sienna.” He paused, then shook her again, his fingers digging into the flesh on her upper arms.

  “Please, sir, you’re scaring me.” She twisted viciously, trying to escape.

  His clamp tightened on her arms, shaking her. He would damn well shake her until she recognized him. He had to.


  Searing pain attacking his middle from nowhere.

  He looked down. The tip of a blade was in his flesh, digging into his gut before he realized Sienna still held the knife. She lunged forward at him with her feet, putting all her weight and both hands behind the blade piercing his belly.

  His fingers dropped away from her arms, going to her wrists to rip her hands and the blade free from impaling his stomach. Blade removed, his hands clasped over the wound in his gut.

  Horror crossed her face and she stumbled backward, the basket still hanging from her arm swinging wildly. The bread tumbled from the basket as the handle slipped off her arm, thudding to the ground.

  He lifted his right hand from his stomach, stretching it out to her. “Please, Sienna—no—stop, Sienna.” He staggered three steps toward her, his left hand holding against his bleeding gut.

  Her face twisted in terror and a small yelp squeaked from her mouth as she spun and ran. Ran so fast, her blue skirts flew out behind her. She veered to the right, scrambling over the dry-stone wall and then raced into the woods that offered obstacles, if not protection from him.

  “Sienna.” His yell trailed, his desperate voice giving out to the pain in his stomach tearing him in two.

  She jumped to the left, disappearing behind a clump of oaks.

  The world went still, silent. Logan staggered to his right, falling along the low stone fence for support, his fingers digging into the rough rock.

  He stared at the woods, willing her to reappear. To run to him. To throw her arms around him.

  He stared for far too long, his stomach oozing blood.

  But he couldn’t move, couldn’t leave. Could only stare at the oak she’d disappeared behind.


  His wife didn’t recognize him.

  And she had just stuck a dagger into him.

  If he wasn’t convinced before it was
her, the blade in his gut told him all he needed to know.

  He had made sure of it long ago—Sienna knew well how to protect herself.

  His wife was alive.

  The Devil in the Duke, Revelry’s Tempest — Available on preorder now!


  More of my Books

  Historical Romance

  If you haven’t already, be sure to check out my other historical romances—each is a stand-alone story and they can be read in any order (here they are in order of publication):

  Stone Devil Duke, Hold Your Breath, currently free!

  Unmasking the Marquess, Hold Your Breath

  My Captain, My Earl, Hold Your Breath

  Worth of a Duke, Lords of Fate

  Earl of Destiny, Lords of Fate

  Marquess of Fortune, Lords of Fate

  Vow, Lords of Action

  Promise, Lords of Action

  Oath, Lords of Action

  Of Valor & Vice, Revelry’s Tempest

  Of Sin & Sanctuary, Revelry’s Tempest

  Of Risk & Redemption, Revelry’s Tempest

  To Capture a Rogue, A Logan’s Legends Novella, Revelry’s Tempest

  To Capture a Warrior, A Logan’s Legends Novella, Revelry’s Tempest

  The Devil in the Duke, Revelry’s Tempest

  The Iron Earl, Valor of Vinehill

  Paranormal Romance

  Flame Moon #1, currently free!

  Triple Infinity, Flame Moon #2

  Flux Flame, Flame Moon #3


  Descriptions of all K.J. Jackson books:


  Stone Devil Duke


  The first in the Hold Your Breath series by K.J. Jackson

  Historical romance with strong women, undeniable men, and hold your breath adventure.

  Marked for death, Lady Augustine Christopherson finds herself scouring the slums of London in a desperate search to find the men who killed her father, and are determined to dispose of her. To protect her family, to protect herself, she is determined to find the men before they find her. The last thing she wanted was an entanglement with a duke that threatens her very survival…


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