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Rising Moon: The Awakened Trilogy #2

Page 17

by Amanda Carol

  “You don’t understand. I didn’t have a choice,” she pleads, a hint of panic in her voice.

  “Save it.” Aria steps forward.

  Luna looks desperately at Aria. “Please. You need to let me out.”

  “Why are you working with Isabella?” Aria commands.

  “Aria, you know me—”

  “No. I thought I knew you.” Aria cuts her off and steps closer to the bars. “You say you didn’t have a choice? Wrong. You always have a choice. Now watch me make mine.” And with that, she turns on her heel. “Let it rain.”

  I watch as Aria storms off before I turn to Luna. “You betrayed this pack. You betrayed the ones who were closest to you. I’ll be back when you decide that you want to talk.”

  I nod at Kat and Grace before walking out, and I suddenly start to feel uneasy about this whole thing.

  Declan has his arm around his sister as I emerge from the cellar.

  “That felt too easy,” I remark.

  “Yeah it did,” Declan responds. “I don’t know what’s worse: how easy that was, or the wrath that’s to come from Abby.”

  “Surprisingly, Luna didn’t put up much of a fight,” Kat says when she and Grace come up out of the cellar. “She just kept apologizing and asking for Abby.”

  “Yeah, and when I asked Luna if Abby was involved, she said that she was trying to protect her daughter and that she knew nothing,” Grace adds as Knox shifts and goes to her, pulling her into an embrace.

  “Abby doesn’t come near here until we figure out what Luna knows,” I command, looking around. “Understood?”

  “Yes, sir,” Knox responds. “Kai and Sloane are taking first shift for the wolves. Ciera is taking first for the air witches.”

  “I’ll be with her too,” Declan says. “I’m not leaving Ciera alone in this.”

  In the distance, I see Ciera headed this way with a bag and two cups of coffee. If I know Ciera, and I do, that bag is full of snacks.

  “Okay, let me know if you guys run into any problems,” I say just as Kai and Sloane approach in wolf form.

  They nod and take their place by the entryway.

  “I’ll see you later.” Aria gives Declan a hug. “Please be careful.”

  “Always am, little sis,” Declan murmurs to her just as Ciera finally reaches us. “What’s in the bag, sunshine?”

  He reaches for the bag, but Ciera pulls it out of his reach and shoots him a look.

  “I’m not telling because you’ll eat it all!” She narrows her eyes at him, and he laughs.

  “Good luck, brother.” Knox slaps Declan’s shoulder as he walks back to his cabin with Grace.

  “You guys are adorkable.” Kat grins before we walk back together toward the cabins.

  Aria and I take Kat back to her cabin and silently make our way back to hers. Bennett is doing one more loop around the Compound before Jasper takes over so he can go home and get some rest.

  I’m holding Aria in my arms in her bed. She fell asleep quickly after we laid down, no longer having to fight sleep. I caress her arm as I lie there, deep in thought.

  Luna was bound so she couldn’t fight back, but I keep wondering why she said that she needed to protect Abby. I believe that Abby knows nothing, but why would Abby need to be protected from a vampire if Luna is a powerful witch who lives in a place that was protected by wolves? It doesn’t add up, and I'm determined to figure it out.

  “Aria Elizabeth Matthews, get your ass down here right now!”

  I am jolted awake by the angry sound of Abby’s voice and the front door slamming shut.

  “Oh, shit,” I whisper, turning to look at Hunter, who looks terrified.

  “Do not make me come up there!” Abby shouts.

  I hear another muffled voice but can’t make out who it is.

  “No, I will not calm down! Aria!” she roars.

  “You should go down there,” Hunter says.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Are you kidding? She’ll kill me!”

  I cover my face with my blanket, but Hunter rips it away.

  “You’re probably right. I’ll miss you, baby,” he laughs.

  I give him a dirty look and get up from the bed. “Asshole.”

  He’s so lucky I love him. I carefully walk down the steps, prepared for just about anything. But I’m not prepared to have a pillow thrown at my face.

  “I’m so mad at you.” Abby’s fists are balled tightly by her side as she glares at me.

  “I know.” I look over at Zayne, who gives me a look of sympathy.

  “Let me see her,” Abby demands.

  “No. It’s not safe, Abs,” I say, taking a cautious step toward her.

  “That’s bullshit. She won’t hurt me. I’m her daughter!” The steam that Abby had starts to run out and she wraps her arms around herself.

  “She hurt me, Abby. I won’t let her hurt you too.”

  I’m standing in front of her now, and her tearful gaze meets mine. I try to hug her, but she pushes me away. I guess I deserve that. I did that to her.

  Abby covers her mouth as a sob escapes her, and she runs out of my cabin.

  “Abby, wait!” Zayne shouts after her, then he turns to me. “I’m sorry. She’s just hurt and confused right now. I’ll talk to her.”

  He goes to leave just as Declan and Ciera walk in.

  “What the hell was that?” Declan asks as Hunter comes downstairs.

  “The wrath of Abby Thibodaux,” I reply, covering my face with my hands and taking a few deep breaths.

  “So glad I missed that,” Declan jokes, and Ciera slaps his arm. “Ouch.”

  “Suck it up,” Ciera tells him.

  He smiles at her. “Man, I love this girl.”

  He pulls her to him and kisses her. As much as it used to disgust me seeing him do this with other women, it doesn’t with Ciera. That’s also the first time I’ve ever heard him use the “L” word. He came close with this one girl in high school, Stefanie, but she moved to North Carolina. After that, he sort of put all his focus into school and football.

  “We’re going to get some sleep. Katey came to relieve us this morning,” Declan says, wrapping an arm around Ciera’s waist.

  “Katey?” I lift a brow and look at Ciera.

  “She’s another air witch that lives on the Compound. I teach her son, Joey. He’s such a sweet boy, just like his mom.” Ciera yawns.

  I nod, then say goodnight and watch as they walk up the steps. Hunter comes over to me, and I place my arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around my waist.

  I look up at him. “She hates me.”

  Hunter leans down and kisses me. “No, she doesn’t. Like Z said, just give her some time.”

  He goes to kiss me again, but I lean my head back.

  “Oh, you were too scared to come down with me, so you were eavesdropping instead?” I ask.

  He chuckles. “I was not about to be attacked with a pillow.”

  He kisses my neck, and as much as I want to fight it, I can’t. A moan escapes my lips as his tongue darts out to lick the sensitive spot behind my ear. I tangle my fingers in his hair and lean my head back, giving him more access to my neck. I lift my head back up, and as our lips meet, his hands drop down to cup my butt. I jump up into his arms.

  “Back to bed?” he asks between passionate kisses, already starting to head back to my bedroom.

  “Yes, please.”

  Luna has been locked up for a week and refuses to talk until she talks to Abby first, but Hunter and I are both in agreement to keep Abby away from her. It’s been a busy week with getting everyone into a routine and making sure Abby stays away.

  I haven’t seen or spoken to Abby since she was at my cabin. I’ve asked Zayne how she’s doing, and he told me that she’s dealing with it. Knowing Abby, “dealing with it” involves a whole lot of tears and a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream.

  I get a free day since it was my turn to stand watch last night. I use the morning to sleep in. Now
that Luna has been locked up, I feel safe again, and I don’t have to worry about Declan as much anymore. Things are starting to feel normal. Well, as normal as they can be, all things considered.

  I still have to apologize to a few people, which is what my plan is today. It’s finally starting to feel like autumn here in the bayou, so I throw on a pair of skinny jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. I walk over to my closet and stare at my shoes, deciding teal Converse are the way to go.

  First stop on the “Aria needs to say sorry” tour is Declan and Ciera. His bedroom door is open, so I know they aren’t here. Walking into the kitchen, I spot a note on the counter. I pick it up and find that it’s from Declan, letting me know that he is at the schoolhouse with Ciera. As I make my cup of coffee, I open the link to Bennett.


  I would have asked Hunter to walk me over, but he’s dealing with his dad right now. The Alpha may have put Hunter in charge of Luna, but that’s about it. He was with me last night and he was summoned early this morning. When he left, I told him to go home and go back to sleep.

  Yes, Blondie? How are we this beautiful sunshiny day? Bennett responds.

  I roll my eyes and chuckle.

  I’m doing fantastic. What are you doing today? I ask, leaning up against the counter and sipping on my coffee.

  As of right now, nothing. And it feels ah-may-zing. Bennett sighs.

  That’s great. Can I ask you for a favor?

  The poor wolf has been working so much lately that I almost feel bad for asking him to help me out today. Almost.

  No, Aria, I will not sell my body for a profit, Bennett jokingly protests.

  Are you sure? I hear gingers are making top dollar nowadays, I reply.

  I hear his laugh in my head. Oh really? And how would you know?

  I have my resources. So, what do you say? I smile as I wait for his answer.

  If I say no?

  Well, then I guess you’re going to help me keep my pimp hand strong. I chuckle.

  You’re cute. I’ll be over in twenty. Bennett laughs, then closes the link.

  While I wait for him, I finish my coffee and clean out my cup, something my mother would probably be shocked to see. I walk out onto my porch and sit down, breathing in the fresh air. The air around me doesn’t feel thick anymore. I can finally take a breath and not feel like I'm dying.

  “‘Sup, Blondie?” Bennett says as he reaches the steps.

  “Hey, Benny,” I reply, standing up and walking down to him.

  “What are we doing today?” He shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans. The sunlight hits his red hair, making it look copper.

  “I need to mend some cracked bridges,” I say. “I was a bitch.”

  “You were not a bitch. Blaine is a bitch, but you...” Bennett pauses, putting a finger under my chin and lifting my face so my eyes will meet his. “Never.”

  I give him a small smile. “Thank you. But…I wasn’t very nice to you. You were only trying to help, and I just…I’m sorry.”

  I look away from him, feeling guilty.

  Bennett pulls me into a hug. “Listen closely. You’ve been through more shit than anyone should ever have to go through. Your behavior was understandable.” He pulls back to look at me. “Being sad and vulnerable doesn’t make you weak, Blondie. If anything, it makes you stronger.”

  I stare up at him. “Wow. That was really wise, coming from you.”

  He shrugs. “I have my moments.”

  We both laugh.

  “Thank you, Benny,” I sigh.

  “Anytime.” He tweaks my nose. “So where are we going?”

  “The schoolhouse,” I reply.

  He nods.

  When we get to the schoolhouse, I tell Bennett to wait for me outside. The classroom is empty, apart from Declan and Ciera. She’s sitting behind the desk reading a book, while Declan strums quietly on his guitar with his eyes closed.

  It takes me a moment to recognize the tune as “Wagon Wheel” By Darius Rucker. Our parents were old-school, and that’s how they raised us, so the newer things are a bit harder for me to recognize. Declan likes the newer music more than I do, which he got from our mom. My dad and I were the classic rock junkies. For my birthday one year, he got us tickets to see Guns and Roses. We had so much fun, and since he got us VIP tickets, I got to meet the band. I still have that signed t-shirt.

  “Hey, Aria. What’s up?” Ciera asks.

  Declan opens his eyes and looks over at me.

  “Not much. Do you have a moment?” I direct my question to the both of them.

  Ciera nods. She marks the page off in her book and sets it down on her desk while Declan sets his guitar down.

  “What’s going on?” Declan asks, starting to get up.

  I put a hand up to tell him to stay. “Everything is fine. I just came here to apologize to the both of you for my behavior.”

  Declan lifts a brow, but I ignore it and continue.

  “I shouldn’t have kept what I did to myself for as long as I had. And I'm sorry that I snapped at you.” I glance at Ciera. “I also wanted to thank you, Ciera, for being there for my brother when I wasn’t. I was trying so hard to make sure he was safe that I ended up being a terrible sister.”

  She nods, understanding what I'm trying to say.

  “Aria—” Declan starts to say.

  “No, please let me finish,” I cut him off. “Declan, you were right. I wasn’t the only one who suffered the night Isabella took me. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to find me the way you did. We both had things happen to us, and I'm sorry I didn’t take your feelings into account.”

  Declan gets up, coming over and pulling me into one of his bear hugs. “It was awful. I’ve replayed that night over and over, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t ever get that image of you lying there out of my head.” He pulls back, eyes filling up with tears. “Don’t ever do that to me again. I can’t…I can’t lose you.”

  “You won’t,” I whisper.

  He scrubs a hand down his face, wiping the tears away, then nods and turns back to take his seat next to Ciera. My brother has never been afraid to show his emotions. Where I'm closed off, he’s wide open. I watch him smile at her as he picks up his guitar, and when I look at her, she’s beaming at him. It warms my heart to see him so happy and in love. He leans forward and kisses her.

  I turn to leave, but almost walk straight into Bennett. He’s got this frightened look on his face.

  “They’re coming. There’s a whole herd of them. Run for your lives!” he shouts.

  “Bennett, they’re just kids,” Ciera says, patting him on the shoulder as she walks past us.

  “Just kids?” Bennett scoffs. “Ciera, those are not just kids. They are evil!”

  I glance back at Declan, who’s laughing, then follow Bennett outside. The kids have arrived back from what I assume is their lunch break. A little girl with blonde curls and blue eyes hands a wildflower to Ciera.

  “Thank you, Callie.” Ciera smiles at the little girl.

  Then the girl skips over to Bennett. He looks terrified as she approaches him. Once she reaches him, she hands him a flower.

  “Thank you,” he says as he cautiously takes it from her.

  “You’re welcome!” She grins at him and then runs off to a little girl who looks like her sister.

  “Evil, huh?” I nudge him with my arm.

  “They look cute, and sure, they do cute things, but kids are evil,” Bennett says, but I see him put the flower in his pocket.

  “Bye, Ciera!” I yell.

  Ciera waves to us.

  “So, you’re telling me you don’t want kids?” I ask Bennett as we walk away from the schoolhouse.

  “Nope. I’m good with being the crazy uncle.” He throws his arm around my shoulder. “When you and Hunter get married and have little demigod wolf babies, I will be their uncle. Actually, I call dibs on godfather.”

  “First of all, that’s not going to happen for a lo
ng time. And second, Declan will probably have something to say about that,” I reply, removing his arm from my shoulders.

  I only just agreed to move in with Hunter. To be honest, I never really gave marriage and babies much thought after my parents died.

  “He can have the next one,” Bennett shrugs.

  I laugh. “You’re weird.”

  Bennett winks at me. “You love it.”

  “Debatable,” I shrug, making him laugh.

  We make our way over to Abby and Luna’s cabin, but after a few knocks, no one answers. I turn back and notice Bennett on the phone.

  “Thanks, man. Peace.” Bennett hangs up the phone. “That was Z. He’s with Abby and Sloane out in town. They’ll be heading back shortly, but Sloane is saying that she senses vamps in the area.”

  “Yeah, and that’s why I’m tasked with rounding up a few of our best to go out on a hunt,” Hunter says as he walks up to us.

  I run over and throw my arms around him. He gives me a quick kiss, then sets me down. He leaves one arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

  “Is that what the Alpha wanted?” Bennett asks.

  “Yes. I’ve already recruited Jasper, Kai, and Knox. As much as I hate Blaine, I can’t deny that he’s a good fighter, so he’s coming too. And of course, I wouldn’t forget my right hand, Benny.” Hunter punches Bennett’s shoulder.

  “Aww, shucks. You’re makin’ me blush,” Bennett jokes.

  I giggle, but then a thought occurs to me.

  “What about Luna?” I ask.

  “We’ve got her covered too,” Hunter answers before kissing the top of my head.

  I don’t know how I feel about all of this.

  “I can come with you guys,” I offer.

  They look at me.

  “No. I need you here. We’ve talked about this,” Hunter says.

  I step away from him and cross my arms over my chest. “You talked. I listened.”

  “Okay. I’m just going to go…anywhere else. See ya!” Bennett pats Hunter on the shoulder as he walks away.

  “You saw how well we worked together back in Maryland,” I argue.

  Hunter runs a hand through his hair. “That was different.”


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