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The Curse Begins

Page 21

by Abby James

  We were close. When he looked up from my wrist he stared into my eyes, magnetizing me to the spot. I couldn’t look away if I tried.

  “You are tagged?”

  “I guess. Something happened when he waved it over my wrist, but he seemed confident it had worked.”

  He frowned.

  “You’re worried.” His awesome abilities were not the only things that came to me. It was more than his frown that revealed what he was feeling. I was also getting his emotions. Maybe there was some empath in me somewhere.

  “I will be monitoring you closely.”

  “You really believe these people will try something during the tournament?”

  “I have spent the last week seeking information to the identity of the one who is after you. He is cunning and powerful. The trail drops every time I draw near.”

  “He? So you know something at least?”

  “That is as far as I have reached. Many are scared of him. I am also worried about the skurk. They have a better read on what is happening on the streets. They are well aware of you. I never underestimate anyone.”

  It never slipped my notice how he kept a hold of my wrist. I was being fed some good juice here.

  “I don’t understand the point of it all. I’m just me.”

  “You are unique. Imagine having the ability to wield all abilities.”

  “Only if I’m in direct contact with the other person.”

  “For now maybe, but you will learn, grow and develop. In the future you will be better able to command your ability and who knows what you will be capable of then.”

  “You know what?”


  “The other night when you were…drinking.”

  He dropped my wrist and stepped away. I was moving into territory that was perhaps too intimate. Hell it was intimate for me, but I wasn’t going to back down because I was seriously attracted to Luca. Dangerous and all, but I felt totally switched on around him, like I was coming to life from death. I knew little about him. We’d barely spoken, spent anytime together, but I was willing to explore something. It might all go to shit. He may end up being a complete ass. We may be incompatible. I would never know if I didn’t try and see what happened.

  “I’ve never felt like that.”

  “It’s the chemicals in our saliva. It activates your pleasure receptors. That’s what makes you an addict and guarantees us a meal.”

  “I get that. But this was more. Like crazy-way-off-the-scale more.”

  Luca shook his head and turned side on to lean against a tree.

  “I want to explore this.”

  “There is nothing to explore, Samara. I have what I wanted to know, and that will never happen again.”

  “So you know that every time I touch someone I get a hit of their ability. Like just now, when you touched my wrist.”

  He glanced sideways at me. “What did you feel?”

  “Awesome awesomeness. Man, if that is the way you move through life then, hey, I want to be strapped to your side for eternity.”

  I won a smile for that. Yeah, I won a smile from his always serious, frowning face.

  “You have some hefty shit going on in your body. It’s like been wired to the countries whole grid system. I felt the same when McGilus touched me.”

  He snorted a soft laugh as he ducked his head.

  “But it’s not all I felt.”

  He inched his head up and looked at me.

  “Some emotions slip through. Is that what you get from me? I mean, does a vampire get all those things when they drink someone’s blood?”

  “We get many things and, yes, we get the primary emotions.”

  “And does feeding arouse you?” Wow that was intimate. “I mean, vampires in general. Do they get aroused from feeding?”

  “It is very pleasurable, yes.”

  Could I go on when he was looking at me like he was. The amber of his eyes swirled like a top quality scotch waiting to be drunk.

  “Is it pleasurable enough you have sex while you’re doing it?”


  Then why was he so god damn hard when he drank from me. “So it’s not pleasurable enough.”

  He arched his head back, rested it on the tree and let out a small groan. “Why do you ask this?”

  “I want to explore what happened, remember? You owe me this after nearly draining me dry.”

  He caved forward like I had punched him. Shaking his head, he said, “it was a mistake to go near you.”

  “So back on topic.”

  “It’s the biggest aphrodisiac there is. But I don’t have sex because the women are compelled to be with me. It’s the only way I can feed without being discovered. So I take some of their blood, that is all, then make sure they arrive home alright.”

  “I didn’t think you needed to feed because you’re still technically human.”

  He pushed off from the tree, turning his back to me, taking a few steps away. He stopped and stared out at the forest.

  “Are you going to answer me?”

  “I don’t like being dissected.”

  “Okay, forget about that question.” I came around to face him. “I’m impressed you stopped.”

  The heavy frown was back. “What do you mean?”

  “When you drank from me the other night, you would’ve being dealing with your usual state of arousal—” god that was embarrassing to say “—but on top of that you would have picked up on my state of arousal. But not only that, my arousal was supercharged by the power and emotions I had drained from you that were then reflected back into you. You were getting a triple whammy there, Luca. We were both feeding each other. Messes with your head knowing that, doesn’t it.”

  “That’s why I can’t risk it ever happening again.”

  I understood, but damn.

  “The tournament will start soon. You need to return to the tent.”

  I didn’t want to go back. I wanted to stay here and talk some more. I knew nothing about Luca, vampires, him as a person, his background, the female vampire he’d loved, and I wanted to know it all. It would be cool if he wanted to know about me, but he just seemed to want to protect me. Nice and all, but that was most likely only because he was loyal to Darkwells.

  I turned to go, feeling that he’d closed off from any further discussion.


  I looked over my shoulder. “You should’ve made a greater attempt to attend the factional classes.”

  A bit late to reprimand me now.


  “Samara, isn’t it?”

  I turned to see Duncan strolling across the grass toward me.

  “Hi, Duncan. What team are you in?”

  “No one’s team. I’m one of the moderators.”

  “I guess that’s what happens when you attend all your classes.”

  He chuckled.

  “Did you enjoy yourself at Draak party?”

  “I should be asking you that. It was your first after all.”

  “Everything went hazy after I had the witches’ brew.”

  “Lethal stuff that. I tend to stay clear of it.”

  “So you weren’t drunk that night?”

  “I had a few beers, but I never allow myself to get drunk.”

  I should let this go. “And have you spoken to Amy since?”

  His eyes flared briefly. “What did she tell you?”

  “What didn’t she tell me? We’re friends and friends share.”

  “I’m not in the habit of telling my friends everything I get up too.”

  “Maybe you should and perhaps they would give you some sound advice. Like how to treat a woman after the two of you have gotten down and dirty.”

  He coughed. “We didn’t exactly get down and dirty.”

  “She had a hold of your dick. That’s getting down and dirty. Amy’s not the sort of girl to grab any guy’s dick. She would only do that to a guy she was interested in. So don’t repay the favor by ignorin
g her.”

  Sure, I’d not known Amy long, but I couldn’t see her ever doing something like that with just any guy.

  He shook his head. “Wow, you sure are direct.”

  “So are you going to do something about it?”

  “What am I supposed to do?”

  “Are you really that much of a twat? Go talk to her. Don’t ignore her. If it was all a mistake and you’re not interested then tell her. Don’t be the jerk who does those things and then turns a cold shoulder.”

  “I don’t want to do that. I’m not that jerk. Everything happened so fast that night. I really like her. I would never have kissed her if I didn’t. I really am not that sort of guy. But it’s complicated.”

  “Don’t tell me. I wasn’t the one holding your dick while you kissed me. And don’t say it’s complicated. That is the shittest thing you could possibly say. In girl talk it means I’m not interested, but I can’t be bothered to be honest enough to say so.”

  He looked stricken. I felt sorry for him.

  “Look, tell her the truth. You can’t go wrong with the truth. Be humble and honest and she will understand.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Looks like I still have lessons to learn.”

  “Life lessons are the hardest.”

  “Relationship lessons are extreme.”

  We both laughed. Then one of the band members blew his trumpet in one long breath that made it sound squeaky and out of tune.

  “God, that’s you.”

  “What, the start?”

  He nodded.

  “Oh shit. I haven’t even looked at what we’re supposed to do.”

  Duncan glanced around him, then leaned in and whispered, “Do the opposite of what you feel is right.”

  “Are we still talking about life lessons?”

  “Just go.” He shooed me away with a wave of his hands.

  I scooted over to Silver Birch tent and inside to find the last of the team leaving by the back flap. I scuttled onto the tail of Harry.

  Everyone headed for the trees, everyone, the whole of Darkwells, a great mass of us pouring into the forest. But the strange thing was, the moment we entered the forest I lost sight of everyone else except for the members of my own team.

  Emrol seemed to take it upon himself to be team leader—or did they agree to that while I wasn’t there—because he gathered us around in a huddle.

  “Oh look who decided she was on our team,” Mila said, her eyes narrowed on me.

  And that drew everyone’s attention to me.

  “Do you even know what we’re supposed to do?” She asked, still pinning me with an evil stare.

  “Do you?” Better to reply with a question. I learned that from watching political debates back in the human world.

  “That’s not helping us,” Emrol said.

  “I smell something,” Harry said.

  “I’m not running around the bush hunting berries,” Mila said, rolling her eyes.

  “What is it?” I said. Bears had excellent smell, better than fae I would guess.

  “I don’t know. It’s intriguing.”

  “Then it’s part of the tournament,” a thin girl with mousy brown, wavy hair said.

  “I’m Samara,” I gave her a smile.


  Mila did another eye roll.

  “It’s coming from that direction,” Harry said, pointing to our right.

  “I don’t think we should go that way,” Duncan had told me to do the opposite of what was right, although I didn’t know if heading that way was right or not.

  “Then which way do you have in mind, Miss Wright?” Mila said in a saccharine voice with her arms akimbo.

  “I don’t know, but I think it’s a distraction.”

  “Oh, come on,” Mila huffed, trudging off in the direction Harry pointed.

  “Do we have to follow her?” I asked no one in particular.

  “Everyone must stick together. If team members fracture, we lose points,” Juliet said.

  “Oh that’s right, we’re all supposed to be a harmonious group,” I said.

  Mila was already disappearing through the forest that seemed to grow thicker the farther she went, so we had no choice but to follow if we wanted to work as a team, and before she disappeared from view altogether.

  Harry picked up his pace as if he was being drawn along by the smell. I sped up to walk along side him. “Can you tell what you’re smelling now?”

  “It’s…” He didn’t say any more but picked up his pace.

  “It’s what?” I yelled as he raced to the lead, pushing past Mila and practically setting her on her ass.

  “Watch it, you hairy brut.”

  Juliet came along side me and we both smiled at each other then looked at Mila dusting herself off like Harry had left some fur on her outfit.

  “So what is it we are supposed to do?” I said.

  “We’re after the first clue that will lead on to the next.”

  “And we have no idea what that first clue is?”

  She shook her head.

  “What is your ability?”

  “I’m a telekinetic, but not a very good one.”

  “How long have you been here?”

  “Seven months, but I’m a failure.” She looked at her feet.

  We also had a bear shifter, a fae and a witch—who would likely go out of her way to sabotage me. I glanced around at the others.

  “Do you know the ability of the other team members?”

  “Honus is a fire elemental.” She nodded toward a stout kid with thick lips. He wasn’t much taller than Juliet and she reached my nose.

  “Is he any good?” I whispered.

  “I don’t know, haven’t seen him practice.”

  “Do we have any sorcerers amongst us?”

  “Yeah, Jona, but his casting ability is unstable.” She nodded her head in his direction. “They banned him from practicing for two whole months apparently.”

  Ouch. I glanced over to the tall, thin guy who was Jona. He had a nasty scar below the left side of his bottom lip.

  “He’s not one we want to rely on then.”

  “How about you?’

  “I’m even worse. Sorry to say. I’m an empath. I’m a new addition to Darkwells and I haven’t even experienced my ability yet.”

  She glanced sideways at me with a quizzical look.

  “Yeah, sorry. I’m the lead weight around the neck of this team.”

  “I’d rather you on my team than the witch.”

  “Wait until a skill is needed. Witchcraft could come in handy, whereas I can only hold your hand and tell you not to panic.”

  She laughed, revealing crooked bottom teeth.

  Harry jogged up a small rise, then froze at the top. We raced up behind him. When we reached the top we all froze, looking down into a valley. In the valley was a bear.

  “God, is it a shifter?” I said.

  Before anyone could reply, Harry roared, then ran. As he ran his body, honest to god, began to change. I’d wanted to see a wereshifter shift, but didn’t think it would happen so soon. His enlarging body burst through the restraints of his clothes, popping buttons, ripping seams until everything was left behind him as he ran. Hair sprouted along the length of his distorting body. It was sickening yet fascinating to watch.

  “Harry,” Emrol yelled. But he wasn’t listening. His pace did not stop. The other bear looked up, then took off through the trees with Harry in pursuit.

  “I don’t think he should’ve done that,” I said.

  “No shit,” Mila snapped. “You’re really going to improve our chances of winning.”

  “Who dragged us this way?” I snapped. Now I was sounding like a child.

  “Something tells me we won’t see Harry for awhile,” Emrol said.

  “But we need to stay together,” I said.

  “I think that was a female bear. And I think she was in season.”

  “Holy shit, you’re joking.” I stared at
him open mouthed. “You’ve got to go after him.”

  “And get in the way of bears mating?”

  “What if it’s a real bear? You can’t let him screw a real bear.”

  “God, you’re so stupid,” Mila said. “It’s a plant to distract us. Once he gets close the thing will disappear.”

  Hopefully she was right, otherwise poor Harry when he shifted back into his human self, or should I say poor bear.

  “So we wait?” Honus said.

  “No way,” Mila said. “I’m not wasting time on some bear shifter.”

  “We’re all waiting to see what great ideas you have then,” I crossed my arms.

  This was just great. We were one down already and we’d only just started.

  “Jona.” I turned to the tall guy. “Sorcerers conjure, right?”

  He nodded his head. “But you shouldn’t ask me. I’m no good at it.”

  Why couldn’t they have mixed the teams up a bit better so there was a good blend of beginners and more advanced.

  “And what would you have him conjure?” Mila said in a sarcastic tone.

  “You’re really not helping,” I said. “How about you come up with a good idea since you led us here?”

  Emrol stepped between us. “The point of this is to find our strengths and appreciate what we see in each other.”

  Mila snorted a laugh and looked at me. “Go on then, show us your strengths.”

  I was so going to make her bald once I got a hold of her and used some of her witchy magic. Or maybe I could steal some sorcery juice from Jona. I gritted my teeth. Jesus, if only I knew how.

  “Was there a hint at all of what we were supposed to be looking for?” I said, ignoring the evil vibes emanating from Mila. The sooner we finished today’s task the sooner I could be away from her.

  “The light to lead our way. Or so the explanation went. I don’t know, the instructions shimmered out so quick I never got to read it properly,” Juliet said.

  Movement from behind our huddle caught my eye. I looked down into the valley to see Harry hulking back in human form, shoulders slumped. He looked dejected, and my heart went out to him. Did he turn back into a human half way through…? God, I couldn’t bear to think about it. The only thing I could focus on right now was saving him any more humiliation after we’d witnessed him lose his shit and race off after a female bear. He was still naked, and I sure he realized.


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