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Web of Worlds

Page 16

by Michael Atamanov

  Nevertheless, Uline Tar quickly made that determination with some clues only she understood and confidently headed toward one of the Geckho. Grabbing at his thick beard, the Trader gave a sharp downward tug, painfully and loudly slamming his head into the table:

  “Scoundrel! Lazy bastard! Parasite! Coward! Clan Tar-Layneh will have to cover for your two-bit operation because you can’t stay on top of your own duties!”

  The level-147 Engineer by the name Vano-Ubish, and that was precisely who my companion was pummeling, was caught off guard at first. However, listening to his emotions, I very clearly realized Uline was seriously mistaken. Perhaps in other parts of the galaxy the influential and rich merchant clan of Tar-Layneh really could cause serious problems by slapping them with a delivery embargo to put the local traders out of business. But here on the edge of the Universe, they weren’t the least bit afraid. And before Vano-Ubish came to his senses and put his great massive fists into action, drubbing the enraged female off him, I needed to intervene.

  Psionic skill increased to level eighty-one!

  “Uline, enough!” I forcibly pulled my furry friend off the huge Geckho who was already coming to his senses. “I have immeasurable respect for the most powerful and rich Clan Tar-Layneh, but they do not enter into this! This concerns only Kung Waid Shishish, for whom we were carrying an invaluable shipment. And the Kung would certainly be questioning all these Geckho if the pirates made it away with it. I’m afraid that the ghoulish fleet commander, not known for his peaceful ways, would make a wine glass from your skull, and ass cushions from your hides. And I’m not talking about the game here, this is in the real world!”

  Mental Fortitude skill increased to level sixty-eight!

  Mysticism skill increased to level twenty-nine!

  Ah, it worked. And did it ever! With just one mention of the name of the hot-tempered master of Earth, all four space port employees sobered up in an instant. I suspected my little speech made all four of them picture that scenario very vibrantly and in great detail, because this was the first time I had seen Geckho shivering in fear. I had to build on my success:

  “I’m just about to have a long-distance call with Kung Waid Shishish, and I’m sure the topic of security will come up. What should I tell him? The truth, that clandestine Meleyephatian miners feel at ease in our star system, clearing out asteroids that belong to the Geckho? That Miyelonian smugglers can come land on our planet just four nodes from the space port as if they’re at home? That pirates flagrantly attack landing starships right above the Geckho spaceport?”

  Authority increased to 53!

  I drove these harsh words into the frightened Geckhos’ minds like red-hot pokers and the space port employees lowered their heads further and further. My spiny Analyst was not wrong. Pigheaded insolence was the best tactic here, and the chastised space-port employees were listening to me like some inspector sent by upper leadership. Finally, Vano-Ubish reached his limit:

  “Gerd Gnat, that is all true, we are at fault. But security is not our responsibility! I assure you, the one responsible will be punished in the most severe fashion! I will shoot him three times myself!” the spaceport head assured me in a bleating tone. “As for what happened... I have funds set aside for building spaceport structures and urgent repair. It seems fair to me to spend those crystals on your starship, which fought so valiantly in an uneven battle with pirates...”

  “Yes, it seems fair to me as well,” I supported his right-minded idea. “And now, honored officials, I have to go negotiate. Can anyone tell me where to find the deep-space communication node?”

  The three Geckho shot up all at once but the space port head Vano-Ubish told his underlings to all sit down with a gesture and assured me he would personally lead me to the negotiations. We had just reached the hallway when the disheveled Engineer, not at all ashamed at the soldiers accompanying me, tried to slip me a bag with monetary crystals clinking around temptingly, probably of quite high denomination.

  “Gerd Gnat, there’s no need to upset the Kung with such trifles on a distant planet when he’s so busy...” he bleated timidly, shoving the money into my hands.

  After that, his gaze caught on something and Vano-Ubish cowered, making him look even shorter. I followed his gaze and saw the winding missive on Imran’s armored spacesuit saying that the armor was a personal gift from Kung Waid Shishish. I didn’t know what clicked in the space port leader’s head when he suddenly discovered how advanced my bodyguards were, but I got a double message about a boost to Fame and Authority.

  I refused the bribe, assuring him the crystals from the construction funds would be plenty.

  “But Uline Tar will make sure it’s enough to repair my frigate first,” I clarified so the space port head wouldn’t try to pull one over on us. “And another thing: in a quarter ummi I need a set table in the restaurant on the second floor for six people and one Geckho, Diplomat Kosta Dykhsh. Make it a fine, sumptuous table, worthy of deciding the future of this planet.”

  Authority increased to 55!

  Attention!!! Your character has attained significant fame and authority and has now been assigned the rank Leng. You have received eight stat points.

  Attention!!! Your character may now lead a faction. Choose one of the suggested options: Human-3, Human-6, Human-23, Human-25, La-Fin, Spaceport, or create your own faction.

  “I’ll do it all in fine fashion!” Vano-Ubish promised, unlocking the massive armored door with his crystal key. “Here is the deep-space negotiating chamber. Gerd Gnat... Oh! Leng Gnat! Congratulations on the promotion! And please send the great Kung my wishes of health and strength in the war!”

  Chapter Thirteen. Negotiations, Negotiations...

  THE STATUS PROMOTION came so unexpectedly I actually got thrown. So I was a Leng? I had basically been wanting and expecting this for a while, but still it knocked me off track. Especially when Imran said that the mini-map was no longer showing me as an ally, just a neutral player. Then I checked my own information:

  Leng Gnat. Human. Faction [undefined]. Level-79 Listener.

  What did that mean? Was I no longer part of the Human-3 Faction? And where would I come out of a virt pod in the real world? Especially if I chose one of the stranger options like Spaceport or La-Fin… After all, the Geckho’s virt pods were clearly not on Earth. Like what if I found myself on one of the Geckho planets which, due to high gravitation, were not always a place humans could survive? Or in the magocratic world where, based on my wayedda’s words, the heir to the huge La-Fin fortune wouldn’t survive one hour due to the huge number of ill-wishers. No, I definitely shouldn’t rush into a risky experiment and change faction! And the eight free stat points needed to be spent with my mind at ease, after careful consideration of all the possible consequences.

  I left my companions and entered the negotiation chamber. I had seen such a circular room with mirror walls before in the depths of the Un-Tesh comet on the Geckho military base, but still I froze. It was just stunning to look at my innumerable reflections at various angles. The light went out and a hologram of the almighty Geckho started glowing in the air in front of me. He was wearing a luxurious suit of ceremonial armor and seated atop his throne. My ears laid back flat when I heard the thundering voice of the upset Kung:

  “Finally! I guess you were in no rush to our meeting. I was getting sick of waiting, Gerd Gnat... Or is it Leng now? When did you have time for that?” his angry tone, clearly false and for show, changed to sincere and bordering on surprise.

  Demonstrating submission and respect for the all-powerful sovereign of Earth, I got down on one knee:

  “My Kung, I rushed to the comms point as soon as I got medical treatment after a rough landing,” I didn’t delve into the details and tell the vaunted military leader about the security mishap on my peripheral planet.

  “Yes, I can see you’re injured. Alright, no matter. Have you got the delivery? Is it the exact thing you told the Trader?”

s, my Kung,” I pulled the heavy polished black stone out of my inventory and showed it to him with my good hand. “A map of all parts of the galaxy known to the Meleyephatians with a complete logistics scheme for their horde in maximum detail. It shows all space docks both in the game and the real world. It contains blueprints for starships and weapons, the coordinates of military bases, secret training centers, manufacturing facilities and mines of important resources. You can also find the coordinates of real-world data centers where their players’ virt pods are located, and a full guide to the real Meleyephatian players behind characters in the game that bends reality. Plus there’s lots of other stuff both on the Meleyephatians and the other races. Let your specialists sort it out.”

  I could see the gruesome fleet commander’s eyes start to glimmer as his nostrils started flaring out in excitement. You don’t have to be as wise as Solomon to guess just how valuable this all was to the Kung.

  “What do you want for the drive, human?”

  A seemingly normal question asked in a normal tone, however...

  Danger Sense skill increased to level fifty-five!

  Danger Sense skill increased to level fifty-six?!

  With a sudden attack of clarity, I understood that I would not be allowed to leave the negotiation chamber alive if I couldn’t make an agreement with the commander. And they’d be able to kill me again and again because my respawn point was on the spaceport grounds and the Geckho knew that perfectly well. Since landing, I had spent all my time on land under their control. Fortunately, I was not going to test Kung Waid Shishish’s patience and generosity even without those warnings:

  “Let this be my gift to the great Kung! Everything that strengthens the Geckho benefits my race, so I will do anything to help my suzerains in the difficult war with the Meleyephatians!”

  “You got that right, it is difficult...” the Commander of the Second Strike Fleet gave a heavy sigh and thought. But not long after he lit up: “Leng Gnat, it cannot be like that! Such a valuable gift demands equivalent gratitude on my part. Name your price!”

  “Well, if my Kung insists...”I pretended to think even though the answer was on the tip of my tongue before I even entered the room. “I request this valuable information be copied and sent to the Commander of the Miyelonian Fleet Leng Keetsie-Myau!”

  “I don’t get it. Why should I make a competitor stronger?” The fearsome fleet commander grew severe again and even squinted.

  I had to hurriedly explain my request before he flared up and said no:

  “My Kung, the thing is that this information was obtained by Miyelonians, or more accurately an embedded agent of theirs. To cover their tracks, the data drive was sent through a long chain of middle-men of all sorts of races and, at a certain point, I became one of them. However, realizing the true value of the data, I decided to send it not to the commander of the Miyelonians, but to my Kung. And now I’m seriously afraid of consequences because Truth Seeker Leng Keetsie-Myau is not the kind of player you can just fool unpunished. What’s more, the Miyelonians and Geckho are allies in this war, and helping your allies will be good for the Geckho. So that is precisely why I ask for this valuable data to be forwarded to Leng Keetsie-Myau and for you to say you got it from Gnat. That is plenty reward for me.”

  “So you’re sure the Miyelonians will repay you so generously that you won’t even need a reward from my race?!” I nearly went deaf when the Kung raised his voice.

  Danger Sense skill increased to level fifty-seven!

  To be honest, I didn’t understand what made the fearsome commander lose it this time. Either Kung Waid Shishish’s pride and ego were wounded by the fact that someone else was not bound by financial troubles and could possibly pay more than him. Or he simply didn’t like my game and felt I was playing them off each other. It was probably the latter, although I purposely answered as if it were the first:

  “My Kung, I never intended to wound the pride of the great Geckho race! It’s just that I already own a starship and know perfectly how much it costs to repair. So I’m afraid to even imagine how colossal your expenditures must be to repair the Second Strike Fleet after the bloody battles with the Meleyephatians. And that means it would be utterly improper for me to ask the Kung for a monetary reward. The Miyelonians on the other hand haven’t spent much on this war yet, so let them pay to repair the damage my frigate sustained in the landing!”

  Here I plucked the right strings in his soul, I could sense that right away. The huge problems involved in repairing his severely damaged fleet had the commander worried, as did a lack of financing. The fearsome commander, covered in thick dark fur, stopped baring his teeth and finally shifted from anger to sweetness:

  “Alright, have it your way, Leng Gnat! Especially because I already owe you one. Thanks to your timely warning, I managed to get half the garrison and two-thirds of the ships off the Un-Tesh base. So I’ll send that along to Keetsie and tell her you asked me to do it. By the way, the Great One, as the Miyelonians call her, became a Kung not long ago, much the same as me. They say she even has a decent chance of becoming leader of the Union of Prides. So your reward...” Kung Waid Shishish went silent midsentence, watching my anxious face with a smirk, “now that you’re a Leng and can have your own faction, is that the great Geckho race shall guarantee the absolute safety of one node of your choosing. Hell, make it three nodes! Anyone that attacks those nodes shall be an enemy of the Geckho and will be immediately destroyed!!! I’ve said all I have to say. Give the package to the Diplomat of my race, what’s his name, that young clever fellow. Tell him to find a way to get it to me as fast as possible. And tell him as soon as he’s done, I appoint him viceroy of the whole planet. As it is, with this space war I have no time to deal with the periphery myself.”

  * * *

  “Well, how do I look?” Minn-O La-Fin was for some reason very invested in that question.

  My wayedda, her lump gone without a trace, had changed out of her spacesuit and into a black and lilac dress of an unusual and I might even say old-fashioned cut with lots of skirts, lace sleeves and a high uncomfortable collar. And as far as I could tell, a Sio-Mi-Dori had been sent especially for that dress. One of the Dark Faction heavy assault antigravs quickly returned to the space port and a pilot girl with ash gray skin, bowing low at the waist to my wife, handed her a big packet of clothing.

  Before answering, I scanned my companion’s dress for any microphones or other surveillance equipment, as well as poison capsules or explosives. I remembered catching the Dark Faction red handed doing that before. Nevertheless, it was all clean.

  “Idiotic cut, this dress hides your fantastic young body and doesn’t work for you at all,” I preferred to tell the truth rather than flatter my wife. “You’d never wear something like that unless it was truly necessary. I guess it’s some kind of regalia to emphasize your status, right?”

  The Dark Faction Princess was not offended, in fact she smiled:

  “Exactly right, oh husband! This ancient style was laid out hundreds of years ago, and mine is in the coloring of a married woman of a ruling magical house. The shape of the collar indicates my status as an upper aristocrat, and lilac and black are the heraldic colors of the La-Fin dynasty.”

  “Oh my! I’ll remember that. Okay then, emphasizing your high status will be worth something in the upcoming negotiations. But I really hope your laws don’t require me to also change into something so pompous and uncomfortable.”

  “Oh they do,” my companion smiled, “but you’d never agree to wear all the colorful pantaloons, frilly blouses and long robes, so I didn’t even suggest it. What’s more, in your black space armor you look very respectable even with a broken arm.”

  I gave her a kiss on the cheek and looked at the time. There were four minutes left until the start of the peace negotiations with the Dark Faction. I brought Gerd Minn-O La-Fin and my business partner Uline Tar with me. I brought my junior wife as a specialist in the norms of the magocratic world,
a Princess of the ruling house of the First Directory and just as a translator of the language of her people. Uline then I needed as the owner of the starship, representative of the Geckho race and a member of the Tar-Layneh merchant dynasty to underline my profile among the suzerains of mankind. We had agreed to meet on the third floor of the dispatcher tower, then go down together into the restaurant.

  “For some reason Uline is late...” my wife was nervous, clearly counting the remaining minutes.

  “Our furry friend is dying patterns on her fur,” I whispered to Minn-O, “for Geckho ladies it’s basically like make-up. But the process of drawing the patterns is considered nearly intimate, only very close friends are allowed to help. So I’m just surprised Uline Tar entrusted that role to the Miyelonian Gerd Ayni. Ah, there is Uline now!”

  The captain’s assistant walked out of the elevator and, seeing Minn-O and I, came toward us in a quick pace.

  “Hrmph, I barely made it! By the way, there were three people in the elevator with me who had the same skin color as Minn-O. One of them was basically naked, the largest and most muscular. I presume those are the people we’ll be negotiating with?”

  Basically naked? Strange. Although Uline’s words were fully confirmed when we went a floor lower. There was a huge giant over six foot five with a shock of black hair and impressive muscles like a bodybuilder. He was wearing nothing but leather shorts with a wide belt which had empty holsters and knife sheathes on it. And good thing. Weaponry was not allowed at this meeting.

  Gerd Ui-Taka. Human. La-Fin Faction. Level-63 Strategist.

  Clearly, General Ui-Taka’s rescue raft had just reached the shore, because my counterpart hadn’t even found time to change clothes. Although it was also possible that Ui-Taka had purposely chosen this style of dress to display his power and unbridled strength. It really was impressive, what could I say...?


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