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Fake It

Page 15

by Alexis Winter

  “She is, Thor,” he jokes, using my nickname to give me a hard time. Because of my blond hair, blue eyes, Nordic accent, and imposing stature, I’ve come to accept the nickname “Thor” from my closest friends—but only a select few are allowed to use it.

  “Fine, loverboy, she’s in. Are you happy?”

  He laughs. “Thanks, man. You have no idea how happy that’ll make Alison. She’s worried about her little sister. Apparently, she’s the wild type. You may have to whip her into shape.”

  I scoff. “Great. Just what I don’t have time for: a college girl with a wild streak.”

  “Nah, Alison’s talked to her about it. She seems ready to take this on. I’m sure she’ll do fine, so don’t worry too much about it. At least we don’t have to pay them.”

  “Should I call and give her the good news, or does Alison want to do that?” I ask, closing the file and turning to face my computer to put her name into the system.

  “You can call her. I know the first person she’ll call is Alison, and I’m sure she’d like that better than hearing it from me. Thanks, man. I owe you one.”

  I laugh. “Ha! You owe me ten, and you’re going to have to hear me bitch when this girl doesn’t show up for work because she’s too hung over.”


  “I’ll talk to you later. Enjoy your vacation.”

  “Oh, I’m going to enjoy my vacation all right. I don’t plan on leaving our room for the rest of it.”

  I make a gagging sound. “Too much info, man.” Without another word, I hang up the phone and can nearly hear him laughing from here.

  I quickly glance at the time in the top right-hand corner of my computer screen and see it going on ten a.m. Picking up the phone, I call the number in the file.


  “Hello, is this Janelle Ryder?” I ask.

  “Yes, who is this?” It’s obvious she was asleep at ten a.m. on a Saturday—typical college student.

  “This is Griffin Karlsson with Castille Hotels. How are you doing this morning?”

  “Oh, um, I’m great, sir. How are you?” Her voice now sounds wide awake.

  I want to roll my eyes but refrain. “I’m doing very well, thank you. Listen, Janelle, I’m calling because you turned in an application for an internship here, and you’ve been selected for our ten-week program.”

  “Oh my God. Thank you so much! That’s amazing news. I’ve been on pins and needles waiting to hear if I got in or not.”

  “Congratulations! The internship starts next Monday at eight a.m. My assistant will send you an email with all of the information you’ll need, as well as the address.”

  “Of course. I’ll be there, Mr. Karlsson. Thank you so much for the call.”

  “Have a good day, Ms. Ryder,” I say before hanging up the phone. It then rings as soon as I put it down.

  “Hello?” I answer, thinking it may be Vince calling back because he realized he needed to torment me about something else.

  “Hi, Griffin,” Liz says on the other end.

  I let out a long breath and pinch the bridge of my nose. “How are you, Liz?” I don’t really care; I just ask to be polite.

  “I’m great. I was hoping we could meet up for lunch. Cameron said you didn’t have any meetings today and I was hoping we could get together.”

  Fucking Cameron. He’s a pain in the ass sometimes, even though I do consider him to be my best friend. Cameron and I are complete opposites though. He’s in his mid-thirties, but he still acts like he’s twenty-one and living off his dad’s money. He blows through women, money, and booze. I, however, have very little interest in any of that unless it’s a well-aged bourbon.

  “I wish I could, Liz, but I already have plans,” I lie, completely uninterested in spending any more time than I have to with that vile woman.

  Liz is someone Cameron set me up with. He’s always on my ass about dating, meeting new people, and going out. After months of listening to him go on and on about her, I gave in and accepted the date. But now I can’t get her to leave me alone. She’s nice enough to look at. She has a hard body with a big chest. She has money, so she’s always dressed well, with her hair and makeup always perfectly done, and she attends the same functions and knows the same people I do. But we have nothing in common. She was born into money. She’s never had to work a day in her life, and she does nothing but shop, party, and take lavish vacations. I, on the other hand, work every day of my life, never take time off, and only go to parties when it’s necessary for work. Nothing about us says “compatible.” I just have to get that through her head.

  “Darn it,” she says sadly. “Well, what about sometime next week?” I can hear the hope in her voice, and it causes my chest to hurt. I hate being unnecessarily mean, but fuck, how many times do I have to dodge her before she gets the hint?

  “I wish I could, Liz, but we’re bringing in our summer interns and I just won’t have the time. It’s like having a bunch of babies running around the office. I’m sorry, but I have an important call to take. Take care, Liz.” I hang up before she can even reply.

  I let out a long breath, wipe the sweat from my brow, and lean back in my desk chair, the leather creaking beneath my weight. My eyes immediately flash over to the drink cart in the corner, and my mouth waters for that smooth taste of expensive bourbon, but I know it’s far too early to indulge myself.

  I curse Cameron for introducing me to that woman. I know he’s my best friend and just trying to look out for me. He wants to see me out enjoying myself and settling down with a beautiful woman who makes me happy, but that’s not the future I see for myself. All the women I’ve met have only made me realize that they’re only interested in my money. They’re either looking to cash in and become someone on the social scale, or they have money themselves and are looking to further expand their reach in the upper-class world. I’m not in the habit of being used. I’d rather spend my life alone, focusing on my work. When a need arises, there are plenty of ways to get the release I crave. I go to a random club and pretend to be someone I’m not. If the women I’m hooking up with don’t know I’m loaded, then they don’t expect anything more than a quick fuck in the bathroom, the back seat of a car, or even the back alley. There’s no reason for me to settle down with anyone, and I’ve yet to meet a woman who’s been able to change my mind.

  My life is mine, and I prefer to keep it that way.

  My phone rings again, and when I answer it, Cameron’s on the other end. “What the fuck, man? Why are you blowing Liz off? She’s perfect for you.”

  I scoff. “What did she do? Come running to you the minute I declined her offer?” Annoyance pumps through my body and makes me grind my teeth, which only makes a sharp pain surge through my jaw.

  “She just mentioned that she was done trying with you—that you didn’t seem very interested. What’s up? She’s hot, rich, fun, and an easy lay: the perfect woman to get you out of your slump.”

  “I’m not in a slump,” I argue for what must be the thousandth time.

  “You haven’t been with anyone since Candice,” he points out.

  “I have so. Just because I don’t brag to you about my conquests doesn’t mean they don’t happen.”

  He laughs. “See how pathetic you’re sounding? You’re making stuff up just so I’ll back off,” he teases.

  “Damn it, Cameron. I’m not looking for a relationship, fling, or random hookup right now.”

  “There has to be more in your life than just work. Come out with me tonight.”

  “I’m too busy. I still have to pick eleven more interns for the internship that starts Monday.”

  “So just grab eleven names out of a hat and you’re done. You know as well as I do that it doesn’t matter which interns you pick. You’ll just bitch about them all anyway. I’m picking you up at eight. Be ready.” He hangs up the phone before I can argue any further.

  I drop the phone onto my desk and pick up the file of applicants once again, knowi
ng that he’s right. I hate doing this. I wasn’t lying when I said it was like having babies tear apart the office. They don’t know the first thing about advertising or being in an office setting. They’re used to sitting in a classroom. Every year, they come to me with the same tired advertising techniques they’ve picked up in class. Out of twelve applicants, there’s usually only one worth anything—two if I’m really lucky. But it’s my job to weed them out, and I do. I point out all their flaws and send them running back to their mommies with their tails between their legs. It’s my job to find out if they have what it takes—if they belong in this world.

  It takes me an hour before I settle and pick eleven more names. I spend the following hours making the calls and putting them all into our human resources database so they can pick up their name tags and security passes first thing Monday. By the time the day ends, I’m tired, annoyed, and ready for a drink. Guess it’s a good thing I didn’t turn down Cameron.

  We’re walking into an exclusive club minutes after he picks me up. We sit at a table in the corner, and I place my order: a medium-rare steak and bourbon on the rocks. Cameron orders the same thing, and after the waitress leaves, I sit back, looking over the place. I then realize that Cameron is looking my way, studying me.

  “I can’t figure you out, man. What happened?” he asks, stealing my attention away from people watching.

  “What do you mean?” I ask, picking up my glass the moment it’s set on the table.

  “We’ve known each other for years now; we went to college together. We always talked about being on top of the world—how’d we have everything we want in life—and now, all you care about is work. What gives?”

  I roll my eyes and sip my drink. “I’m just not interested in fucking random women.”

  “It feels like you’re not interested in any woman. Not since Candice.”

  “I’m not!” I feel my eyes go wide as my brows skyrocket. “Any woman I find is only looking for money or trying to make herself look more rich than she already is. I’m not losing half of everything I’ve worked for, and I’m sure as hell not going to be someone’s arm candy in front of their rich, better-than-thou friends.” I shake my head. “I’m just not into relationships anymore, okay?”

  He chuckles and shakes his head. “You’re going to end up all alone, my friend.”

  “Yeah, but I’ll have more money than God himself,” I joke, “while you’ll be stuck paying alimony and child support.”

  He holds up his glass. “To high expectations.” He offers up his shit-eating grin.

  I laugh and clank my glass off of his. “Here, here.”

  We both drink and sit back to relax.

  “Now, let’s pick the woman I’ll hopefully be going home with tonight,” Cameron says with a smirk.

  “Or, to make things more interesting, let’s take bets on which STD you’ll be catching tonight.”

  He grins. “Like I said…to high expectations!”

  I laugh and shake my head. At least he’s not picking one for me.



  Alexis Winter is a contemporary romance author who loves to share her steamy stories with the world. She specializes in billionaires, alpha males and the women they love.

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  If you love to curl up with a good romance book you will certainly enjoy her work. Whether it's a story about an innocent young woman learning about the world or a sassy and fierce heroin who knows what she wants you,'re sure to enjoy the happily ever afters she provides.

  When Alexis isn't writing away furiously, you can find her exploring the Rocky Mountains, traveling, enjoying a glass of wine or petting a cat.

  You can find her books on Amazon or at




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