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Alpha's Ultimatum

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by Charlee Garden

  Alpha’s Ultimatum

  Charlee Garden

  Copyright © 2019 by Charlee Garden

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

  To the best Nana to ever exist--I hope you enjoy reading this in Heaven with Aunt Colleen.

  I love you both infinity times infinity plus one.


  1. Liliana

  2. Sam

  3. Liliana

  4. Liliana

  5. Sam

  6. Liliana

  7. Sam

  8. Liliana

  9. Sam

  10. Liliana

  11. Liliana

  12. Sam

  13. Liliana

  14. Sam

  15. Liliana

  16. Sam

  17. Liliana

  18. Sam

  19. Liliana

  20. Sam

  21. Liliana

  22. Sam

  23. Liliana

  24. Sam

  25. Liliana

  26. Sam

  27. Liliana

  28. Sam

  29. Liliana

  30. Sam

  31. Liliana

  32. Sam

  33. Liliana

  34. Sam

  35. Liliana

  36. Sam

  37. Liliana

  38. Sam

  39. Liliana

  40. Sam

  41. Liliana

  42. Sam

  43. Liliana


  Author’s Note



  I sprinted up the street, glancing over my shoulder to make sure the road was clear before dashing across. My heart slammed in my chest dangerously as I tried--and failed--to keep my breathing level.

  My run was interrupted as my phone buzzed incessantly inside my fanny pack, “Hey, Luca. What’s up?” I answered my phone, my words coming out between gasps as I tried to catch my breath. I had only recently decided to take up running again and quickly realized that I was not in the same shape I was in when I ran track in high school.

  “Liliana,” My brother’s voice cracked at the end of my name before he went silent once more. Red flags waved in my mind as the feeling of trepidation began to settle in.

  “Luca... What’s wrong?”

  “It’s dad, Lil. He... He had a hea-” his voice broke once more before he continued speaking, “He had a heart attack. It—It’s not good. You need to come home.”

  The world felt like it was crashing down around me. Dad.

  My heart rate that had begun to slow while I stopped to answer my brother’s call now felt like it stopped in my chest—before breaking out into a sprint of its own. My eyes watered as I forced myself to speak through the knot that had formed in my throat, “I can be there in nine hours. How’s mom? Is there any news?”

  I began running once more, pushing through the stitch in my side as I raced toward my apartment. I lived in Chicago--the west loop to be precise. My family lived in Knoxville, Tennessee. It was an eight hour drive on a good day and at five pm on a Tuesday? Rush hour was in full swing and heading south out of the city was going to take forever.

  “Mom is a mess. The doctor that spoke with us said his heart stopped. They resuscitated him but it’s still touch and go. Just get here, Lil, as fast as you can.”

  My breaths were nothing more than shallow gasps of air as I made my way back to my apartment, “Nine hours. Less if I can make it happen.”

  “Alright. Be safe,” he sniffed, the sound like a knife to my chest, “I love you, sis.”

  “I love you, too. I’ll see you soon, baby brother. Keep me updated.”

  His goodbye came out as a soft whisper before he hung up. I shoved all panic down as I continued my mad dash. I couldn’t fall apart. I needed to keep it together. I needed to get there. I needed to be there—for my little brother and my mom.

  Dad. Tears started to stream down my face as I started whispering to myself, “No. Stop it. Hold it together. Not right now Liliana. Later.”

  I couldn’t fall apart. I just couldn’t.

  Skidding to a stop, I shoved my key into the door to my apartment building. The door heaved open with a shove and I ran towards the stairs--not even bothering with the dilapidated elevator that was the shining star of our rundown lobby. I made it to the third floor faster than I ever had and unlocked my apartment before rushing in.

  “What the fuck, Lil?” Tessa, my roommate and best friend, yelled as I nearly bowled her over in my haste.

  “Sorry,” I blurted out before running to my room. I flung the door open, disrupting my cat--a Russian Blue named Eleanor. She shot off the bed with a sassy twittering noise as I ignored her and ran to my closet. Within seconds my suitcase lay open on my bed as I quickly stuffed it full of whatever clothes I happened to grab from my drawers and closet first. I didn’t give a shit what I brought. I just needed to go.

  “Dude, what the hell is going on? Cops after you? Hitman? Loan shark?” Tessa’s voice projected from the kitchen, full of mirth. She walked into my room and looked at my frazzled state before growing serious, “Whoa. Seriously, Liliana. What happened?”

  I tried, and failed, to keep my voice even as I spoke, “Luca called. My dad had a heart attack and... It’s not looking good. I have to hurry. Can you take care of Eleanor? I don’t know how long I’ll be gone but if it’s too long I’ll come back for her.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Just go and be safe. School is out in three days. I can meet you in Knoxville Saturday.”

  That was what I loved about Tessa. She didn’t ask if I need anything or if I wanted her to be there for me. It was just an automatic thing with her.

  I burst into tears at the sentiment and after a long hug from my bestie, she pulled away, “Get it together, babe. I know it’s hard but you have to. It’s not safe to drive like this. Go splash some water on your face and bottled it up. Don’t let that seal open up until you walk into that hospital.”

  I felt a cold tingle run up my body at her words before a blaze of heat engulfed me. The sensation ended so quickly I found myself questioning if I had even felt it at all.

  I straightened my spine, my resolve strengthening as I wiped my face on my sleeve, “You’re right.” I went to the bathroom and washed my face, finding myself oddly emotionless all of a sudden. It was a strange feeling. I knew I should have been mid meltdown still but I felt.. Okay. Not good but okay.

  By the time I returned to my room, only a few minutes had passed but Tess had managed to finish packing my clothes. She was already rolling the suitcase toward the front door, my car keys in her hand, “Drive safe, pay attention to the road, and text me when you get there so I know you’re safe. I’ll be there Saturday but, if you need me sooner, just call. I can get a sub for the last couple days. I haven’t missed a day of school all year.” I nodded, though I knew I’d never ask her to leave school early. Her job was important to her and, as much as I would have loved to have my bestie by my side, I would never do that.

  “I will. Love you, Tess.”

  “Love you, bitch. Now go and be careful.”

  I nodded and hugged her once more before making my way to the parking garage across from our building. I felt like I was on autopilot as I unlocked my forest green SUV and loaded up my luggage. I climbed into the driver’s seat and pulled out of my parking space--ready to start what would no doubt feel like the longest drive of my life.



weat drenched my back, my t-shirt sticking to my skin as I climbed out of my truck. Work had been pure hell. Most days I got to sit in my nice cool office handling shipping paperwork and scheduling--but today wasn’t most days. The air conditioning had gone out in the warehouse and then two of my guys called off on a day where we had five trucks to unload and break down.

  The eighty-degree weather had felt blistering on the dock with no air flow to cool it down any. I was completely over it by the time I pulled into my driveway. I just wanted to shower and nap.

  Of course, all of that came to a screeching halt when I opened the front door to my house and found my very naked ex-fuck buddy laying on my couch.

  “Chelsea! What the fuck?” I shouted, “How did you even get in here?”

  She rolled her eyes and stood, sashaying over to me in what was no doubt her idea of seduction, “You showed me where you keep your spare, Sammy.”

  “Stop calling me that,” I snapped, “Get dressed and get out. I already told you we’re done. This stalker shit isn’t cute.”

  “Stalker?” she all but screeched, “I’m here offering myself to you and you call me a fucking stalker?”

  “Did you or did you not enter my home without being invited after I have been telling you for weeks that it’s over? I’m just calling it like I see it,” I said, “Now leave.”

  “You’re such a dick,” she spat as she pulled her sundress over her head.

  I didn’t respond as I walked back to my front door and held it open for her, motioning her through, “Good-bye.”

  She flipped me off as she left. I really didn’t know what to do about the woman. One minute she hated my guts and the next she was trying to crawl back into my bed. It’d started off as a hate-fuck which I was cool with but then she started trying to stay the night and cook for me--I didn’t need that shit.

  I’d already had someone I loved, and I lost her. I was done with love. It was overrated and it fucking hurt.

  I followed Chelsea out onto the porch and snagged my spare key from on top of the door jamb before returning inside and locking the door.

  I took an unnecessarily long shower to destress from my day. Between the hell that was work and the shit show that was Chelsea, I needed to relax.

  After my shower, I climbed into my bed for a nap. Hopefully once I woke up, everything would improve.

  Newsflash: It didn’t.

  I woke up to my phone ringing. With a yawn I answered, “Hello?”

  “Sam? It’s Luca.”

  “Hey bro, what’s up?” I asked, frowning at the tone of his voice. He sounded upset. To most people, getting a call from their ex’s little brother would have seemed weird but Luca and I had remained pretty tight--if we didn’t talk about his sister.

  “My dad had a heart attack. I tried calling Aiden to let him know but he didn’t answer. We’re at Knoxville General.”

  “I’ll be right there. How’re you and your mom? Do you need anything? Is she on her way back home?”

  “No, we don’t need anything. Just answers. They aren’t telling us anything. Lily should be here in another five or six hours. Are you guys going to be okay seeing each other?”

  “Don’t worry about it. Worry about your dad. I’ll be there in twenty.”

  “Alright. See you soon, man.”

  I dressed quickly and all but flew down the stairs, tugging my shoes on as I hopped toward my truck.

  I had grown up with the Moretti family. My dad, Aiden, and Luca’s dad had been best friends since high school. I couldn’t believe he was in the hospital.

  My thoughts shot from Mr. and Mrs. Moretti to Luca, and then to Lily--they always circled back to her.

  I sped to the hospital, whipping into the first available parking spot I saw, and jumped out. I stopped at the information desk and was directed to the cardiac wing. I found Luca and his mom in the waiting room.

  “Luca, Mrs. M,” I said as I entered the room. I pulled Luca into a bro hug before hugging the woman tightly. Bianca Moretti was nothing short of a saint. She was the mom everyone wanted--she baked, she coached just about every sport her kids played, she even designed costumes for school plays. She always looked put together and ready to take on the world. Now mascara ran down her cheeks as she sobbed. I held her in silence as she cried. I had no words of comfort to offer--only my presence.

  After Bianca had calmed, I sat down with them. We chatted here and there but mostly we waited for something--anything.

  The doctor came in nearly four hours later with an update. I stepped into the hall to give them a moment of privacy, though my wolf hearing picked up everything.

  I returned and we sat in silence once more as we waited until we’d be able to see Mr. Moretti.

  Another hour passed before a nurse came to escort us to Alessandro’s room. Bianca and Luca both start sobbing as soon as they entered, seeing the tubes and iv lines littering his body for the first time.

  I comforted the pair as best I could while we sat at his bedside and waited for him to awaken.

  Another couple of hours passed before Luca’s phone chimed. He ignored it for a few minutes until I pointed it out, “Hey man. You should check your texts. It could be Lily.”

  “Text?” he repeated incredulously, his stare partially vacant as he glanced at his phone.

  “It was Lily. She said she’s here. I’ll go get her.”

  I nodded, and stayed with Bianca--not really looking forward to an awkward reunion with my ex. A couple moments passed before she spoke, “You should go down there too. You know how she gets. Luca won’t know how to handle her like you do Sam.”

  I murmured in agreement and stood, “I’ll be back, Mrs. M.”

  She waved me away and closed her eyes, leaning back in the chair. Seeing her like that, I felt a deep sadness. I couldn’t imagine sitting in a hospital for hours on end wondering if the person you loved was going to die. How fucking horrible.



  I made it to Knoxville in record time--seven hours and thirty-nine minutes to be precise. I broke way too many laws, but I had finally made it. Desperate times and all that. Thankfully there hadn’t been many other cars on the road after I passed Indianapolis--or cop cars.

  I pulled into the parking garage of Knoxville General and careened into the nearest available spot. I was out of my car in seconds and rushing toward the entrance, texting my brother on the way. I felt kind of numb inside really, but the sense of urgency never left even as all my other feelings had seemingly fled my body.

  The glass doors that lead into the hospital automatically slid open--slowly--as I anxiously tapped my foot. As soon as the door opened far enough for me to fit through, I pushed my way into the sterile lobby. The walls were white, gray tiles lining the floor.

  I squinted against the harsh light as I headed straight for the information desk, “I’m here to see my father, Alessandro Moretti.” The woman working the front desk nodded and began typing on her keyboard. The clacking of the keys made my fingers twitch. It disrupted the fragile calm that had settled over me when I spoke to Tessa. Each time she slammed on a key, I felt some of my calm escape me. The weird hot and cold sensations that had alternated keeping me company on my ride over were gone now. The cork was coming out of the bottle and I was about to lose my shit.

  “What the hell are you typing? My dad’s name isn’t that long!” I snapped.

  The woman paused her typing, looking up at me over half-rimmed wire frames, “Ma’am, my job isn’t as simple as just typing in patients’ names.” I looked her over as she spoke. She was an older woman, maybe late fifties, with a short silver pixie cut surrounding her face. She didn’t speak harshly to me per se, but she gave off a no-nonsense vibe that I had to respect.

  “I’m sorry ma’am. I’m just worried about my dad.” I said, lowering my eyes in embarrassment for my rude behavior.

  She nodded and her fingers went back to the keys as I tried my best to shove my feelings back into the
bottle. It wasn’t working though. It was like the panic knew what I was trying to do and had grown smarter than me. It refused to be stuffed and corked away with no chance of escape.

  “Liliana,” Luca’s voice rang out from behind me as I whipped around to see my brother hurrying to me. Every part of me wanted to run to him and hug him but I couldn’t move. As soon as I saw the distress on his face, I started to tremble. My whole body shook as my breathing turned ragged. My vision blurred at the edges as my brother drew closer, “Lil?” I couldn’t speak. My throat all but seized up as I shook. I hadn’t had an anxiety attack in ages and, while I knew that was what this had to be, I had no control over it. In fact, I couldn’t remember my attacks ever being this intense.

  The woman working behind the desk placed a call for help that I vaguely registered as the world around me dimmed. Just focus on your breathing. I tried to coach myself through the panic, but it was hopeless. My breaths grew shorter and shorter as the shaking grew. Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I gasped. What if my dad died? Why did I go away to school? If I hadn’t gone--if I had stayed home--would things have been different?

  Doubt worked its way into my brain so strongly that I couldn’t help but believe them. My fault. Everything is always my fault.


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