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A Love Like Nun Other (Game Winner Book 1)

Page 3

by Angela Nicole

  Oh God, no. He can’t see me like this, but he already has, and now I have no place to run.


  “Um hi, what are you doing here?” I blurt out, sounding put-out.

  I cringe on the inside, knowing I’m just surprised to see him.

  “I’m so sorry, that was rude of me. Are you here for lunch?”

  “Brenda invited us to meet her for lunch. She didn’t mention you’d be here though,” Leo says it as a question to Chris.

  “Here let me take that tray.”

  Leo takes the tray and places it on the only table with four chairs.

  “I’m confused. When did you talk to Brenda?” I ask Chris.

  “Well, funny story. I ran into her and some guy named Ricky at a bar in Tampa two nights ago. When Ricky went to the bathroom, she invited Cam and me here for lunch. By the way, that Ricky guy is a dick.”

  I laugh at this bluntness. “Yeah, he isn’t very good for Brenda, but she won’t listen to me.”

  “Do you work here too, in addition to the hospital?” Leo asks.

  Suddenly, my parents come out from the back, ready to head out the door.

  “Bambina? Are you OK?” Papa asks.

  “Yes, Papa. These are two of my, um, friends.”

  “Sir it’s nice to meet you. I’m Leo, and this is Chris.” Leo extends his hand to my father, who looks at him, then down at his hand, finally shaking it.

  “Vito Varsalona, Sophia’s father. And this is Carla, her mother.”

  My mother appears quickly at his side. Papa sizes them up while they woo my mother.

  I can’t freaking believe this. Leo is here in my parent’s deli. I’m wearing an apron, and I have flour in my hair.

  Then, I look over Leo’s shoulder, suddenly remembering the photo Papa has proudly displayed on the wall. It’s of me in front of the convent, though you can’t tell I’m a nun in the picture. Well, except that I’m standing next to Sister Agnes, who is in a full traditional habit and I have a cross around my neck. Not just a little cross but a big heavy-duty one. Yeah, the kind nuns wear.

  “Shit!” I blurt out.

  “Sophia Marie Varsalona!” Papa yells.

  “Sorry, Papa.” The embarrassment is real.

  This day can’t get any worse.

  Leo looks confused as to why I’m being reprimanded. I would be confused too, if I didn’t know how traditional my Italian father is.

  The bell on the door rings again. This time, it’s my ex-friend, Brenda, because when I get a hold of her, I’m going to kill her, for sure.

  “Hi, Vito. Hi, Carla,” she says, like Chris and Leo aren’t standing in the room.

  “Brenda,” Papa says with a nod.

  Chris clears his throat and Leo gives him the same dirty look I’m about to give Brenda. Apparently, Leo didn’t know anything about this little setup, but from the looks Brenda and Chris are giving each other, they must’ve been in on it together.

  “Well, I guess we’ll leave the four of you to have lunch,” my mom says.

  My father looks suspicious, but my mom seems pretty pleased.

  They both kiss me goodbye as Leo looks on.

  I need to talk to Brenda in private, so I can find out what the heck is going on.

  “Why don’t you and Chris sit over there.” I point to the table facing away from the picture. “Brenda, why don’t you come and help me get some more food since we have guests.”

  She’s skating on thin ice, and she knows it. Chris snickers because he knows it too.

  “Hey, we can go. It’s obvious you weren’t expecting us,” Leo says.

  I don’t want him to leave, but I’m not sure how to handle this.

  “No, we have plenty of food. Just have a seat. We’ll be right back.”

  I grab Brenda by the arm and pull her into the kitchen. I want to know what the hell she thinks she’s doing.

  “Ow, Sophia. You’re digging your nails into me. I know you’re pissed but damn, that hurts,” she gripes looking down at her arm.

  I ease my grip on her a little, but I don’t let go.

  “I ran into Chris the other night,” she starts to explain the minute the kitchen door swings shut. “He mentioned how Leo was really into you. So, I may have let it slip that you liked Leo too. I knew you and I were having lunch today and when I told Chris, he thought it’d be a good idea to set you two up.”

  “I can’t believe you, Brenda. Look at me. I’m covered in flour, my hair’s a mess, and for God’s sake, there’s a picture of me in front of the convent.”

  Brenda shrugs. “You’re still hot though.”

  Gotta hand it to her, the girl can make me laugh, even when I’m mad at her.

  I stick my finger out at her. “I’m not done with you yet. But I can’t stay out here for too long. I don’t want Leo to see the picture.”

  It’s not that I’m ashamed of my time as a nun, but a guy like Leo? Well, I don’t think he’d be interested if he knew about my past.

  I gather more meatballs, another two salads, and this time, I bring out a bowl of garlic rolls.

  Not sure what hot soccer players eat, but I want to be prepared.

  The minute Brenda and I enter the dining area of the deli, my heart sinks. Leo is looking at the photo.


  To say I was shocked to see Sophia when I walked into the Italian deli would be an understatement.

  Chris never told me we were meeting her too. But now that I’m here, I can’t take my eyes off her. She looks just as good with an apron on as she does in her scrubs.

  We can hear mumbling coming from what I assume is the kitchen.

  “You and I are going to talk about this little stunt, asshole,” I say to a smirking Chris.

  “Hey, I’m doing you a favor, Cam. One day, you’ll thank me for this.”

  “Sure,” I say skeptically.

  Looking around the deli, I notice pictures on the walls. Some seem very old, maybe from Italy, while some are more recent. There are several photos of what appear to be Sophia as a young girl.

  From what I can tell, family is very important to the Varsalonas.

  My focus shifts to a particular photo of Sophia. It looks to be recent, maybe three or four years old. Sophia is posing with a nun in front of what appears to be a convent.

  Sophia must be very religious because she’s wearing a rather large cross necklace. If she’s as religious as she looks in the picture, chances are, she probably won’t be interested in a guy like me. To say I’ve been around the block is being kind.

  While my family is Catholic, I would call them less than active in the church. I went to public school, but some of my cousins were sent to St. George’s Catholic Elementary School as children.

  As I study the picture, Sophia and Brenda come back with another tray full of food.

  “I hope you’re hungry,” Brenda says while looking at Chris.

  Oh brother.

  These two are made for each other, I can tell already.

  Sophia looks at me and almost drops the tray of food, but she quickly recovers. She’s either pissed or nervous. Regardless, I need to make sure she’s alright with us being here. The last thing I want to do is make her uncomfortable.

  “Sophia, can I talk to you before we sit down to eat?”

  I cringe when she looks at me. The expression on her face is one of apprehension, but she agrees and leads me back to where she and Brenda just came from.

  The kitchen is spotless even though she is covered in flour. My heart beats faster, picturing her in my kitchen. Not because that’s where I think women belong but because she looks so damn sexy right now.

  “I can explain,” Sophia starts as she turns to meet my gaze.

  “You don’t have to explain anything, Sophia,” I say, somewhat annoyed she thinks she’s at fault here.

  “No, please, Leo. I need to explain why I became a nun.”

  Wait what?

  “You’re, um, a nun?” My voice
doesn’t hide my shock.

  “Isn’t that what you wanted to talk to me about?” she asks, confused. “You were looking at the picture on the wall.”

  “Are you a nun?” I ask again, not bothering to answer her question.

  She shakes her head. “No, not anymore. I’ve been out of the convent for a year now. Leo, I thought when you asked to talk to me, you wanted an explanation about the photo on the wall. Oh my God. I’m so embarrassed.”

  Sophia bolts out of the kitchen. I chase after her, but she doesn’t stop. She runs right past Brenda and Chris, out to the patio area.

  “Sophia, wait, please.”


  I want to crawl under a rock, but I can’t find one big enough in the parking lot.

  Leo follows me out, calling my name.

  “Sophia, please. Just talk to me.”

  I stop, but don’t face him. Besides, I can’t go far because I haven’t closed up the deli.

  Leo is behind me, but I’m afraid to turn around.

  “Sophia, please. If you want me to go, I will, but I’d rather stay and talk. I want to be your friend at least, maybe.”

  At least? Why is he so sweet?

  “A hot soccer player and a former nun as friends, huh?” I laugh.

  Leo moves to face me. My body reacts to his in a way I never thought possible. Something low in my belly tightens. I like it.

  Leo tilts my face up to his. “You think I’m hot?”

  Wait. Did I say that?


  I love the way he says my name.

  “OK, sure. I think you’re hot, but it doesn’t matter, Leo.”

  “Why doesn’t it matter? Are you saying it doesn’t matter if I think you’re hot too?”


  “I mean, Sophia, look at you. You’re a beautiful woman. One I’m hoping to get to know better,” he says with a sexy smile.

  “Really?” I squeak out.

  He moves closer to me, and my heart rate speeds up. I remind myself to breathe so I don’t pass out.

  “Really, Sophia. I won’t lie. I’m a little intimidated to take a smoking hot nurse out,” he says with a laugh. “But if you’ll let me, I’d like to take you to dinner and learn more about you.”

  I don’t know why he’s ignoring my past, but he doesn’t seem to be bothered by it. At least, not yet.

  Oh, God. Oh shit. Oh my. A date? I’ve never really been out on one before.

  Leo notices my apprehension. “If you’d rather not, I’ll understand.”

  I give myself a quick pep talk. I’m twenty-seven years old. This is something I need to do, something I want to do.

  I shake my head. “I really would like to go out with you, Leo. Dinner sounds nice.”

  Leo smiles. “That’s great. How does Friday night sound?”

  “I work the night shift at the hospital, but I’m off next Saturday.”

  “Perfect. It’s a date.”

  “A date,” I respond with a nod.


  “Coach called me today,” I inform Chris.

  My buddy eyes me suspiciously. “What’d he want?”

  “He just wanted to check in and see how my foot is feeling. I think he’s nervous I won’t be able to play.”

  “How do you feel about it?” he asks me.

  “It still hurts a bit, but it’s only been a month.”

  It’s been a long month too.

  I’m picking Sophia up for our date tonight.

  Ever since she told me she used to be a nun, I’ve been a little anxious about what to do on the date. But that anxiety is never enough to keep me away.

  Chris hasn’t said much to me about Sophia, except that Brenda told him she went into the convent to please her father but decided it wasn’t something she could do for the rest of her life. She wanted more.

  Chris and I talked about how he’s worried about how different our past experiences have been.

  I know he’s trying to caution me about getting too involved with Sophia. But I have a feeling he’s worried about the wrong person getting hurt.

  “So, what time are you picking Sophia up?”

  “Six. I’m taking her to the new steakhouse on the causeway.”

  Chris makes a kissy face. “So romantic. The sunset, the food, drinks, a manwhore, and a former nun. Wish I was a fly on the wall for this date.”

  I punch him in the shoulder and he winces. “OK, first, you’re the manwhore, not me, At least, not lately. Second, she isn’t a nun anymore. She’s a sexy woman I want to get to know better.”

  Chris rubs the area where I punched him. Pussy.

  “Just be careful. She’s a nice person, don’t fuck it up.”

  His concern is nice but I’m sure somewhat self-serving. “This isn’t because you have a thing for her friend, is it?”

  “Doesn’t matter. She has a fuck buddy and apparently that’s all she’s looking for.”

  This is an interesting turn of events, for sure. Chris is usually the fuck buddy, not the one left out of the picture.

  “Give it time, Chris. Maybe Brenda will get tired of this guy.”

  He shrugs it off. “Doesn’t matter. I’m seeing Cheyenne tonight.”

  Oh God. Cheyenne is a soccer groupie. There are women who follow professional soccer players, just like puck bunnies who follow hockey players. Women like Cheyenne want to be in the spotlight that comes with professional sports. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my share of the Cheyenne’s of the world, but somehow now, the thought of being with someone I don’t have feelings for turns my stomach.

  “Cheyenne, huh?”

  “Don’t give me any shit just because you have a date with a nice girl.”

  Yeah, Sophia is a nice girl. This is a new thing for me. It’s been a long time since I took someone out who wasn’t after me because I’m a soccer player. And she isn’t after me at all, but the other way around.

  I pat Chris on the back. “Just be careful. If you’re really interested in Brenda, then you don’t fuck it up with someone like Cheyenne.”

  I may sound like a dick, but Cheyenne doesn’t care about Chris. She doesn’t care about anyone but herself. She certainly proved that by throwing herself at two of our teammates who are married.

  Three hours later, I’ve showered, shaved, primped, and polished. I thought we’d check out the new steakhouse in Dunedin. Although my favorite type of food is Italian, I’m pretty sure any Italian restaurant I took her to would pale in comparison to her parents’ cooking. So, Bennett’s Steakhouse it is.

  Sophia’s townhouse is only ten minutes from my place. Chris and I share a small two-bedroom beach cottage, between the beach and the beach road. Really, it’s on a sandy lane. The area is old-time Florida, but it’s perfect for us.

  As I pull up to Sophia’s home, I begin to sweat. I’m not sure why I’m so nervous. Sure, Sophia is beautiful—she’s a natural beauty—but I think her lack of experience with men is what’s freaking me out right now. Actually, I’m making an assumption she doesn’t have a lot of dating experience. Thoughts of Sophia being a virgin play on my mind. It doesn’t matter to me whether she is or isn’t. But if she is, I just need to take things a lot slower than I usually do. I should probably just shut up right now.


  I can’t believe this. My first real date and it’s with a guy like Leo. I’m so nervous my stomach is churning. I’ve replayed this night several times over the last year since I left the convent. A guy would pick me up for a nice dinner, maybe dancing after. He’d bring me home, walk me to the door, and then kiss me goodnight.

  The problem with that little fantasy is I’m not sure it’ll be enough for Leo. And that scares me. A guy like him…with dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and a hard body, I’m sure women throw themselves at his feet. Heck, I’d probably do it too if I weren’t so socially inexperienced.

  I glance at myself in the mirror. Ugh! My jet-black hair is unruly in this Florida humidity. It makes
me look like I have three times as much hair as I do. I pull my locks into a low ponytail in order to tame it.

  My makeup though looks pretty great though. Brenda gave me some pointers on how to apply it so I don’t look like I’m trying too hard. The last thing I want to do is look like a hooker in front of Leo.

  The outfit Brenda picked is a sleeveless navy-blue dress, which comes to just above my knees. I’m wearing gold wedge sandals that give my short five-foot-two frame a lift.

  Brenda wanted to stay with me to see me off, but I forced her out the door. She was making me more nervous than I already was, spending an hour trying to give me advice on what is sure to be a quick evening. Once Leo sees me for the socially awkward virgin I am, I’m sure he’ll suddenly announce he forgot something or he has a headache. He’ll inevitably end the evening early, but I’m not going to cancel. I need this. This is good practice, I say to myself.

  I’m checking myself in my mirror for the hundredth time when I hear a knock at my door. Instantly, I want to run into the bathroom and hide, but I don’t. Somehow, courage I didn’t know I had propels me to answer the door.

  If I thought I was sweating before I saw Leo, wow. My body is on fire…like one big hot flash the second my eyes meet his.

  “Hi, Sophia,” I think I hear. I’m not sure because my ears are ringing.

  Leo is standing before me; I can’t take my eyes off him. In fact, my gaze travels over his body and he knows it.

  “Um hi,” I manage to squeak out.

  “These are for you,” he says as he hands me a bouquet of beautiful pink and white flowers.

  As I take them, my hand brushes his and it’s as if my body is awakened for the first time. I pull away quickly so I don’t get burned.

  “Thank you. These are so pretty. Please come in while I put them in some water.” I step aside, willing my body to put one foot in front of the other.

  “You look beautiful tonight, Sophia.”

  Other than my parents, no one has ever said that to me before. It’s almost surreal.


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