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Fang Brotherhood: A Gay MM Vampire Romance

Page 4

by Love, Clake

  Matthew snuffed at the skin and forced his fangs to retract. “Can’t,” he said, and turned his face away. He was tempted to, of course, and he wanted Sam’s blood ever since he got his first taste of it. Sam’s pulse drummed underneath his ears. His heartbeat was erratic, excited.

  “Not enough to turn me,” said Sam. “Just until you get your strength back. Just enough to heal. Come on, you’ve done it before right?”

  Matthew wanted to laugh. He’d done it the first time because Sam annoyed him.

  Sam cradled his face, his thumbs rubbing underneath Matthew’s eyelids. Matthew didn’t want to hurt him; he never had. “So how do we do this?” asked Sam. “Do I just sit here? Do I stand? Tell me.”

  He lifted Matthew’s upper lip with a finger, searching for his fangs. Matthew pulled his face away, embarrassed to show him, and curled his fingers into Sam’s hair. “You’re going to regret this,” he said. Sam’s reassuring smile warmed something within Matthew. Matthew ignored the hand that settled delicately over the small of his back, soothing circles up his spine.

  Matthew sniffed and tugged at Sam’s collar, ruining the fabric as he stretched it down to a thick shoulder. Then he helped himself and sank his teeth, and Sam’s cry of surprise was music to his ears. His blood tasted even better now, heady, and rich, and Matthew drank it in greedy mouthfuls, moaning as it filled him with renewed health. Sam’s fingers twitched against his back until he pulled Matthew off with surprising strength.

  “That hurt more than last time,” he said. “Are you feeling much better now?”

  Matthew rolled them over so that he was straddling Sam’s hips, leaning over him, and panting. His mouth was wet with Sam’s blood. He lowered his head to the punctures on Sam’s neck and traced the column of Sam’s throat with his tongue.

  “Easy,” whispered Sam, shuddering. “ Easy. ”

  “You’re hard,” Matthew noted with some confusion. He’d sat down on Sam’s lap when he felt something rise up in interest. Squirming, he shifted around, and realized with horror what it was he felt burning a hole against his inner thigh.

  “I uh, I was going to ask if that was normal,” Sam said, sitting up. He wobbled a little, dizzy. “I’m guessing from your reaction, probably not.”

  Matthew raised an eyebrow. He touched his shoulder, popping it into place as he eyed the wound that was slowly beginning to close. Sam’s erection didn’t go away, even seconds later when Matthew had licked his teeth and fingers clean, but then again Matthew made no move to leave his lap either so that probably had something to do with it.

  Sam flushed an attractive shade of red. Matthew had torn half of his shirt but Sam didn’t seem fussed about it.

  Sam had nice collarbones and taut delectable skin. Matthew slid closer and laid his hand across Sam’s chest, over his beating heart. “You’re nervous,” he said.

  “More embarrassed than nervous really,” laughed Sam weakly. He tried shifting his hips but Matthew stayed where he was, pressed snug against Sam’s hot dick and squirming in his lap.

  “Do you want to fuck me?”

  “ Oh god ,” said Sam and groaned into his palm.

  Matthew rubbed against him a little, relishing Sam’s low moan of shame and embarrassment. Sam squeezed Matthew’s hips and hissed. “I would fuck you,” he said, whispering it like a dangerous threat to Matthew’s ear. He pressed his temple to Matthew’s shoulder, sagging in defeat. “But my shift starts in an hour and I’m still a little woozy from the blood loss.”

  Matthew laughed, despite his disappointment. “I can only have sex after I’ve fed.”

  “No exceptions?”

  Matthew shrugged and rolled off of him, laying on the other side of the bed and yawning. “No exceptions,” he said.

  “Shit,” said Sam. “Well, that’s disappointing.” He drummed his fingers against his stomach before laying on his side and sliding his hand underneath Matthew’s shirt, taking Matthew by surprise.

  “You feel warm,” Sam whispered, running his fingers up Matthew’s ribs, tracing the ridges. “That’s new.”

  “I’m not going to stay this way very long, though. An hour at the most.”

  Sam nodded. “But do you want me to?”


  Sam’s thumb swept even higher, circling Matthew’s nipple before squeezing gently. Matthew held off the moan he felt bubbling up his throat. Sam let go of him after without much fanfare, his weight thudding the mattress. “Do you want me to?” he asked again after some time. He slid on top of Matthew gingerly, pressing his knee between Matthew’s thighs. His mouth hovered dangerously close. He was testing the waters, egging Matthew on, ascertaining his boundaries.

  “I think I’ve changed my mind,” said Matthew, pressing his lips shut. “Might not be worth it after all.”

  Sam’s eyes crinkled at the edges. “Yeah,” he agreed, and blew hot breath across Matthew’s neck. Matthew felt his shiver all the way down his toes. “I think I’ve changed my mind too. You don’t seem very nice and you’re more trouble than you’re worth. Maybe some other time. Maybe even never.”

  As if to exacerbate the point, Sam’s mobile beeped on the nightstand. “You should probably get that,” said Matthew, not blinking.

  Sam didn’t blink either, and then he did, and that seemed to upset the moment. Sam tumbled off him, grabbing the mobile with more violence than it deserved. “It’s my attending. I’m needed at the hospital.” He glanced up uncertainly. “You’ll be all right here?”

  “As long as your brother doesn’t pay me a visit,” snorted Matthew, sitting up quickly.

  “He won’t,” Sam promised. “But I’ll probably have to talk to him soon.”

  He stepped out to grab some things from the room across the hall.

  “Sam,” Matthew called out.

  Sam returned a second later, hopping from one foot to another. “Yep?” he said.

  “Thanks,” Matthew told him.

  It took Sam a second to respond. “For what?”

  Matthew shrugged. He blushed, looked away, rubbed at his thigh. “Nothing,” he said.

  When he looked up, Sam was smiling.


  When Sam returned after his shift, Matthew was half-asleep. He felt acutely aware of the warmth beside him as Sam wormed his way under the covers and shivered as their skins touched. Sam put a heavy arm across Matthew’s waist, on top of the covers, resting his forehead against Matthew’s back. He was unusually warm that morning. The heat radiated from his body to Matthew’s and he could have purred like a cat basking in the sunlight.

  Matthew had changed the bed sheets but the smell of Sam’s blood still lingered in the air, strong and ever present, over his skin, the entire room, in his mouth. Matthew wasn’t really hungry anymore but the mere scent of fresh blood triggered a sense memory, filling him with excitement. It made him restless. And for a while after Sam had left, painfully hard.

  “You’re taking liberties,” he whispered as Sam dragged his mouth lazily over Matthew’s healed shoulder blade and dotted a soft kiss there. Sam’s warm lips burned against the cool skin and Matthew sighed at the sensation of the heat that he was almost certain had left a mark on him. “I’ve been thinking of you all day,” he confessed, surprising Matthew with his boldness. “It’s strange, but I feel a little drunk.”

  Oh, no . Matthew turned to face him. “What else?”

  Sam laughed and rubbed at his eyes. “I don’t know. My eyes are burning up a little. Fever?” He sat up unsteadily. “I’ll be fine. I’ll pop a paracetamol and feel as good as new. I’ll leave you alone if you want.” He lifted the edge of the bed sheet, sliding out. His skin was smooth and his muscles rippled under his skin. Matthew looked on appreciatively before stretching his limbs like a cat.

  “What time is it?” Matthew asked.

  “Six forty in the morning.” Sam consulted his mobile. “Why?”

  “You’re home early.”

  “Keeping tabs on me?” Sam y
awned. His shirt lifted as he stretched exposing a tantalizing strip of sun kissed skin that made Matthew’s mouth water. “Got sent home because I wasn’t feeling well. Are there any more questions?”

  Matthew had a bad feeling about everything and his fears were rightfully confirmed when, after taking a careful sniff of the air, he caught the scent of lust rolling off of Sam. The smell of his blood had changed too. The change excited Matthew. The sharp iron scent of Sam’s blood now smelled tangy like oranges and sweet like lavender. Matthew wanted . Would Sam be open to his advances. It would be criminal not to try. The very thought of bringing the beautiful man before him into his bed was impossibly enticing. However, he knew what was causing this sudden change in Sam and he had to let the man know before it was too late.

  Matthew beckoned him over. “Come here,” he said. “Sit with me.”

  Confused, Sam did as he was told. Matthew checked his eyes: still human. He bared his neck to Sam who looked at him in bemusement.

  “How are you feeling?” Matthew asked again.

  Sam squinted at him, his cheeks flushing, his eyes never leaving Matthew’s neck. “I’m not sure,” he whispered, and with a sudden surge gripped the back of Matthew’s head and bit at his neck with blunt teeth. It hurt, and was excessively wet with spit, over as soon as it began because Sam pulled himself away with one hand pressed to his mouth.

  “Fuck – what did I just. Fuck .”

  “You’re turning,” Matthew said, rubbing at the sore spot. There were teeth marks on his skin. They hadn’t broken through his skin but there were red welts where they had landed. Matthews healing kicked in and the marks disappeared quickly.

  “Turning?” Sam’s eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?”

  “The process isn’t complete yet. You’ll need blood. My blood.” Matthew winced at his carelessness.

  “What happens when I don’t get it?”

  “Oh, you will,” said Matthew, and that was the problem. “Sooner or later. Even if you’ll have to kill me to get it. You underestimate your strength.”

  “So vampire blood makes people evil?” Sam asked after a shocked silence. It was as if everything he had heard about vampires but never believed were suddenly confirmed.

  “No.” Matthew gave him an odd look. “Just a little savage at first.”

  “Savage,” Sam repeated, testing it out on his lips. “Well, fuck.”

  “This is all my fault,” moaned Matthew into his hands. He shrugged off Sam’s touch and curled into himself. He often had the tendency to fuck everything up. He’d followed that boy home the night he was bitten. He knew he should’ve been more careful, stayed at home instead, but he ignored the rational part of himself and went with his gut. It was happening all over again: he was ruining a good thing.

  “Partly,” said Sam. “I’m to blame too. I brought this on myself.”

  “Yes,” Matthew hissed. “By helping me!”

  “I made my choice,” Sam said. “I wanted to help you. Don’t act like I’m not an active part of this.”

  They sat in silence for a minute or two. Matthew lifted his eyes from the bedspread and when Sam leaned forward, he met him halfway. Their mouths pushed together awkwardly, wet, warm from Sam’s body heat. He tasted both sweet and salty at the same time and Matthew’s tongue sought entrance into Sam’s mouth to explore their caress more thoroughly. Sam kissed him softly but pulled away with a strange look on his face. Matthew imagined it had something to do with how cold he was, and how he could never seem to get rid of the stench of blood from his mouth no matter how hard he tried. He was afraid he had put Sam off, especially now when he so badly wanted the man in every single way he could take him.

  But then Sam swooped down again, curling a hand around the back of Matthew’s neck, fingering the soft hairs there. He smoothed down the rampant locks curling around his ears and his mouth met Matthew’s again. “You taste really nice,” he said, panting raggedly and licking Matthew’s mouth open. “Fuck. Too good.” He climbed into bed, spreading himself on top of Matthew who arched against him as Sam rubbed the heel of his palm between his legs. He couldn’t get hard anymore since he had turned, not like this, but he remembered the feeling very well: the intensity and the desperation, the head rush of the whole body. The sensation had been so strong and primal, so much like the feeling that overcame him when he had the urge to feed. Sam felt good moving on top of him, rubbing himself against Matthew’s thigh, breathing harshly down his neck. He nuzzled the delicate skin between shoulder and neck and bit down hard enough to leave a mark. He couldn’t leave a mark on Matthew as easily as he could on a human. His healing meant that any mark quickly vanished but this one seemed to stay on his skin longer.

  “Sam,” Matthew said. He pushed at Sam shoulder without any real force. “Sam. Stop. ”

  “Why are you so worried?” Sam asked, pulling back. He licked Matthew’s neck again like an overexcited dog, alternating between playful nips and kisses. He sucked on Matthew’s neck where his pulse had once been and seemed confused for a moment but quickly adjusted to it, nipping in his jaw line and sucking on his earlobe.

  “This isn’t you,” Matthew said. Sam rolled his hips against Matthew’s. The smell of arousal and lust was strong. “You have to fight it,” he said though it sounded rehearsed even to his own ears. Did he mean it? Did he really want Sam to stop kissing him? Of course not.

  “I wanted you the second I laid eyes on you,” Sam growled. He didn’t even seem embarrassed though under normal circumstances he probably would have been. The change was surging in his veins and the lust was building, raw and beyond both their control.

  “Broken and bleeding?” Matthew asked disbelievingly.

  “Maybe,” Sam said but he wasn’t doing a good job at being funny.

  It took all of Matthew’s strength to push him off. Sam looked hurt as he sat back, his breathing labored, his skin flushed. His arousal was so obvious that Matthew didn’t even need to look at his to know just how much Sam wanted him. Desire poured out of Sam’s pours and clouded the air in an invisible mist of pheromones that filled Matthew’s lungs. He looked beautiful in the dark and Matthew had sullied even this. “Being a vampire isn’t all that great,” he said. “A lot people are out to kill you. You’ll always be hunted. You’ll live your whole life in the shadows in fear of a stake to your heart.”

  “You forget that I come from a long line of hunters. I can protect myself.”

  Matthew frowned dubiously. “Not all the time.”

  “We could be partners?” Sam said hopefully. “You watch my back, I watch yours.”

  Matthew wanted to laugh. Only Sam could over simplify things. The reality was far more complicated that the man could imagine. “I think you should just sleep it off first,” he said.

  Sam hesitated but he slid off the bed, his feet firmly planted on the floor.

  “You’re not thinking clearly,” Matthew told him.

  Sam touched Matthew’s ankle under the covers. “Why do you think I’m feeling so crazy right now?” he said. “You’re in my room, here in my bed. It’s like I can feel you under my skin. I can smell you. And I just have this overwhelming desire to touch you all the time.”

  Matthew swallowed tightly. Sam’s hand curled around his ankle, his thumb stroking the skin. The gesture was sweet and affectionate, and Matthew’s heart lurched. “Sleep it off,” Matthew said with much difficulty. As much as he wanted Sam, he had to do the right thing.

  Sam opened his mouth to protest but Matthew’s answer remained the same. “Sleep it off.” He couldn’t handle Sam acting like an oversexed teenager, much less Sam groping his knee under the covers. Sam stood, swaying a little on his feet. He had a long way to go before he changed fully. “You should probably watch the sunrise,” Matthew told him. “You know, for old time’s sake. After a while you forget what it looks like.”

  Sam said nothing and left, slamming the door behind him.


  The smell woke
Matthew up. It was late afternoon with the air still warm from the sun. Matthew sensed Sam at the doorway. His scent got stronger the nearer he got, and then he was standing by the bedside, watching as Matthew rose up from the nest of thick bedding and looked up at him, assessing the change. It was almost hard to notice if you didn’t know where to look. There was something dangerous about him, something dark and terrifying, and it made Matthew shiver through his bones. Sam was beauty was like that of jungle cat. Dangerous but glorious.

  “Hey honey,” Sam said, and blinked, eyes flickering a deeper shade of blue. “I’m home .”


  It was Matthew’s fault no matter how much Sam liked to think otherwise. Sam was acting on pure instinct, grabbing Matthew by the front of his shirt, leaning in for a hungry kiss that sent Matthew’s vision swimming. He tugged at Matthew’s clothes with an unabashed eagerness, licking and biting every inch of skin, running his fingers along Matthew’s ribs, under his arms, down his sides where they pressed indentations on Matthew’s hips. He licked into Matthew’s mouth and Matthew granted him entry with a low moan, shuddering as Sam pinned his wrists on either side of his head. Sam nuzzled the base of Matthew’s throat and Matthew tensed, even as Sam made soothing noises, soft growls that made his insides shake with want and nervousness, in attempt to calm him. “I want you,” he said, shutting his eyes against Matthew’s shoulder. He breathed him in. “Will you let me –”

  “Yes,” Matthew hissed, hitching up his hips. He didn’t want to resist anymore. “Do it.”

  Sam looked relieved, turning Matthew’s head to the side with his right hand and running his knuckles down his jaw. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured and then took the plunge. Matthew hissed, twitching up. It hurt at first – it always did – but a few seconds later, he felt the familiar rush. He gripped the back of Sam’s head and rolled on top of him, wrenching his neck away which dripped trickles of blood down the open collar of his shirt. He touched the wetness with two fingers before holding them up against Sam’s lips, letting him lick the blood clean off his hand. “Let me see,” he said.


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