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Bridge Quest

Page 38

by Pdmac

  “Go to hell, Karl.”

  “By the way, did you kill Brad and the others as they came through here?”

  “Why would I do that? They had no part in what you did to me.”

  Karl was about to reply when Kevin burst a loud, “God damn it,” followed by the sergeant exclaiming, “Got him.”

  Nervel jerked the door open just as the sergeant’s body rolled off the roof. Kevin stood in the near distance, a crossbow bolt in his thigh. He had already notched another arrow and let it fly, hitting Nervel in the stomach.

  Karl leaped over the crumbling Nervel and slammed a fist into Kevin before he had a chance to notch another arrow. From then on the fight was lopsided as Karl pummeled Kevin to a bloody pulp.

  As Kevin lay broken and bleeding, Karl returned to the dying Nervel and withdrew the man’s sword. Kneeling beside him, he gazed down at the man and knew there was nothing he could do for him, nothing that would ease the pain of his life slipping away.

  Off to the side, the sergeant lay bent and still, a single arrow through his heart.

  Within that small span of time of Karl attending to the fallen men, Kevin had struggled and groped his way to the small pile of weapons where he grabbed a one-handed crossbow. When Karl stood and turned, he fired.

  Karl felt the impact into his chest, the pain exponentially exploding throughout his body. Despite the pain, he staggered over to the prostrate Kevin. While his health bar dwindled into the red, Karl used the last of his strength and raised the sword then plunged it into Kevin’s heart. Sinking to his knees, he collapsed on top of his nemesis.

  Darkness swirled the periphery of his mind and eyes before engulfing him and casting him into a vortex of electric impulses and static jolts of excruciating pain. The minutes of his agony felt like hours until in a final burst, the pain fled and he stood, quite naked, in the bedroom of the guest apartment in Mavie’s castle.

  Gulping a breath like a man surfacing for air after too long under water, he wobbled as he numbly glanced around, thankful it was night and that hopefully no one was in the room. He let his eyes adjust to the darkness, feeling his strength returning and saw in the moonlight filtering in through the tall windows that the bed was made. For some reason he couldn’t explain, he flicked on his game screen, reassuring himself that his level remained the same, though he was now without any clothing, weapons, potions, or coins.

  But he was alive, and that was what counted. He was also closer to the bridge, so there was that to be thankful for. Now all he had to do was get there.

  Pleased to have remembered to make this apartment his bind spot, he navigated around the furniture in the dark, passing from the bedroom to the large room that served as living and dining rooms. Light from the hallway slipped in under the front door.

  Pausing before the door, he twisted his head and pressed an ear close to the door, focusing on the sounds in the hallway. Satisfied, he twisted the door knob and slowly pried open the door, blinking in the light spilling through the crack. No door guards told him that no guests were assigned to the apartment, which meant he was safe for the night.

  Through the slit in the door, he watched and waited for the right person to pass, though traffic was sparse this time of night. At one point, a passing man servant noticed the door ajar and paused to check, pushing it open as Karl ducked behind it. The servant swung the door wide enough to peep inside, decided nothing was amiss and closed the door.

  Karl waited until silence once again ruled the hallway before cracking the door open again. An oppressive quiet seemed to stretch as no one ventured in the corridor for a quite a while and he found his attention wandering. He shook his head, chastising himself to focus. Then he heard footsteps and his senses sharpened.

  A pretty young woman with long blond hair tied in a ponytail passed by. She wore a forest green servant’s dress though without the inner blouse, which meant she was off duty, for no woman servant would parade around the castle with bare shoulders. Karl recognized her.

  Louder than a whisper but not normal tone, he called out, “Gillien.”

  She stopped and abruptly turned around then frowned when she saw no one behind her.

  “Over here.” Standing to the side of the door, he opened it wider so she saw only his head.

  “M’Lord,” she brightened with surprised pleasure.

  “Shhh, not so loud. C’mere.” He curled a finger at her.

  “I thought you were gone, m’Lord,” she said, walking up.

  “I was,” he replied, opening the door wider for her to enter.

  “Why are you hiding in the dark?’ she asked, passing by him and striking a match to light a taper.

  When she heard Karl close and lock the door, she turned. “Oh… my… Lord,” she blurted, her eyes raking over his muscular body, before settling below his waist. Jamming the taper in a holder, she began unlacing her dress. “Gimme just a minute. Had I known you were already prepared, I –”

  “Slow down,” Karl interrupted with a smile. “It’s not what you think, at least not yet,” he hastily added, seeing her disappointment.

  “Does m’Lady know you are back?” she asked, her eyes momentarily lifting to his face then dropping again.

  “No, and I want to keep it that way.” He repositioned to stand behind a high back chair so that her focus would be on his face and the urgency of what he said. “There’s a reason I’m as you see me now,” he began, his mind racing to come up with a plausible story. “I was on my way to Durness when we were attacked by an evil witch. I was able to fight her off, but in the last minute, she cast a spell and sent me here.”

  “An evil witch?” Gillen breathed with terrified delight. “O my God that had to have been scary.”

  “It was,” he replied. “The problem is that I am as you see me. I have no clothing, no weapons, no money, nothing. I need your help. If I am to resume my journey to Durness, I obviously can’t go like this.”

  “Of course, my Lord,” she said with enthusiasm. “But why not simply ask m’Lady for what you need?”

  “I can’t because it would endanger those who were supposed to escort me to Durness. You don’t know it, but Mavie charged Nervel and the others with my safety. Me showing up here, now, would mean, in her eyes, that they failed, and that means they would pay with their lives. They’re good men and I don’t want that to happen to them. It wasn’t their fault.”

  Gillen’s eyes filled with admiration and respect. “You are such a good man, m’Lord. All of us know what you did and why you did it to get away from her.”

  “What do you mean?” he said, fearing he was not the consummate actor he thought he was.

  “My Lord,” she answered with a knowing smile as she moved closer to him. “When you were with her, you were inconsiderate and rude, but once you left her, you were back to normal, kind and caring. Even us girls who got to share your bed with you all said how sweet you were, how gentle and what an incredible lover you were, how large… uh, I mean, how much you cared for us.”

  “Then you’ll help me?”

  “Of course, m’Lord.” She reached up a hand and gently placed it on his shoulder, her eyes focused on his face before slipping down to his chest, wishing he hadn’t pressed closer to the chair.

  “Good. The first thing I need is clothing. Do you think you can get something for me tonight?”

  “I have a cousin your size,” she cheerily replied. “I’ll be back in no time.”

  As she headed towards the door, he added, “See if you can get me a short sword or something.”

  She skidded to a halt. “I don’t know how I’m going to do that, m’Lord,” she pouted. “Servants don’t normally carry weapons.”

  Karl nodded in understanding then smiled. “Just the clothes for tonight and hopefully you’re free for the rest of the night.”

  Gillien perked up. “I am at your service, m’Lord.”

  Gillien was true to her word and she returned less than an hour later, slipping into th
e apartment, a pile of neatly folded clothes in her arms.

  “I know they’re not exactly Viking clothing, but it’s the best I could do,” she apologized, laying the clothing on the bed. She stepped to the side admiring the view as Karl came up and inspected the clothes.

  “These are excellent,” Karl said, holding up the trousers, pleased for he determined that not looking like a Viking might be an advantage in his escape, though the trousers seemed a little large in the waist.

  Seeing his focus, Gillien gamely shrugged. “He’s not put together quite as good as you are.”

  “These will be fine.” He turned and stepped closer to her then gave her an impish grin. “Well, I’ve got clothes thanks to you. What else do I need this evening?” he innocently asked, unlacing her dress.

  Gillien was up early and out the apartment door before most in the castle was awake, heading down to the kitchen, which was just beginning to hum with breakfast preparation. By the time she returned, Karl was dressed and standing behind the door.

  “Anyone ask you why you wanted food so early?” Karl said, closing and locking the door behind her.

  “Not really, m’Lord,” she answered with a smile as she placed a small block of cheese, sliced cold meats, fresh bread, and a large mug of ale on the dining table. “Sometimes I’m up early and so it’s not unusual for me to go to the kitchen to get something to eat. But I was able to get this,” she proudly announced, placing a large kitchen knife next to the ale mug.

  “Well done,” he complimented, lifting up and inspecting the blade while nibbling on a slice of meat. The knife was sharp and sturdy, something that would last until he found a better blade or a sword. “This will do nicely.” He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.

  Blushing at the praise, she handed him the mug of ale.

  “We’re sharing this meal,” he reminded her, taking a sip then handing the mug to her. “It’s not like you can go again to the kitchen for another breakfast. Besides, you’ve managed to get enough food for two.”

  Gillien stared at him with reverence. “See? That’s just what I mean. Anyone else would’ve eaten everything and not even worried about me. But not you. That’s why we all knew you were tricking the Lady.”

  “Let’s hope I can trick her enough so that she doesn’t know I’m here,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Now I have one more favor to ask.”

  “Anything, m’Lord.”

  “I’ll need money, just enough to get me to Durness. Is that possible without you getting into trouble?”

  “I have some you can have,” she replied with a bashful half-smile.

  “I can’t take your money,” Karl said, shaking his head. “It’s hard enough to come by for servants.”

  “I really don’t mind,” she said with a shrug. “I figure you can owe me and once you’re king, you’ll have all the money you need so no one will notice if you pay me back.”

  The way she said it seemed to imply that she didn’t want to be paid back, as though being owed somehow gave her leverage. Karl silently rued her innocence, at the same time wondering how he was going to pay her back.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “Of course, m’Lord. I’ll go get it now if you wish.” She made to leave but Karl stopped her.

  “I don’t need it quite yet. I don’t want to rush off without a plan. For instance, when would be the best time for me to leave the castle without being noticed?”

  Gillien frowned as she pondered the question. “Early morning would be the best because no one’s up except the kitchen staff.”

  “The city gates are still closed,” Karl pointed out, “but I could hang out in the shadows until the gates open.” He grinned at Gillien. “Guess I’ll have to spend another night here.”

  “I’d be happy to keep you company, m’Lord,” she said with a virtuous smile.

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” He gave her a not so subtle look of desire as he took in the lovely woman before him. While not the experienced lover like Raquel or Annabeth… or Gwen and Mavie for that matter, Gillien had an enthusiastic innocence about her that more than made up for her lack of experience. The fact that she also had a beautiful body added to the enjoyment. Pity he couldn’t take her with him.

  What am I saying? Good God, that’s the last thing I need. Focus, Karl. Get your ass across the bridge. That’s the mission.

  “I’ll be back at lunch time,” she said.

  “Be careful,” he warned. “We don’t want someone to inadvertently see you.”

  “I’ll be careful, m’Lord.” She pressed her body against his, luxuriating in his strength and raw sensuality.

  “You better go before I drag you to the bedroom,” he said with a chuckle.

  Momentarily torn between taking him up on his offer and suffering the verbal abuse of her supervisor or delaying the sweet promise until a safer time, she chose responsibility.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “That’s my girl,” he smiled, giving her a playful swat on the butt.

  She was back in the early afternoon, slipping into the apartment and unloading a meat and cheese sandwich and a pitcher of ale.

  “I can’t stay long, but I thought you might be hungry. I also brought this.” She placed a small leather bag of coins on the table. “There’s fourteen gold in there. That should last you until you get to Durness.”

  “That’s more than enough,” he said with heartfelt gratitude, grabbing her hand and pulling her into him to deliver a deep kiss.

  Starry eyed as she caught her breath, she said, “I’ve got more if you need it.”

  “No. This is plenty. You have done so much for me. I will not forget this.” He held the sandwich up to her. “Have you eaten yet?”

  “I had a snack a little while ago,” she lied as her stomach gave a loud grumble.

  “Silly girl,” he admonished as he split the sandwich in half. “You need to eat too. Here. Take a drink.”

  “I’ve got to get back, m’Lord, before they miss me.”

  He held on to her, lifting the sandwich up to her mouth. “At least take a bite.”

  Obeying, she took a large bite and soon finished her half the sandwich.

  “Now some ale. Then go on.”

  “Yes, m’Lord,” she answered, swallowing two gulps.

  Karl escorted her to the door, giving her a quick kiss before opening it for her. It was as she closed the door that he heard a haughty woman’s voice.

  “What are you doing there?”

  “I was just checking, Miss,” Karl heard Gillien reply.

  “Why?” the voice demanded, sounding close, like they were on the other side of the door.

  “I heard one of the servants say the door was open a little bit earlier and I came by to check to make sure nothing was amiss.”


  “I looked around, Miss, and there was nothing out of place.”

  The door handle twisted and the door began to open when Karl realized his half of the sandwich and mug of ale were still on the table. He was about to reach around the door and grab whoever it was when he heard Gillien.

  “You’re looking different today, Miss. Have you done something different with your hair? You have such pretty hair and it looks good.”

  The door paused then closed. Karl raced silently over and retrieved the sandwich and ale then retraced his steps back to the door.

  “No. It’s like I always wear it,” the voice haughty replied though flattered.

  “Well, I’ve always liked your hair. It’s such a pretty brown, soft and full.”

  “That’s enough about my hair,” the woman replied with a slight chuckle. “Go on about your work.”

  “Yes, Miss.”

  There was a pause and the door opened again. Karl tucked behind it, holding his breath. After a few moments, he heard a “Humpf,” and the door closed. It wasn’t until he heard the footsteps soften then disappear that he let out an exhale of relief. He glanc
ed at the open door to the bedroom, thankful that Gillien was conscientious enough to make the bed after the night of pleasure.

  It was well after the dinner hour when Gillien returned with a tray laden with roasted pork, hot bread, some green vegetables that Karl didn’t recognize and a pitcher of ale.

  “How did you manage to get all this without anyone noticing?” Karl asked, impressed.

  “It’s late and most everyone’s in their rooms, relaxing. Those still on duty are preoccupied with what they’re doing.” Setting the tray down, she poured him a mug of cold ale.

  It was then he noticed the bag on her shoulder. “What’s in the bag?” he asked, taking a satisfying swig of ale.

  “Some of my clothes and things,” she nonchalantly replied, setting it down on a chair then turning her attention to prepare his plate.

  “Seems an awful lot of stuff for one evening,” he frowned.

  “Oh,” she said, arranging several slices of pork, “I’m coming with you.”

  “What?” he sputtered, choking on ale.

  “I said I’m coming with you. There,” she smiled as she slid the plate towards him. “Enjoy.”

  “But… but, what about your job here?” he argued, his mind racing.

  “They won’t miss me. I’m just a junior level maid though thank the gods not a scullery maid. You haven’t tasted your food yet. Sit. Eat.”

  “Let’s talk about this,” he countered.

  “Sit.” She pointed to the chair.

  Sliding the chair out, he obeyed, as she refilled his mug. Deciding honesty was probably his best course of action, he said, “Listen. I’m not going back to Durness.”

  “I know,” she answered, smiling sweetly at him. “You’re going to the bridge.”

  “How… how did you know that?” he said, his frown deepening.

  “It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out,” she grinned at him. “All your friends have crossed the bridge. Why would you not go be with your friends?”

  “But… but…” He put his fork down and leveled his gaze at her. “OK. Let’s be realistic about this. My team and I are mercenaries. We fight. We kill. We are in constant danger. How do you see yourself fitting into that?”


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