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La Famiglia : Elias : Part One The diRuggiero Mafia Family Saga

Page 2

by Laura Sutton

  “Great!” Roxy pulled Samantha out of his embrace and away from the bar. “We’re in room 4725. Wanna meet us there in an hour?”

  Eli nodded with a grin. “One hour, Sam,” he answered, his eyes intent on hers.

  She smiled at him and nodded, eager to learn what the rest of her vacation might hold.

  Chapter Two


  Eli slipped a black T-shirt over his head and strapped on his silver wristwatch. He had about fifteen minutes before he was supposed to join the women he’d just met for dinner. He took a sip of the whiskey he’d poured himself before taking a quick shower and checked his reflection in the full-length mirror. The resort might be classy, but it was definitely a honeymoon getaway. The tub and shower were huge, as was the bed, and as for the mirror – well, it was certainly strategically placed.

  Eli ran his hand through his dark hair. He would have to cut it soon, be a little more presentable, but for now, he liked it longer. He liked not fitting the mold the world would try to force him into. Plus, it seemed like the sweet, pretty blonde had enjoyed his hair, too. Or his muscles. Either way, he was pleased she was pleased.

  She wasn’t the usual type that attracted him; he usually went for the willowy, know-how-sexy-they-are women. Samantha – Sam, he smiled at her nickname – didn’t seem exactly that kind of woman. Physically, she was thicker than most of the girls he dated. Not that he wasn’t attracted to her body– quite the opposite, actually.

  She didn’t even notice him when she walked by his table, he’d been nursing a beer relaxing and just people-watching a bit when she strolled right past him, her pale, thick thighs a stark contrast to the black of her bathing suit. He couldn’t help but imagine those soft legs wrapped around his waist, and then she turned back for a look at the beach and he caught a glimpse of her face. Bright and happy, and just a little bit innocent. He had been drawn to her immediately, wanting to bask in the radiance of that innocence. He damn sure wasn’t an innocent, hadn’t been in a long time… if he’d ever been.

  “Damn.” Eli cursed under his breath and tossed back the last of his whiskey. Wallet, phone, and key card jammed in his pockets, he headed out the door. He would have to hurry to meet the girls at their room, on the other side of the resort, on time. Luck was with him and he was able to hop into an elevator without waiting, however. Poised to knock on their door, he stopped when he heard an impatient female voice from the other side.

  “Hurry up, Roxy! We’re already running late!”

  Eli grinned and rubbed the stubble on his jaw a little before knocking. He had briefly considered shaving, but then he pondered how soft and delicate the skin of Samantha’s cream thighs might be, and if he could make her shiver by rubbing her skin with his rough, short beard. Maybe he would find out tonight. If not that night, then soon.

  “Roxy!” came one more time, louder, and he couldn’t help a grin as he knocked.

  Samantha pulled open the door and Eli forgot how to breathe for just a moment.

  “Hi,” she said with a flustered smile, but it wasn’t her smile that was making breathing difficult and his dick hard.

  It was her dress.

  Short and black, cut low in the front, it showed off a tantalizing amount of cleavage. Ruching down the sides made her hips look amazing, lush and grabbable. He wanted to take her hips with his hands and squeeze the flesh there, push her up against the door and kiss her, pull the strap of her dress down over her shoulder until her breast–

  “Are you okay?”

  Eli’s eyes snapped up from her chest and his face warmed to be caught ogling her. Fucking hell, he hadn’t blushed in the presence of a woman since his teen years.

  “Yeah, I— ahem, I’m fine,” he finally got out and gave her his best smile, the smile that had got him out of trouble more than once in his rebellious youth.

  “You guys ready?” he asked and Sam huffed.

  “I am. Roxy, however–”

  “Is here!” declared a voice and the door Sam had been holding was pulled wider to reveal Roxy.

  She was also a beautiful girl, Eli recognized, but her sexy body, sultry face, and dark bedroom eyes did not call to him the way Sam did.

  “Good, I made us a reservation at the main restaurant and I don’t want to be late,” Eli told them, stepping to the side to let them exit their room.

  They made their way to the elevator. Inside, Eli leaned against the wall as the two women discussed what they wanted to eat.

  “I hope they have something vaguely American on the menu,” Roxy grumbled, and Eli grinned when Sam rolled her eyes at her friend.

  “We travel all the way to Costa Rica and you’re hoping the restaurant serves American food?”

  Eli chuckled at her astonished tone, but Roxy merely shrugged.

  “What can I say? I’m not a very adventurous eater. Besides, we live in New Orleans, arguably one of the best food cities in the world. I’m spoiled.”

  Sam laughed at her friend as the elevator opened on the ground floor of the resort.

  “Shall we, ladies?” Eli asked, offering both women an arm. There were worse ways to spend an evening in Costa Rica than dining with two beautiful women.

  They made their way to the hostess stand, and she showed them to their table. The restaurant faced the ocean, and through the floor-to-ceiling glass Eli could see the beach. Even in the waning sunlight of the evening, the blue of the ocean and the white sandy shore were clearly visible. He couldn’t wait to get back into the surf tomorrow.

  “So, Eli, how long are you here in Costa Rica?” Roxy asked as they all ordered drinks, water and a bottle of red wine for the table.

  “I’m here for a little over two weeks. An extended vacation to celebrate starting a new job.” He leaned back and let the waiter pour his wine while Samantha took the lead and ordered a variety of arepas for an appetizer. He sat back, sipping his wine, and watched her. She wasn’t looking at him, but the dusting of pink on her cheeks told him she knew he was watching her.

  He wasn’t used to that, a woman taking charge. At the beach she had seemed shy and sweet, and Eli knew she probably was, at least with some things. Sex most likely, but she seemed to know her own mind otherwise.

  With most of the women he dated, he took care of everything. It was the way his father had loved his mother, and it suited Eli. He preferred to be in control of all aspects of his life, and he didn’t really believe in that fifty-fifty partnership new-age crap in all the relationship books and online. He believed in taking care of a woman, and he wondered how Sam would react to that. Would she bristle and push back? Or would she welcome it?

  He wanted to find out.

  “Eli?” Roxy asked again, and he pulled his eyes from Sam and looked over at Roxy and smiled.

  “I’m sorry, what?” He grinned, unashamed at being caught admiring Samantha. He would not hide his attraction to her. They were in a beautiful place and he wanted her. He would not beat around the bush about it to her or her friend.

  “I asked, what kind of work do you do?” She smiled back, her eyes knowing.

  “I’m a criminal defense lawyer. I was practicing in Dallas, but I need a change so I took a job with a large firm in Florida.”

  It wasn’t the complete truth; he was a lawyer, but he wasn’t completely comfortable telling strangers where he would be living, even beautiful strangers. Life had taught him to always be a little suspicious.

  “Really?” Samantha asked, her tone excited, and Eli bit back a groan. Women always assumed lawyers were rich, and maybe one day he would be, but not yet. He did okay for himself, but not the kind of wealth some people associated with the profession.

  “Yup,” he answered, the ‘p’ sound popping on his lips as he tried to not show any emotion and took another sip of wine. He really didn’t want to see dollar signs in her pretty gray eyes.

  “We just graduated law school,” Sam answered him, her voice vibrant.

  Relief flooded him, to know she wasn’t
just another gold-digger, and he couldn’t hold back a smile at the memory of that happiness, that sense of accomplishment. Ready to take on the world.

  He lifted his wine glass. “Congratulations to both of you,” he said, and they clinked their glasses together, the crystal chiming at the contact.

  “So what kind of law are you two thinking of getting into?” he asked as the waiter brought out their main course. He’d ordered some kind of fish that honestly smelled amazing. Samantha had been true to her adventurous spirit and asked the waiter what his favorite dish was, and he’d brought her three different tamales with rice and black beans. Roxy had ordered a burger and fries.

  “I don’t know how I’m going to eat all this! I must’ve looked hungry,” Sam said with a self-deprecating laugh and fidgeted in her seat.

  “Nah, he was just excited to show off his favorite dishes. You didn’t notice how his face lit up when you asked him what you should order?” Eli asked, taking a bite of the flakey white fish. It was very good, steamed in sharp, bright spices.

  “No, I didn’t,” she answered and took a bite of her own. “I guess that’s better than him think ‘oh, a big girl, she must be hungry.’”

  She laughed a little at her own joke, but Eli didn’t. He had never really dated, or been friends with a heavier girl, but one of his cousins on his mom’s side had been plump as a child. He remembered vividly her being teased at the playground when his mother had taken them to visit. He’d gotten in trouble for fighting with the cruel brats… until his mother found out why. Then she had been proud, but Samantha’s comment was making him suspect that Samantha had been similarly teased, or worse.

  “Don’t be stupid,” Roxy said before Eli could react. “Latin men like thicker women. Trust me, I’m Latin.” Roxy winked and smiled, and Sam smiled back shyly but ducked her head.

  “It’s true,” Eli agreed as he took her free hand and brought it to his lips, touching a slow kiss to her fingers, never breaking eye contact. “I’m also Latin– well, half– and I think you’re gorgeous.” He rubbed her hand against his cheek, like a cat marking its territory, before releasing it.

  Sam smiled, and Eli noticed how her eyes had darkened slightly. The color had gone from the bluish-gray you would expect on a sunny day to one you would see as a storm gathered. He wondered how dark her eyes would be when he slowly pushed inside her. He would make her keep her eyes open the entire time he fucked her just so he could see that transformation.

  “Half-Latin?” Roxy asked.

  Eli looked down at his food, then nodded and took a bite. “Yup, Mom was born in Mexico, actually, and my dad is of Italian descent. It was his nonno, his grandfather, who immigrated to the United States in the 1920s.”

  “Oh, that’s so interesting,” Sam said with a smile, and he couldn’t help but return it. “Do you speak Spanish or Italian?”

  He nodded. “Yes to both, bimba.”

  “What does that mean?” she asked with a little laugh, a sound he could get used to hearing.

  “Hmmm, I don’t think I’ll tell you yet.” He leaned across the table to wipe a non-existent drop of wine from her lip. He just needed to touch her, especially her mouth.

  “I could just google it,” she whispered when he pulled his hand away.

  “You could, but you won’t,” he told her, his voice low.

  “Ayy, deja de coquetear tanto,” Roxy muttered in Spanish.

  He rolled his eyes and smiled at her. “Lo siento.”

  “Not fair, I’m going to find someone to talk to in French if you two are going to do that to me,” Sam complained, and Eli laughed out loud.

  “Roxy told me to stop flirting with you so much. That’s all, bimba.” He grinned at the speed and the intensity of her blush.

  “So, what are we doing after dinner?” Roxy asked, changing the subject.

  “Whatever you two ladies want to do. My evening is free, and it’s only my second night here so I haven’t tried much,” he answered honestly.

  “Why don’t we try the club here on the resort?” Sam asked hesitantly and Eli’s brain instantly supplied visuals of her body writhing against his as music pounded around them.

  “Are you gonna dance with me?” Roxy teased and Sam nodded.

  “Sure! We’re on vacation, I can let loose on vacation,” she countered when Roxy shot her a look Eli could not decipher.

  “But will you dance with me, bimba?” Eli asked just as Sam took a drink of her wine and then smiled when she choked on it a little.

  “Oh! Um, yeah, I– sure, yes, of course. I guess. If you want to,” she finally got out.

  “Oh, I very much want to.” He let his eyes travel down to her chest and her cleavage and back up to her face.

  Oh, yeah, he wanted to dance. Dance… and do a hell of a lot more.

  Chapter Three


  The rest of dinner was a mix of fun conversation and flirting from Eli. They talked about taking the bar exam: Eli was studying for it in Florida because his Texas law license wouldn’t be valid there. He asked her questions about college and law school in New Orleans, but Sam noticed when she asked him even the slightest of probing questions, he deflected or answered in the most vague of terms. It was a technique taught in law school, and he was a master at it. It worried Sam, though; was he hiding something?

  Maybe it was something bad, like he was married or something? Surely there was something very wrong with Eli, especially since he seemed to be into her and not Roxy, who was by far more beautiful than she was. He was probably a serial killer. That had to be it.

  Right as the waiter took the plates away, Roxy declared she needed to use the restroom and Sam needed to accompany her. That suited Sam just fine; her thoughts were already spiraling out of control and she could use a dose of her friend’s common sense to hold her together.

  “Oh my God!” Roxy exclaimed as soon as the bathroom door closed behind them.

  “I know,” Sam said dejectedly and looked at her reflection in the mirror. The same plain, rounded face stared back at her.

  “Girl, he is so hot! And so into you! He’s all tall, dark and handsome. He’s just what you need on vacation after your idiot asshole ex.” Roxy leaned toward the mirror to reapply her lipstick, the stance and tiny pink sequined dress showing her toned butt and legs off to perfection. Carlos would be jealous if he saw her in it, but Sam also knew he would get over it, too, after he saw her in it, because she loved him and only him.

  “I don’t know, Roxy–”

  “No! You are not going to sabotage yourself and ruin this. He’s gorgeous, he’s intelligent, he’s a lawyer. You are going to spend as much time as you want with him while on this vacation, and maybe it will blossom into something more. And even if it doesn’t, this is exactly the thing you need to get over Rick and start over in Virginia.”

  Sam pulled her pink lip gloss out of her handbag and reapplied some on her own lips, more to have something to do with her hands and give her a reason to avoid Roxy’s stern glare.

  “But, Roxy, did you notice how he evaded some of our questions?” Sam asked and met Roxy’s eyes in the mirror. Her friend merely shrugged.

  “Of course I noticed it, but I don’t think he’s being deceitful. I think he’s just being careful.” Roxy ran her fingers through the chocolate waves of her hair. She seemed very sure of herself and of Elias. Sam knew her friend was a keen observer of human nature, and rarely wrong. Maybe Sam was overreacting.

  “Look, I’m not trying to push you into something. I just think it could be fun, and you’re not exactly good at fun. And with me moving to California, and you to Virginia, who is going to make you enjoy yourself?”

  Sam pulled her friend into a tight hug. “I love you, too, Roxy,” she whispered into her friend’s ear.

  Roxy squeezed her once quickly. “Ugh, no PDA unless you’re putting out,” she teased, grabbing her hand and tugging her out of the bathroom.

  “Hey! I thought you had to pee?”
Sam protested, laughing.

  “Nah, I knew you needed to talk about Eli – you had that look.”

  “What look?”

  “That ‘I’m over-thinking this and trying to talk myself out of something good’ look,” Roxy answered as they turned the corner.

  In the dining room, Eli was leaning casually against a wall as he waited for them. He straightened and smiled as they approached. God, he was so tall. She wasn’t a short girl, but Eli made her full five-foot-seven figure actually feel petite when she stood next to him. He had to be at least six-foot-four, and as for his level of fitness… she had felt just how hard his body was when she had literally fallen into his arms earlier in the day. Her mouth watered a little at the memory.

  “Ladies, sorry, the restaurant was filling up, and I didn’t want the waiter to miss a table,” he said to explain why he was no longer seated.

  “No problem,” Roxy said and Sam just smiled at him, a smile he readily returned.

  “Shall we?” he asked. Sam nodded and Roxy stepped ahead of them just a little and Eli took her hand, threading his fingers through hers. Sam glanced down at their hands, surprise and pleasure mingling. “Is this okay?”

  Sam nodded. “Ye-yeah, it’s fine. It’s great.”

  She smiled up at him and he smiled back. His eyes were so brown, almost like when you melt milk chocolate on the stove. And sometimes, especially when he smiled, they would catch the light and glint with flecks of gold.

  “Do I have something on my face?” he asked as they made their way through the resort to the club.

  “No!” she said a little too loudly, her voice squeaky. Samantha cleared her throat and decided to be brave. She was on vacation and hadn’t she proven with that wild night a couple of weeks ago how she could be adventurous?

  “No,” she repeated, in a normal tone that time. “No, I was just noticing how nice your eyes are, how pretty, especially when the light hits them.” She blushed and looked away, but Eli brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it as they neared the club.


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