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In Another Time

Page 12

by Sage Young

That night she had a dream that she was in Ireland, in front of an enormous castle. She walked to the door and it opened. As she walked in she could tell there was a celebration going on. As she moved through the foyer, people were laughing and talking but no one seemed to notice her. It was then that she spotted James. A huge smile appeared on her face.

  Aedan appeared in front of her. “What are you doing here, you weren’t on the guest list,” he said in an angry tone.

  “I’m here to see my fiancé, now please get out of my way.” She turned to call James’ name when she noticed him kissing another woman. It wasn’t just a kiss though, it was the kind of kiss that only lovers knew. She began to yell James’ name, but he didn’t respond and never looked her way. His eyes stayed fixed on the woman he was kissing. She could feel her body moving backward towards the door.

  Then the woman in James’ arms turned to look at her. “He belongs to me.”

  The voice she used was soft but she could hear it clear across the room. “No!” Charlotte yelled as she tried to move forward but her body wouldn’t cooperate. She woke up in a cold sweat. She looked over at the clock and it was five o’clock in the morning. She showered and headed into the office early.

  Charlotte and her team continued to review the documents for the last three hours. “I don't understand how this could have happened?” she said still upset over losing a major contract. Her team worked extremely hard to develop that proposal. “Okay everyone, let's go through this one more time before we call it a night.” She sat back at the conference table after pouring herself a glass of water.

  She looked at the wording again and saw something she hadn’t noticed before. There were inconsistencies in the contract. She knew it wasn’t the way the original document was worded. “Wait a minute. I didn't put this part in the contract. Who put this clause in the contract?” she asked as she looked at everyone while pointing to the section.

  Everyone denied having anything to do with the strange verbiage in the contract.

  Charlotte's was frustration evident. “Someone had to put this information in the contacts. What company in their right mind would sign off on this bullshit?” She slammed the papers on the table. She looked over at her assistant. “Diane, please call the IT department, we need to know how this information got into this contract. Please have them track the computers making revisions to this document. Thank you.”

  “I’m on it,” Diane said as she left the conference room.

  “Let’s call it an evening everyone. We’ll meet back here in the morning to work on the revisions and resubmit our proposal.” Charlotte gathered her paperwork.

  She went to her office and sat at her desk. She began to think about the other two significant contracts their company lost over the past few weeks. She prided herself in being able to pull in the big ones and while she didn’t get every contract she went after, it wasn’t like her team to lose three major deals in such a short period.

  She went through her filing cabinet and pulled out the last two contracts they lost then noticed the same verbiage embedded in those contracts. “What the hell is going on?” she asked softy.

  As she stood to retrieve a bottle of water, her assistant buzzed her phone. “Ms. Trudeau, Mark from the IT department is here to see you.”

  “Send him in.” She sat back at her desk and watched the young man who looked like he was barely out of high school as he walked in. She motioned for him to have a seat. “So what did you find out for me?” she asked as she sipped her water.

  “Ms. Trudeau, we were able to locate the problem. It appears that a former executive still had remote access to our computer system.”

  “How is that possible? We make sure that everyone who leaves the company had their access to computer and entrance into our buildings deactivated,” Charlotte said as she waited for an explanation.

  “Apparently, this person had a second account that we weren’t aware of and because he had a high access clearance he had been able to access privileged information remotely when he was employed with our company and no one deactivated that account.”

  “Who is the former the employee?” Charlotte asked angrily.

  “It's one of our former Vice Presidents, Daniel Moret.”

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me. Make sure his access is cut off and then go through every former employee and make sure that no one else has a second account. We need to keep a tighter rein on this type of information, do you understand?”

  “Yes ma'am, I do and I will take care of it immediately,” Mark said.

  “And I want a complete report on my desk by the end of the day tomorrow.” Charlotte stood prompting Mark also to rise.

  “I will get that information to you. Is there anything else you need?” Mark asked not sure if he should leave or stay.

  “That’s it and thank you, Mark.” She escorted him to the door. Charlotte watched as he left. “Diane I need to see you for a few minutes,” she called to her assistant before walking back into her office.

  Charlotte's anger was evident as Diane came in. “Make sure we have all the documents needed to resubmit our proposal tomorrow before you leave. And thank you for all your help, Diane.” She grabbed her purse and headed home. She would deal with the situation in the morning. With everything going on with James in Ireland, this was the last thing she wanted to deal with.

  Charlotte got ready for bed and called James before lying down. Her call went voicemail. She tried to sleep but her slumber was restless.

  Chapter 19

  The next day, Charlotte was proud of how hard her team worked to resubmit the revised contract. She hoped that the client would reconsider accepting their revised proposal. She sat at her desk and took a deep breath before picking up the phone and dialing Daniel Moret’s number. She spoke in a low sharp tone as she informed him that she was aware of his tampering with their documents. She also let him know if he ever interfered with their business again, the company would press charges and make sure that he never worked in this city again.

  Daniel remained silent until Charlotte was finished. “Are you done?” he asked.

  Charlotte could hear the smug tone in his voice. “Don’t test me Daniel, trust me when I tell you, you have not seen the worst of me, but you will if you fuck with this company again.” She hung up. She was angry with herself for allowing him to get under her skin, but she didn’t have the patience for someone like him. If she didn’t think it would be a public nightmare she would have pressed charges the moment they found out about the tampering. But she also knew if he ever tried to interfere again, they would pursue legal action, regardless of the publicly.

  Charlotte’s thoughts floated to James. She could use his moral support right now, but she still hadn’t talked to him.

  After a long day stressful day, she didn’t want to be alone. She wanted a good meal and a glass of wine and to be around people who made her feel comfortable. She decided to go to her family’s restaurant before heading home. As usual, Mimi was glad to see her. They talked for a few minutes before Charlotte's food was delivered.

  Mimi sensing she needed some time, so she left Charlotte alone to enjoy her meal.

  As Charlotte finished her meal, she noticed Daniel Moret coming into the restaurant. She watched as he sat at a table by himself and began to order drinks. Ten minutes went by before he sauntered over to Charlotte's table with his drink in hand and sat.

  Mimi had been watching him closely and looked uneasy about the situation. She asked the bartender to walk over to Charlotte’s table.

  Charlotte looked over and shook her head. She needed to deal with this on her own. Daniel leaned in and she could smell a strong scent of alcohol.

  “You think you're so smart, but you're just another command whore who lays on her back to get what she wants.”

  Charlotte looked at him with a smirk.

  He continued, “Soon, everyone will see what a conniving bitch you are,” he spat.

lotte took a sip of her wine before leaning in so that only he could hear what she had to say. “Are you done?” she asked Daniel, repeating the same words he said to her, on the phone, earlier that day.

  Daniel only leaned back in the chair and took a sip of his drink.

  “Now, I'm going tell you what you are. You’re a lazy, overprivileged, fraction of a man who will use anything and anybody to get what you want or to get ahead. You thought you were brilliant by creating that second account, but let me tell you what's going to happen if you ever interfere with my business again, I will make sure that your ass is arrested and charged. Don’t test me Daniel; you don’t have the mental stamina for it.” She leaned back and sipped her wine again.

  “You stupid black bitch, I will—”

  Charlotte glared at him. Anger and resolve seemed to take her over.

  The surprised look on his face turned to fear, as it was evident that he was no longer in control of his power of speech.

  “I’ve warned you Daniel. Now I think it’s time you relocate to another state and every time you time you think about disrespecting or violating another woman, you will get sick to your stomach. Do you understand me?” she said as her eyes narrowed.

  Daniel nodded in response and stood as if he was in a trance. “Have a good evening Charlotte and take care of yourself,” he said in a soft, caring tone. “I need to prepare for my move.” He stood and walked out in silence.

  Charlotte shook her head as Daniel left the restaurant. “What the hell was that?” she asked aloud. She felt weird like she was watching herself talk to Daniel and someone or something took over her body.

  Mimi could feel the energy in the room change. She knew that Charlotte had accessed her powers without even knowing what she was doing. She would soon learn that her skills are instinctual and she will be able to use them even if she didn't quite understand what is happening.

  Over the next few days, Charlotte tried to keep herself busy with work so she didn’t have time to think about James and at night she would cry herself to sleep and have the same reoccurring dream. It was always a celebration, she would always see James and he was always with the other woman.

  It was the end of the week and Charlotte decided to stop by the restaurant on her way home to check on Mimi and also try to take her mind off of James.

  As soon as Charlotte entered the restaurant, Mimi knew something was wrong. “Hey Charlie, come sit. Have you eaten dinner?” Mimi signaled the waiter without waiting for an answer. “You look like you need something to eat.” She instructed the waiter to bring a bowl of gumbo and a glass of wine. “I have something I wanna talk to you about.” She gave Charlotte a faint smile. “I think a bowl of my gumbo will make you feel better.” Mimi hesitated before asking the next question, “Have you spoken with James today?”

  Mimi already knew the answer to the question. She had been in contact with the High Priestess Ladue. The High Priestess was familiar with the Trudeau family and all of its secrets. She also knew Charlotte since birth and as a young child and knew Charlotte possessed certain powers. Those powers would only manifest themselves when she was ready to accept them. The Priestess had summoned Mimi to her home to let her know that it was time for Charlotte to know the truth. That was a few months ago before James came into town.

  Now, the Priestess told Mimi that it was imperative that she talk to Charlotte, the lifeline of their family and the family of the man she loved depended on it. Mimi redirected her attention to Charlotte as she waited for her to answer the question.

  “No, I haven’t, which is strange because we normally talked a few times a day, but since he's been in Ireland I haven’t heard from him. I’ve left him messages and even sent him a few text messages, but nothing. I called Aedan once and he was only too happy to tell me that James was working and he was fine.”

  Mimi was worried at hearing this. The Priestess warned her that this was going to happen and she now knew that they would need to help Charlotte if she wanted to get James back.

  The waiter delivered the gumbo and the wine.

  “Eat your gumbo and relax. I'll be back. I have a few things in the office to finish.” Mimi returned about fifteen minutes later with her coat and pocketbook in her hand. “When you're done, I'm gonna need you to take me home. I have something I need to give you.” She sat and waited for Charlotte to finish her gumbo and wine.

  Mimi looked over at her granddaughter as she drove to her home. How would she explain everything to her and would she believe her or even understand the relevance and importance of what she had to tell her? Mimi thought as she strengthened her resolve as they pulled into her driveway. She fumbled in her pocketbook, looking for her keys.

  “Are you okay Mimi?” Charlotte asked as she could see the nervousness on her grandmother’s face.

  “I'm fine Charlie, I just need to talk to you about something important,” she said as she fished her keys out of her purse.

  “You're scaring me Mimi. Are you sure you’re feeling well?”

  Mimi waved her hand dismissively. “I'm as healthy as a horse. Just come in the house and we can talk.” Mimi said firmly as they walked into the house.

  Charlotte sat on the sofa while Mimi went into the kitchen.

  She returned with a drink for Charlotte. “Here, you're gonna need this.” Mimi handed her a high ball glass with amber liquid.

  “What is this Mimi?” Charlotte asked.

  “It's whiskey and you’re gonna need a strong drink after I've told you all that you need to know.”

  Charlotte gave Mimi a curious look. “I don't understand.”

  “I know you don't Charlie, but give me a moment, I have to go get something from upstairs.” Mimi turned hastily and walked up the stairs

  Charlotte sat back on the sofa and took a sip of the whiskey, things were starting to get bizarre. Before she was able to take a second sip of her drink, Mimi returned with a leather bound book and a note. “What is this Mimi?” she asked as she stared at the ancient book. It looked to be over a hundred years old.

  Mimi sat beside her and held her hand. “This note has been attached to this book and has been passed down through our family for generations. It was given to us for safekeeping. Now what I'm about to tell you is going to be hard for you to understand or even believe, but trust me Charlie, what I’m about to tell you is the truth and soon, all will be revealed to you.” Mimi cupped Charlotte’s face with her hands. “I need you to keep an open mind.” She knew by revealing this information to Charlotte, it would set things in motion that couldn’t be reversed.

  Soon, Charlotte would understand everything.

  Charlotte paused and stared at Mimi.

  “I recognize that look," Mimi said as she rolled her eyes at Charlotte, "there is nothing wrong with me child, but if you want to get James back, you will need to listen to me and do exactly as I tell you.”

  Charlotte’s attention was now on Mimi’s every word. Why did she think she lost James or could she feel what Charlotte was feeling? In any event, her attention was now focused on what Mimi was trying to tell her.

  Mimi began to explain the history of the book and how it came about.

  Charlotte was already for familiar with the story of Clarissa and Jasper's love for each other, but what she didn't know, was that there was a spell cast over two hundred years ago and that spell involved her and James.

  Mimi told her that their families knew at some point, true love would resurface and they would need to be ready to combat the forces that would try to destroy that very love. “Charlie, you and James were destined to be together, but if my suspicions are correct, there is an evil force in Ireland trying to keep him from you.” She paused to allow what she was saying to sink in. “Two hundred years ago, Jasper cast a spell over Clarissa and himself. He said that their souls would walk the earth until their love could be reunited. Charlie, you and James are that love. I know what I'm about to tell you is going to be the most difficult thing you've ever
heard, but I need you to stay open-minded and focus on what has to be done.” Mimi rubbed the book as if it were something she had cherished for years.

  Charlotte quietly waited as she stared at her grandmother.

  She looked up at Charlotte. “Our family comes from a long line of sorcerers; most go their lifetime without accessing their powers. You, my dear, have powers within you and you will need to access those powers in order to help James.”

  “Mimi I don't understand, what you're saying makes no sense.” What Mimi was telling her was starting to frighten Charlotte because deep down, she knew that Mimi was speaking the truth. She knew it in her soul. Charlotte stood as she tried to gather her thoughts. “I'm sure James is really busy and that's the reason he hasn’t returned my calls.” She drained her glass. “I think you need to get some rest Mimi. I know I could use some rest.” She placed the glass on the table. “I'm going home. We'll talk again in the morning. Hopefully, all of this stuff about magical powers will be out of your head.” She kissed her on the cheek before heading out the door.

  Mimi stood and grabbed her arm prompting Charlotte to stop Mimi remained silent as she hugged her. “Okay Charlie, drive home safely and we'll talk in the morning.”

  That night Charlotte tossed and turned in bed before she finally fell off to sleep and began to dream about James again. This dream was similar to the ones before; she could see the castle. This time, it was decorated more festively, and the people were mulling around were dressed in more formal attire. She went into the castle and noticed that a ceremony was about to begin. She looked in the ballroom and it was staged for a wedding. There was a platform altar and she saw James standing there, in a white suit. It must be our wedding day. She peered down at her clothes and she was dressed in one of her basic work suits. When she looked back at the altar, she saw a smiling James. She walked towards him when a woman in a white wedding gown brushed past her.

  The woman slowly made her way down the aisle.


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