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Page 29

by Amelia Rademaker

  “I couldn’t tell,” Ivy said sarcastically. Ivy pulled on a bra and panties. “How did dropping off Cassidy go? Did you get a salt ward set up?”

  He came to sit on the bed just as Ezra walked in. “It was fine. I’m pretty sure she packed like she’ll be there for a week but whatever. Carol was sick in bed but John and I laid a thick salt line inside of the house.” Ivy gave him a questioning look. “John is Evie’s dad.”

  “I hope you explained to him what’s at stake right now,” Ezra’s tone was downright threatening.

  Ezekiel nodded, “I read him the riot act. I also called Pat. I told him I would forget his massive fuck up the other day if he guarded the house today.” He dropped the serious face and gave her a smile. “How far did you guys get with the maps?”

  Ivy turned to Ezra, “What did you find out when you looked through the photos?”

  He gestured for the phone. He opened one of the photos of the old maps. “This one and,” he swiped a few photos over, “this one, both have ravines along a tree line.” He went to the last map. “This one has a massive pit in it. It’s not a ravine but it’s surrounded by trees. Those would be our best bet.”

  “Thanks,” Ivy meant it. It wasn’t perfect. She was sure she had missed some photos in the historical section but it was way better than nothing. “Hopefully, the Coven will be able to help us narrow things down even more. Then we can go searching.”

  “That we can help with,” Ezekiel cut in. “Now what?”

  Ivy glanced at the time on her phone. It was nearly eleven. The Coven was expecting them in an hour. Since they didn’t need a witching hour to perform a locating spell, they wanted as much daylight as they could manage, just in case, they needed to do a lot of hiking through the woods. Ivy wasn’t too sure how the old ladies were going to handle that part.

  “I need to get in touch with Lawrence and tell him that we’re starting the spell soon.” She scratched her cheek. “I’m not sure how we’re going to get him to the Coven’s house without there being problems. He’ll need someone to let him through the ward.”

  “Not our problem. Let Lawrence figure it out,” Ezra shrugged.

  “He’s helping us,” Ivy argued.

  “He blackmailed you,” Ezekiel pointed out.

  “He saved my life,” she reminded them.

  They shared a look before Ezra answered. “I’m not convinced that he wasn’t the reason you got attacked.”

  “We might need him to find the birthright so you’re just going to have to deal with him for a while okay?”

  They both grumbled but didn’t say anything else. Ivy pulled up his contact information and called him.

  “Did you get the Black Bird Coven to help?” He asked without preamble.

  “Yes, they’ll perform the locating spell and are looking into a way for us to cast the Salici Sacri out of the territory.” She filled him in on her meeting with Ben and the Enforcers.

  He sighed heavily. “I don’t think a salt ward will keep the Salici out but it’s better than nothing. I’m glad they didn’t send out an execution order for me on the spot at least. So, when will the Coven be ready?”

  “We need to be at their house in about an hour. We have the maps ready. Did you get your hands on a dowsing stone?”

  “I found one this morning. It’s local so hopefully, it will be more in tuned with the land. I won’t be able to get to the Black Bird Coven house in time. I’ll need a ride. Unless you figured out how to do that transporting spell from yesterday?” He asked hopefully.

  “No luck. We can give you a ride. That will solve the problem of getting you past their ward too.” They would just need to think of a way to sneak him through town without anyone seeing or smelling him. “Where are you?”

  “Do you know where the Evergreen Mountain trail head is?”

  She looked at the brothers. They nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Drive out there. I’ll be around.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Ivy was squeezed between Ezekiel and the hard wall of the truck. They were in the truck’s small back bench. She was folded like a pretzel so she knew Ezekiel had to be uncomfortable. He didn’t say anything though.

  “Why can’t we sit in the front seat?” She finally asked.

  “It’s hard enough that we can’t put McDowell in the bed. He’s not sitting next to you,” Ezra said like that was a totally normal response.

  “Then why can’t Ezekiel sit in a normal seat?” She asked.

  “Because if McDowell starts anything, I want to be able to punch him in the back of the head,” Ezekiel answered.

  “We’re here,” Ezra said as he slowed the truck and pulled off the main road.

  Ivy could see the sign for the Evergreen Mountain trail head. There were a few crude parking spots off to the side. The trail looked overgrown and unused.

  She searched around but couldn’t see Lawrence. “Maybe we should get out.”

  Both brothers shook their heads. “This is his ride. If he misses it, he’s out of luck,” Ezra said.

  Ivy rolled her eyes. “If we miss him, we’re out of luck. First off, he’s got the dowsing stone. Second off, we have no idea how to get Caterina’s birthright from the altar.”

  Ezra sighed and turned around to look at Ezekiel, “Leave if something fishy happens.” Ezekiel nodded and Ezra got out of the truck, leaving it on.

  He stopped in front of the truck and inhaled. He turned back towards them and shook his head. He couldn’t smell him. “McDowell, you’ve got two seconds to show your ass or I’m driving off,” he growled.

  A figure stepped out from the tree line. The trees were so dense in this part of the forest that even in the middle of the day, it was hard to see anything other than an outline. Once the person stepped onto the gravel, Ivy saw that it was Lawrence.

  He was wearing different clothes. His jeans were semi-clean. There were only a few dirt stains on the knees. He had on thick hiking boots that were covered in mud. He was wearing a black winter jacket.

  He stopped ten feet away from Ezra. The pair stared each other down. Neither of them moved but even Ivy could feel the tension from inside the truck. Ezra raised a lip, showing sharp teeth. Lawrence smiled. Ivy almost groaned.

  “Why couldn’t I smell you?” Ezra snarled.

  Lawrence shrugged one shoulder, “Not my fault your sense suck.”

  Oh goddess, did the man have to egg Ezra on right now?

  “It’s probably a spell,” Ivy called from the truck.

  Ezra didn’t look at her but she saw his head dip in acknowledgment. “Get in, we’ve wasted enough time with this bullshit,” he nodded to the passenger side.

  Ezra didn’t move until Lawrence had walked around the truck. Then he walked back and got in. He glared the entire time.

  Lawrence got in, turned around and smiled, “Ivy, good to see you again.” He turned to Ezekiel, “I’m sorry which Tate are you: Isaac or Isaiah?”

  “Lawrence,” Ivy warned.

  He raised his hands in surrender, “Just joking.”

  “What were you doing in the middle of the woods?” Ezekiel didn’t bother to sound anything other than accusatory.

  “If you must know, I was looking for a dowsing stone,” Lawrence answered.

  “And you needed to do that in our territory, alone?” Ezekiel asked just as hostile as his brother.

  “Will you believe me if I tell you?” Lawrence asked.

  Ezra met Ezekiel’s eyes in the rearview mirror.

  “We still can’t scent you,” Ezra started.

  “So, no,” Ezekiel finished.

  Lawrence turned and gave Ivy a deadpan look.

  “We need a special crystal focus to use during the locating spell. I don’t have any and well, we know what happened to all of Stella’s crystals,” Ivy muttered the last part very quietly.

  “Since I’m not being tailed by Black Bird’s finest anymore, I offered,” Lawrence finished.

  “That still doesn�
�t answer why you were traipsing around our territory,” Ezra narrowed his eyes at Lawrence.

  Lawrence gave a put-out sigh, “Really Ivy, if these two are going to be hanging around, you need to educate them.”

  Ivy shot him a glare, “Not helping, Lawrence. Normally, you could buy a decent dowsing crystal from a magic shop but since there aren’t any this side of the mountains, Lawrence had to find one. Which meant he needed to go crystal hunting the old-fashioned way.”

  “Since il cuóri annodáto is in this territory, I wanted to find a crystal that was formed here.”

  “Why is that important?” Ezekiel asked.

  Ivy jumped to answer before Lawrence could say something incendiary. “If the crystal was formed here, it will have a greater tie to that land. It won’t take as much power to perform the location spell.”

  “It will also be more accurate, which I think will be important for us,” Lawrence murmured.

  “What did you find?” Ivy was nervous to see what he had found on such short notice.

  Lawrence reached into an inside pocket in his jacket and pulled out a small piece of amethyst. It was only two inches long. On one side was a light purple tip. The rest of the stone was a murky white. It wasn’t particularly beautiful but Ivy knew that wouldn’t matter.

  He put it back. “Have you talked to the Coven about our Salici problem?”

  “Only briefly. I don’t know what they’re planning. I still need to negotiate a price for their services,” Ivy grimaced.

  “I thought you already worked that out with them,” Ezekiel said.

  “That was the price of the locating spell. This is to protect Black Bird. Since we’re desperate, I think they’ll ask for a lot in return.”

  Lawrence just shrugged, “If they can help keep the Salici Sacri out, it will be worth it. Whatever their price.”

  That might be true but Ivy was worried she wouldn’t be able to pay it.

  “We’ll deal with it, whatever they ask,” Ezra promised.

  “We’re almost on their land. You might want to call them so they can open the ward, or whatever they need to do,” Ezekiel nodded to the road.

  The trees thinned and the Coven house came into view. Ezra stopped the truck right outside of the property line. He didn’t turn it off though.

  Ivy pulled out her phone and called.

  “Hello?” Stella answered.

  “Hi, Stella, its Ivy. We’re at the ward line.”

  “I’ll send Maggie out to let you in. Patricia is in a huff about something and I’m trying to find our candles.” She didn’t bother saying goodbye, she just hung up. It seemed Ivy was still on Stella’s shit list from the other night.

  Ivy didn’t bother telling the guys what Stella had said since everyone else in the car had shifter hearing. They waited a few minutes before they saw a small golf cart come around the back of the house. Thankfully, Ivy could see Maggie’s brightly colored sweater under her thick jacket. For a second, she had been worried that they would be performing the locating spell ‘skyclad’.

  Lawrence got out of the truck. Ivy nudged Ezekiel, “I need to get out. Maggie will want to talk to us before she lets us in.”

  Both brothers started to move. Ezra got out of the truck while Ezekiel unlatched the front seat and pushed it forward. They both waited for her to get out before flanking her as she walked over to Maggie.

  Maggie was just reaching the property line as Ivy stopped. There was no warm smile this time. She gave Ivy a brisk nod before taking in Lawrence from head to toe.

  “So, you’re the boy that has this whole territory up in a fuss.” Maggie’s brow furrowed. “I can see why. Your magic is very unique: part shifter, part witch.” She smiled coyly, “I bet those dogs have no idea what to make of you.”

  Lawrence snorted, “You could say that.”

  Maggie squared her shoulders signally that the niceties were over. “I am Margaret Spaulding, the Matriarch of the Black Bird Coven.” She gave a slight bow.

  Lawrence bowed, “Well, met Matriarch Spaulding. I am Lawrence Genetti McDowell, previously of the Monroe Springs Pack.”

  Maggie pierced him with a hard look. “You are coming here by invitation of Ivy Stevens, but make no mistake, Mr. McDowell, if you are here to cause our Coven, or this land, harm, the ward will not let you pass.”

  Lawrence nodded, “Of course. I mean no harm to you or your Coven. I only want to find my family’s birthright and cast the Salici Sacri out.”

  Maggie stared at him for a long moment. Then she turned to Ivy. “Before I allow you entrance there is the small matter of the price to rid the territory of this predatory Coven.”

  “Have you found a way to cast them out?” Ivy asked trying to keep the hope from her question.

  Maggie gave a single nod, “We believe we have a solution. However, since this is a unique situation requiring a unique spell, the price will be steep.”

  Ivy didn’t let her dismay show.

  “We’re willing to pay it,” Ezra said as he stepped closer to Ivy.

  “You are not welcome at the bartering table, wolf,” Maggie didn’t even look at him when she dismissed him. “This is a price only Ms. Stevens can pay.” Ivy didn’t answer, instead letting Maggie name her price, “If we are to share our knowledge and magic with you, you will be bound to the Black Bird Coven for a space of five years.”

  Ivy couldn’t stop her eyebrows from hitting her hairline. That was not what she had expected. She had honestly been expecting them to ask for a pound of flesh or for them to siphon off her magic a few times. She was more than a little relieved.

  “Until I hear what your solution is, I cannot agree to your terms but the price is acceptable to me,” she answered.

  Maggie nodded, “Of course. Let us get to the house so we can discuss this at length.”

  Maggie stepped up to the ward and rubbed her hands together. A shimmer of blue magic engulfed her hands. She pressed both palms to the barrier, “Ivy Stevens, Lawrence McDowell, Ezra Tate and Ezekiel Tate have been granted access to our haven for today. So long as they mean us no harm and carry no deceit, so mote it be.”

  She stepped back from the ward, “I will see you in the house, dearie. Be sure to stomp off the mud, the rains have positively ruined our road.” With that, she walked back to the golf cart and got inside.

  Ezekiel waited until they were inside the truck before asking, “What does it mean that you’ll be bound to the Black Bird Coven for five years?” He hadn’t liked the way it had sounded but after Ezra had been shot down, he hadn’t wanted to risk the negotiations by opening his mouth.

  “If she ends up making the deal with them, she’ll be a member of the Black Bird Coven,” Lawrence answered.

  “What does that mean?” Ezra asked.

  Ivy shrugged, “It means that there will be a special ceremony binding me to the Coven. Then, I will have to be present for all major spells. I will have to be there for all Coven meetings. It depends on the Coven. Sometimes they make new members stay at the Coven house or require them to have additional training.”

  “That sounds like a new Pack member,” Ezra said sounding confused.

  “It is,” Lawrence said. “She essentially a Pack member of the Coven now.” He gave Ivy a bright smile. “Bet you didn’t plan on getting stuck with a bunch of old ladies as Coven sister when you woke up this morning.”

  Ivy scoffed, “I was expecting something way worse. Besides, they’re not too bad. Although I have it on good authority that you should watch your behind while you’re in there.”

  “Patricia’s surprisingly quiet when she wants to be,” Ezekiel murmured.

  They parked the truck and all got out. Ivy didn’t bother knocking when they got to the front door, she just walked in. They followed her in to the kitchen.

  Stella was lining up a bunch of colored candles along the butcher’s block. She straightened when she saw them. Her eyes went right to Lawrence. Her excitement drooped once she saw him. “Oh, yo
u’re too young. I thought for a second we were going to have fresh meat around this place.”

  Lawrence nearly reared back, “I’m not here for a date, woman. I’m here to find Caterina’s altar.”

  Stella sighed, “Just as well, you seem like a stick in the mud to boot.” She looked over at Ivy, “Have you shaken on our deal, yet?”

  “Not until I can hear what your solution is for the Salici Sacri problem.”

  Stella lifted a shoulder, “You’ll shake on it.” Then her eyes got gleeful, “We came up with a really crazy plan. Maggie never lets me and Patricia go through with our crazy plans. You’ll love it.”

  Ezekiel and Ezra shared a worried look. Anything Stella described as “crazy” was worrisome. Patricia was bad enough. If Stella had joined in on the action, they would need to be on their toes.

  Ivy side stepped the subject entirely. Instead, she walked over to the where Stella was working. “Do you have everything?”

  Stella stood back with her hands on her hips. “I have all of the candles. I have some pens and the maps you gave us.” She turned to Ivy, “Maggie said you had a crystal but do you need hemp rope?”

  Lawrence stepped forward, “Yes, that would be helpful.”

  Stella nodded and left.

  “What’s about to happen? Am I about to see McDowell naked right now?” Ezra asked snidely.

  “You wish,” Lawrence smiled.

  “Hush,” Ivy cut in. She pointed to the maps. “We’re going to be performing a dowsing. We’ll start by drawing some quadrants on the maps to make it easier to narrow down where the crystal lands.” She lifted up one of the candles. “These go around the map. This isn’t a complex spell so there isn’t a lot of pomp and circumstance. Whoever is performing the spell will touch the journal and hold the crystal over the map like a pendant. Then they will repeat a spell. The crystal will point up in the right direction of the altar.”

  “What happens if the altar isn’t on the map?” Ezekiel asked.

  Lawrence stepped in, “The crystal will circle the map but won’t land anywhere. Then we’ll have to move to a new map and repeat the whole process. There’s a lot of territory to cover so we’ll probably have to switch out the primary spell caster a few times.”


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