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Page 2

by Kassidy Carter

  I am exhausted and want to go to bed and put this all behind me for the night. I decide to take the trash out before I head to bed… I grab the trash bag and head out, walking it to the dumpster that is across the parking lot. As I head back towards the building I hear a car turn into the parking lot, causing me to look up, I notice that it is Keegan’s car. I can feel the panic rise in my chest. As soon as I see his car I start to walk faster back to the building, not wanting to put up with his attitude. I am still pissed he destroyed my apartment. I know he was also probably drinking at Tyler’s house. A drunk, pissed off Keegan is not something I want to deal with on a good day.

  “Payton wait up,” Keegan shouts as he tries to catch up with me.

  I keep walking as I hear his car door slam shut I pick up my pace and rush into the building, fling open the main door, and start to run down the hall to my apartment. As I get to my apartment, I open the door quickly rushing inside, trying to get it shut and locked before he makes it to the door. I go to shut the door, but it gets pushed back open, causing me to stumble back a little, allowing Keegan to walk in.

  “What the fuck is your problem? I was calling your name.” He grabs the door and slams it shut, turning around to face me, glaring at me. The vein in his neck is popping out as he clenches his jaw shut.

  “You can leave Keegan. What you did to my apartment was childish and I am not putting up with this shit. Your attitude sucks and this relationship sucks. I am done with you.” I try to put some force into my words not wanting to show him I am scared of him, but I can tell that my voice wavers a little. I want to cringe hearing it sound so weak, but I stand as tall as I can.

  His eyes go wide and his jaw clenches again. I can see the muscles work as he tries to hold in the anger I know that wants to come out. All I want to do is get him to leave before he blows.

  “You little bitch. You think you can just break up with me? Just be done with me? It doesn’t work that way Payton.” He takes a step towards me but stops.

  I can see the anger in his eyes and I know I pushed him too far. I step back a little. “Yes Keegan, this is not going to work. You are too controlling. What you did was not acceptable. You disrespected me.” I say, pointing my fingers to my chest. “Please just leave.”

  He walks over to me and I step back with each of his steps to try to avoid him, but my attempt fails as he backs me up against the wall. He reaches his arms out, boxing me in with his arms, pushing me into the wall, pinning me there. I can smell the alcohol on his breath as he leans his face into mine.

  “You are not breaking up with me. I won’t allow it.”

  I look up at him. Then look away. Ashamed of myself for letting him frighten me.

  “Payton look at me damn it.” He yells and grabs my shoulders. Pushing me hard into the wall, I yelp out in pain as my back hits. I have to force myself to look away from him. I don’t want to see him at all. This Keegan scares the shit out of me. He pushes me back to get my attention, to get me to look at him again. I end up giving in and look up at him, slowly. I hate myself even more for giving into the fear he is causing me.

  “I think you need to leave before you do something dumb Keegan.” I plead with him, keeping my voice low and soft.

  “Huh? You think I should leave?” His finger digging into my shoulders, causing me to wince from the pain. “I am not leaving.” He snaps.

  I raise my arms and put my hands on his chest to try and push him away, wanting to keep my panic in. “Please Keegan, just go home and calm down.”

  “No, I am staying here.” He grabs my wrists and roughly pulls me close to him. “We can go to bed and this will all be over tomorrow when we wake up.”

  I try to pull away as I feel his fingers dig into my wrists. I know there will be bruises tomorrow. “Let go of me.” I whimper out. “No. We are going to bed and putting this behind us. From now on you will listen to me,” he says as he throws me down to the ground.

  I scream as I hit the floor, landing on my arms. I roll onto my back and lay there for a few seconds trying to hold back the tears. I can feel the lump in my throat and I try to swallow it back down as I try not to cry.

  “You pissed me off today. You are still pissing me off. Telling me, you want to break up. What happened to the apartment was your fault, not mine. You did not care at all about being on time, or about how I would feel about you being late.” He starts to pace back and forth, grabbing his hair and pulling at it as he yells.

  When he turns his back, I shoot up off the floor and rush over to the counter and grab my cell phone. I spin around and glare at him. “If you don't leave, I will call the cops,” I yell at him.

  He rushes me, but I side step out of his reach, making him stumble. Before he can get his footing, I run down the hall into my room. I slam the door shut and lock it just as he reaches it. He starts to pound on the door, screaming to unlock it or I will pay. I tune out what he is saying and keep it locked. I move to the other side of the room, trying to place distance between me and the door and dial 911. I wait for the operator to pick up. I hear someone talk, but I don’t listen to them. I quickly blurt out that my boyfriend is trying to hurt me and I need police assistance. I rattle out my address just as Keegan kicks the door down and lunges for me. I scream and try to move away again, but he catches me and tackles me to the floor. He grabs my phone and ends the call, throwing it at the wall.

  “That was very stupid Payton. This could have been different. All I wanted to do was come back here, talk this out with you, and then go to bed. But you had to go and be like you always are and make this into something bigger than it is.”

  I try to get out from under him and start to struggle, trying to throw him off me, but he grabs my arms and straddles me. He is squeezing so hard I know I am going to bruise. He pulls my arms up above my head, pinning them to the floor as he sits on my hips, pinning them down as well. I try to thrust my hips up to throw him off me. But it doesn’t work, he just pushes into me harder.

  “Please Keegan stop,” I whimper out. “I’m sorry I was selfish today, I didn’t mean to be. I just got caught up with wedding talk.” I try to plead with him, to get him to lighten his hold. I can feel the tears running down my cheeks now. The tears I tried so hard to hide from him earlier.

  “No Payton, I am not falling for that shit now,” he screams, moving my left hand over to my right hand as he grips both of my wrists with one of his hands. Before I know what he is going to do, he slaps me in the face.

  My head snaps to the side and I can taste a coppery taste in my mouth. Tasting my own blood, I start to struggle with him more now, lifting up my hips more now and throwing him off balance so I can get out from under him. Knowing the police should be here any minute, I think to myself I just have to keep him away from me. Keegan lifts himself off of me a little to readjust his hold, giving me an opening. I slid my knee up between us and kick up. Kicking him, missing his balls, but it was enough to get him to roll off of me.

  I get to my feet and run out of my room. I head for the bathroom, it is the closest room to my bedroom, but Keegan is faster than me. He grabs my hair and yanks me back before I can make it. I yelp as he pulls me back. I reach my hand behind me and claw at his arms, trying to get him to let go. I hear the sweet sound of police sirens as they pull into the parking lot. I don’t think I have ever wanted to hear the police sirens as much as I did at that moment. I guess Keegan heard them too because his grip tightens on my hair, causing it to pull tighter in his grip. He mutters “fuck.” Keeping his hold on me, he lowers his face down to mine.

  “This isn't over Payton.” He pulls away from me and slams my head and body into the bathroom door jam. I feel a sharp pain in my head and a dizziness wash over me before I drop to the floor. I lay there in a daze and hear the front door slam shut. I curl into a ball shaking and crying, trying to get past the pain and nausea that is hitting me.

  I don’t know how long I was laying there before I heard knocking on the door, jarring me
out of my daze. I look at the floor and see blood where my head is, causing me to reach up and touch were my head hurts. I pull my fingers away and notice blood on my hand. I hear a knock again and a familiar voice call out “It’s the police.”

  “Hunter,” I whimper out, hoping he hears me. I know I am too quiet so I slowly get up and lean against the wall, trying to make my way to the door. I am almost there when I start feeling dizzy again, causing me to stop again. I can feel the blood run down my face. I look down and see some had dropped onto the floor leaving a splattered tail from where I was. When I finally get to the door it takes me a few seconds to pull it open, the dizziness is starting to take over again and I can feel my knees start to weaken. I open the door and stumble forward right into Hunter. The dizziness wins and I black out.



  After having lunch with Matt, Emily, and Payton I head to the station to start my shift. These 12-hour shifts are easy and go pretty fast. Working nights can be fun, watching how stupid people really are. When I walk into the station and go into my office, I find out I am working with my partner Don. This is a treat. Since budget cuts, we only work with each other when we are slow. The department had to let a few officers go, which stretched us pretty thin when it came to the night shift.

  Having Don in the car with me always helped the night go by fast and smooth. He has been an officer for over 15 years. Of those 15 years that he has been with the department, we have been partners for 3 years. He has taught me everything I know. I have been with him since I started at the department. Tonight I was using him to keep my mind off of Payton. She has really grown up over the years. It’s hard not to notice, and I noticed every time I saw her. It never went unnoticed whenever she was in a room with me. I notice everything about her. Her face is so beautiful. The greenest eyes I have ever seen and lips so plump. Every time I see her I want to claim her lips. I even noticed when Kelly, my ex-girlfriend, and I were seeing each other. I act like she bothers me but really she doesn’t. I have loved her since I first met her, when we were kids. Matt even gave me the go ahead to date her if I ever wanted to. But in reality Payton is so much better than me.

  I get scared whenever I think about settling down. I have a dangerous job and the stress can be too much for someone to handle. Just ask Don. He was married for 10 years, but his wife left him because she could not handle the stress; not knowing if her husband would come home safe, or come home at all. My last girlfriend, Kelly, lasted 6 months and I had to break it off. She was, and still is, pissed. She didn’t understand that when I said “It’s not you, it’s me,” that I really meant it.

  “You look lost in thought tonight Hunter, everything okay?”

  I look over at Don and fidget a little in my seat. “Yes everything is fine, just been a long day. I worked until 6am and then had lunch with some friends. I found out that Matt and Emily are getting married.”

  “He finally asked Emily to marry him? That’s great! It took him long enough.” Don has known Matt and Payton for many years. He is good friends with their dad and was there for them when they lost their mom.

  “I know. I am happy for him. Emily is a great girl and they both deserve each other.”

  He looks over at me for a long minute, then sighs. “Then what’s eating you Hunter? You are not acting like yourself. Is it a girl?”

  I knew I could not throw him with the excuse I gave him. “Ha. No. I ran Kelly off about a month ago.” Too bad it is a girl, but I am not about to get into this conversation with Don tonight.

  Don smiles and laughs at me. “That lasted what about 6 months. It’s your longest relationship yet.”

  “Yes, I know. I amazed myself.” I look over at him with a cocky grin. “But then she was talking about getting married and having kids and I freaked out. I don’t want that yet.”

  “You mean she wasn’t the one you wanted that with.”

  I turn my head and look at him funny. “No. I don’t want to put a person through the stress of this job.”

  He sighs, and looks back at me. “Hunter don’t let my failed marriage scare you. We had problems that were not about this job. Helen cheated on me a few years ago. I thought I could get over it but in the end I could not trust her. Not when I work all the time.”

  I go to tell him that his failed marriage doesn’t scare me when a call comes through the radio.

  “We have a woman who called from 5060 Kings Bay Ave. Her boyfriend is threatening her and then the call disconnected with a male shouting and loud noises. We need a unit to head over to check it out.”

  I grab the radio and radio in that we are close to the location and we will take the call. We are only about 5 minutes away from Kings Bay. Don speeds up and turns the lights and sirens on.

  As we get closer, it dawns on me that Payton lives in that building. She has had problems with her ex-boyfriend in the past. I look at Don trying to keep myself calm.

  “Shit that’s Payton’s building,” I tell him. Matt and I talked her into leaving Keegan a few months ago because he was showing signs of being controlling and had some anger issues that worried Matt. She hasn’t said anything about seeing him again. I might be worrying for nothing.

  We pull up to the building and walk in. Just in time to see Keegan walking toward us. As soon as he sees us he smiles at me and turns, taking off down the hall that goes towards the back door. “Shit,” Don Mutters “I will get him, go see if Payton is okay.”

  Don takes off and I do the same. I run to Payton’s door and knock. “It’s the police” I call out, hoping she is ok. I wait a few seconds and knock again. I start to get a panicky feeling when there is no answer. When I go to knock again the door opens and Payton stumbles out, covered in blood. She falls into me, causing me to stumble back a little. When I catch my footing, I lay her down on the ground gently and see her eyes are closed. I look her over to see if I can find the source of the blood. It doesn’t take long before I see it is coming from a cut on her head. I touch it lightly and Payton winces opening up her eyes.

  “That hurts Hunter. I feel like I have a splitting headache.” She gives me a small smile. But it disappears right away.

  I help her sit up as she grabs her head and looks at me. “Are you alright?” I ask her.

  “I think so. The blood is making me lightly headed and nauseous.”

  I laugh a little at her attempt to lighten the mood. “You and your big fear of blood. Here, let’s get you to the couch.”

  I reach under her and help her walk to the couch. She sits down and puts her head into her hands and starts crying. “I’m sorry that you have to see me like this Hunter.”

  I don’t say anything to her. I walk into her kitchen trying to calm my anger. She has been lying to us about Keegan. I am even more pissed that he beat the shit out of her. I grab a towel, getting it wet and ring the water out of it. I walk back over to her. I don’t tell her that it’s going to be ok. I go into police mode. “Payton I need to ask you some questions. You think you can answer them for me?”

  She doesn’t look up at me, just shakes her head yes.

  I sit on the couch and slowly lift her head and turn it to face me. The look on her face breaks my heart. It’s the look of scared, hurt, and frighten all in one. At that moment, I want to kill him for hurting her.

  Chapter 3


  I wish I could crawl into a hole and hide. I did not want Hunter to be the one to come tonight. He knows my history with Keegan. Matt and Hunter both told me not to date him, and I lied and told them that I wasn't. I didn’t believe them that Keegan was this way. I just thought it was their way of trying to keep me from dating. I look at Hunter dreading the questions he is going to ask.

  He puts the wet towel to my head and holds it there. Feeling dumb I brush his hand away and hold the towel myself. I bite on my lower lip to stop from crying again.

  He takes out a pad of paper and a pen. “Are you seeing Keegan again?” I can see that he is hol
ding in his anger. I need him to not be angry with me. I know I fucked up. My face and head know I fucked up. He doesn’t need to tell me what I already know.

  “Is that a question you need for your report Hunter?”

  “No, but I would like to know for myself Payton,” he snaps at me, looking away and back at his pad.

  “Yes, we started seeing each other again about a few months ago,” I say, looking down at the floor, readjusting the towel on my head.

  “You know James and Matt won’t be happy about this.”

  I ignore him, knowing my brother will be pissed that I went back to Keegan. It’s not something I really want to talk about with Hunter right now.


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