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Page 16

by Kassidy Carter

  Hearing all this gives me a sick feeling. I want to feel bad for Kelly, but I can’t. She shot Hunter, the man she supposedly loved. Once the officers leave, I am drained. All I want to do is sleep as I try to take in what they told me. My dad and brothers try to come see me, to make sure I am okay. I tell them I am fine and fall asleep.

  My dad comes in with a wheelchair smiling at me. “You want to go see Hunter? That might make you feel better sweetheart.”

  I nod my head yes. James and Matt come over and help me into the chair.

  They push me down the hall and stop in front of another room, just as Hunter’s mom walks out. She looks up at my dad and then down at me, and smiles.

  “He has been asking about you. I am so sorry this happened to you.” She pats my shoulder and goes to walk away.

  “You should not be sorry, it’s my fault. I am the one who took off and left. I did not trust him enough and he almost died because of it.” I say lightly. She stops and looks at me but says nothing, just nods her head and walks away. I look up at my dad holding the tears back. I really wanted to let go. I hurt Hunter and his mom is hurting over her son almost dying.

  “Dad, I want to go back to my room, please. I can’t see him right now.” I take a deep breath, feeling ashamed. A few minutes ago I could have looked him in the eyes and told him how I felt, but now I feel like a coward. I ran from him instead of talking to him. I ran and almost got him and myself killed.

  My dad looks like he wants to protest, but turns me around, pushing me back to my room instead. My brothers don't say anything as they help me get back into bed. James comes over and tucks me in and leans down to kiss my forehead.

  “Get some rest Pay, you look like shit.” He smiles big, causing me to smile a little and shrug.

  “At least my face doesn't always look like this. What is your excuse?” He laughs and shakes his head.

  “I have a date tonight; get some rest and behave. I love you Payton, don't forget that.” He hugs me and walks out of the room, leaving me with my dad and Matt. My dad leaves right after James, kissing my forehead goodbye, telling me he will be back in the morning.

  I look at Matt, knowing what he is thinking. He stayed behind to talk to me about Hunter. “I don't want to hear it.”

  He sighs and sits on the edge of my bed, looking at the floor. “You might not want to hear it but he really loves you. He went to save you without thinking. Kelly drugged him, he did not sleep with her.”

  “I know he was drugged Matt, I get that. But he almost died because of me. I didn’t trust him and I ran. I should have stayed and asked him face to face. Instead, I ran like a chicken and he paid the price.”

  Matt looks at me now, with a pissed off face. “No, you don't get to do this. You don't get to blame yourself. So stop.” He yells standing, walking to the door then coming back to the bed. “You almost died too Payton. If Keegan didn’t kill you, he would have taken you someplace, who the fuck knows Payton. What you did was dumb and you can blame yourself all you want but James and I are the ones that gave you the key to the cabin. We let you go. Should we point fingers at ourselves too? Why don’t we start blaming ourselves for this?”

  I look down at the hand that is in the cast and fiddle with the edge of it. “I’m sorry.” I look up at him, “I just can’t see him right now.” I take a breath to calm my nerves. “I can’t fight with you about this Matt. I am tired. I'm so tired, and sorry, and confused Matt.”

  One thing I always loved about Matt is he was never one to push me. If I were tired, he would leave me alone, and that is what he does. He kisses my forehead and tells me to get some rest. Before he walks out the door, he tells me to think about seeing Hunter.

  When he walks out of the room, I get a few minutes of peace before the night nurse comes in and checks on me. She gives me some pain medication, finishes checking me over and leaves me alone to go to bed.



  Payton is all I can think about ever since I woke up. Matt came in when he found out I was awake. I asked him about Payton, but she was still asleep. That was a day ago. I really wanted to see her. I need to tell her my side of what happened with Kelly. I also needed to make sure she was alright.

  When I hear her outside my door, I was ready to see her. The doctor wouldn’t let me get up and walk around yet. I asked him as soon as I saw him. I even told him I just wanted to go check up on Payton. He said no, not right away, leaving me frustrated and pissed. I really wanted to be there when she woke up.

  When she left, asking her dad to take her back to her room, my stomach dropped. I was so happy to hear her voice. I struggled to sit up so I could go after her. I wanted to see her, but she didn’t want to see me. Just as I was about to rip out the IV that is connected to my hand, a nurse walked in and stopped me.

  Now I feel like I am going crazy with the need to see her. That night we were both too close to death. I had never been shot before, and I never want to relive that feeling again. The pain was out of this world. But it did not compare to the pain I felt when I knew I could not help Payton. After I was hit in the head, I don't remember much, other than I heard a gun go off. I thought Payton was shot, it brought me back. Then I saw Keegan on her, squeezing the life out of her and I flipped. I saw the gun by Kelly and made my way to it, as fast as I could. As soon as my hand that was not cuffed to the chair was on the gun, I pointed and pulled the trigger. After I fired the gun, I fell and blacked out. I remember having flashes of a beautiful angel above me, telling me to stay with her. The face of the angel was Payton. I tried to keep my eyes open, to tell her everything would be alright. I was more tired than hurt. My head felt like it was knocked off my shoulders, but I still wanted to reassure her that I was fine. I wanted to keep her calm. I fought to hold on. I focused on her face and her sweet voice, but in the end I could not hold on. I had to let go. At the moment, I felt like I was never going to see her again.

  When the nurse left my room later that night, I got out of bed and pulled my IV with me down the hall to Payton's room. Matt told me what room she is in. I promised I wouldn’t bother her, but fuck this. I need to see her and if she won’t see me, I will go and see her. I move quietly, trying not to make noise. I don't want to alert the nurses that I am up and moving around. Being this quiet is causing me to move painfully slow.

  When I finally make it to her room, I knock once to alert her. I know she has to be jumpy from everything, and I don't want to be a dick and scare her. I walk in just as she is sitting up. The relief I see in her eyes is refreshing until it turns to panic. I want to calm her down. The look in her eyes is something I never want to see. I don't want to ever see her panic again. I want to see the love that was there a few days ago.

  I raise my finger to my lips, as to tell her to keep quiet. “I busted out of my room to come talk to you. I needed to see you, to make sure you are all right.” I fidget for a few seconds, just taking her in. “Everyone told me you were alright, but I needed to see you for myself.”

  I stand there, not knowing what to do. She is just looking at me with a lost, empty look. I move over to her, stopping at the side of her bed. I don’t want to push her too hard so I hold myself back from scooping her up into a huge hug. The relief comes back into her eyes, so do the tears. I could see her holding back. The battle with myself is over. Without hesitation, I close the gap between us, pushing her over a bit and lying down next to her. My shoulder that was shot is facing away from her. I wipe some of the tears away from her face and lean over and kiss her face tenderly. I want to kiss every bruise that asshole put on her, but I can wait.

  “I thought you died Hunter. I was so scared.” She gasps out in a sob.

  I wrap my arm around her and pull her close to me. I can feel her hesitate a little, but she gives in and rests her head on my shoulder.

  “Payton, the only way for me to die is if I lost you. I am nothing without you.” She turns her head and looks at me, her body relaxing as she makes eye
contact with me.

  “Hunter don’t say that. I didn’t trust you and I took off, ready to call us off. I was so hurt when I saw that picture of you and Kelly. I fell right into their trap.” She reaches her good hand over my stomach, taking mine and squeezing it. “When Keegan told me you were on your way I was so happy that I was going to get out of that situation. You were coming to save me. Then when you finally arrived at the cabin and I heard the gun go off, I wanted to die.” She wipes the tears off her cheeks, taking a big breath as she does. “I get where you are coming from. I’d rather welcome death than live my life without you. I am nothing without you.” She smiles at me and squeezes our hands a little tighter.

  I squeeze back, to let her know I am here for her. I will always be here for her. Talking to her about all this makes me realize that I want to be with her forever. I want to hold her close and wake up every morning with her. My heart will always have a spot for Payton and that will never change. We lay there together for some time, not really saying anything to each other, just holding each other close. She ends up falling asleep with her hand still on my chest. I pull her closer, draping her body over mine, and cover us both up. I have no plans to leave her tonight. The hospital staff will have to force me out of this room. I kiss her forehead and watch her until sleep takes over.

  Chapter 17


  I was released from the hospital before Hunter was, but I was up there every day. Matt was happy that I got my head out of my ass and talked to Hunter about everything. My dad walked in on us the next morning, sleeping in the same hospital bed. I woke up just as he walked in and all I could do was grin at him like an idiot. There was happiness in his eyes when I saw him, a happiness I didn’t get to see much in him. Hunter woke up when Matt came charging into the room, yelling something about me getting my head out of my ass. I could tell he had the speech all picked out and ready to go. The look he gave us was priceless. When he saw us lying in bed together. The whole situation caused everyone in the room to laugh.

  The doctor came in and discharged me that day. Hunter had to stay another week, to make sure everything was healing alright. His head took a beating with the gun when Keegan knocked him out and the gunshot wound was healing well.

  When I finally got home that day, Emily was there with a huge welcome home sign, balloons, and flowers. My dad and Matt helped me into the apartment. I told them that they could leave shortly after; I wanted to spend some time with Emily. Emily spent the day hovering over me, making sure I was comfortable, making sure I had everything I needed. Later that night Emily broke the news to me that she and Matt decided to push the wedding to next month, giving Hunter and I a chance to heal. Once I heard that I pulled her in for a hug and I told her how sorry I was for making them change everything around because of me. Emily looks at me seriously then cracks a smile. “Shut up. It just means I get to go dress shopping again.”

  “Well, since you put it that way, I don't feel bad at all. We can go next week when I don't feel like a building fell on me.”

  We both laugh for a few seconds before she turns serious again. “Payton, never scare me like that again. When Matt told me what happened, I lost it. I went home and cried to my mom. I haven’t cried in front of her since that time she told me that my butt was too big for the dress I wanted to buy.”

  “Well, in your mom’s defense, that dress was small and your butt was huge,” I say with wide eyes, stretching my hand out in a show of the hugeness, trying to lighten the mood. It’s one thing that will never change between us. We are never too serious for too long.

  She laughs and pulls me into a hug. “I am glad you are safe and not harmed too bad. I will be staying here until I know you are better, I promise.”

  She did make good on her promise. She stayed that whole week; so did Matt. Whenever I would wake up screaming from the nightmares I keep having Emily would crawl into bed with me and try to comfort me. Most times the nightmares ended with Hunter dying and Keegan taking me away. With time, I know the dreams will go away. I can’t wait for the day I can sleep without waking up in a panic.

  Keegan's dad came by to see me the day Hunter came home from the hospital. He wanted to pay me for the trouble his son had caused. He made it sound like what happened was so simple that money could correct what his son had put me through. If my arm did not hurt as bad as it did, I would have clocked him in the head with my cast. I wanted to tell him to take his money and shove it up his ass, but I ended up taking it just to shut him up. He kept threatening he would come back until I took the money and at that moment I wanted to get him out of my life. He resembled Keegan and that needed to go.

  It has been about a month now since his dad came and handed me the envelope with the check in it. I have yet to open it. Hunter has tried to talk me into it, but I told him I can’t. I don’t want his money. I don't want his pity or him to feel sorry. He was the one who helped bail his son out after the first time he attacked me. He can stay feeling guilty for that.

  I woke up today feeling like today was a good day to change things. I have control over everything I do from this moment on. I am not going to be afraid of that envelope any longer. I get up off my bed trying not to disturb Hunter. I walk over to my bookshelf that the envelope is sitting on. I pick it up and open it. Taking the check out and looking at it. I shriek and look at it again. Hunter jolts up in bed and looks at me with a worried expression.

  “Is everything alright?” The tension in his body doesn't relax right away until he sees no harm in the room. When I don’t answer him right away, he gets off the bed and walks over to me. All I can do is look at the check. I really want to think I am going crazy, there is no way this is right. This can’t be right. I know he has a ton of money, but really this isn't right.

  Hunter takes the check looking it over once, then looks up at me, then back down at it again “Holy shit. Is that fucker for real? $500,000?”

  I look up at him. Snapping out of my shock and shake my head. “I can’t take this Hunter, this is way too much.”

  He hands the check back to me. “You can take it Payton. What his son did to you can’t be undone with money but it’s something. It will give you a chance to start over. You could buy a bookstore. I know how much you like books. You could do it and stop working at the diner and make something for yourself. I would be right here waiting to help you.”

  I take the check and fold it, placing it back on the bookshelf. I have to think about it. This is all too crazy. My dreams of having a bookstore could become a reality now. It doesn't feel right taking the money through, but Hunter has a point. I can start over with the $500,000 and make a better life for myself. Wanting to forget about the check, I look up at Hunter and smile, pulling him in close to me. Kissing him deep, I slide my tongue into his mouth making him open up for me. I don’t want to waste the day talking about the check or about what has happened with Keegan. I want to think about Hunter and me. He deepens the kiss, walking us back to my bed and keeping us close to each other, my chest pressed up against his as he sits on the edge of the bed, making me straddle him.

  He runs his hands up my body and tangles them into my hair, pulling back a little causing my head to fall back as he works his lips down my neck. I love the feeling of him kissing me and cherishing my body. If he allows this to happen this morning, it will be our first time since the cabin incident. I am not letting him back out this time. He didn’t want to hurt me and his arm was being a pain in the ass. Today I am ready for him. I need him.

  He nibbles a little on my collarbone, causing me to moan slightly. Arching my chest closer to him while I grind my hips into his groin. From the bulge in his shorts, I can tell he wants this as well and it encourages me to go further. I push him back on the bed and take advantage of this new position and kiss up his chest, nibbling a little as I go. I hear a growl come from his chest causing me to smile as I make my way up to his mouth and claim it. He runs his hands up and under my shirt, freeing me of it, lea
ving me only in panties.

  He cups each breast, kneading them lightly, causing me to moan out again. He slams his mouth into mine, causing my moan to be drowned out by his kiss. He leaves my breast and runs one hand down my torso and before he makes it to the sweet spot he flips us so I am on my back and he is now in control.

  Hunter rests on his elbow using the arm that isn't hurt and looks me in the eyes. Our faces inches apart. “I love you Payton, more than you will ever know.”

  I reach up and touch his face lightly and smile up at him. “I love you too, more than you will ever know.” I pull his face to mine and kiss him. Showing him how much I love him.

  The hours we spend in bed that morning were filled with more passion and love than the last time we had sex. This time it was just us. We had no worries about other people hurting us. It was just Hunter and me.


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