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Gods of Titan- The Cosmic Constants

Page 36

by David Christmas

  ‘We understand. You mustn’t feel guilty about events that were beyond your control. Things have generally worked out – in exactly the way you’d wish, strangely enough. We’re about to start evacuating the Founders from sub-quantal space. However, our first attempts suggest it won’t be easy, even with Josh’s enhanced mentalics. Do you have any ideas that might help us? Specifically, do you know why it’s so difficult to extract the Founders’ energy-bodies?’

  ‘I’m sorry, we don’t. We assumed that, once the Way was open, it would be a relatively straightforward process.’

  ‘Yeah, so did we. We’ll just have to keep trying. In the meantime, the other reason we’re here is …’

  ‘To further develop your mentalics. Yes, that makes perfect sense. We have designed a specific training programme for you. Although it is significantly different from that the young agents are working to, it should still, with perseverance, bring you to a similar level.’

  ‘Surely not! You’re suggesting we might ultimately be capable of time-folding?’

  ‘We think you might. You’ve both already achieved far more than we’d expected, and we’ve been forced to re-evaluate our opinion of you. We now see no reason why you shouldn’t reach the same level of ability as the other agents.’

  This was so unexpected that Deira was unable to think of anything to say. She and Sol could become fully developed agents, and if they could do it swiftly enough, they could help with the evacuation effort. Having Hope was something she’d never expected, but this – this was beyond all her wildest dreams.

  She tried to rein-in her excitement. ‘Okay, I guess we should get started, then. Before we do, though, could we discuss external events with you?’

  ‘Indeed. We have already had a comprehensive briefing from the young agents. Things appear to have taken a most helpful direction.’

  ‘Yeah. By now, the El will have informed the Cthon of the new data, and how it supports your stance that the Founders need to be removed from sub-quantal space. That means we’re all on the same side now – and that means you can discontinue your folded-space barrier. The Cthon will be told to do likewise, and I understand that even the El are considering making their presence known to the Earth authorities.’

  The Speaker was silent for a moment, a sign that he was conferring with the other members of the colony. Deira watched, hopefully, wishing she could read something on that damned immobile face. Finally, he responded.

  ‘We would prefer to wait until the Cthon have lowered their barrier before lowering ours. We feel that they, as the aggressors, must make the first move. We are also not as confident as you in the ability of the El to change their minds over this.’

  ‘I see.’ Deira wondered if there was any possibility of a compromise but, knowing the Eich, she felt that was highly unlikely. ‘In that case, I need to let Josh know so that he can inform the El.’

  ‘That is not an imperative. While we are all safely behind our barriers, nothing untoward will occur. It’s far more important that you commence your training.’

  Deira sighed. ‘You’re probably right. If we can make sufficient progress, we might be able to fold between the relevant parties in this dispute and get something to happen.’ She looked up at the tall Eich. ‘You’d better show us where to go and what to do.’

  ‘Please follow me.’ The Speaker turned and walked away, Sol and Deira trudging resolutely along behind.

  Chapter 42

  While Deira and Sol were settling into being trainees again, Tao and Josh embarked on an intensive sub-quantal space familiarisation programme with Victor, Kadir and Dominique. The techniques required were not difficult but needed repetition to ensure the agents were up to performing them time after time with no glitches. Luckily, they were fast learners and it wasn’t long before Josh was confident they were fit to progress to the evacuation proper. Unfortunately, however, that was now going to have to wait while everyone had some much-needed rest. It was the price of playing in this environment.

  It was many hours later before all the agents were up and functional again, and Josh felt they should check out Barth and Chayka before they began the evacuation proper, in case they’d come up with anything that might make their life easier.

  ‘The evacuation’s going to be a damned slow process unless we can change the parameters,’ he said. ‘I’m going to see whether Barth’s come up with anything. If he hasn’t, I’ll suggest taking one of the Founders to Chayka to see if he can find out anything by direct reference to the energy body. Might be worth a shot.’

  ‘Why don’t we crack on with the evacuation while you’re doing that?’ Dominique said. ‘I know it’s not very efficient, but three an hour for, say, four hours, gives twelve each per day. It helps.’

  ‘I think you’re being optimistic but I’m not against you giving it a shot. Tao, will you supervise their first transfers? Then they can go solo.’

  ‘Will do.’ Tao grinned at the three young agents who were all looking expectantly at her. ‘If you’d like to follow me?’

  Everyone immersed and entered sub-quantal space, where Barth met them. Josh watched for a moment while Tao helped the other three piggy-back their first Founders, then drew Barth off to one side.

  ‘We’re commencing the evacuation proper today, so you’ll need to have a constant flow of Founders ready to go. I’m afraid it’ll be slow because of the resistance to movement of your energy-bodies – and on that point, have you found anything that might help?

  ‘Nothing so far. I’m still working on it.’

  ‘We haven’t heard anything from Chayka either, which is one hell of a problem because the universe won’t wait on you two while you’re “working on it”. I had a thought that Chayka might have more luck if he had an actual energy body to run tests on. Do you think one of your number would volunteer for that? I’m sure there wouldn’t be any risk.’

  ‘I’m sure there wouldn’t either,’ Barth said. ‘Our energy-bodies are extremely resilient. It would take something like the energy of a star to damage or destroy one.’ He paused and look of sadness came over him. ‘Like the star I used at the time of the migration.’

  ‘So, can you arrange for one to come with me?’ It was said a little sharper than Josh had intended, but he really didn’t have time for self-pity at this point. Yes, Barth had committed murder on a vast scale and, yes, it almost certainly amounted to genocide, but if he hadn’t done what he’d done none of the Founders would have survived. At least he’d saved some of his race and, in so doing, had created the known universe into the bargain. The time for doubts and self-immolation were long gone. Now was the time for action – to save his creation.

  Barth looked startled and discomforted at the same time, clearly recognising the implied rebuke.

  ‘Yes, of course. Give me a minute.’ He vanished for a short time and reappeared a few minutes later with another Founder. ‘This is Evara. She’d be delighted to meet your Professor Chayka if it will assist the evacuation programme.’

  The Founder stepped forward and stared at Josh. She looked about his own age, around twenty, and he had to remind himself that this meant nothing. She was probably millions, if not billions, of years old, and this was simply her preferred appearance. What was interesting, though, was how well the Founders had adapted to the human form. Josh had no idea what their original corporeal form had been, but he was impressed by the way they handled this one, even if it was only composed of photons. He doubted he would be so accomplished in a scaly alien body.

  ‘Nice to meet you, Evara,’ he said. ‘I hope you realise what you’re getting into. Professor Chayka’s a peculiar sort.’

  ‘I’ve heard all about him from Adam.’ She laughed, completely unselfconsciously, when she saw the look he gave her. ‘Yes, you’re right. Adam and I are seeing quite a lot of each other. He seems to like me, and I like him – a lot.’

  Josh was somewhat bemused that an ancient alien should take a liking to a mere human but, for onc
e, he managed to keep his incredulity to himself.

  ‘Well, I’m pleased,’ he said. ‘Adam’s going through a traumatic time and could do with a friend.’

  ‘Yes. Anyway, I’m sure he’d cope without me for a while. I’m quite looking forward to seeing Professor Chayka. I feel like I know him already. Brilliant but eccentric.’

  Josh smiled. ‘So that’s what he is – eccentric! I’ve often wondered. Seriously, though, he’ll probably want to do all sorts of tests on you. You’ll need to be quite assertive.’

  He was embarrassed almost as soon as he said it. It was disconcerting having a multi-million-year-old entity standing in front of you looking every inch a teenager. You tended to respond as if she really was – and that made you look stupid.

  ‘Sorry,’ he said, ‘I know you can more than hold your own. Your appearance makes it a little difficult to interact with you in a manner appropriate to your age and experience. I’m sure I’ll get used to it.’

  Evara laughed again – a loud, confident sound that would have suited an older woman, and didn’t sit well with her chosen body image. ‘Don’t worry, Josh. I understand how it must be for you. I think Barth would agree that I’m a bit unusual even among my own kind. Most of the others choose a body image of rather more mature years. I can’t help myself. I still feel like a stupid youngster in many ways, even after all this time.’

  ‘Well thanks for that. It makes me feel a little less awkward. Shall we begin?’

  ‘Why not? I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time.’

  Josh gazed at the Founder with interest. There was a certain familiarity about her, though he couldn’t think why that should be. She stared straight back, a little smile playing around the corners of her mouth, as if she were playing a game with him. Had he met her before, perhaps sometime during his sojourn in sub-quantal space? He gave a little shake of his head in frustration and tried to put it out of his mind while he initiated the process for piggy-backing the alien energy body. He finally manged to secure her and turned to Barth.

  ‘I’ll be off then. It’d be good if you could keep up the work on this evacuation process. It’s damned hard work as it is.’

  ‘I’ll do what I can.’ Barth looked more worried than Josh had ever seen him. ‘It’s difficult to know where to look, though. The universe continually throws up new challenges, and one of the drawbacks of living for so long is that your mind becomes less flexible than it once was. I may simply not have the imagination to find a solution.’

  ‘I somehow doubt that,’ Josh said. ‘I’m looking at the person who almost single-handedly conceived and executed a plan to save his species from extinction at the end of the universe. If that’s not imagination I don’t know what is. Come on Barth – cheer up!’

  Barth smiled faintly. ‘Goodbye for now, Josh. I’ll keep a steady stream of my colleagues on hand for evacuation by the other agents. I wish you and Evara well with Chayka.’

  ‘See you soon.’ Josh began the re-entry process to his infra-low. Like the first time, it was extremely hard work and, again like the first time, it took a full twenty minutes before he was finally emerging into normal space once more. He was exhausted, and took a minute or two to compose himself before folding over to Juliette’s workstation in Chayka’s lab, where he found Juliette absorbed by something on her terminal

  ‘Hi Sis.’

  ‘What! Oh, shit … Josh!’ She stopped what she was doing and gazed disapprovingly at him. ‘You need to be more careful with this new folding of yours, you know. It gives people a hell of a shock when you suddenly appear in a yellow flash. Can’t you sort of give us a heads-up before you do it? Some sort of warning would be good.’

  ‘I’ll see what I can do. Anyway, the reason I’m here is to see Chayka. I’ve brought him a Founder to work with. See if he can work out why we’re having so much trouble getting them out.’

  ‘You’ve got one attached to you now? Can you show me? Can he off-load?’

  ‘Well, he’s a she, but I guess she could “off-load” as you put it now that we’re here. What about it Evara?’

  There was a movement off to Josh’s right and a sparkling multicoloured light appeared at about the level of his head.

  ‘That’s her?’ Juliette was entranced. ‘She’s beautiful.’

  ‘Just what every girl wants to hear.’ The voice seemed to be all around, though the lab workers at nearby terminals hadn’t seemed to notice. ‘It’s good to see you, Juliette.’

  ‘It’s nice to meet you too.’ Juliette looked pleased but was clearly having a problem knowing where to look when she spoke to the Founder.

  Evara gave that confident laugh again. ‘You look a bit confused. I think a proper body would be easier for everyone to deal with, don’t you?’

  ‘You intend to become corporeal?’ Josh hadn’t thought of this at all, assuming the Founder would choose to remain in her energy body.

  ‘Not in the true sense of the word. I’ll make a simple body that I can inhabit for as long as required, but which can be dissolved again without leaving the flesh for you to deal with.’ There was a moment’s hesitation. ‘Perhaps I should do this somewhere more private?’

  ‘Yeah. Sure.’ Josh had been gazing again at the energy body, wondering what it must be like to live like that. The question caused him to jerk back to reality. ‘Why don’t we take you straight to Chayka’s office? He’d probably like to see you like this before you make your body. Then he could witness you doing that too.’

  ‘Works for me. Lead on, Josh.’ There was a faint chuckle. ‘This should be good.’

  The three of them made their way to Chayka’s office, Evara hovering just off Josh’s right shoulder. The Professor was hard at work as usual but looked up expectantly when he saw Josh.

  ‘Hi Prof,’ Josh said, much to Juliette’s embarrassment. She nudged him in the ribs and looked down at the ground, but he just grinned and carried on. ‘We’ve brought you a little surprise.’

  Chayka raised one eyebrow. ‘I’m not sure I approve of surprises, Agent MacMahon.’

  ‘I think you’ll approve of this one. Evara, this is Professor Chayka.’

  ‘Delighted to meet you, Professor,’ Evara’s disembodied voice seemed to emerge in surround-sound. She gave another chuckle. ‘I must say, I feel like I know you already.’

  Chayka looked around as if he was witnessing a magic trick and trying to work out how it was done. Then he caught a glimpse of the Founder’s energy body.

  ‘Is that …’

  ‘Yep. She’s a Founder.’ Josh was enjoying himself hugely.

  ‘Fascinating.’ Chayka walked around his desk and approached Evara’s energy body until his face was almost touching it, all the time gazing at it in apparent rapture. Josh had heard about this behaviour, of course and, to Juliette’s intense relief, stayed silent. After several minutes, Chayka snapped back to reality and appeared to remember what Evara had said to him. ‘Ah, yes. Evara is it? You’re very welcome. We need to begin some tests immediately. Would that be acceptable?’

  ‘Juliette was staggered at this reaction from a man who usually had trouble interacting with his own species, let alone an alien energy body. Perhaps the fact that this was an alien energy body made it easier for him. Whatever the reason, he seemed have hit it off with Evara.

  ‘That’s the reason I’m here, Professor. I was intending to form a body to facilitate communication. Would that work for you?’

  ‘Form a body?’ Chayka appeared not to be able to believe his luck. ‘You can do that? Here? In my office?’

  ‘If that’s what you wish.’

  ‘Then, yes. By all means. Please continue.’

  Chayka returned to his chair and watched the energy body intently. Josh and Juliette also took the opportunity to sit, knowing they weren’t going to receive an invitation, and could be here for some time. Evara began to weave her magic.

  It reminded Juliette of the mentalic body construction she’d witnessed in he
r mother’s house, except this time it progressed to completion in just a few minutes. First, there was a slight stirring in the air as particles of dust were brought together and aggregated, then the construct took on the appearance of a small dust storm, spinning crazily as it sucked up all the available particulate matter in the near vicinity with which to build the body. There was no DNA template this time, no muscles and glands, skin and bone. The thing was just a dirt body, formed for one purpose only – to make the humans feel more at home.

  Finally, it was done, and Josh was struck by the likeness to Evara’s photon body in sub-quantal space. There was no doubt it was a work of art, simulating a real body in every way that mattered, even down to the clothes it was wearing. The being who stood before them could have been any of Juliette’s friends. She appeared about the same age and had long, auburn hair done in ringlets. Her face showed no sign whatever of her true age, reflecting instead the simulated age. She was fresh and bright and full of energy.

  ‘There! I think that’s better,’ Evara said. ‘Shall we get started with your tests, Professor?’

  Chapter 43

  Deira and Sol soon discovered that the Eich had provided each of them with a unique mentalic development programme, tailored to their individual requirements, and Sol had grumped about being some distance behind Deira, despite all his hard work on the El ship. Deira, of course, was delighted, and told him to stop complaining and get on with it. In truth, she thrived on competition, and knowing that Sol was trying hard to catch up with her acted as a great motivator to move even further ahead.

  Sol was currently off somewhere doing an exercise related to the infra-low, while Deira had just completed one of her own prescribed exercises and was feeling tired and hungry. She sat for a moment, getting her breath back and trying to determine how she’d performed.


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