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Page 40

by G. K. DeRosa

  “That would make sense. With the old coven leader dead, and my mom in hiding, there would have been no one to pass down the secret of the ring,” said Roman as he put the pieces together.

  “Unfortunately, this doesn’t get us any closer to finding out who stole the ring or why,” stated Stellan.

  “Doesn’t it though?” asked Roman. “What if the witches found out about the ring somehow just like we did, and they came after it.”

  “No, Roman, you are wrong. The Albsurori are good; they would never cause such death and destruction. They have always been close allies to the guardians. If they had known about the ring, they would have simply asked for it to be returned to them.”

  Roman grunted. He wasn’t entirely convinced, but he decided to drop the subject for now. There was one thing they knew for certain: Brazen and his werewolves had played a part in this. And that was where they would start.

  Celeste rummaged through her closet in search of a cute outfit for girls’ day at the mall. She was looking forward to a day of normalcy with Natalie. The problem was that all of her clothes either had blood or weird goo stains on them, or were torn and frayed from altercations with supernatural adversaries. Why can’t I just be a normal teenager?

  As she continued searching, she heard a tap tap tap coming from outside. She spun around to see a snowy white falcon perched on her windowsill. Throwing her hands up in the air, she crossed the room and unlatched the lock. Nico flew in, popping back into human form before his talons hit the ground.

  “Hey, sorry to barge in on you like this,” he said, trying to avert his eyes when he realized Celeste was still in her pajamas.

  “It’s fine,” she said. She couldn’t help but notice that Nico had come instead of Roman. She felt a little twinge at the slight even though she was the one who told Roman to keep his distance. “What’s wrong now?”

  “Nothing major,” he said, “but Roman and Stellan found out why someone might have wanted to steal that ring from you.” Celeste’s eyes widened. “You might want to sit down for this.”

  “Great,” she muttered with a grimace, but sat down anyway.

  “It turns out that our mom’s ring was no ordinary piece of jewelry. It belonged to the Albsurori witch coven – the coven that my mom, and coincidentally, Dalla were from. Anyway, to make a long story short, the ring has magical powers and it amplifies the owner’s abilities.”

  Celeste gaped. “So that’s why I’m so good? And the beam of light from my sword – it was the ring…” Her head was reeling from the realization. All those times that she had fought deadly supernatural creatures and won, it hadn’t been her; it was the ring. There wasn’t anything special about her at all.

  “Hey,” said Nico, bending down in front of her and taking her hand. “You are good, no, you are great! This just gave you a little edge, that’s all.”

  Celeste chewed on her lower lip, willing the tears back from the corners of her eyes. “Right,” she said, setting her jaw so that her voice wouldn’t quiver.

  “But now that you know, we just wanted you to be extra careful, okay?” said Nico. “You know how Roman is; he always worries about you. I know you can handle yourself though.” He gave her an encouraging smile and a cuff to the chin.

  Celeste leaned in and gave him a big hug. “Thanks Nico. You always know how to make me feel better.”

  “Happy to oblige,” he said, standing. “I gotta run, but I’ll see you soon. And call me if you run into any trouble. I know you and Roman aren’t in the best place right now, but I’m still the Alfred to your Batman.”

  Celeste giggled. “Where are you going anyway?” She could see he was anxious to leave which roused her suspicions.

  He paused, contemplating his response. “I’m just running off to meet Roman. We wanted to have a few words with the werewolves.”

  “You’re going to see the werewolves without me?” questioned Celeste, standing up with hands on her hips.

  “Yeah, we figured we’d see what we could get out of them.”

  “Not without me, you’re not,” said Celeste, her fiery hazel eyes determined.

  “But you’re supposed to be spending the day with Natalie at the mall. She wouldn’t stop talking about it all day yesterday.”

  “Nico, you know very well that Guardian work comes before everything else. The werewolves attacked Astor and killed dozens of my people, and they stole my ring. There’s no way you two are going without me!”

  Celeste had that look in her eye – the one that Nico knew well. Shaking his head, he took out his phone. Handing it to her he said, “I hope you have a good excuse to tell Natalie because she is so not going to be happy.”

  Roman drove in silence, his dark mood hanging over the car like a black storm cloud growing in intensity. He had been furious when Nico had returned with Celeste in tow. His overprotectiveness drove Celeste crazy at times. They had just gotten to a point where he was starting to trust that she could take care of herself, and now this happened. She was sure that Roman would never let her go anywhere alone now without the ring. She cursed the day he gave her that stupid ring as she brooded in silence in the back seat. Then her memories drifted back to that day just six months ago on Natalie’s front porch. It was her eighteenth birthday, and she had just discovered her mind-blowing family secret. It had been one of the worst days of her life, and yet Roman had managed to brighten the dismal occasion. Her expression softened a bit as she snuck a peek at Roman’s stormy eyes through the rearview mirror. Usually his eyes were a clear blue, more vibrant than the tropical waters of the Caribbean. But when he was angry, they darkened as if his irises were a doorway to the inner turmoil raging within his soul.

  They pulled up into the driveway of an old dilapidated house a few miles outside of Oak Bluffs. The house was large and featured classic Victorian details, but it had clearly been abandoned years ago. Windows had been blown out, the eggshell paint was dingy and peeling, and the overgrown grass in the yard reached well past Celeste’s ankles.

  “Stay behind me,” growled Roman as he and Nico marched up the cracked cement walkway. Celeste bit back a nasty retort, deciding to hold her tongue.

  Nico kicked open the door and rotted wood splintered in every direction. Inside, three werewolves shot up from the graying old couch, which would have been in the living room in days long gone.

  “What are you doing here vampire?” snarled the taller one who had taken the lead position. Evidence of the attack on Astor was obvious in their bloody, ragged clothes and recently healed scars. Celeste had always thought the werewolves on Teen Wolf were hot, but these three couldn’t have been any further from that with their bedraggled, mangy hair and overgrown beards.

  “Where’s Brazen?” asked Roman stepping forward, his deep voice sending a chill through Celeste. The three men remained silent, glaring at the intruders. If Celeste hadn’t known the brothers so well and fought side by side with them for the past few months, she would have missed the imperceptible nod that passed from Roman to Nico. The werewolves certainly were oblivious. In a flash, Roman had two of them pinned against the wall, and Nico had the taller one flat on his back.

  Nico’s glistening fangs extended as he snarled at the beast underneath him. “My brother asked you a question. Tell us where Brazen is.” The man looked at his friends for help, but both were otherwise occupied with Roman’s iron grip around their throats.

  “I don’t know,” he muttered, still wriggling to get free, “and if I did, I sure as hell wouldn’t tell you.”

  Celeste had been obediently waiting at the door throughout the scuffle, but her willpower could only last so long. She stepped gingerly across the room, avoiding the darkest stains on the floor, and came to hover over Nico and the red-bearded man. Pulling out her sword, she dangled it just above his heart. “You know who I am, right?” she asked.

  The man turned his head to the side and spit, a low growl emanating from the depths of his throat. “You’re not welcome here, G
uardian. You better get out before I show you what I did to your guardian friends who got in my way.”

  Nico picked up the werewolf’s head and slammed it down against the floor. “That’s no way to talk to a lady,” he said. “Didn’t your mother teach you any manners?”

  Roman’s focus now rested on Celeste, his eyes intent on her every move. He did not appreciate the bearded man’s threats, and his foul mood was only intensifying. The blonde werewolf on the right noticed the slight loosening around his throat as Roman’s attention was diverted, and he took his chance to lunge forward. In one graceful motion, Roman clamped his hand so that a bone-crunching snap broke the neck of the werewolf squirming on his left. Then he turned his focus back to the blonde man rushing toward him. Roman reached out his powerful fist and ripped the still-beating heart out of his attacker’s chest. The werewolf’s body slumped to the floor with a thud.

  With his two charges dead, Roman now turned his attention to the hairy man on the floor who was struggling underneath Nico. With all three of them now looming, a look of defeat crossed the man’s marred face. “If you’d like to join your friends over there,” said Roman with a head toss toward the lifeless bodies, “continue being difficult. Tell us what you know, and I may let you walk out of here alive.”

  The ginger-bearded man paused weighing his options as beads of sweat trickled from his receding hairline. “The hell with this,” he growled. “No one has seen Brazen since Astor. Rumor is whoever he was working with double-crossed him.”

  “And you have no idea who that may be?” asked Nico, his canines still extended.

  “No, I swear I have no idea. Brazen just told us we needed to get the ring from her,” he said pointing at Celeste. She felt a lump form in her throat as he glared indignantly at her.

  “Then you are of no value to us,” said Roman as he reached out his hand toward his heart.

  “No, wait, stop!” he cried, his eyes bulging from his ruddy face. “I know some of the other guys from the pack said that they met the guy he was working for. I can ask around for you.”

  “Guy?” asked Celeste.

  “I think so,” he responded. “Too bad you were so quick to kill Franklin over there. He was one of the guys that met him.”

  An intense wave of guilt washed over Roman as he heard the words. He had lost control again, and now a solid lead was dead. Scowling, he turned back to the man on the floor, “Find out who hired Brazen to stage the attack on Astor and steal Celeste’s ring. You have twenty-four hours.”

  Nico loosened his grasp on the guy, and pried Roman’s fingers from the defeated man’s throat. The threesome stood to leave. Before walking out the door, Roman turned back. “Don’t even think about running away. I’ll find you wherever you go.”

  Celeste walked in a daze as countless happy people passed by her, drinking lattes and swinging colorful shopping bags. Christmas was only a week away, and the mall was teeming with bright lights and red and green holiday decorations. She was vaguely aware of Natalie at her side chattering on, but she just couldn’t seem to focus on what she was saying. All of a sudden, a shrill cry rang through the noisy mall and Celeste nearly jumped out of her skin. Spinning toward the direction of the scream, she saw a chubby toddler with tears streaming down his face wriggling on a rosy-cheeked Santa’s lap. Get a grip, Celeste.

  Apparently her reaction hadn’t gone unnoticed because Natalie’s face was suddenly inches away from hers, her perfect features twisted into a pout. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, sorry. That scream just freaked me out,” she explained.

  Natalie took her hand and led her to a Christmas lights and garland covered bench. “No seriously, not just that. Are you really all right? I’ve been home for a week and I’ve barely seen you.”

  “I’m really sorry I bailed on you the other day,” she said. “Things have just been really busy with finals, and you know my aunt’s in town so I have to deal with the family drama too.” Celeste had been so busy putting out fires left and right, she hadn’t had any time to see one of her best friends.

  “Okay, but finals are over now so do you promise I’ll get to see you more?”

  “Definitely, Nat,” Celeste said with a smile, and she honestly hoped it was the truth.

  “Good, because Nico told me that Oak Bluffs CC is having a winter dance, and I really think we should go.”

  Celeste’s face twisted incredulously. Astor had just been attacked, her power-amplifying ring had been stolen, her rogue guardian aunt was back in town, the love of her life was possibly a bloodthirsty monster, and her best friend wanted her to go to a dance? A bubble of uncontrollable, hysterical laughter rose to the surface.

  “What’s so funny?” asked Natalie.

  “Nothing. I was just thinking about how some things never change.”

  “So does that mean you’ll go?” Natalie’s face lit up like one of the sparkling Christmas trees displayed around the mall.

  Celeste threw her hands up in surrender. “Sure, why not? What else could I possibly be doing?”

  Natalie threw her a beaming smile. “Great! You know what that means?”

  “More shopping?” asked Celeste.

  “Duh! And I need to find you a date!”

  “Oh no, definitely not,” she said shaking her head quickly.

  “Are you kidding me? Look how well that turned out for you last time. If I hadn’t made you go with Nico, you would have never ended up dancing with Roman.” Then she stopped, biting her lip. “Sorry, I know things are rough with you and him right now, but I’m sure it’ll pass. You two are meant to be together.”

  Celeste felt like she had been punched in the stomach. Just the mention of his name was enough to send her emotions in a whirlwind. She tried to shrug it off, taking a deep breath to push away the pain. “Then why are you trying to find me a date?”

  “Because sometimes a little jealousy is a good thing,” she said with a wink.

  Somehow Celeste did not think that jealousy would work in this situation. In fact, it may be just the thing that pushed Roman over the edge and brought out that terrible monster she had seen in her vision.

  “I said I’d go, but you have to promise me that you won’t try to set me up with anyone. I just want to spend a fun night with you and Nico without any drama.”

  “Okay, fine. About the drama though – is everything cool with you and Brian and his new girlfriend? Because they’ll be coming too.”

  Awesome, I’m going to be the fifth wheel. “Yeah, that’s fine. Marie and I got to spend some time together recently, and I don’t think she’s so bad anymore.”

  “Perfect!” said Natalie as she dragged Celeste off the bench and back toward the shops.

  “It’s been days and that idiot werewolf still hasn’t gotten us the information we need,” said Roman as he stormed into the kitchen.

  “Do you want me to kill him, brother?” Nico responded with a smirk. Nico had always been the lighthearted and carefree one, but this version of his brother - the one that was happy and in love - was almost too much for him to take.

  “This is all my fault,” said Roman, his dark mood intensifying. “If I hadn’t killed that other werewolf we could have questioned him, and we’d know who was behind this by now.”

  “There’s no way you could have known,” said Nico, shrugging his shoulders. “It could have just as easily been me to have killed him.”

  “No, it wouldn’t have been. You don’t lose control like I do,” he said, running his hands through his ruffled hair. “I was so concerned with Celeste’s safety, I lost it. Knowing that she’s not as strong as she used to be is making me crazy.”

  “I know,” said Nico with a comforting pat on the shoulder.

  “Maybe it is better if we’re apart,” he said sullenly. Roman had battled with his decision to get involved with Celeste from day one, but eventually his overpowering feelings for her had won out. He often found himself wondering if he had made the right choice.

  “You’re wrong, brother. You are meant to be together, and both of you will see that one day.”

  Roman grunted.

  “So how did you leave it with our favorite werewolf Red?” Nico asked.

  “I gave him until the end of the week. And I told him that was his last chance – no more excuses,” he responded, watching Nico curiously as he peeled and chopped a basketful of fruit and vegetables. “What in the world are you doing with that?”

  “Natalie’s on a health kick. Her parents got her a juicer as an early Christmas present. She’s been on me about eating better, so I got this one for our place so I can surprise her when she comes over,” he explained, his dark eyes sparkling.

  “I wonder how she’d feel about your blood diet? It is all liquid anyway,” Roman said, unable to hold back the snarky tone. He found himself consumed with unbidden feelings of jealousy. He was trying to be happy for his brother and Natalie, but seeing them together just reminded him of Celeste. He longed for the days when they would lounge around the apartment, cooking and watching movies after an intense sparring session. He missed her so much his heart ached.

  Nico put down the apple he was peeling and walked over to his brother who was seated at the kitchen table. “Hey, I hate to do this but Natalie made me promise to ask you – ”

  “Ask me what?”

  “I don’t know if Celeste had told you about it before, but there’s a winter dance tomorrow,” he stuttered. “Natalie and I are going, and she’s dragging Celeste along with us. Nat was kind of hoping to get you guys back together. Will you come?” After Nico got the words out, he quickly looked away, knowing what he was asking of his brother.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he retorted.

  “I figured, but you know I had to ask.”

  Roman nodded, his face taking on a far away expression as he sipped on his coffee.


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