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Page 62

by G. K. DeRosa

  They stepped gingerly on the rough pavement, then Roman stopped abruptly. Nico paused too, having picked something up with his sensitive vampire hearing. They inched slowly, moving closer to the outer container, circling it from behind. Roman tugged on Celeste’s sleeve, motioning for her to follow him, while Nico went around on the opposite side. From inside the container, Celeste could make out a faint whimpering sound. Turning the corner, they found Vinny huddled inside with his arm around the neck of a young brunette girl.

  “Don’t come any closer,” shouted Vinny as he angled his fangs within inches of the girl’s throat. The girl squirmed, her eyes wide with panic, making him tighten his hold.

  Celeste stared at the girl trying to figure out why she looked so familiar. She could have sworn she recognized those light green eyes and short dark hair, but just couldn’t place her. “Let her go!” cried Celeste.

  “Sorry Guardian, but that’s not going to happen. She’s my ticket out of here,” Vinny said, holding the girl closer to him. He whispered something in her ear and the girl cringed.

  Roman took a step forward and Nico followed his lead.

  “Uh uh, that’s close enough you two. We won’t be repeating last night’s show,” Vinny warned, wagging his finger at them tauntingly. He leaned in closer to the girl’s neck, running one fang against her delicate skin and summoning a tiny trail of blood. The girl shrieked.

  Celeste stepped forward, splaying her arms out to hold Nico and Roman back. “Fine. We’ll leave you alone, just don’t hurt her,” she said.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it. I need her,” he said. Then he whispered in the girl’s ear again and she began murmuring in a strange language. A bright light appeared, enclosing them both in some sort of protective bubble.

  Roman rushed forward, but was thrown back as soon as he touched the translucent surface. Hitting the floor hard, it took him a moment to get back on his feet. Nico tried to find a way around the shield, but it was impenetrable. Inside of his protective sphere, Vinny smirked menacingly.

  “I think it’s time for us to go. And don’t even think about following us this time,” he said as he whispered to the girl again. The translucent bubble expanded to accommodate a small portal, which opened for Vinny to slip through. He pulled the girl in with him and the two vanished.

  “Ugh!” groaned Roman in frustration.

  “Who was that girl?” asked Celeste. “She looked so familiar.”

  “I don’t know but now we’ve lost them both,” said Roman.

  “She’s gotta be a witch,” said Nico, “or a really powerful fairy. Not many supernaturals can open portals.”

  At Nico’s words, something triggered in Celeste’s mind. She suddenly flashed back to the attack on Astor and the VIP guests. The heads of the four major covens had been there, and one of them bore a striking resemblance to the young girl that Vinny had just kidnapped. Could that have been Marja, the head of the Albsurori coven’s daughter?

  “I need to talk to Dalla right away,” said Celeste abruptly. “I think I know exactly who that girl was.”

  Roman and Nico stared at her with puzzled looks on their handsome faces, but they knew better than to question her when she had that look in her eye. They notified Stellan and seconds later were leaping back through the portal, headed home.

  Shortly after arriving at Stellan’s, Dalla appeared, worry etching fine lines around her eyes. Celeste recounted the details of the recent encounter and only at the end did Dalla’s face register the implications of what had occurred.

  “Where is Marja?” Celeste asked Dalla. “We must speak to her.”

  “How can you be sure it was in fact Marja’s daughter?” asked Stellan.

  “It’s just a feeling,” she answered. “I can’t really explain it.” Then she looked down at the Albsurori ring on her finger, and it dawned on her - maybe it was the ring. Could the ring be linking her to the Albsurori coven somehow? She suddenly felt guilty. She knew it was cloaked and Dalla couldn’t see it, but what right did she have to wear this powerful coven’s ring?

  Dalla’s expression unexpectedly went blank and her eyes glazed over. She sat completely still in the chair, prompting Celeste to ask, “Is she okay?”

  “Yes, she’s opening her mind to communicate with her coven. She’s trying to locate Marja,” explained Stellan. “Marja’s daughter does not live here in the area. She attends a special school for magically gifted children in another realm. The school is heavily guarded and protected by wards; I just don’t see how Vinny could have taken her.”

  “Well, we never thought Brazen could be immortal either, but that happened,” muttered Roman.

  Celeste was getting worried. The big basketball game was tomorrow, and still they didn’t know where to find Brazen. In fact, they had even more problems to contend with now that Vinny had a formidable teenage witch under his control.

  “Maybe we should get them to cancel the basketball game tomorrow,” said Celeste abruptly. Dalla was still zoned out and everyone else had fallen silent. “Roman or Nico could compel the coach or something.”

  “That’d only be a temporary fix. The pack will pursue some other target,” said Roman.

  “But it will buy us time. Maybe we’ll be able to find Brazen or at least Vinny,” she said.

  “It’s no use,” said Stellan. “I’ve tried tracking Vinny, and he’s completely disappeared. He’s using the girl as a shield.”

  “We’re looking at this the wrong way,” said Roman, his eyes lighting up. “The attack on the basketball game is a good thing. It’s our opportunity. We know they are coming which means we can set a trap.”

  “You want to use a bunch of innocent college kids as bait?” asked Celeste.

  Roman turned away from her fiery glare, unwilling to look her in the eyes. “It was your premonition, Celeste. We know it’s going to happen so now we have to make the best of it.”

  Celeste couldn’t believe how cold Roman was being. How could he be willing to put so many people’s lives at risk? Brian was one of those lives, after all. She wouldn’t risk his safety for anything.

  Suddenly, Dalla snapped back to the present just as Marja materialized right beside her in a flash of white light. Marja stood before them with the same short, dark brown hair and light green eyes as her daughter’s, confirming for Celeste that she had been right.

  “It is Sofie,” said Marja, her eyes wide with panic. “I just received a message from the school that she’s missing.”

  “I’m sorry, Marja, but we know who has your daughter,” said Celeste stepping toward her. “It’s the Black Devils werewolf pack.”

  Marja looked as if she might faint. She leaned against the couch as she clutched her hands to her chest.

  Dalla spoke up. “Marja, you know Stellan, and I believe you briefly met Celeste at the Induction Ceremony.” Marja nodded, attempting to remain calm. Then Dalla pointed at the brothers, saying, “These are Lilliana Constantin’s sons – Roman and Nico.”

  “Yes, of course. I’ve heard of you both and met you many years ago when you were just boys,” said Marja, endeavoring to be polite. “Now please, you must tell me why this werewolf has my daughter.”

  Stellan quickly briefed Marja on the situation with Brazen, admitting he had no idea why the werewolves would go after her daughter, Sofie. “I’ve tried tracking them, but it appears your daughter’s magic is quite strong.”

  “It is,” Marja said proudly. Then producing a small knife and vial out of thin air, she said, “Perhaps this will help.” She then swiftly cut her hand with the blade and scooped her blood into the bottle, offering it to Stellan. He accepted it, and with a nod hurried off to his study to try another locator spell.

  “I’m sorry about before,” said Roman as he walked out to the back porch. Celeste was sitting on the rickety wooden chair swing huddled in her jacket. “I didn’t mean to sound insensitive about those peoples’ lives. I just want to put an end to all of this so we can focus on Alek and
my mom.”

  “I know,” said Celeste quietly. “I just wish you were as concerned about other people’s safety as you are about mine. You always put my life over everyone else’s.”

  “It’s a hard habit to break,” he said with a smirk.

  “I need you to try,” she said, looking into his eyes. “It’s okay for me to risk my life. I’m the Guardian. But I can’t endanger innocent peoples’ lives, no matter the reason. I have to protect all humans.”

  Roman smiled affectionately at her then caressed her soft cheek with the back of his knuckles. “That’s why you’re so much of a better person than I will ever be. I’m selfish, and I would always put your life before all others because you are too precious to me.”

  Roman spun around to go back in the house, but Celeste’s words stopped him. “You’re not selfish, and I know that if it came down to it, you would do the right thing. For me.”

  Without looking back, he opened the door and disappeared through it, leaving Celeste outside with her drifting thoughts.

  Stellan finally emerged from his study with Marja and Dalla by his side. Celeste didn’t need him to say a word: it was clear by the downcast look on his face that they hadn’t succeeded in finding Vinny and Sofie.

  “I don’t know what else to do,” said Stellan as his glance toggled between the women standing on either side of him.

  “Sofie’s magic isn’t strong enough to hide from our combined power,” said Marja, puzzled. “They must be in another realm, guarded with extremely potent wards.”

  Roman and Nico walked in to catch the tail end of the conversation. They had been in the backyard sparring for the past half hour. Sitting and doing nothing had simply proven too difficult for them. As they strode into the living room Celeste noticed they were covered in sweat despite the chilly wintery weather. She couldn’t help but stare at the tight white t-shirt clinging to Roman’s chest and defined abs. She quickly dropped her gaze as she felt her cheeks burning. Stop ogling him like a piece of meat!

  “Do you think Alek could have something to do with this? He’s certainly powerful enough to hide them from you,” said Roman, wiping his face with a towel.

  “Alek wouldn’t need to kidnap Sofie for her magic. He would be perfectly capable of hiding Vinny or Brazen on his own,” responded Stellan. It was true. For once it seemed that Alek actually had nothing to do with this, which meant they still had no idea how to find the werewolves or to thwart the attack made vivid in Celeste’s premonition.

  “We still need to check in with Alek on that other matter we discussed earlier,” said Roman eyeing Nico and Celeste.

  They both nodded.

  “If there’s nothing more we can do here, I am going to go back to my coven to consult my sisters,” said Marja.

  “I’ll go with you,” said Dalla as the two rose to leave.

  “Thank you for your help today. If I learn anything, I will contact you immediately,” said Marja with a polite nod to the others. With that, a bright light appeared and she and Dalla stepped into it, disappearing instantly.

  Stellan let out a frustrated sigh as he slumped down on his chair. He looked exhausted. The puffy bags under his eyes were dark and more pronounced than normal and his grey eyes were little more than slits. He had been using magic all day, and it had taken a tremendous toll on him.

  “Stellan, there’s just one more thing before we let you rest,” said Celeste. “I told Roman and Nico about Dante’s order regarding their mother. We were thinking perhaps we should warn Lilliana.”

  “Yes, the thought had occurred to me as well. I unfortunately lost track of it with everything else going on,” he replied. “I will find a way to get a message to her first thing tomorrow.”

  “Thank you,” said Roman and Nico in unison.

  “It’s getting late guys, and I have an early class in the morning. Do you think you could take me home?” asked Celeste.

  “Sure, let’s leave Stellan to get some rest,” said Nico as he glanced affectionately at the old man.

  On the car ride back to Oak Bluffs, Celeste worried about the potential attack at the basketball game. She kept seeing flashes of her vision – bloodthirsty wolves pursuing humans, people running and screaming – utter chaos everywhere. The game was now less than twenty-four hours away, and unless they thought of something quick, they were going to have a massacre on their hands.

  “Everything okay back there?” asked Roman, peering at Celeste through the rearview mirror.

  “Not really. I was thinking about tomorrow and the game,” she admitted.

  “Worse comes to worst, we’ll just take those furry freaks down ourselves,” said Nico, turning to look at Celeste. “It’ll be like the good old days – the invincible trio back together again – Batman, Robin and Alfred!”

  Celeste couldn’t help but giggle. Nico always knew how to brighten her mood. “Well, I hope you guys are ready because there were a ton of wolves in my premonition, and Brazen is a lot harder to kill these days, it seems.”

  “It might not be a bad idea to get some back up,” said Roman. “Is there any way Marco could pop in for the day?”

  Celeste was more than a little surprised by Roman’s suggestion. She had always thought that he didn’t like Marco and might have even been a little jealous of him too. But Roman really was trying. The idea of having another guardian to back her up sounded smart, but there was no way she was going to get Marco into any more trouble with Dante and the Council. “No, he just got back to Rome, and I don’t want to bother him again,” she answered finally, without going into too much detail. She hadn’t told the others how Dante had pretty much banished Marco back to Italy. “I bet Marie would be up for a little fight, though.”

  “That could work,” said Nico, “and maybe Brian can stash a knife or two in his gym shorts.”

  “Don’t even joke, Nico. We are leaving Brian out of this,” Celeste answered harshly.

  “Nico has a point though. Maybe we can get some sort of protection out to the attendees,” said Roman.

  “Like what? We can’t just hand them all daggers and stakes as they walk in,” retorted Celeste.

  “No, but we might be able to sneak in some wolfsbane,” Roman said with a devious grin.

  “Does that really work against werewolves?” asked Celeste.

  “It works just as well as vervain does on vampires,” answered Nico. “I can get some for us tomorrow morning.”

  “Great!” she shouted. “Thanks guys, I’m feeling better about this whole thing already.”

  “That’s what we’re here for Celeste, to make your life easier and help in whatever way we can,” said Nico, reaching over the seat and squeezing her shoulder.

  “Now that you mention it, there is one other favor I need to ask you guys,” she said slowly, “and I really hate to ask considering everything that’s been going on. But, it might be just what we need if we survive tomorrow anyway…”

  “Just spit it out,” said Roman, staring at her from the mirror.

  “The Oak Bluffs Hospital charity ball is next week and my mom’s on the committee. She begged me to get some more people to go,” she continued hastily.

  Roman snorted, but Celeste caught a faint smile cross his lips in his reflection in the mirror.

  “I’m in,” said Nico, adding, “assuming we survive the werewolf showdown, take down Brazen and make sure our mom is safe from Alek, Dante and the Council. It could be fun.”

  “Thanks Nico! And I’m sure Natalie will come down for the weekend to join us,” she said, her spirits suddenly lifting. Maybe a night of fun really was what they all needed.

  “Oh, she’ll be here with bells on. I’m surprised she didn’t volunteer to be on the long distance committee,” Nico laughed.

  “So Roman, how about you?” she asked nervously.

  “I can’t very well let the two of you go by yourselves. We all know you don’t have the greatest track record at dances, Celeste,” answered Roman, grinning misch
ievously back at her.

  Chapter 12

  Stellan was up with the sunrise. He had been so exhausted the evening before that he had spent the entire night collapsed on his chair. At first light, the streaming rays of sun flooded the living room, waking him from this much-needed slumber. As soon as his eyes opened, though, his thoughts raced to Lilliana. Forcing himself to rise, he stretched out his sore muscles, slowly rolling his tense neck and shoulders.

  Stellan wrapped his robe tightly around himself, feeling the early morning chill in the drafty house. The fire had gone out during the night, and he could feel the cold in his old bones. He shuffled to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee, in desperate need of an energy boost. After a few minutes, the coffee began to percolate and the aroma of roasted Columbian beans permeated the kitchen. He filled up his cup, and gulped it down in a flash. He was in too much of a hurry to wait for it to cool.

  Feeling a bit more awake and energized, Stellan hurried up the stairs to his study. Sitting at his desk, he glanced at the world map focusing in on St. Petersburg. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the entrance lobby of Alek’s house, the location where he had opened the portal last. In order to conserve his depleting energy, Stellan opted to project his image to St. Petersburg instead of traveling there via the portal. He also hoped Alek would see it as less of a threat and maybe be more open to what Stellan had to say.

  After a few seconds, Stellan’s non-corporeal form materialized in the vestibule of the old mansion. It was pitch black inside. Stellan didn’t understand: it was just past two o’clock in the afternoon in Russia, it should not already be this dark. Turning toward the door, Stellan noticed light seeping through the doorframe edges. It was certainly light outside. As his eyes adjusted to the dark surroundings, he noticed that all of the windows were covered with wooden boards and the furniture was draped in white sheets. His heart began thumping wildly against his ribcage as his mind slowly processed what it all meant. He raced up the stairs to search the house, to be sure they were gone, but somehow he was certain that he would find no trace of Alek or Lilliana.


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