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Page 69

by G. K. DeRosa

  Nico snorted.

  “I’m sorry for what I said earlier. I was completely out of line,” said Roman, his blue eyes pleading. “You know how I get with things concerning Celeste. And maybe I’m envious of how well you handle things. You never lose control like I do, and I wish I was more like you.” He squeezed his brother’s shoulder and was pleasantly surprised when he didn’t pull away.

  “Roman, you don’t think I’m dying inside? What I had with Natalie might not be quite the same epic love that you and Celeste have, but I loved her and I’m devastated by her loss,” said Nico exhaling sharply. “I guess I’ve just learned to handle my pain over the years.”

  The two remained silent for a few moments, each contemplating the pain and loss they had experienced. Roman couldn’t fathom what it would be like to lose Celeste. The mere thought of it left him gasping for air.

  “I’m so sorry,” Roman repeated. “Is there anything I can do to make it better?”

  “Nah, I’ll get through it somehow,” he replied, forcing a half grin.

  “It’s that bright and cheery personality you have little brother,” said Roman with a smile. “That’s why you were always mother’s favorite.”

  Nico chuckled. “What do you say we kick our half-brother’s butt back to the frozen tundra of Russia, find out if he had anything to do with Natalie’s death and get our mom back?”

  Roman put his arm around his brother and steered him back toward the house. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Celeste sat on the back porch, bundled up in a warm coat and matching hat and scarf, her legs crossed underneath her. She leaned back on the yoga mat and tried to relax. The cold seeped in from the wooden boards underneath the thin mat, penetrating the coat’s fabric and sending chills down her back. “This is no use, it’s too cold!” huffed Celeste.

  Stellan sat on the porch swing perfectly still with eyes closed. “You must envision being in a warm place and you will feel warm. Try Astor or perhaps a sunny Caribbean island,” he counseled.

  Maybe it would help if I had ever been to a Caribbean island! Celeste breathed in deeply then exhaled. She saw her breath come out in a white puff and shook her head, willing herself to concentrate. Lying back again, she heard footsteps approaching and shot back up. Moments later, Roman and Nico emerged from the thick, snow-capped forest. She watched them as they neared, noting that whatever had happened between them had been resolved. From the moment she awoke, she had felt a strain between the brothers, but with everything going on she hadn’t had time to ask about it.

  “How’s it going out here?” asked Roman.

  “I’m freezing,” answered Celeste bitterly.

  “Do you want me to get the heater from the garage?” asked Nico.

  Stellan shot him an angry glare.

  “There’s a heater?” asked Celeste indignantly.

  “Celeste, the whole point behind these exercises is that you assert control over your mind. You must envision being warm and you will be,” Stellan said calmly.

  “A little bit of artificial heat could move things along more quickly,” said Roman, looking at Celeste’s miserable face and feeling a pang of pity.

  Stellan opened his tired grey eyes again and conceded. “Fine.”

  In a split second, Nico was back with the heat lamp, which he promptly plugged into the extension cord trailing from inside the house. “Thank you,” said Celeste with a smile.

  “Okay that’s enough input from the two of you. We have work to do,” said Stellan, dismissing the boys with a wave of his hand.

  Celeste could feel the warmth of the lamp radiating off of her frozen face and hands. She closed her eyes again and pictured a warm sandy beach on a small island in the Caribbean. She imagined herself stretched out on a blanket wearing a black and white polka dot bikini and Roman’s perfectly bronzed body lying next to her. Before long she could feel the warmth coursing through her body and she opened her eyes with a triumphant smile on her face. “It’s working!” she shouted to Stellan.

  “Good,” he said, keeping his eyes shut. “Now keep it up for another twenty minutes.”

  “Ugh…” she complained. Still, Celeste did as she was told, closing her eyes and finding herself back on the tranquil beach of the deserted island. As she focused on the feeling of warmth, a strange black cloud drifted overhead. She tried to push it away in her mind, thinking there shouldn’t be any clouds in her perfect blue sky. As the dark storm clouds gathered overhead, she tried to focus on the sun, the warmth, the happiness she felt inside just a moment ago, but it was no use. She glanced over at Roman and was terrified to see his tanned body had gone a ghastly white while a dark shadow now covered his face. She panicked and began shaking him, but he wouldn’t wake up. Slowly, the inky darkness crept over both of them, and she was completely powerless to stop it.

  She screamed and her eyes shot open. Looking around in a frenzy, she realized she was still on the chilly back porch. Stellan rushed over to her and she heard rapidly approaching footsteps from inside the house.

  “What happened?” asked Stellan as he knelt down beside her. Seconds later, Roman and Nico appeared in the doorway wearing identical distressed expressions.

  “My beautiful vision of a sunny beach was invaded by darkness,” she said anxiously. “What does that mean?”

  Stellan shook his head slowly. “It’s progressing more quickly than I had imagined,” he answered. “Come on, let’s go inside and get you warmed up.”

  Roman took her hand and helped her off the mat. Her hand was like ice and he quickly wrapped both of hers inside his large warm ones. “Everything’s going to be okay,” he whispered as they shuffled back into the house.

  Celeste sat on Roman’s bed and watched him as he neatly folded his clothes and placed them in the suitcase. He and Nico had returned to their apartment the night before to pick up a few items for the trip. Celeste was trying not to sulk, but she couldn’t help the occasional sigh that slipped from her lips. Roman paused and glanced over at her, giving her a reassuring smile.

  “We’ll be back before you know it,” he said.

  “I know,” she answered with her brows furrowed. “I just can’t stand not being a part of this.”

  He put down the pair of jeans he was holding, and walked over to stand in front of her. “You’ve been a part of all of this madness for almost a year now. Don’t you think you deserve a vacation?”

  “Not right now—not after what happened to Natalie,” she answered, dropping her gaze to the floor.

  He picked up her chin and held it gently, stroking her cheek with his thumb. “This will be good for you. You’ll see. Brian is coming today to spend the day with you. You guys can catch up and watch movies and do all the normal and fun things you used to do before we ever came into your lives.”

  Celeste’s eyes lit up. “I didn’t know I was allowed visitors.” A thought began to form in her mind, but she quickly pushed it aside. Even thinking about such a thing could make Roman suspicious. The way he always knew what she was thinking was astonishing. She decided to keep her thoughts to herself for now.

  “You’re not being held prisoner, Celeste. We are all just trying to protect you,” he said.

  “I know,” she responded as she leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. “I’ll let you focus on your packing.”

  Celeste darted out of Roman’s room and slipped into her bedroom, locking the door behind her. She pulled the cellphone from her back pocket and began typing a quick text message to Marco. Seconds later he responded and a big smile crossed her face. She hastily deleted the message history and shoved the phone back in her pocket. Now she just had to deal with Stellan.

  Peeking into Stellan’s study, she found him bent over a stack of old books. Any time he wasn’t devoting to her rehabilitation she found him reading about exercises in the guardian journals. Celeste felt a slight twinge of guilt as she considered what she was planning, but she tucked the shameful feelings away in the dark recesse
s of her mind.

  “Can I help you, my dear?” asked Stellan, looking up from the journal.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you,” she answered. “Roman told me that Brian was coming over today.”

  “Yes, that’s right. He’s been anxious to see you since the other night, and I thought it would be good for you to be with an old friend,” he responded.

  “Thanks, that’s really great. I was thinking that maybe he could take me home to see my mom and get some of my things. If I’m going to be here for awhile, I need some clothes, my bathroom stuff, hair dryer – ”

  Stellan cut her off before she listed every single item she owned. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to leave so soon. Couldn’t Brian bring some of these things for you?”

  Celeste shrugged. “He’d never know what to bring. You know how guys are! And then I wouldn’t get to see my mom. She’s been really worried since the charity ball.”

  Stellan frowned as he considered. “Fine, I suppose it couldn’t hurt. But only for a few hours and you must be back before it gets dark.”

  “Sure, no problem! Thanks, Stellan,” she said as she scurried away triumphantly. There was just one missing piece left to her impromptu plan, and all she needed was a computer and a credit card.

  Nico and Roman loaded up the car with their suitcases as Celeste watched from the walkway. She put on her most pouty face so that Roman wouldn’t get suspicious. If he had any idea what she was planning, she was pretty sure he’d lock her up in the basement himself.

  “I guess that’s it,” he said, walking over to her.

  “I can’t believe you’re leaving me,” she said, laying on the guilt.

  “You know I wouldn’t be if it weren’t for a good reason,” he said, wrapping his arms around her. “I need you to promise me something before I go.”

  Uh oh…

  “I need you to do exactly what Stellan says and don’t do anything brave or stupid. If anything happens to you while I’m gone, I would never forgive myself,” he said.

  Celeste nodded. “I promise.” Lie.

  He tightened his arms around her and pulled her in for a steamy goodbye kiss. When their lips finally unlocked, he whispered, “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she responded, a bit breathless and feeling majorly guilty.

  Celeste watched as he and Nico climbed into the car and sped out of the gravel driveway. She stood outside waving until the car disappeared around the bend, then finally went back inside.

  As she walked back into the empty house, she began to have second thoughts about her secret mission. She had just promised Roman she wouldn’t do anything stupid. Clearly, he would think what she was planning was stupid. She simply couldn’t help herself. Sitting around here doing nothing for days was not an option. Her phone chimed and she saw a message from Brian.

  On my way. Be there in about an hour.

  She quickly typed up a message in response:

  Change of plans – can you pick me up and take me back to Oak Bluffs? There’s something I need to do.

  Ok… :/

  She knew Brian would take some convincing, but he’d let her go in the end. He just had to.

  Chapter 18

  Brian arrived promptly before noon, and they were back on the road to Oak Bluffs by 12:05pm. Celeste glanced at her watch as the Mustang roared out of the driveway, relieved that they still had six hours left.

  “I can’t believe Stellan let you out of the house,” said Brian with a sidelong glance. “I thought you were to be under 24-hour surveillance.”

  “Very funny. You make it sound like I’m a fugitive or something,” she retorted.

  “Celeste the other night, what happened to your eyes, it was pretty freaky,” he said. “I was really worried.” He kept his eyes on the road, but Celeste could see the concern written across his face.

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m totally fine. Stellan has been working with me on some relaxation techniques and meditation and I’m feeling back to my old self already. See – completely hazel and boring,” she said as she pointed to her eyes.

  “I thought this process was going to take weeks not two days,” he said warily.

  “Well, Stellan just didn’t count on how awesome I am,” she said with a smile.

  “So where to, Cel, your house?”

  “That’s the first stop,” she said with a mischievous smile.

  “I’m on strict orders to take you to your house and back to Stellan’s,” said Brian, trying to put on a stern edge to his voice.

  “Oh come on, Brian! Since when do I do exactly what I’m told?” Brian threw her a worried glance. “Just drive, I’ll tell you all about it on the way.”

  An hour later, they pulled into Celeste’s driveway right on schedule. Her mother’s car was already there, since Celeste had asked her to come home on her lunch so that they could visit, even though she hadn’t explained why. As they walked up the porch steps, Brian was still shaking his head.

  “This is a really bad idea, Celeste,” he repeated. “I don’t want to be a part of this plan.”

  “Relax, Brian. Everything will be fine.”

  Celeste walked into her house and her mom was already at the door waiting to greet her with a big hug.

  “Thank goodness you’re all right, sweetie!” she said as she squeezed her tightly. “I’ve been so worried since the other night.”

  “Me too, Mom. I’m so sorry about everything that happened at your big party,” she said. “It was all my fault.” The feelings of guilt began rushing in on her threatening to devour her once again.

  “Oh no, honey, it wasn’t!” she said pulling her closer.

  “How did they explain the attack by the way?” asked Celeste, trying to distract herself from the overwhelming onrush.

  “The newspaper publicized it as some sort of gang initiation thing,” explained Brian.

  “And Natalie’s death?” asked Celeste.

  “She’s been reported as missing, but they haven’t confirmed her death since they never found a body,” said her mom. Stellan had already warned her about keeping Celeste calm so she tried to answer as objectively as possible without dwelling on the topic.

  Celeste felt woozy. She could feel the darkness creeping in at the edges of her vision. She shook her head, chasing away the demons. If she was going to succeed in her plan, she needed to have a clear head.

  “I’m glad you’re here, sweetie,” said her mom, pulling Celeste close and trying to change the subject. “Stellan made it seem like you were going to be with him for some time.”

  “I am,” she answered, “which is why I convinced him to let me come by and say goodbye to you. I don’t know how long it will be until we get this figured out, but I don’t want you to worry about me, okay?”

  “Sure, easy for you to say,” responded her mom.

  “I’ll give you guys some time alone,” said Brian as he walked into the living room and put the TV on, giving mother and daughter some time together.

  They headed up the stairs to Celeste’s room to pack up a few items she’d need for her stay at Stellan’s. While they were talking, Celeste reconsidered her decision again. Her mother was so worried after the attack, and if she knew what she was going to do now, she’d probably ground her for life. But she was doing this for her mom, for Brian, for Natalie and for everyone’s lives that had been affected by Alek. There was no time for second-guessing herself. She knew what she had to do, no matter the consequences.

  After the short visit, Celeste waved to her mother from the car, unable to help the tear that rolled unbidden down her cheek. She steeled herself and forced a smile as the Mustang roared to life and they pulled out of the driveway.

  “Are you sure about this?” asked Brian.

  “I’m positive,” she answered. “Next stop – JFK International Airport.”

  After picking up their suitcases, Roman and Nico sped through the international terminal of the Fiumicino airport
to catch a train to the Termini station in central Rome. Neither of the brothers had spoken much on the nine-hour flight, both burdened by what they had left behind. Now that they had finally arrived in the city where their mother was staying, their spirits began to rise.

  The brothers hopped on the Leonardo Express and were scheduled to arrive in the city in thirty minutes. Roman stretched out his legs and yawned after the long journey. The bright sun and temperate weather had lifted his mood greatly. Nico, too, looked at peace as he pulled out his sunglasses and watched the hilly terrain speed by.

  Roman’s phone buzzed and he pulled it out of the inner pocket of his stylish black leather jacket. He typed out a quick reply and turned to Nico. “They’ll pick us up at the train station,” he said.

  “Great,” answered Nico. “How did you convince her to help us by the way? And get out of enlisting Marco’s assistance?”

  “I have my ways,” answered Roman with a crooked grin.

  Nico smiled, shaking his head, then resumed staring out the window.

  Roman took the opportunity to type a quick message to Celeste to let her know that they had arrived safely. He kept the phone in his hands for a few minutes waiting for a reply, and was disappointed when none came. He put the phone away, assuming she must still be asleep due to the six-hour time difference and decided to try her again in a few hours.

  Before long the screeching brakes of the train pulling into the station startled Roman from his half-conscious state. He nudged the sleeping Nico and they quickly collected their belongings and got off the train before the influx of new passengers began boarding. As they walked through the chaotic main station, a vague memory flitted through Roman’s mind. He remembered being pulled through this very station by his father, his hand held tightly in his strong grasp. His mother had been hurrying behind them, dragging a dawdling Nico. He remembered feeling scared. They were running, most likely once again fleeing from Fabian.


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